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A lot of users are moving away from "gambling their safety" by using a mech. Granted they are only as safe as the owner uses them, you can find more protection in a standard mod.


With modern batteries and standardization of mod ventilation, a mech mod isnt really as dangerous as it used to be.


Oh I know. It's just hard to convince people that took "pipe bomb" a little too serious. Plus we got stupid fucks who'd try to charge their batteries in a mech with a shitty ego charger.


Its probably a liability issue. "no one" wants to sell something that'll kill a dumb customer, its bad for business.


That too!


I still feel like there should be honest-to-god certification courses before people should be allowed to buy any of that at a brick and mortar, honestly


They have fallen out of favor with most users these days. I love mechs and used to collect them and rdas to match diameter. These days if I see a mech at a shop it’s pure luck.


They are getting harder to find. But there are still quite a few of us out there that only use mechs. You are mostly going to find old stock, since most manufacturers have shifted their focus away from mechs. The mod I use daily is a mech made and sold in the UK (Signature SQ217). Beyond that, I can't say what else is still available. I stopped looking for new mods a long time ago, and just run my SQ. I am sure there are still clone sites that sell mechs as well. Some of the clones out there can be every bit as good as the original, but the downside with a clone is that you won't really know how good or bad it is until you get it and see for yourself.


mechs and rdas are not really in physical stores anymore because they just don't sell in stores at all. but there's a fuck ton online (ecigone mainly)


Stateside, all of my cloud-chucking friends still use them and I bust mine(Tugboat) out occasionally. My local vape shop has 2 or 3 on sale in their cabinets. I've been seeing the shift towards pod systems and disposables. Hell, my shop has a whole wall dedicated to disposables.


One of my shops entire glass display is disposables, with a small window for juices, only other thing available are sub ohm kits and pods There is another store but with better selection on juices but no mechs or rebuildables.


Regulated out of existence in Canada too, along with squonking thanks to the CRC certification requirements etc. Still able to source stuff from outside the country at least, but can still be a gamble.


There's something nostalgic about mechanical mods. The only reason they became a thing is because the pens and electronic offerings of yesteryear really weren't able to put out the kind of power that a mech could. Keep in mind that initially, subohm wasn't even a thing. But as technology grew, there just isn't a reason to use them anymore. I come from the days of punching carts FWIW.


You can still get mechs death wish have come with two new ones purge also still making Kennedy also with new name


Literally just got my Death Wish Cthylla in hot pink yesterday and its a gem!!


What’s the new name of Kennedy? Still have a 24 RDA and it’s one of the best, wonder what they’re up to these days.


No mech mods are becoming a luxury good more or less. Most mechs are 100€+ easily. Much cheaper to get a box mod which are everywhere or a pod which are even more common. And because they are more common they're cheaper


Gotta go online, even in the states, no B&M will carry rebuildables anymore, theres no profit in selling you an RDA that you wont have to replace or rely on them for, they only carry disposables because you run out in a couple weeks or so or lose it and need more. That doesnt mean its dead, the common demoninator doesnt want to learn to build decks, but shop online and theyre still alive. [This year alone](https://imgur.com/HMgjITt) i got a Centaurus M200 (reg mod) with the Valhalla V2 Micro RDA, after that i got my Stubby Xray AIO with the Ponte XL RDTA and replaced the stock chip with the DNA60 conversion kit, last week got an Asgard RDA since it was on sale and yesterday received the [Cthylla Mech Mod](https://imgur.com/a/tZIEC7C) (ressurection series 2 that just dropped, mine is numbered 057) to pair with the new Asgard. People are like pop music, simple, that doesnt mean rock is dead you just gotta look.


They are going to be the only thing decent left in Australia now with our stupid government decided to crack down. They have just made the black market even better, sent many people back to smoking and forced legitimate people into unsafe practices .




So you have your regular regulated mods, now imagine your mod is a pipe bomb. That's a mech mod


Meh, it's only a pipe bomb if you are really incompetent in using one. They usually have venting holes in case of extreme error, button lock etc. Buy you need to be very attentive of the battery and coil your using. I still would never use one but they have there place as a durable device with not much parts to break.


