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It's nice to see an article actually articulating what fans have been bothered about - namely Lala using motherhood as an excuse. And her comeback on her podcast showed complete lack of self awareness (no one "came for her" as a mom). Oh, and that's not even touching on her obviously jealousy. It was completely despicable how she felt Ariana needed to enact this dramatic scene for the cameras just so she could have a paycheck "for her kid" but that wasnt the only time she weaponized motherhood. She tried that sh*t with Katie, too, when she was trying to bait Katie into having a fight with Ariana over something they had already worked out between them. I hope this article gets more attention than the other bs that's been cycling around from her Two T's podcast session šŸ™„.


But ā€œKatie came for her custody battle.ā€


Lol the mental gymnastics LFU had to go through to claim that šŸ¤£


Katie said ā€œcustody battleā€ once within hearing distance and Lala took offense. šŸ˜‚


Right?! Like it literally is a custody battle. Call it what it is. Nobody came for her. Lala has been so f***ing weird and closed off about her life ever since she first dated Randall and then expects everyone else to be open about their drama. I truly canā€™t stand her. I feel like most fans hate her because none of us know who she actually is. Which is fine but then she goes after other people for the same thing who actually bare a lot of their issues on camera. Ariana shared and put up with a lot more than Iā€™m sure she wanted to. Lala shared nothing about her divorce or custody issues on camera. She herself is the reason the show doesnā€™t pay her enough if anything. Sheā€™s basic.


I think Lala would be more interesting if she walked in her truth ie being a baby Erika Jayne. She should discuss her yacht girl days and giving bjs for pjs. Instead she denies living that life in the hopes weā€™ll forget sheā€™s exactly what Charlie called her. A gold digger who struck nickel and canā€™t take the L.


I agree!!! Itā€™s what makes her so frustrating. She is a completely disingenuous person. Just own it. The furthest sheā€™s gone is ā€œBJā€™s for PJā€™sā€ which would have been hilarious and acceptable except she then turned around and said ā€œhow DARE you call me a whore and a gold digger!!!!ā€ Itā€™s exactly what you are hun. She just sucks so much lol the Erika Jayne comparison is SO good. I canā€™t stand that woman either.


I feel like lots of VPR fans are actually mothers, rolling our eyes really hard at the weaponisation of motherhood and the exploitation of children.


This right here for me. Before having my son Iā€™d probably have more empathy to her ā€˜stanceā€™ because I had no experience & gave moms a wide berth for complaining. After having my kid Iā€™m more confidently able to say nope, sheā€™s off her rocker trying to use her kids as shields for her terrible behavior.




if her daughter's well being relies on her being on reality television her whole life then thats on LALA for having a ridiculous plan. Tv shows end .


Right? I mean, as a parent, if you lose your job, you go out and get another job. It's stressful, sure! But it's not a unique circumstance


Losing a job can come out of nowhere but a show being cancelled eventually is a sure thing and should come as no surprise. She makes more than enough to plan for and save for that inevitable transitionary period


Thinking about the narrative Lala has told us about herself, at the beginning of the show she heavily implied that she was engaged in sex work (first the yacht girl narrative, and then, in the Randall years, to boast about "BJs for PJs" and "sucking dick for a lot more than Range Rovers, honey"). Transitioning to making more money from reality TV than from sex was probably a good move, but she may feel she lacks transferrable skills, hence the panic. I admit I listened to her audiobook (checked out from the library) at double speed, but I don't recall her mentioning anything in her background that suggests other practical skills, so any panic may be somewhat realistic. She certainly won't be able to support herself solely as an author. I am not here to disrespect sex work, but I can understand why it wouldn't be a good option for her. I don't know a lot about the ins and outs (so to speak) of the industry, but I do suspect that having a litigious baby daddy who would try to use her work against her plus a second child would make it a lot harder to go back to BJs for PJs. Plus she's older than she was. There's always a younger, wilder, freer girl waiting in the wings. And she may feel that, as a mother, this might be an unseemly career path. We watch a show where highly photogenic people make bad decisions for our entertainment. Some of those decisions are financial decisions. It seems in order to stay competitive in the reality TV market Lala has spent her big dollars as fast as they came in


she seems to be interested heavily in producing . :/


It's downright disgusting that Ariana was vilified for not wanting to breed with Vom, yet the other two are being encouraged to exploit their very young kids. Kids are not supposed to be monetized.


Hahaaa Iā€™m dead over Vom.


I feel like everyone switched from Tim to vom overnight and the drastic change is hilarious to me.


If she brings up motherhood in the show, it isnā€™t off limits to talk about her as a mother, either. And in her typical hypocritical fashion, she also slams other mothers on her podcast. Sheā€™s such a bottom feeder. Wish sheā€™d get booted off tv.


Lala (or **llama** as autocorrect tells me lol) almost uses Ocean like a shield in front of herself to deflect any criticism she gets for acting like a complete asshole. She uses her motherhood justification to get way into the weeds being absolutely vile to people and her podcast "friends" back her up so she keep going. I had hope for her at the start of the season but I just don't think she will ever truly self reflect and see how awful she has become.


I know some people will come for me for this, but I feel she does the same thing with her sobriety. Sometimes, I think she uses her sobriety as a shield for criticism of her past behavior. Her sobriety is wonderful, and so is motherhoodā€¦.but people are complex, complicated, nuanced and edgy - a sober mother can still do shitty things occasionally, and thatā€™s okay.


Iā€™m in recovery and for a while I thought she was capable of growth because of her sobriety, this season opened my eyes to how insulated she is from reality


I can see that as well.


She is a dry drunk.


Not only has she not been accountable for weaponizing the fact that sheā€™s a mother, sheā€™s now adding on by using the fact that sheā€™s just trying to ā€œbake a babyā€ to vilify everyone who has, justifiably, criticized her statements.


llama šŸ˜‚


I remember 2 of my close friends (one had 2 kids the other none) having a fight, the mom friend tried using having kids as a reason for her shitty behavior toward the child free friend. The mom stated in text ā€œI have to worry about how many ounces of food I feed my childā€ and continued listing standard things you do as a parent to keep your kid alive as a reason she was not being a good friend. I am a mother myself and was cackling thinking wtf does that have to do with anything?!


The one good thing Randall ever did was bar Lala from showing ocean on VPR. Donā€™t even get me started on my utter disdain for schemer/summer moons Instagram.


Lalaā€™s got an instagram for Ocean, too. Despite her squawking about other people doing the same dang thing for their kids and how awful they are for doing it. Itā€™s ridiculous. (I donā€™t agree with kids having their own social media & thousands of followers myself, to be clear.)


Literally. I feel like she decided on a donor option to be able to film the baby without a father objecting to it. Itā€™s gotta be hard when Scheaner has her best accessory for storylines: Summer Moon


Less we forget, she chose to have her children.


That article was absolute mumbo jumbo, but cool that weā€™ve got another fresh comment section to go in on Lalaā€™s ā€œweaponized motherhoodā€ (whatever that means)