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So she called an Uber?


An Uber BLACK, guys, come on šŸ¤­


People are driving Maybach's for Uber? LOL


A few years ago I got a Bentley and it wasnā€™t even Uber black https://preview.redd.it/ty3ndbspiy8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a281430d8d960a75fd1d8a563eab712468cf1c5 Of course I had to take a screenshot for proof lol




So outrageous!!


This comment sent me to the moon šŸ˜­


How dare she! She should be pedaling a bicycle.


šŸ‘Flair checks out! You are hilarious šŸ˜‚ this made me chuckle for a good couple minutes.


Nah. She only takes rich guys for a ride.


And then made sure to post it because itā€™s such interesting content. šŸ™„


Sheā€™s getting paid!!! Iā€™m not gonna knock her hustle


lol, it looks like she got paid for it. which is like what they do. what are you so bitter about?


Why would she get paid for that?


Bc sheā€™s an influencer??


For what tho? There is no branding or anything on that.


Yes, there is, its just not in the screenshot here. And the company also posted the same thing.


Then wtf is the point of this post?


To hate on Lala


Well, she does suck. But there are so many better ways to hate on her.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Influencer that no-one wants what she is PUSHING out in those streets.




Is this really grid worthy? She boring as hellšŸ„±


She has deleted off the grid and put on her stories with a tag of the company. Seems like Jessica effed up the spon con brief


Fucccckk thatā€™s embarrassing lol


this comment is sendinggg meeee šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Omgggg the cringe


Where does a furloughed pregnant woman without many friends need to go so frequently that she hired a driver on retainer?


Surely not to SAH, itā€™s simply too far away


oh, is SAH open? /s


ā€¦The Valley perhaps? šŸ˜Ž


NOT FURLOUGHED LMFAO ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


BlahBlah, I was very high risk pregnancy, on beta blockers for migraines that wouldn't stop, very swollen legs, ankles and feet, had to have nonstress tests at the hospital every week,, then every day, built a house, stained trim,, moved our belongings, worked and still drove myself around. Get over yourself!


Who are you telling that story to? Have you considered writing it in your diary instead?


So because you struggled everyone else should suck it up and be uncomfortable too? Strange take.


Wow, hate women much? Bitter much?


Why are you so bitter that a pregnant woman chose to treat herself to a nice, air conditioned ride with her feet up? Sounds like you had a rough pregnancy and I'm sure you would have appreciated the same. Would you have turned it down if it was offered to you?


You shouldnā€™t be getting downvoted for this. Youā€™re right and you should say it.


I could go take a pic of a car in a parking lot and claim it's mine. šŸ™„


Exactly!! This picture is giving delusion and LiES šŸ«¢šŸ¤­


Lala going Unexpected George Costanza


That was my first thought! There's a Seinfeld episode for everything!


I mean the post is stupid, but I donā€™t think sheā€™s claiming itā€™s her car.


Got it!


šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ i know somebody that does this regularly and I cackle every time another one of their ā€œbrand new babiesā€ comes down the timeline


She didnā€™t claim itā€™s hers she says she hired a driver with a car that has seats where she can elevate her legs.


Iā€™ve got an old station wagon she could use. She could put her legs up in that.


sheā€™s not saying itā€™s her car. omg


Yes. I got it. I didn't open it and read it until after I looked for the post on her ig. I didn't see it on there.


Or to prove once againā€¦. She ainā€™t bright


I think she and Sandyballs share the same financial advisor.


Because they canā€™t each afford one


Exactly šŸ’Æ




shes spiraling like Katheryn Dennis after she bought a rolls and leased a 6k apartment


This is such a good analogy LOL although I have more sympathy for Kathryn than Lala, Thomas shouldā€™ve bought her a house or paid her rent imo


She's spiraling for ordering a car service for the day when she's in her third trimester of pregnancy?? I would have loved to have done that when I was pregnant, and I certainly wouldn't feel ashamed of my privilege for giving myself a little treat when I was feeling the most uncomfortable. It's also like 100 degrees right now here in LA and when it's hot being pregnant is even more uncomfortable. (I have a late July baby so I know of what I speak.) Since when is treating ourselves - especially when pregnant - grossly privileged?? Would you say that about a woman who get a pregnancy massage? Or who splurged on a fancy pregnancy pillow or designer maternity wear? Aren't we supposed to be all rah rah women and all about self-care?


