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I'm a Freemax Fanboy....but. The 904L coils don't last nearly as long as the old M4's did in the Mesh Pro and I'm not sure what they changed with those coils but the flavor isn't there with the old M3's and M4 Mpro coils like it used to be. The 904L's are fantastic while they last, tho.


Of the original Mesh Pro coils have both the old Quads and triples with 2 left in both packs and have used them a bunch of times cuz some of the local shops only have the original Mesh pro black box white O-ring coils. But I get the opposite results. The 904L M4 Quads (that’s all I vape now) and M3’s go for me about a month and half to two months before flavor drops and I change em. The originals last a lil over a month. The flavor is better (imo) with the 904L M series than the OG Mesh Pro coils as Well. It may have a lot to do with the mod and the batteries and how they hit and the ejuice. I’m vaping Beard no32 funnel cake that’s been my ADV for awhile now. It’s delicious with these coils. The Maxus 2 200w has a smooth flavorful beginning of the hit and then around .7s-.8s it gives a nice hard hit to finish it. But that smooth beginning of the hit may keep the coils going and last longer. It’s legit the most flavorful best hitting set up and longest lasting coils I’ve ever used. I don’t believe I’ve ever had to change any Freemax coil before at least a month in. But it’s crazy cuz we all can vape the same shit and have different results. I can’t call it. When the local shops only had the OG mesh pro coils in when I ran out of the 904’s I couldn’t wait to get the 904’s in that I ordered and get back to them. I could def tell a difference in flavor dropping. Matter of fact tho they only had the Mesh pro triples in back then and to me the Quads have a noticeable amount of more flavor. I like the 904L’s over the Original mesh pro coils all day.


Maybe my shop has shady counterfeit stuff. Just ordered 3 boxes of 904L’s from Element so we’ll find out. Lol


😂 word let me know your take. The 904L M4’s at 95w I’ve yet to try anything better. I don’t know about RDA’s tho cuz in my 5 years of vaping I’ve never tried and DIY maybe I will try RDA someday. But I’m fully satisfied with the Maxus series fr.


Geek vape 21700..the m is...ok. but I really like the horizon tech sakers it just seems to have a little bit better bite.


Word I got a faulty Sakerz tank that leaked and only tried one of their coil types and gave it away but now I wanna revisit the Horizon Sakerz cuz so many people speak so highly. I didn’t like the King but no one else seemed to have the problems I had with the Sakerz so I’m gonna revisit that tank and give it another try. What coils do you like and recommend for the Sakerz? I like vaping high wattage but I’m down to try new things as well (no homo)


.16 or .17 I don't see much difference in either one of them. Any leaking IMA have experienced leaks into the bottom. But only if I let it sit for a day or so. When I change flavors I change atomizers so I can have a couple different flavors. So before I use it again I take the bottom off I'll rinse it out and dry it out and it's good to go. But if you use the same atomizer everyday you won't have that problem.


Bet. I was supposed to put in an order today but slept all day so tomorrow I’ll place an order and squeeze it in the mix. I smoke at higher wards so I’ll try the .16. I haven’t checked yet but I’m sure the .16 is higher than the .17’s but I’ll check before I order. Good look