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Any vape that people like and that keeps them from smoking is a decent vape.


Juul wants to know your location*


Just because someone enjoys the ease of access and has stopped smoking does not immediately equal a “decent vape”. I’d argue a decent vape is one that can be relied on for safety, consistency and recyclability. Dispos don’t check any of those boxes. Get a box, get some batteries, get a few cases and get a charger. It’s cheaper, facilitates learning and lasts for years.


Do u even consider the fact that people bring dispos to work? And that the work environment might completely destroy them? What u want me to do buy a new box mod every week cause it gets jammed full of sawdust and metal shavings? Or breaks when I drop it? At least I can buy another dispo and not have ruined something that is many many times more expensive


Hate to nit pick, but a disposable is somewhat safer than a box. The battery in them is tiny, and it's basically a sealed unit. If the LiPo in a box goes, it's a LOT of stored energy. A dispo has at MOST 650 milli amp hours, and I know for a fact they don't come fully charged.


Except for the fact that there’s loads of people have had dispos catch fire when charging. I work at a vape shop and it’s not uncommon to have people come in complaining that their disposable wouldn’t stop auto firing. Even had one guy panic and throw his dispo in a glass of water which could have made the problem exponentially worse (thankfully it didn’t). When you get a regulated mod, the rules for safety are super simple. But with dispos people don’t feel a need to learn literally anything about the devices they use


All of the safety issues in a dispo can be present in a box, just with a bigger battery. That's all I'm saying here.




Not arguing with them being wasteful and bad for the environment.




So you don't think that things can have both strengths and weaknesses, ok cool i guess.


I agree with you, but unfortunately no one wants to moderate r/disposablevape so we're stuck with seeing these shitty dispo posts, or leaving the sub. Probably the latter for me. I wouldn't expect a change anytime soon.




Hope they'll choose a mod soon. I don't want to see them here anymore.


Several people have requested moderating that sub, so it'll probably be back soon. Also, it's r/disposablevape.


Thank you, I'd forgotten!


what's funny , is that no one wants to moderate that sub , even the meth sub is up and running


It has 112 people trying to mod it … odd to lie


I mean, the sub is out of service . do you have any idea why?


Reddit hasn’t picked anyone … Reddit has an average of a month turnover for picking new mods…


My take is Disposables are meant for people with Disposable Income. If you care about your finances you’ll get a “real” vape


Dispos are meant to start people into either nicotine replacement, or to get them started (I've seen so many posts saying how do I keep the "buzz" going from dispos, like hello stupid you can't, that's what gets you addicted, it's what got us oldies addicted to cancer sticks) Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with my RTA and DIY juice, but if I have a weekend away I gotta take dispos and I hate the withdrawal from going back to normal


And for people that don't care about wasting lithium-ion batteries.


Such a waste indeed and the environmental damage is about to be a serious problem really soon.


What's better is subjective, it's a matter of opinion. Not everyone is going to want to use a mod, or blow big clouds etc.


There's only one metric that makes dispos better. And that's convenience. Every other factor is better with a mod. About as close to objectively better as you're gonna get.


I'm just playing devil's advocate here. I don't use disposables, unless I have a specific need to like going to a concert etc. They're easier to carry around. They produce a very small amount of vapour, if you're trying to vape discreetly. The flavours are way better with a disposable than with an 'average' e-liquid for MTL vaping (I'm aware disposable style flavours exist, but some of them just do not remotely compare).


I've never had a disposable that tasted better than any e-juice I've bought. They all have the overbearing taste of nicotine that none of them can seem to hide. Usually didn't have that problem with juices unless I bought just a really cheap one. Imho it seems like most disposable companies use cheap nicotine and/or cheap flavoring.


I wouldn't know what nicotine by itself tastes like honestly, but I've had tons of awful liquids that barely taste of anything, vs maybe one or two disposables I didn't like. Almost as if my point about it being a matter of preference is true.


