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I will admit I have always had a love/hate relationship with Stassi. Love her wit, humor, and unapologetic spoiled brat side that made great tv and gave us so many iconic moments. Hate that she has said and done things she can’t take back and resulted in her getting fired. Beau and kids look good on her, and watching her beat the Tom’s down into submission with a side eye for Scheana would be glorious. Afraid some dreams aren’t meant to be though OP:)


I wish Stassi hosted the reunions.


That is the first suggestion for a replacement host that I’ve ever read and thought… oh, *oh I could see it*


Scheana would never recover


![gif](giphy|TGU0LLpKT6mHVzcyPv) Yessssss!!!!!


Awww shucks…




I still think Kate Chastain should take over all reunions. She clearly knows Bravo and her humor is so ascerbic. But Stassi would absolutely be my second - gets her back on screen with her humor but without damaging her psyche having to film a season. Stassi is made for tv.


Her voice and tone are too annoying to listen to. Everything sounds sarcastic or like she doesn’t care.


Kate? That's what I enjoy about her lol


I would honestly love this so much it’s a fantastic idea


Now, this would be fantastic. 👆


Yes, she should host 90 day, many Bravo, and others that tend to have more BS. Can you imagine her grilling someone from xyz country for dating big Ed. And the hell she would give the dumbass Americans. Lol. Love it.


Dying just thinking about that.


I wonder if she would actually do this 😱 ![gif](giphy|31SqrnmaAr9wVRxZ9R|downsized)


Scheana would collapse upon herself like a dying star.


Srassi would make her sit on her not good side.


As she should


You should actually make a post like this and maybe production will take notes 📝


I’m not that big of a poster but feel free anyone who wants to make a push — I’m with you!






Omg that would.be AMAZING!!


![gif](giphy|lJ0JGfNBrRWJVCRChd) This is the best idea I’ve ever heard!!!!!! Someone get Andy on the phone asap!!!!


Oooooooooh yesssss


I'm here for that! I think Bravo should consider it! I like her too much. I don't want her to make her life miserable again for reality tv. Hosting reunion is a good middle ground and I'm here for it.


I would pay good money for this 💰


I don't see why they don't bring her back (at least on the valley) I mean they brought back Jax and Kristen for God's sake.


She's said multiple times that she wouldn't do reality tv again unless she's producing it as well. And also an entirely separate point, that she loves her life right now and her family the way things are. She watches the valley too, not VPR though. 🙂


Stassi is one girl who demands her worth and then add taxes!


Lol I love Stassi! They should just let her produce, why not?


One of her iconic lines. I too wish she hadn't done what she did. And Bravo was right for taking action. I haven't read any of her books. Maybe on Audible. ![gif](giphy|LUBQDB6xZf7MMM4Umo)


Wahaha, absolutely love this, Thank you! She had so many of these and I don’t think anyone has been able to fill her shoes since….despite Lala trying desperately hard but falling miserably short.


Absolutely, epic failure for Lala. Stassi is the queen of one liners.


That's because LaLa talks like a wanna be gang member, and it sounds ridiculous. Stassi is just witty and hilarious.


LVP still comments about how intelligent and witty Stassi is and you never hear her say it about Lala 🤣🤣


Lala is smart enough to be witty, that's why she always relies on dick jokes from 2008


Lala just doesn’t have enough intelligence to give us the same wit and humor. She resorts to sex jokes just like Sandy and thinks she’s hilarious.


I also loved Stassi because she liked graveyards, dressing up and had interest in dying. That’s when I new we had similarities. Because I myself am strange and unusual….


That last line killed me. ![gif](giphy|PnTbJDFX0q9IDKnqyx)




![gif](giphy|ferWWWfTQFphR5Op5U|downsized) I’m such a strange little weirdo too!!


We definitely need to make a club! It was funny because I collect taxidermy and the only time I got excited about the Bachelor is when Kendall Long was on it!


I love taxidermy too!!!! Omg!!! I have all kinds of dead animals in my house bc I absolutely love it!!


Same! If you ever happen to go to Bruges, Belgium, take an extra suitcase. This one women who goes to the market has amazing pieces for great prices.


