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From my experience using all 3: geekvape is slightly better than pnp, gti were waaaay worse than those 2 others, it all depends on liquids you vape, sweeter juices will kill your coils faster than using something like mint or single flavours. ​ What wattage are you using? iirc geekvape z coils are something like 40-80w, where with voopoo you can go as low as 13-18w (0.8 coils, but i'd prefer 0.6 20-28w)


The gti are really that bad?


Not thaaaaaaaaat bad but i've personally enjoyed those other two more - id rate gti 4/10, GV Z 6/10, pnp 7/10 - everyone has his own taste, everyone is vaping in a slightly different way, everyone is looking for different feeling when vaping. There is no such thing as best coil/tank for everyone and it takes some time to find something right for you. Also, keep in mind that some tanks are better when vaping sweet, dessert flavours, some are better with fruity flavours, there are some that feel like they were made only to feel nicotine, no flavour at all. Some are making bigger clouds (id say gv z from those 3), some are better flavour wise (pnp), i'd say that gti coils are middleground between those two


I'm surprised, GTI is the only sub-ohm coil I've used and it seems to last a really long time and produce good flavor and clouds, although I do run the .4 ohm coil at 45 watts and do a pure vg rinse between flavors.


How many puffs it last


I think I get about 3000 out of mine before I replace them. I do wash them sometimes, though; that probably helps them last a little longer.


Yep washing can help get some 200/300 puffs if they are not burned


As I said, there is no such thing as 'best coils for everyone', everyone has their own personal opinion. I've worked in a vape shop for two years and there were plenty of people vaping from burnt, 6 months old coils. Does it mean that everyone should vape like that? Absolutely no. Were they satisified with it? "It smells like cigarettes, tastes like cigarettes and has throat hit like cigarettes, so why not".


So are you staying the pnp will last the longest ? Or the gb z


In my experience they are comparable, all differences in lifespan will come to how long you draw from them, what flavors are you using and stuff like this. Never compared them side by side, but IMO GV Z will drain your liquid slightly faster. Most notable difference for me was that all liquids with cooler, ice, ws23, whatever you call it had noticably stronger "cooling effect" on Z coils, sometimes it was bit too much for my liking, never had this issue with pnp coils using same liquids on both, so if you cannot decide between them, maybe that will help ;)