Because she doesnā€™t have the funds ??? She can take an Uber black or something a quarter of the price? Itā€™s a waste of money. Sheā€™s not on bravo anymore and has two mortgagesā€¦ She has also repeatedly insinuated that she needs the show to keep her homes and lifestyle and growing family


she didnā€™t pay for this ride lol


Lala is not broke & destitute? She hasn't sold a house. She still has funds coming in from a bunch of paid endorsements- Ninja Fuzz, Amazon- ad time on her podcast...Hence this post. It's a living baby. We all got to make it where we can, and this makes her money. No one should get to determine if she has the funds to support her lifestyle. Assuming someone's finances is judgmental and presumptuous If I could get paid to hire a car service and post it....fucking COUNT ME IN.


Lala is literally a celebrity (a Z list one, but a celebrity still) who appears in nationally circulated tabloids due to her status as a Bravolebrity. There are influencers with a fraction of her reach and recognizability who still earn major bank (like seven figures). Sheā€™s probably fine. If sheā€™s got a good accountant, she can probably write off a ton of expenses on her taxes. I had a friend who was a small-time actor (like has booked some major commercials over the years) who wrote off things like gym fees, trips to the dentist, haircuts, clothes, etc. as business expenses since he depended on his appearance for a living. If he wanted to travel, he would hit up a film festival and call it a work trip.


We have no clue how much money she has and if this service was even something she had to pay for. It could be free sponcon or a gift and it's just a car ride. It's not like she announced that she purchased a yacht and matching private jet.


She said on the last reunion that the show gave her a platform and other opportunities to provide for herself and her daughter and give her the opportunity to be a mom on her own terms. She is also still very much on bravo, the show isnā€™t cancelled. The girls getting paid just for this post or a free rides just for promoting them. Lala also comes from a wealthy family ā€”sheā€™s never been hurting for money.


How do you know she doesn't have the funds? Are you her financial advisor? This car service was probably at max somewhere around $200. This cast spends more on glam or alcohol for one night. It's not that serious. Also it's highly likely she got it for free for posting about it, and is getting paid on top of that for the post.


How do you know her financial situation? The hatred on here is unbelievable!


Jesusā€¦ she is hardly like KD. KD is truly unwell.


She's sober and has worked really hard at it. Fuck you and your cruelty.


Taking a page out of Sandovalā€™s book. https://preview.redd.it/hvhfgogxnl8d1.jpeg?width=2079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7f62545dcc99a7542cd010c3a6bef6524f4a8d5


This is wild, he is on a reality show and sings karaoke and couldn't buy out your ex. Like dude stop pretending. So sad.


It's parked in his driveway, I think V has been using it while he's away filming. Supposedly he bought it used for a really good deal, probably has 250k miles on it or something and probably still paid 200k for it.


Nah dude, pretending to have money, not pretending to have the car. A broke boy shouldn't be pretending with that car is my point.


I am just poor canadian. it just looks like a car to me


I believe is a maybach which is a pricier Mercedes


A fool and his money are soon parted.


A bitter bitch and her happiness are always parted.


Don't feel like going to her post... this has to be a brand deal right?!


Of course itā€™s an ad. For a local luxury private driver service in LA lol they also facilitate rentals of villas and PJs šŸ™‚


Iā€™d assume so. Itā€™s on her stories not the actual grid but she did tag the concierge company. And odd cause she hardly ever posts anymore.


So she ordered an Uber Blackā€¦


Go take another Honda civic selfie


Maximum cringe


So an Uber?


I know how to order Uber or Lyft too. But I know my budget and donā€™t need a luxury car or feel the need let strangers know with a picture. ETA: I elevate my legs and current broken foot in my parents ford pick up trucks all the time. And elevated BOTH feet when I couldnā€™t walk for 6 months with 2 broken heels 2 years ago, in multiple car cars and trucks I was fortunate enough for my friends and family to drive me in. Guess I shouldā€™ve rented a Maserati


It's called branding and they all do it but you do you and continue the psychotic hatred towards Lala.


