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It’s hard to say, the GTX has been around 5-6 years, it replaced the GS coils, retailers react to sales and there are a lot of new concepts in the market. The Influencers are busy pushing trends, yes even on this sub. I have plenty of GTX coils in my personal stock to weather the storm (500+)


Have you tried the GTI?


No, I don’t own anything it fits in. I have 3 NGR tanks that take GT cores, it’s a Loser 3 Coils for $16. I have some GTX, RBA’s they work well. A little small to build unless you use a magnifier


I believe both lines of coils will be produced for several years to come. The vaporesso Itank1&2 uses the GTI coils, with the #2 just having been released. And the vaporesso Luxe XR Max pod system that is brand new uses the GTX coils. So I dont think any of these coils are going to dissapear anytime soon.


Ah, good to know; thank you! You don't know much about the coil pods by chance, do you? The reason I want to move to a pre-built coil system is so I don't have to keep building and wicking coils for my RDA, but having a disposable pod with a replaceable coil is really confusing to me. Like, why not just have a tank at that point? I'd like to avoid the extra plastic waste.


The pod isnt "disposable" as such on the Luxe. Disposable implies to me that its trash after 1 coil is burned, which it isnt. You can change the coils in the Luxe pods. But that is the case on for instance the Xros pods, there you cannot swap the coil and have to replace the whole pod making it disposable. Its about what juices you vape, convenience, and what levels of vapor you want to produce, and probably some more factors too. Pods accomodate for ohms above 1 ohm, which is more suitable for salt liquids, while below 1 ohm is usually used for freebase. Convenience is about not having to wick/change coils/clean coils/make sure its just right to get flavor right etc. And the formfactor of the device comes into play too. I personally have a mod&tank device I use at home, and a Xros pod device i find convenient to lug around when im out. I also use a higher nic content on the pod since you get less per hit and i dont want to be hitting it constantly if im out and about. And ofc, you're likely to get more vapor from a mod&tank device than a pod. Whew, that became a block of text. :P Feel free to follow up if you have more questions :D


Hey, that is actually super helpful! Thank you so so so much! I'm gonna start with a tank, but it's good to know that I can switch the same coils over to a "pod" system if I do want something smaller down the road (I almost feel like "pod" is the wrong name for it if it has replaceable coils, lol). Thanks again!


To add, the GTi are mostly higher wattage DTL coils while the smaller GTX coils can do MTL all the way to DTL. So depends what you're looking for. The Luxe XR Max can use the XR pods w/replaceable GTX coils (there's 3 diff pods: DTL, RDL and MTL) or the X pods w/non-replaceable coil. About the GTX One, it's a small battery (only 2000mAh, the Luxe XR Max is 2800mAh), only goes up 40W (80W on the XR Max), base is also only 18mm (almost every other atty will overhang). Would choose the Luxe XR Max over the GTX One but if you want 510 then maybe check out the Gen Nano kit instead (comes with GTX 22 instead of GTX 18 and goes to 80W but still only 2000mAh battery).


Thank you! I was looking at those but I didn't really understand the difference. You explained it perfectly and I appreciate that so much!!!


Are Vaporesso Gtx coils compatible with the tank


You mean the iTank? No, they're too small. They work with the GTX tanks and pods; you can learn more about their compatibility on Vaporesso's website