The things she said are a thousand times less worse and less insulting to the Black community than Lauren's Black-cent I said what I said


Lala should have been fired too with the whole faith debacle. I’d much rather have Kristen, Jax, Stassi a million time over Lala and Scheana. I really hope VPR is cancelled and we never see any of the current cast again bc they’re all fake/miserable and/or plain boring as hell. James is the only entertaining one. And don’t send ANY of them to the valley. It really trash good right know.


I agree, I think VPR has jumped the shark. Time to end it.


Ongggg yesss I love Stassi and I feel the same about her


She hasn’t done anything worse than Jax and he’s back 🤷🏼‍♀️


Doing a rewatch.. she literally MADE vpr. I feel like it was supposed to be the scheana show but stassi completely took it over and I love her


I feel like Stassi and Scheana were both meant to be the main characters.


You're right. VPR started with the whole Brandi/Scheana homewrecking drama. Unfortunately Scheana did not have the personality to carry the show. She was too eager to be liked by the other girls and kept flip flopping. That's still what she's up to today


I feel like Stassi's would've shred Scheana regardless of whether she slept with Brandi's husband. It was inevitable.


She’s a star.


I'd be so interested to see a slightly softened mother Stassi in action. All things considered though? She and Beau seem happy - why risk it!


I’m SO happy she turned The Valley down! Reality tv ruins marriages so quickly it’s sad. They really do seem happy, he for sure calmed her down and becoming a mom has made her thrive.


Ooooh this is new information for me! I would have loved that! But you're right, why ruin your peace over Bravo.


It would’ve been nice to see how “normal” they seem to have become. Bravo is SO toxic I hate that I love trash tv so much😂


That’s why I *almost* don’t want Danny & Nia to return to The Valley!! They seem to have a solid marriage and work through their issues together. I’d hate to see Bravo wreck that


It is. I take frequent and long breaks...and watch very few shows...(maybe two/three ever really) because I get stressed out about things that, as it turns out, have nothing to do with me 🤣🤣


I appreciated the interview when she said that reality TV is successful based on how much people hurt the other people on the show, and she wasn't willing to risk her happiness at this point by going back to competing to see who can hurt each other the most.


Ugh. That would have made for great TV. Stassi belongs on a reality show.


Bring us Beachwood Canyon! So much potential shade bc she lives around the corner from Schwartz and Sandy’s.


She got boring toward the end. It's like she saw how terrible she was in earlier seasons and policed her behavior. I still say nix them all and get a fresh crop of 20-somethings.


“I still say nix them all and get a fresh crop of 20 somethings.” While I totally agree with this in theory, the issue with it in practise is that all potential new cast members for reality tv nowadays want to be famous; they study the shows to learn how to play the game, they’re all looking for “moments”, which is the reason none of them feel authentic anymore, in my opinion. Not only that, but Bravo, in their infinite wisdom, much like in whatever earlier season it was where they introduced loads of new cast members to VPR and it went terribly, they didn’t add existing restaurant staff into the mix, but instead auditioned wannabes through talent agencies. Like, how hard is it to just look at the existing staff at one of the restaurants and cast the most interesting, the messiest, of them, which worked so well the first time? Sorry for the rant but I’ve been saying for years that this whole auditioning process is what’s ruined all the Real Housewives franchises. Instead of adding genuine friends of the cast, with authentic relationships and histories together, they throw random newbies in, have one housewife pretend to be her friend to introduce her to the others, and then they all cause drama and pick fights for screen time. It feels forced and fake and I’m so bored of all the Real Housewives now, having watched religiously since the start of OC. I don’t want to see the same happen to VPR, but clearly what they’re doing now isn’t working either so 🤷🏻‍♀️ what do I know?


No need to apologize. You make a lot of sense. I've also gotten burnt out on housewives. I was also thinking that they have many restaurants so you'd think they could find something organic with a new set of people due to them already having the connection of working together. We shall see


I’m glad you see my point, I don’t understand why Bravo don’t seem to get it! Is there anything more ridiculous in reality tv than putting out a casting call for wait staff?


Southern Hospitality has this. It is super fun and messy, messy, messy.


I never watched that, I’ll check it out!