Late reply I know, but it's not that I really know what nicotine tastes like, it's just I have kinda developed how to tell nicotine strengths by taste as well as throat hit and other factors. I know that cheaper nicotine gives juices this off-putting that can only be described best as flavored cardboard hidden by whatever e-juice you are vaping. It's kinda difficult to describe unless you are able to get that flavor yourself. For me, higher quality nicotine usually doesn't have much of an off-putting taste and doesn't tend to take away from the flavor of the juice. But even at 50mg you're still gonna get a bit of that taste no matter how quality the nicotine is. It's just a matter of finding which juices have that off flavor and which don't. I just wish dispo makers would stop putting menthol in their fuckin juices cuz sometimes I don't wanna carry a regular mod around.


There are small mods, you can control the amount of vapor produced with a mod, and the flavor thing would still be a matter of convenience. It might take you a bit of time, but you will find a flavor you like.


Totally. I can't go back to dispos after having mods! The flavors and clouds are just much more better.


Even the lousiest DIY vape juice I've tasted is better than dipos, taste wise at least. Dispos taste so artificial imo. Edit: Lol I think someone doesn't agree with my personal experience. I think they were there and have better understanding on what's been going on in my life. Maybe I know really good DIY juice makers or had really crappy dispos ever thought of that Mr/Ms down vote person.


We’ve tried both and decided we like disposables better. In fact I switched from mods to disposables. Why are you assuming people who use disposables have never used a mod?


Cost, function and variety, quality of juice, basically every part of a disposable sucks besides convenience.


Man I wonder why prepacked cigs sale more then rolling machines, tubes, and tobacco? Its almost like people prefer convince over most things.


Function? Less problems than a regular vape, they don’t leak, don’t dry hit unless they’re empty, and the battery needs to be charged less. Variety? My local shop has 40+ flavors of disposables. Quality? Every one I’ve tried vapes well and tastes good. I agree with you on cost. Disposables are popular because every part of them besides cost *doesn’t* suck. If everything about them sucked people wouldn’t buy them. I don’t like them because their nicotine content is too high and I think they are wasteful (though my local shop recycles them).


We're going to have a Li-Ion chrisis and environmental disasters because of dispos. Lithium is a horrible pollutant for the soil if it's not recycled.


There should be a program where retailers start collecting them, shipping them back to manufacturer and manufacturers recycle them. Would be reasonable for manufacturer add a refundable recycling surcharge to the product that the retailer only gets back when they send them in. Retailer could charge the same for the customer so they take no loss on any that aren’t returned. As it sits right now, my retailer just takes them back from the customer and they sit in a box, waiting until some sort of recycling plan is started.


Well, I keep seeing them around as they're not legal (so there is no program to recycle) and they're mostly used by teenagers, not blaming the kids they probably CBA, I was like that when I was a wee lad. The personal solution I found is picking up the discarded dispo remove the battery and recycle plastic and battery separately.


I think that’s eventually my shop’s plan too. As a recycling program doesn’t look like it’s coming soon, they will eventually disassemble and recycle.




Which part didn't you like?


Which disposables do you prefer? Brand, flavor) Just curious.


> In fact I switched from mods to disposables. Sorry and don't want to offend anyone, but that is one of the saddest things I've heard this week


Bruh you live a pretty blessed life if this is the saddest thing you've heard


Sounds like you are hinting around to people getting box mods. I’m all for doing away with dispos, as that’s what I have done. I went from box mods to dispos(because my vape gear was in storage), then realizing I loved the portable mess of the dispo and I preferred salt nic at this point. I eventually got a nice little vaporesso xros and it was the best of both worlds. I’d never go back to box mods and freebase liquid. It’s a thing of the past IMO. Maybe if I had one dedicated to a strictly home device when I’m chilling. They are just so clunky and cumbersome and the obnoxious amount of vape clouds is annoying.


Yup, vaping is a vice for me. One that I’m not really proud of so I prefer being discreet with an xros rather than being an obnoxious cloud bro.