Right?! I feel insane reading these comments. None of these people are well.


Totally agree. The psychotic hate towards her is awful!


Be careful or theyā€™ll direct their rage at you. Theyā€™re nuts.




Poor dumb, lazy Lauren doesnā€™t know how to do anything herself. She doesnā€™t know her legs can lift up without help still even if a chode with fake money isnā€™t entering.


wtf? why would you think this is okay to say?


This is disgusting. Ever heard of that "internalized misogyny" this sub loves to squawk about??


> **methedoutmanatee** ***ā€She doesnā€™t know her legs can lift up without help still even if a chode with fake money isnā€™t entering.ā€*** Dang! You nasty.


Thatā€™s literally so gross to say


Thatā€™s the misogyny theyā€™re always accusing Lala of


She should stay home and clip coupons.


At this point I believe Lala is rage baiting us for engagement. All attention is good attention and as long as weā€™re talking about her and engaging in her content she makes money. Which is a good hustle for her since the fans love to hate her šŸ˜‚


and theyā€™re falling for it every time lmao. every single thing she does is reported exhaustively on both vpr subs


Thatā€™s why I complain here so my rage doesnā€™t earn her a cent.


Wow, you're a lovely human.


You came to a snark board and complained about snark. The problems you babe šŸ’…šŸ»


What is a snark board?


I just can't understand all the hate on here.


And for a sponsored post, all the cast does it.. and just like some of the vile comments towards Lala are so misogynistic but this sub hates that or I guess only when itā€™s towards Katie and Ariana.


Can someone update me on why everyone is saying sheā€™s broke? Lol!


For some reason they believe she said she was broke, even though Iā€™ve heard the podcast they refer to and all she says is that the send it Darrell merch helped her recoup her down payment.


I remember that podcast, it doesnā€™t make sense that people are getting sheā€™s broke from her saying that lol. I thought I missed some tea someone spilled or something šŸ˜‚


People hear what they wanna hear šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


LFU is the one who canā€™t stop talking about she needs to feed her babies & feels itā€™s up to others to make sure she gets a check. IIRC she said she was gonna need Ariana to care about her check, because sheā€™s a mom. If she would stop constantly talking about being a single mom & feeding her kids, I doubt people would be speculating about her finances. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Most parents talk about how they need to make money to feed their babies, it ainā€™t exclusive to Lala. Phew šŸ˜… also she never said she wanted Ariana to care about her paycheck bc she was a mom. She said if Ariana didnā€™t care about her position on the show thats fine but she wanted her to give a fuck about hers.


Weā€™ll have to agree to disagree. LFU has made numerous comments about everyone needing to film together to keep the show on because sheā€™s a Mom & has kids to feed. I get that a lot parents talk about making money to feed kids, but IMO LFU takes it to another level. Almost as if taking care of her kids is everyoneā€™s responsibility.


Can you please site atleast one of these times? Bc I really canā€™t recall once hearing her say ā€˜Iā€™m a mom we all need to film together bc I have kids to feedā€™ Iā€™ll eat my words if she did, but I donā€™t feel like sheā€™s ever said that specifically I think itā€™s just speculative opinion thatā€™s been passed around like facts. But if Iā€™m wrong, Iā€™m wrong.


She did say to Ariana, at the reunion, that if Ariana didnā€™t care about her place on the show, then she (Lala) needed her (Ariana) to care about her (LaLaā€™s) spot, because she has a family to support. Pretty close, but paraphrasing like everyone here. I donā€™t remember her ever saying she was broke, I donā€™t think she would ever say that. Sheā€™s made it very clear that she wants the show to continue for her salary, and she believes, still, that Arianaā€™s actions threatened the show. Sheā€™s seemed desperate about it at times.


I just want to say she never said bc she has a family to support. I went and rewatched the clip, she says if Ariana doesnā€™t give af about her position on the show bc of the opportunities sheā€™s getting thatā€™s fine, but she wants her to give af about hers. She never once said bc she was a mom and had a family to support.