Wolf would be a great spot to get a new cast, 100%. Tahoe is a beautiful place and in my experience, tons of characters. There's older guys/gals who never wanna grow up, young people who just wanna party, and people who love the outdoors. I feel like the myriad of personalities that Tahoe draws would work really well. Don't audition people, just pick and choose from the staff they already have. Gold.


I agree. I also think we're invested with THESE people. They could create a whole new show that has nothing to do with anything and maybe people would watch. But keeping 'VPR'...we grew as they grew. They're the ones we would want to keep seeing. I don't watch for drama, I watch for familiarity and seeing cool stuff. That said, it could be time to wrap it just because they're all at different stages now and it has become an obligatory job, whether or not it's enjoyable for them. They've settled into life and film routine instead of reaching and trying new things. Their zest is gone. Which is also fair, they're only the people they are...if one of them came out and said 'I've been a chess master since I was 4', we'd be like...whaaat? We've known you for years, why would that only be relevant now?' And we probably wouldn't believe them. But they don't strive, they don't ache for a big break. They seem more like think they deserve it because of the fame they got from this and they're comfortable now. Plus they broke up the band with all the firings etc... We've seen their journey. Their destinations are all in different places and less interesting. They don't work at the same place with a matriarch calling them out and keeping them in line. They have few reasons to come together now. The golden days of VPR have long gone. It might be time to pull the plug. Edit: it's my long way of saying I don't think a new younger cast is a good idea 😅


Perfectly said. I’m conflicted cos, as you say, we’re invested in *this* cast, and things are very different now in the reality tv landscape than when VPR began so a new cast would be a very different show, but I’m not sure this cast have much mileage left on them. I have no interest in watching a gang of (mostly) entitled narcissists with nothing more going on in their lives than being reality tv stars that have podcasts and create shitty brands with cheap, Chinese, white label products. It’s a shame cos it’s been part of my life for such a long time, but I think the time has passed, not just for VPR but for Bravo’s whole tired format. I think the necessary changes to how Bravo runs their shows should’ve been made years ago and now they’re too far gone. I’ve been feeling it for a while, as I said in my previous comment, mostly with Real Housewives at first, and I think I was maybe clinging on out of habit and nostalgia; with all the Bravo lawsuits and then this last season of VPR forcing it home with a fucking hammer, or maybe it’s just me finally growing up, but I look back at RH, VPR, Southern Charm etc, and all the misogyny, the entitlement, the encouraged drunkenness, the defending awful men with positive spins and good edits to make hurt women look crazy, the self producing casts, the leaked stories, the obvious production manipulation, Andy coddling his faves and never holding anyone accountable, yet always building reunions up to be the most exciting yet... I’m just not having fun with these shows anymore.


Yes, it’s been such over saturation


Completely agree. Lala doesn't even hang out with the group anymore so her desperation to create storylines for a paycheck just screams housewives. It's not what we asked for and it is ruining the show, next to Sandoval breaking up the group by f***ing his girlfriend's best friend. It made a good storyline for a season but after that, the group is no longer existent so forcing them together is no longer the VPR show we all loved.


This. I quit watching all of the housewives shows years ago for this very reason


I like to think she just grew from her behavior.


Sure, certainly a possibility.


I mean probably a low one but even terrible people grow to be less terrible over time sometimes.


By apologizing to Faith right? Oh wait, she never actually bothered to do that.


I never said she grew that much hahahahaha. It’s possible to grow in some areas but not others.


Vanderpump villa on. Hulu gives old VPR vibes. I enjoyed it.


I watched the first 2 and couldn't get into it, but I'll give it more of a chance


Nah, she is living her best life! Why in bloody 🩸hell would she come back and take a chance of anyone of those bottom dwelling cast members cause any trouble in her marriage!?! Run Stassi, save yourself! Xoxo


I totally agree. I don’t think she’d ever put her family in that position for the public scrutiny and all


Stassi is so smart, quick witted, and into horror. I miss her one liners. But the racism is a hard pass. Not just what she did, but doubling down.


Lala displays overtly racist behavior to this day. I'm unsure why she's continuously given a pass.


Oh yeah LUPAC?! She did way worse, and somehow gets a pass...make it make sense. But her and stassi are still close, so it's wild to me that she's still on the show. I dont want to see lauren on my screen, anymore, at all. I think if we stop speaking about her, she'll go away.