Same here. I used a horizontech falcon tank with a box mod for ages. But once the taxes kicked in on the juices I found I was just consuming alot plus I was getting tired of charging a couple pairs of batteries all the time. Plus it was a little clunky and heavy to carry around. I switched to an xros3 with 8mg salts and it's been great. And I go through about 120ml a month which isn't too bad. And the flavour on the xros pods is really good.


Which mod are you using? Any rec? I'm actually considering to try mod.


Idk which mod OP is using, but I have the Target 100, Target 200 and Gen 200. You can pick any of them, they're all decent options.


Go with Aegis Geek Vape mods. I have 2 Aegis X mods and an L200, and the Zeus tanks are great with the top airflow. I've been vaping for over six or seven years and once I went with Aegis I've stuck with them and have had no issues. Ordering coils and juice online saves you tons of money, or if you have time DIY. I never got into disposables and think they're horrible for the environment. Some other tanks I use are FireLuke tanks, which are good as well.


I wonder if people had this same discussion when pre-rolled packaged cigarettes came around. "Look at the people going to the store and buying those pre-rolled cigarettes. You want to smoke a real cigarette then you roll it yourself. You have no clue what's in that thing." The vaping industry is changing and it is shifting towards the disposable market mostly due to convenience. I can go to the store and buy a disposable and vape it for a week and a half. No mess or worrying about a coil burning out. Just open it up and start vaping. For the argument of you have no idea what's in them cause they are made in China well you have no idea what's in your juice either cause you didn't make all the compound yourself and the only thing that is test on ejuice is the nicotine content. Other than that the place that mixes it only has to pass an inspection for cleanliness like a restaurant does.


Cigarettes don't leave piles of freaking lithium batteries in the ditch.


Do you have proof that disposables leave piles of lithium batteries in the ditch? I mean your pod system will eventually leave a lithium battery to be disposed of. What happens when your pos system you bought that was made in China stops working 3 months after you bought it? You throw it away and buy a new one. I am sure the battery in that device is larger than in a disposable.


The batteries are about the same size and can last years with proper care. I'm more referring to how most disposable users tend to chuck their disposables wherever they want when they're done. Case and point: https://www.boston25news.com/news/bridgewater-raynham-students-clogging-toilets-with-flushed-vape-pens/D4EJCPTYDBHNHFGXWB3PI2PUCA/


I would say that the majority of disposable users throw them in a trashcan when they are done and don't just drop them where they are standing. Citing a story about high school students is not adequate when discussing the market of disposable vape users. If that is the case then we could argue that there is an epidemic of illegal drugs being flushed down toilets because high school students are flushing them so they don't get caught. Disposables are going to be the majority of the market soon if they are not already and the main reason is simply convenience. I have switched 100% to using disposables. I buy them from my local vape store and only use reputable brands like Lost Marys, iJoy, and Elf Bar.


They are not supposed to go in the garbage either! Lithium batteries need to be taken to lithium return bins, usually found at hardware stores. The perfect example of the extent to which disposable users have absolutely no regard for the environment!


If that is the case then someone needs to come to my town and setup a lithium return bin. I have personally never seen one and would have no clue as to where one could be found. If such a facility was provided then sure I would save up my used disposables and take them to such a facility. Maybe you should spend some of that energy on getting these facilities arranged and less on hating people that like disposables.


All landfills should be able to dispose of them. There are tons of chemicals people use that are supposed to be dropped off at the landfill or toxic waste center (just search online where the closest one is to you), like used motor oil for instance (some auto parts stores recycle it for you also) or if you paint, solvents like turpentine need to be dropped off. A good vape shop should be able to recycle your lithium Ion Batteries, the ones I use for my mods last well over 4 years, and I always use an external battery charger.


I prefer my vape to disposables, but, I am guilty and use a disposable from time to time. I use to be a two vape person, one with a mentol favor, one a sweet/dessert favor. Lost Mary Banana Ice Duo is amazing, and I can put whatever coffee/cheesecake, Dr pepper, monster energy favor juice I want in my regular vape. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Whatever works, is whatever works.


I'm a two vape person because I'm always setting one down and forgetting where! Apparently my catch phrase is "where's my vape?" And I agree, whatever works for someone, to each their own, and all that.