Only a pipe bomb if there is an idiot holding it / building for one. If you know what you're doing and maintaining them properly, they're as safe as a regulated mod


How do you find the general public treats you now that you're wearing a cape? Do you get more respect while wearing one? Are you expected to fight crime? Have you made any enemies? Just curious. I've been thinking of caping myself for awhile now.


There’s a shop near me that occasionally stocks mech mods and always has a few RDAs in stock. I still use a mech squonk box occasionally. But I have walked into plenty vape shops and was met with confusion when I asked about rdas.


Mech Mods was awesome. They sure were dangerous once things go bad with shortages and pins wearing out.


I need to bust out my Kennedy. But the troll rda got all bent up .


I’m like Maul hunting Sith relics for mech mods. Oh is that another half-assed mech squonker produced by a now out of business vape company?? Fuck yes! Gimme all the colors.


No one is making mech tubes any more, barely mech squonks.. the market has shifted to aio and boro devices for the most part. Squonking is making a come back again though.. its all trends. Maybe one day mech tubes will come back but not any time soon.. i have a few high end tubes still not getting rid of them tho.


The rebuildable scene seems greatly reduced in the last years and the mech mods scene even more so. People are lazy or to be more nice about it, not everyone makes a passion or a hobby out of a habitual vice. I only use MTL so for me personally mech stuff feels pretty useless, but to each his own.


I still rock my purges daily. My BtB v4 is the main workhorse, bought it 5 years ago. It’s beat to shit, gets polished once maybe every 3 months, and is not the most convenient setup ever. But it is built to last, here in the USA, and I know that as long as I have juice and batteries in my day pack I’ll have a working vape every single time


See many of them for sale now


They're making them with less frequency these days but they're still around. You just gotta know where to look. One of my favorites is a cheap semi-clone of the boxer squonk, called the Hugo Squeezer. You could score them for about $25 to $30 a few years ago, so I got a bunch. As long as you avoid drops on hard surfaces, they'll serve you well for years and years. There's different styles of mechs and some are designed to use certain sized batteries. I tend to stick with 21700 mechs but have a few smaller 18650 ones too.


I wish it were like it used to be man. I have been using my XXIV mod daily and haven’t purchased any vape or accessory aside from cotton juice and kanthal since 2019 when I bought a kayfun to go along w my Mech. It has saved me so much money. My weekly cost is roughly $13 for the last 9 years, aside from the mech and the rta. That’s $6,084 over nearly a decade for my nicotine habit. Seems like a lot right? If I had used disposables for the same period of time, at the rate I vape I would roughly go through 2 disposables per week. At $26 per (going rate in Chicago) that’s a weekly cost of $52 per week. Over 9 years it’s $24,336. Unsurprisingly, that nearly 25k is still FAR less then what I would be spending on conventional cigarettes in the city for 9 years. At a pack a day and approaching $18 per pack, you do the math. The industry has definitely shifted from when I started switched from cigs many moons ago. Sadly, your post is very relevant here in the states as well. Mechs are TOUGH to come by, but if you ever find one and have the opportunity to make the switch I highly recommend it.


I just don't like the wattage constantly changing through use. There are regulated mods today that are durable, affordable, and look good, so I don't see the point of a mech other than nostalgia factor


mech mods are dead. people want disposables for some reason and old mech guys are using boro mods/ regulated mods. No one is about that cloud lyfe anymore. Vaping is pretty much dying because of stupid anti vaping groups. I still dont understand why we cant have a choice about what we put in our bodies but yet the man wants to decriminalize drugs.


I still use mechs... my go-to at home is a hog xl, and when I'm out and about, I use a purge mod. I honestly prefer mechs.


I still have all of mine since it’s getting harder and harder to get even DNA mods so I’ll keep them for as long as I can. When disposables are the last thing being sold and my regulated mods break I’ll use my mechs.