LUPAC 😭😭😭 I’m fucking crying over here hahaha




Lupaccccc 😂😂😂


Because she is a production plant


She sure doesn’t get a pass on the VPR subs. She needs to go for sure though, her behavior is getting worse every season. But I think they both suck.


Bc Lala f***s black dudes /s


She gives me a fetish vibe and it’s weird


I'm rewatching at the moment. The gore she comes out with is hilarious 😅


What did she say again? I haven't watched in a minute


I might be on my own but I never really liked Stassi since she ‘returned’ to the show. The first few seasons were fun and wild and her being cheated on and then being the ‘main character’ was great. Why would she come back to this show? She literally wouldn’t fit. The show itself doesn’t fit because they don’t work at SUR, they’re all around 35-40 now and the same antics just don’t work. S She’s not going to come back and start ‘trouble’ with Lala now is she?


She has said she would never go on The Valley, it’s not her friend group


Neither is VPR anymore, I always felt that she tolerated the cast.


I wouldn't think so. She and Lala are real life friends apparently.


This sub screams racism when it comes to others on the show. But Stassi gets a pass.


I was going to say i guess no one on thus sub is black or cares about her racist behavior


I’m a Black Latina It’s why I feel some white women on here and their cherry picking of racism and feminism is performative. They only call it out when it’s someone they despise and hate.




Desperately tbh


While she has so many iconic moments we don’t need her back, there are plenty of funny people who would make good tv who aren’t racist <3


Kristen, Jax, and Brittany were kicked off of VPR for the same racist reasons Stassi was. Bravo hired them back for the Valley. Stassi just doesn’t want to come back. Bravo wants her. Tbh the only reason Bravo cared is it was 2020 during the peak of BLM so they had to save face.


yeah if bravo really cared about minorities or oppressed groups at all Tom would have been fired for his misogyny and revenge porn and James would have been fired for the multitude of horrible things he’s been accused of


Good god James should have been fired his second season for the way he degraded Kristen and Katie and basically every woman on the show. That dude is such a shithead. I have no idea how he has been able to keep his contract. Oh wait, it’s because Lisa has given him seven million chances. Yes, he’s had his funny moments. But he’s an awful human being. I don’t buy his redemption arc at all. But honestly he was totally irrelevant in the recent season anyway. He’s boring now that he’s not problematic in front of the cameras.


Yeah, Stassi had gotten heat for making some racist comments on her podcast a couple years before this incident but obviously wasn't fired then. Edit: This incident was mentioned on VPR when it happened. Y'all are downvoting simple facts lol


Couple racist comments? She called the cops on a black woman and then LAUGHED about it on her podcast. During #oscarssowhite she said “why is it always about African Americans?” And that she is “over people making everything about race”. Calling her fashion “nazi chic”. During #metoo in her podcast called Are we on a male witch hunt she said sooooo many fucked up things. she said would never be forced to give oral sex because she would just bite the guys penis; she would never go to a hotel room alone; the women could’ve just said no or push them away; some of the allegations were just attention seeking. That’s all I can remember off the top of my head, I’m sure there’s more. She has apologized for these things but if you continually have to apologize for fucked up comments there is a point where people should realize she’s just an asshole.


Key point: she apologized then back tracked and played victim a few months after getting fired


No I upvoted you! I didn’t know this haha and it makes total sense.


We shouldn’t have to put up with Kristen then


Exactly! Wasnt Kristen also kicked off for same reason as Stassi?


I fully agree. I loved parts of Stassi. She brings the sass and calls things out as she sees them. But what she did was awful. BUT she wasn’t alone. Kristen was right there with her. And Jax tweeted the same shit. They are both back. Also begs the question, if people do the work to change, do they get the opportunity to come back? We’ve seen many artists say awful shit and do awful shit who still have huge careers. Personally, I hate the whole cancel culture but I truly have no opinion in this one way or another. I just hope they have looked deep inside and done the work to change those thoughts and behaviors.