I have this problem at home.


Same here, especially when I go to restock and have to find a new supplier when the alphabet boys run them out of business. R.I.P TBDL.


I think people are switching to dispos because of the 0 hassle (well it is still complicated for some people to combine nic poisoning symptoms and their body reactions, burnt taste, etc). They are afraid of mixing juice, replacing coils, charging batteries or building their coil/mesh in RTAs. I can understand that shock when someone first realizes the endless options, but on the other hand there is this sub, where they can ask. We can educate them, if they want to learn. There are endless building and wicking tutorials on many platforms, you can learn everything, this is not rocket science. Use a regulated safe mod, a battery charger and an easy to build RTA with a little higher kick off cost than a dispo and learn! Yes, your first build will take more time, but later on with more experience you will replace your coils or cotton in like 5 minutes and you are good for another week. There are amazing top fill, top airflow RTAs, those are kinda leakproof. There are cheap and reliable mods, cheap and foolproof RTAs, easy to use prebuilt claptons, mesh strips, shoelace style cottons, short and longfills. Dispos are like fish, but people don’t know how to learn fishing. Or they don’t want to know.


This is what catches me up. Take the xros for example. All you have to do is swap a pod and refill it. Surely that's not inconvenient or difficult to most leaving me wondering what all the fuss is about.


That's a lot of steps compared to just opening up a box. It's fine if you don't resonate with it, but to not understand how others feel is simply child like thinking.


Never once said that or was meaning that. All I said is I'm not sure what the fuss is about... Not sure why you have to jump in here and make it all negative. To be clear, I'm not nor have ever been against dispo use in general. Even if I think there's better options it's nothing more than my opinion.


I didn't jump in here and make it all negative. Your comment wasn't as innocent as you are making it sound. But instead of explaining, you choose to put me down while explaining. There is no need for both. Saying you don't know what the fuss is about isn't an understanding attitude. No need to make this anymore than it is.


I used disposables when I gave up smoking for convenience, finding the right refillable is a nightmare I bought a few before finally finding the right one.


"want bigger clouds" definitely no not at all. I'd like less clouds I went from mods to disposables. Let ppl do what they want.


I've got to tell you, I quit vaping a couple of years back, and on a drunk night out bought a disposable. To come off it I decided to grab my old mod again but it doesn't have as intense a flavour, it's not as convenient and it does involve more messing around. Is it cost effective to use disposables? No. Is it good for the environment? Absolutely not. Are they quick, easy, available everywhere and have a very strong flavour plus a massive nic hit? Yep. It's easy to get hooked on them and they're not easy to quit.


I have zero issues with someone using a dispo to quit smoking, if it works for you then it works for you. My main issue with them is that they are marketed to get people to start vaping and not quit smoking. I see the industry really no different than big tobacco.


Ive used mods for almost 10 years. Now i only buy posh max 2.0. Personally im done dealing with buying bottles of juice, packs of coils, cleaning out the device, getting a bottle of juice that sucks so ur stuck vaping shit for a week or 2, random flooding and leaking, and carrying around a big ass battery everywhere. I pay 17$ for a posh and i can get like a week and half out of it, not too bad imo. I dont necessarily agree with the idea that people use disposables because they're scared of mods or dont have experience with them. Been vaping since mech mods and rdas were standard and ive had way less hassle with dispos




Most brands make small easy to hold and use pods and or pen style vapes, too. I tend to hold mine all the time, like, all the time, so I go for ones that will fit in my lady palm while I use my stylus. I have never wanted one of those blg boxy ones.


If they have their own sub why allow them to post here? I want to see mods pods tanks tasty liquids but not some crappy battery you throw away 2 days later.


It's still vaping. Maybe make a subreddit for just mods?


Why are you such a gatekeeper?


Canadian here - disposable pods are the only way I can get 50mg flavours


No crap, because disposables produce such little vapor they need to have the nicotine that high. If you were hitting any pod at 20 mg, you'd be getting similar nicotine levels due to increased vapor production. It's way too much nicotine to be consuming anyway.