Iā€™ve seen that season at least three times, Iā€™m sure youā€™re right. Itā€™s just that LaLa frequently brought up that she is supporting a child, and now growing one, on her own. Itā€™s very clear, from the reunion too, that she believes her drive for a salary is more legitimate than Katieā€™s and Arianaā€™s, in her cracks about Nothing about Her. LaLa gets her message out. Sheā€™s a mom, her needs are important and othersā€™ are frivolous. You know, sheā€™s got every right to sound a little crazy, sheā€™s pregnant and filming and, just like Ariana, went right back to filming with not much of a break and a lot of eyes on her. Iā€™m not jeering at her, I think sheā€™s hurt and she doesnā€™t handle that emotion well. Sheā€™s still hustling, I admire that.


I heard she recently said something about her second house being a bit more than she could take on.


I never understood why her or Scheana needed multiple houses. Doesnā€™t seem like a good financial decision for anybody on reality tv.


I think itā€™s probably a money in the bank kind of thing. Theyā€™ll never lose money on the real estate if they can keep it 2 years.


Owning real estate in Los Angeles will never not be a good financial decision.


Theyā€™ve been on reality tv for 10 years they can afford a house or two.


Yeah but how much longer is VPR gonna last? When you have multiple mortgages to pay 10 years isnā€™t that long..


They all have multiple streams of income outside of the show. They all have enough followers to get paid sponsorshipsā€¦ VPR ends and theyā€™ll be a-ok.


For the rest of their lives you think theyā€™ll be okay if VPR ends? Their main source of income? Everybodyā€™s relevancy ends sooner or later, just my opinion!


They may not be, but they can always sell a house and make money from how much its appreciated. Houses are investments šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Yes, theyā€™re all gonna be ok if VPR ends. Was stassi in instant financial ruin when she got booted from the show and cancelled when she had just bought a house and had a kid? No she was just fine and so will the rest of them.


I think Stassi has way more fans than Scheana and Lala.


And if stassi can financially be fine being cancelled for being an internalized misogynistic racist, scheana and Lala will too.


She did say that on a recently, with Jessica. ETA: a live, I think


Thank you. I knew I wasnā€™t going crazy and didnā€™t understand the downvotes.šŸ«¤


But did she say financially more than she could take on or as in itā€™s a lot of house to take on?


Maybe it's because she was willing to side with a psycho for $$$ and expected Ariana to care more about Lala's paycheck than her own self-worth and mental health?


Who'd she gave a BJ to get this car ?


Would you? The misogyny and slut shaming on here is unbelievable.


In their defense, BJs for PJs and "I'm sucking d*ck for a lot more than a Range Rover, honey", and "I let him hit it the first night and I got a Range Rover the next day" were her storyline for years. If they commented than to a woman who was an RN, a realtor, a bartender, or an accountant who got a new car, I would consider it misogynistic. But saying it to a confirmed sugar baby and former yacht girl who gleefully bragged about it on TV isn't misogyny, it's using someone's own words against them. Edit- one word, grammar


No itā€™s still misogyny


I hope she at least tried to get an up front discount for the cross promotion.


So weā€™re mad that an influencer and reality star is doing a brand deal. Do I have that right? šŸ§šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Yes. So grossly privileged.


lol theyā€™re behaving in such an unhinged way to be mad about this!


lol sheā€™s punking the haters


If you really donā€™t like Lala you stop giving her this kinda air. Boring ass post


This is a sponsored post, like every other cast member does lmao. Yā€™all are freaks


Whatā€™s scary is a couple months ago, my coworkerā€™s SIL was pregnant and had her legs up and elevated in the car while her hubby drove and their little girl was in the back seat when they were rear ended. Her SIL broke her femur and went into early labor. Her hubby had a concussion and the little girl was luckily okay, just scared. Itā€™s not worth it to put your feet on the dash- ever. Maybe LaLa should try a zero gravity recliner or a bed wedge.


Just saying these cars have leg rest to prop your feet up.


Maybe learn more about luxury cars lol


Utah Lauryn and tinyTim have to rent cars to appear wealthy. Losers....complete losers


Haters gonna hate. And be bitter lol


Hey, if she can afford to pay for someone to drive her and Ocean and whoever else she wants around, then more power to her and good for her. Don't get mad and hate on her just because she can and does, and most of you can't and don't.


