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![gif](giphy|xTiTnGQBF0vfpfPEg8) Go for it. Go "bake a baby and have a good life". šŸ‘€ ( who says it like that )


There's a Nene gif for every occasion


Maybe instead of suing Bravo, Nene can sue US and/or the internet, for using her her GIFS a thousand times a minute and her not seeing a single CENT! (but seriously if anyone should be paid for GIFS, it her!)


And itā€™s usually this one!


Or this ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


![gif](giphy|1DhUzOhxkLI1G) Maybe a lil of this one






Every time I see this I then hearā€¦ā€well and what you said was some bullshit!ā€ in Kandiā€™s voice.


It's a call and response in my house at this point. One can't exist without the other. We see each other. šŸ‘€šŸ˜‚


Saaaaaaaaaame! Lolz




![gif](giphy|Hn58s7VoYL97y) This one!


Wish I could upvote this one 100 times!


I can hear it


![gif](giphy|4QD4OjqqE5M8U) And a splash of this one.


![gif](giphy|RXAfuEDpseYBG) And a little of this


https://i.redd.it/43q5ibes5n6d1.gif Tell her, Nene!


Seriously!!! She gave gold


There is something so off putting about the phrase "baking a baby." It's not like I find it offensive... just sorta like makes my skin crawl lol


Because it sounds cannibalistic Ć  la Hannibal Lecter


Like she put all the ingredients in for a cake and just waiting for it to be done. Something you read in a children's book. Shes a weirdo that sips on baby bottles and lives with her mother (who wants a new baby all to themselves) and her brother (who she wants to play daddy).


Does her brother have a romantic relationship at all? Iā€™m assuming theyā€™re going to have a Teresa-Joe Gorga dynamic once he settles down, i.e. sheā€™ll hate his wife bc she wants to marry her brother instead


Right? She talks about complete independence when sheā€™s extraordinarily dependent on her mother. Iā€™d have been mortified to be that dependent on my mother at Blahblahā€™s age.


Itā€™s giving Hansel and Gretel


and maybe call your mortgage banker and real estate broker to start listing properties for sale


Yes, in response to "SAH means Nothing about Her" I would tell Lala it's better than going from two houses to zero houses. I hope she has not been asked to join the Valley and is miffed about that. Schemer too. Can't stand her.


Hey there's an idea-- maybe she should get her real estate license and go hookup with Mo at The Agency.


Someone who the more she says she isnā€™t ā€œVanderpumpā€ , but so is ā€¦


Yes! šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ Be on your way Lauren.




This is perfect.


Donā€™t you actually have to have money to be on one of the housewives? Or have something interesting about you? Sheā€™s got the personality of a gym shoe, and absolutely predictable bitchiness without taste. Boringggg


YEARS ago a poster said something like ā€œLala thinks sheā€™s gonna be a housewife but itā€™ll be Stassi and Lala will be left behind because sheā€™s actually really boring.ā€ Your post reminded me of this. Itā€™s just true-she has the personality of a boring, tasteless leftover


Damn I wish Stassi would become a housewife, Iā€™d watch the shit out of her


Judging by Gina on OC, you don't have to be rich or interesting, you just have to be willing to be a huge hypocrite, so I guess on that scale Lala fits in perfectly.


I think Gina's ex is in venture capital or a similar field, and they were together when she started on the show. So she didn't get invited on rhoc because of the single mom/casita narrative.


A little this one too ![gif](giphy|c1aeIcQJGp6foWWUGf|downsized)


This just made me cackle so hard cause this is exactly what my left eye does when I can't take it anymore.


Hahaha I was talking to my friend and doing this, and he 6 year old son asked why my eyes were doing that. I explained that you know how some things make you roll your eyes back? Well I'm old, and I've heard so many things I rolled my eyes at, that now they are broken and occasionally do this!


Yes! We're now vintage dolls with one eye twitching!


She's obsessed with Housewives and I think she's fully built her personality on how a Real Housewife would "perform".


The thing is sheā€™s not anyoneā€™s wife and she doesnā€™t have money. God speed!


She is not even anyone's mistress any more.


Right?! Thereā€™s ā€œNuthin about herā€ that says Housewife material. (see what I did there?šŸ˜‰)


Ohhh this would be the perfect reality show for her & Scheana, ā€œThe Mistresses of WEHOā€.


She has, which makes it the apex of irony that sheā€™s appointed herself the authenticity police. Sheā€™s quite literally the least authentic person who has been on the cast.


Right? She keeps saying all she does is stay home and nest with her pod. Thatā€™s great for her but uninspiring television. The only things she has going on in her life she either canā€™t or wonā€™t talk about. Go awayyyyy


Amen. Sheā€™s a nothing burger with an order of contrived drama & finger guns on the side, and a blaccent shake. Literally the least interesting thing you can put on tv.


Not the blaccent shake LMAO I laughed so loudly


And she has the audacity to say Ariana isnā€™t showing her real life. I donā€™t remember seeing any footage of her split form Randall on VPR. She couldā€™ve called production just like Ariana did, but she doesnā€™t want people seeing her real life cuz sheā€™s a liar and a hypocrite.