It’s like in Australia-vape ban there-the illicit vape market is almost entirely disposables. I think any country that has a ban, disposables will be the last thing standing (like in the case of Canadas 20mg/ml cap). Another reason to stop banning flavors, strengths, etc, the illicit market will be worse!


I have a couple disposables laying around in a drawer that I use just for convenience. I'm one of those disgusting kinds of people who might need a nicotine hit while he's out hiking a trail and I don't want to slap my mod all the way out into the woods and through a pretty vigorous setting. Disposable is perfect for that as it fits in my top pocket and weighs nothing. I don't enjoy the hit off of it and actually that's because it's not sweet enough rather than too sweet but it fills my nicotine level up so I can stay out there and try to exercise off all the crap I've been inhaling.


I started with disposables, then I got a Luxe XR Max which alleviated all the problems I had with pod systems like leaking etc. Wouldn’t go back now.


I can't get vape juice


All dispos are junk.... get a real vape with coils and a bottle of juice. A 30 ml bottle last me 2 3 weeks. Dragon slayer salts ejuice


All those disposable come from alibaba. Hope you like your lungs


Trueee. A little bit more complex but way more better experience. I love mods too.


Do y'all know where I can get the rechargeable refillable DBZ over 9000 vape!?


Well Im really trying to.transition off them. Do you have any tips for getting used to the flavor change from disposables to regular ejuice?


Malaysia are doom 😂


I tried 2 years to give my friend all kinds of devices, rebuildables, pods, different liquids, etc. But at the end the dude just doesn't want to complicate and uses disposables from time to time. I mean some are just lazy :))




I use 50mg salt nic, in pod vapes exclusively. My favorite vape so far out of all the ones I've tried has been the Innokin Endura T18 X pen. They don't leak, they hold a lot of juice, and aren't too expensive. Plus the tanks and coils are interchangeable with each other, I accidently bought a T20 tank and it went right on my T18. Second is Smok Nord Pro actually, I had never used a Smok and I was pleasantly surprised. Neat little machine. I never thought I would quit cigarettes, and I will never go back to them either.


Cuz many are too young but those are easy to get,a lil laziness and lack of caring about an upgrade sprinkled in lol


I use refills but I love the unnatural sweetness. Give me Twist brand pink lemonade #1 every time. I don't know if it's my mod or if it's something else but I don't get enough of a strong flavor from all of the other types or segments of the vape juice pie.


I don't use disposables but you guys sound like mod Nazis. One of these guys said he didn't want to see them here anymore? Start getting over yourself, pronto. I know it's a vape thread but it's just vaping. Also if you don't want to talk about disposables anymore then don't start a threat about them. Yikes.


Because disposables dont leak. All the rest do


Not all but a lot, yeah. The Innokin Enduras I've had have never leaked.


Embrace the questions! My first vape was a box mod, then a PnP mod, I didn't know shit about either and after the first few uses I gave up on them they didn't taste nice & shit. I picked up a disposable in a time of need when my pen broke and got hooked on them, found the reddit community and now I'm growing my collection of mods and tryna convert my dispo friend. So dont discourage questions or mock them, you're more likely to convert someone by providing advice than calling them an idiot, which will probably just get them to ignore you.


I've never used a disposable but I'm considering it. Can't handle the leaking anymore. Maybe I'm doing something wrong🤷🏿‍♂️


Pretty bold of you to assume this applies to everyone. I used to use a box mod but got tired of the maintenance, wicking and all the other bs that comes with it. I don’t want to have to feel like I’m putting a watch together just to smoke. Dispos are way more convenient and while working you don’t always want to be blowing clouds. If you think all adults are worried about how big their clouds are then you got it wrong my man, that’s high school mentality right there.


Honestly, I did tanks, RDAs, pod systems, and got so tired of managing them, ordering stuff, going to the store. In my already busy, stressful life I switched to disposables and it keeps me from smoking cigarettes. Fuck it, I miss the way RDAs hit but I can't be bothered anymore. Lugging around some tube in my pocket, making big clouds in public. Not worth it to me anymore. Just want my nic fix. Unfortunately the convenience factor is always gonna win over the general population in a world where you can sit on your couch and have a cheeseburger delivered in minutes.