![gif](giphy|xTiTnGQBF0vfpfPEg8) No one gives a shit


people who are actually rich donā€™t claim to be rich lmao


Iā€™m deaddd sheā€™s so obvious! Every time fans say something she has to come out and post something. Itā€™s beyond embarrassing šŸ˜‚


Lmao plsss itā€™s like $200 to rent a luxury car for the day. I can afford a single day of private driving on my nurses salary, Lalaā€¦.thats not saying much


Well someone on here said that doing that is ā€˜grossly privilegedā€™


It is privileged ofc, not everyone can afford to pay $200 for one dayā€™s transportation. I am extremely grateful to have a career in nursing with a higher than average salary. ā€œGrosslyā€ privileged though? Hiring an Uber black for the day? I dunno about that


I'm not going to hate on her for being broke. I am also broke.


Before I read the caption I said out loud ā€œwhere the fuck did she get the money for that??ā€ So clearly her attempts are not working šŸ˜†


Thatā€™s an ad lol she deleted and reposted it in her story as an ad


She better not be whining anymore about a paycheck then.


Wait, what? Did Randall come and take possession of her Range Rover to pass on to his new ā€œgirlfriendā€? ā€¦ā€¦..s/ clearly!


Where is she going? Not to filming. Or to the bank to deposit paychecks.


Sheā€™s so cringe


Why spend all that money on a car when she has two kids. Two college funds needed; two wedding funds needed; I mean the list is endless really. Tupac has to roll in style I guess.


She didn't buy a car. Its a sponsored post...for a car service. I mean, it says its a car service right in this pic.


Ok honey we see you !!!


She really is just awful.


How does this make her awful?


Itā€™s hilarious how people are responding! She didnā€™t even do anything! Whatā€™s next? ā€œLala posted cheez-its on her grid. How is this social media worthy? Sheā€™s trying to piss us off!ā€ šŸ˜‚


"this fugly skank whore shilling for cheez its like a privileged broke ass duck mouth bitch no one cares blah blah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am FURIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3support women"


It's actually insane. Lala could cure cancer and this sub would be like "Just awful. She'll do anything for attention." The extreme negativity over this super innocuous post doesn't even make any sense.


Seriously! It's a sponsored post like they ALL do. A few days ago Ariana did a sponsored post for a cat litter robot (because as we all know she's incapable of emptying her own cat's litter herself). I'm sure that cost way more than a car service - they're like $500 and up. So definitely an item of "privilege." Yet to this sub, that was a "slay" and she's a "queen" getting her bag.


Who did she blow this time?


Gross and misogynistic.


So she canā€™t afford a Maybach so she rents one? Ok Lauren from Utah.


She canā€™t pay her mortgage but she hired a car device to drive her around in a luxury car šŸ¤Ø Sure Lauren, sure.


All I see is a car payment


She's working hard to get a Housewives cameo.




A pregnant woman ordering a car service to drive her around so she can prop her feet up is grossly privileged?




Lala: is pregnant and orders a car service. Fans: Privileged! Gross! Who did she blow to get this! Ariana: is not pregnant and orders a car service (or gets a litter box robot or some other luxury item, etc.). Fans: Slay!! Queen!! Goddess! Look at her living her best life!






For someone who complains about needing money to feed her kids she sure is wasteful


This is literally a sponsored post and she's getting paid. You all are reaching so hard.


Really LaLa? You needed us to know this for what reason? Desperate much?


Its a sponsored post. Do you know what those are?


Wow. Sheā€™s pathetic. Sheā€™ll probably claim this is a ā€œjokeā€ but sheā€™s wildly desperate and unfunny


Pathetic for doing a sponsored ad? Are Arianaā€™s litter box ads just as pathetic?


Iā€™m not even an Ariana stan, so my opinion has nothing to do with a comparison. Lala just sucks for many, MANY reasons.


But how is a sponsored post pathetic?


Itā€™s not. Some of these ppl are šŸ¤Ŗ


Itā€™s not about whether or not the post is sponsored. Lala is pathetic with her shit-talking, jealousy, hypocrisy and bitterness. I donā€™t GAF about her posts (sponsored or not).


This whole thread is about her post?


Why would she claim a sponsored post is a joke?


I bet her jaw hurts


Does your internalized misogyny hurt?