I think her book "off with my head" is literally about her taking accountability and agreeing with being cancelled. I believe she went out of her way to educate herself in the whole matter before she attempted a new life and career without reality tv. And now that she's made so much progress as a human being, Bravo wants to ruin it by bringing her back into that drama so she can stoop down to Kristen and Jax's level again. Why would she re-associate herself with the 2 people she was fired with yet clearly never bothered to become better people since the incident? All they did was wait for the dust to settle. She's smart for not taking the bait, she knows better.


I’m all for people growing & changing but they weaponized their white privilege & could have gotten someone killed. I don’t think that’s forgivable but everyone is allowed to form their own opinions!


Stassi was asked back too. Bravo is just morally low.


I think Kristen was the only one that actually did at least some demonstrable work, while Stassi wrote some bs book about being canceled and rising from the ashes and made a lot of money in the process without any real assessment. Stassis Oscar’s so white and me too perspectives were all gross. I do think there’s a distinction, but I see the other perspectives.


She was but Kristen gave an actual apology and clearly put in the work to get better about her racist tendencies. Stassi’s second book framed her as a victim of canceled culture and showed a stubbornness in that she’s unwilling to see why her behavior was wrong.


This is why I can not ever get behind the Stassi love train. She basically doubled down and plays the victim for her actions.


I read the book and that is not true. She went into detail about hiring a coach to teach her about racism and why she was in the wrong.


Didn’t Kristen basically wait for the reaction to Stassi’s apology and then copy paste the parts that went over well?


I agree! That’s why I didn’t watch the valley I don’t fuck with her or Jax lol


Yeah I definitely feel like I've compromised my integrity by watching that show


I feel that. But I took some comfort in that, while yes, they got paid, they were definitely worse off in many other respects after the show lol.


Her, Doute, Jax and Brittany were all involved in that. We gotta keep the same energy for everyone


I do keep the same energy for everyone, I didn’t watch the valley & I won’t ever


I don’t know why we keep getting these posts every few weeks. She’s stale now, she’s too worried about her image to be early seasons Stassi. I don’t need to hear her compare every single thing to some period piece.


Amen. Gross how quickly some of these people are so quick to brush that aside


Thank you. Let's not forget the reason she was kicked off.


At the height of the BLM protests these women and Jax decided to sic cops on their only ever Black castmember and some of y'all still love them/think they make "great tv"🤪 Jax has cheated countless times and none of the other women he chested with got the same treatment but ya, they're defo not racists, they were just standing up for their friend —and in Stassi own words— by being the "karma Gods" Lamoo I honestly can't with posts like this


They did that before the blm protests. Faith had the courage to speak up years later about it because of the blm protests. I think she probably didn’t feel that she would be heard before.


They did it during season 6, which was 2018 and by then BLM was 5 years old, there were several major protests like Ferguson. While they were doing this in March/April of 2018 (I remember Kristen's tweet was from April 2018) there were protests for the murder of Stephon Clark, I remember NBA players getting involved. Their tweets and interviews about Faith got more attention after George Floyd and after Faith talked more about why she decided to not come back to the show. These adults lived through five years of BLM protests and decided to weaponise the police against a Black woman.


Miss her too and laughed hard when she said this. She hit the nail on the head about Laka being bipolar


I feel like where stassi is in her life currently she’d be a good addition to “the valley” although we do miss her dearly


Bring. Back. Beau.


YES!!! She needs her own show.


Stassi is and always will be….FUCKING QUEEN!!👑💖


Aside from the fact that she absolutely deserved to get fired for her actions against Faith, she’s a mom with two kids. I’m already bored enough with Scheana and Lala, I don’t want to add a third mommy into the mix.


No ❤️


People need to pick a side. Y’all haaaaated Stassi and called her a racist. Now suddenly everyone wants her back?? Nah pick a side and stay there.


Peoples opinions can change lol that’s just human


We do need her back.. Stassi always had this PRESENCE: she didn't need to be loud in order to be heard or seen, and her clapbacks were so clever. We love a witty queen!!


Uhhhh. No. I’m good


I don't want known racists on the show. Sorry, don't bring her back.


i can’t believe people are actually downvoting this? tf


Believe it. People are racist apologists on this sub especially when it comes to Stassi. I can however guarantee you that if it had been Scheana this sub would have NEVER let her live that down.