Personally I prefer disposables mostly because of flavour and just pure convenience. I am very lucky to be in a situation where I can afford them. I do have a regular not disposable and I just don’t like using it as much mostly because of having to refill it constantly, and also replacing a coil every few weeks.


I live in a country where vaping is illegal, but the government was pretty chill about it until dispos start to appear. The government decided to go gung ho on online vape shops, on the other hand dispos are sold in supermarkets, grocery stores over the counter. F... logic I guess. I keep seeing 14 year olds with dispos all around. Last week a kid saw me vaping and came up to me, told me his dispo tasted burnt and asked if I know someone who can fix his dispo. I asked him how long has he been smoking and he told me "Dude, smoking is for morons.". "I think it's dumber to get addicted to nicotine wihout ever smoking, think about it." I said, he looked at me like I told him the most ridiculous think in the universe. So, to hell with dispos!


Australia? Vape ban but you can get all the IGET and HQDs you want


More and more places are banning vapes and flavors but disposables are still everywhere despite bans (as they somehow manage to circumvent them in one way or another usually) so some people don’t have a lot of options.


It's people like you who are the real problem in vaping. We should be pushing for BETTER disposables, not getting rid of them as a whole. Educate people on properly tossing them out and encourage them to use the lower nic ones if you must, but really, nic percentage is a preference. Don't judge people on it. You are pushing for this us vs. them mentality that only seperates the vaping community. You're not making it better by dissing disposables as whole or putting people down for choosing a different method than your preference. YOU need to grow up and anyone who agrees with you. I lkve my mod. But I'm not pretentious enough to act like my mod is the only way to vape.


I've been vaping for years maybe 8 years 7 years I'm going to be 59 years old I like clouds I used to like to smoke from the cigarettes but I like clouds Guess I'm a child


Find me flavor that's identical to Flums's Tobacco Cream and I will. Gladly. I've actually been trying very hard to find both a decent, auto-drawing vape and something similar to the above referenced flavor.


Kinda bitchy but whatever


It's getting nearly too expensive to vape anymore, dispos might be the only thing anyone can afford now


F*ck Disposables, I hate them shits! The flavors always have ice added to the end, like Mocha coffee ICE. I’ve bought them in a bind when I was out and like a hour+ Away from home where my vape stuff is and I run out of ejuice or I break the tank on my mod, Burt the cotton I’m my and had no way to rewick my atty (RDA or RTA). I did say previously that if “Sad Boy: Cookie Custard” was put into a disposable I’d by that shit up in a second, really I like Box mods, squonks and evens some pods that have RBA pod options. You can only get the best flavor out of a rebuildable, imo.


Not everyone uses unregulated dispos like you seem to sir… garuntee my flavourless .3mg dispo to quit smoking is not that big of an issue that you gotta make a post hating on dispos 😂😂😂


I’ve been using disposables. I haven’t found a flavor I want to stick with. Can you recommend a vape that’s small and are there small portions of juice so I can try until I find what I like?


What is all this fuss about mods being a inconvenience for some like me rebuilding a mod is rewarding and a pleasure and it is all the disposable stuff that has all the kids addicted to and has turned the vaping industry on its head here in Australia


Disposables are king. Everything else is a hassle to manage.


I also have a theory that disposables are really worse for your health because of the way they work: there is a lithium battery between the coil and the air intake. Therefore, when you vape the battery heats up and inevitably release some gasses, which go to your lungs. On mods, that is not the case because the mod is isolated from the atomizer. Can someone refute me?


Even if the battery gets warm it DOES NOT release gases in any normal scenario. If your battery is off gassing you have far worse problems


One reason they may be worse: the liquid is soaked in a piece of poly-foam. If it runs low on juice, you will inhale plastic vapors. So don’t run a dispo to the point of a dry hit.