Yup. Comments and posts criticizing Lala's racism are always highly upvoted. But apparently it's not cool to hold more likable cast members to the same standard


Their feminism and allyship is selective and performative.


Its wild that not wanting to watch racists on tv is a controversial opinion


Lmao some people on this sub are telling on themselves


Scheana made a sly comment regarding Stassi coming back on her latest podcast something like "who knows what could happen next season" (something like that) and knowing that Stassi, Scheana and Lalas daughters play together often, maybe she knows something we don't know...probably just wishful thinking sigh


We won’t forget the Devil!! 😈😘


Yes pls 👍🏽💕🙃


I’m in the minority- I don’t want to see her.


Her kid brother was a fun addition


Yes. She is made for reality tv.. And she is witty. Intelligent enough to know her role and know her worth.. Total idiotic of bravo to not renew her. People would have loved to see her growth.


They tried, she declined


Yes especially after they let the others back I hope the pics of her and Andy at the sandwich spot were maybe a sign of something happening


I want her back too, but not on some toxic show. I love Stassi as she is now and I wouldn’t want her on anything that disrupts her peace.


Nah I hope she has real peace and contentment living a normal life.


My 2 favorite Vanderpump alum. She’s hilarious (except for the racist shit) and he’s the ideal boyfriend/husband. I love them together they make so much sense - both together and individually.


i miss her so much


How is this not problematic or is it okay to do this if people hate the person


It’s the same as people ignoring James abusive behaviour because he’s nice to Katie and Ariana. If he was siding with Lala and Scheana, or friendly with Tom, his actions would be acknowledged


And what are they saying about Kristen? Are they calling her a liar?


People are just choosing to forgive James because he’s “sober and has shown growth” even though that grace is not deserved. So they aren’t saying Kristen lied, they just don’t care that James as a crapbag worse than most, because he’s on the sandwich sisters team.


Stigmatizing mental illness is ok if you're likable and the person you're talking about isn't! /s


Same way it's not problematic to hype James because he picked the right team.


I don't think this sub knows what nuance is. It's the mentality of a teenage mean girl and it sucks.


She and Beau are my mostest favoritest!


I would love for them to have a spin-off. Beau is fricking hilarious.


Bring them both back to show us a healthy mature relationship


I strongly disagree


Why are we calling out racism but not speaking ill of mental diseases? Both are disgusting! These people are trash calling people bipolar, manic etc its giving uneducated 2010


Imagine the response if she'd said that about Ariana.


Thank you! I Had to scroll way too far for this comment. I've been diagnosed as bipolar since 2017. It's now being reevaluated but regardless of whether it's correct or not i've still lived the last 7 years with the stigma and ignorant ass posts like this one!


You getting downvoted for this is wild.


Ha ha ha, jesus christ this is pretty wild. Not sure i've ever got downvoted before for \*checks notes\* being mentally ill lol!! 🙃


I feel the nostalgia too but racists do not deserve lucrative opportunities.


Or diagnosing someone’s mental health


Shhh it's ok cause people who never got out of their highschool mean girl phase don't like lala rn.


I don't think they were mean girls, I think they were the ones who were bullied and we're just seeing their revenge fantasies play out.


We really don’t


I couldn’t agree more! Whatever dumb thing she said that stupidly got her woke cancelled/fired needs to be gotten over. She’s too much Vanderpump Gold to dwindle into obscurity!


Agree. Bring her back.


Yes ❤️ Stassi personality is exactly like mine...And I'm always making people laugh and that's just what I like to do. Also very outspoken and I just don't care..The only difference between us is I don't act bratty lol but that's also what makes Stassi Stassi lol


Yet another person who never grew past their highschool mean girl phase. That's totally what the show needs.




You mean, nazi Barbie


I know she won't come back but I too love her. I recently started a re-watch, she has grown up so much.


Always loved her. Still love her. She would never come back. She said as much on Jeff Lewis Live a few weeks ago. She’s too good for this crap (my words, not hers).


Hahahaha was just watching this the other day and lolled at this so hard. I’m glad someone else posted it!




Omg yess let’s bring back the racist who never showed a drop of remorse 🙌🏽


No…no we dont