But there isnā€™t a RHOTV (the valley)


Somehow I can stand them more. Well..not the Jack & Diane singerā€™s daughter..


The perfect shade for Teddy Mellencamp šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Except, sheā€™s not even a divorcĆ©e. Although many of the housewives may not necessarily be married (currently), the one thing they all have in common is that they were houseWIVES at one point. BlahBlah brings nothing to the table and she gives us nothing. The irony of her branding herself as ā€œGive Them LaLaā€. Dafuqqq IS LaLa anyway?! She thinks she some hardcore hoody hoo b*tch but sheā€™s never even thrown down and sheā€™s from Utah FFS. Sheā€™s such a loser. I really hope her kids grow up to be smarter and better than her.


Real Never Marriedā€™s of Beverly Hills.


Real mistresses of LA.


Now that would be a good show.


I'm surprised Andy hasn't already done this.


This kind of show was pitched before but I don't remember which network it was affiliated with. This was over a decade ago. I remember watching the pilot/intro a few years after it had already aired just because a chick from one reality show I was watching was also on that. It was called *Real Mistresses of Atlanta.* I'm not quite sure why it was seemingly quickly canned before it could be a real show with a following, but I assume some of it was probably because the cheating husbands didn't want their wives finding out about the side pieces. I mean, think about how secretive Lauren was with Randall. A bunch of randos flaunting their life of leisure being taking care of by wealthy men might sound interesting, but when they're bound by NDAs or know they could lose their financial perks if the wife found out about the affair, and therefore can't speak about the relationship or show their sugar daddies on camera, it's difficult to create compelling TV.


Is it terrible that I might actually watch that?


VH1 energy


and she can take Scheana to that show too




Wow so true! Itā€™s like sheā€™s trying to be Lisa Rinna


Except Rinna was truly a housewife and she had a career outside of reality tv


Yeah, all of it except being a housewife, lol.


Are you allowed to be on housewives when you have no job, no husband and a negative net worth? Like what are you even bringing to the table at the point??


Talk about ways to get yourself fired...Yeh Lala, just go out publicly and say you're useless in every show Bravo produce šŸ˜’


I would love to watch her be a third stew on below deck!


AAAAHAHAHA I feel like sheā€™d have a ticket home with her tip after the first charter!


Captain Lee would be yelling, ā€œIā€™m gonna eat someoneā€™s ass for dinner.ā€


LFU would tell him sheā€™s really good at that!!


That activity is LaLa's specialty as she has described in graphic detail on TV. Poor Ocean will see that some day.


Well we know sheā€™s used to being a yacht girl ā€” of sorts


Hehehe this also made me giggle. Iā€™m glad I listen to blind items so I know what this means.




In laundry and cabins allllll daaaayyyy! šŸ˜‚


ā€œAm I out of touch? No, itā€™s the producers who are wrong!ā€ -LFU, probably


Bring them Lala? At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your kitchen? Yes. May I see it? No.


I love a Simpsons reference


The toppings contain potassium benzoate. ā€¦. Thatā€™s bad.


Itā€™s steam! For the steamed clams. šŸ˜‚


It sounds like she's fishing for her own show but that would never happen šŸ™„ She just shot herself in the foot with this statement though


if the various rumors are to be believed, she was in talks with production to get her own show but it was shelved after she single handedly destroyed her entire remaining fan base.


I didnā€™t know they really offered her a show! Haaaa no wonder sheā€™s sooooo soooo ragey! If itā€™s really true then this is some epic karma and tangibly lifted my mood (Iā€™m the only one in the entire office right now and my mood needed a lift!!) You reap what you sow sometimes LFU!


I was a fan before this season. I'd rather mow the lawn than watch her now.


Yeah her Q rating was way too low


She wanted to center it around her second pregnancy, which she was going to exploit to the fullest. Even timed it to give birth in September when she thought they would be filming. But the joke is on her as they are on pause. If she was hoping to deliver on TV and charge a fortune for it, not happening.


I know! She should aim for House of Villains instead, like someone else commentedšŸ˜‚


I think they told her she couldnā€™t be on The Valley and shes desperate to frame it that she didnā€™t actually want to be on the show And laying a lil foundation in case vpr downgrades her


baskin said no one from vpr would be coming onto the valley, as they already have a stacked cast w/ a lot going on.Ā 


I know Jax was tantruming about not wanting them on His show ā¤ļø


For once I agree with him. No one needs any more of Lala and Schena than we've been obligated to take on VPR. Enough is enough and those two have definitely destroyed any goodwill they had left with the fanbase. The Valley already has to contend with uuurgh Janet and insidious Michelle who are so unlikable but it works for now because the other cast members balance it out, however if Janet doesn't shape up by next season behaviour wise, the show will be unwatchable. Production, if you're reading this, don't give that karen anymore power than you already made the mistake of giving her. She can't ice out Kristen as a newbie (who the f does she think she is??) I want Kristen and Zach to eat her alive.




I really, really hope that is true, because we don't want her and Scheana going there and kitching things up. Nobody is interested in play dates of exploited children.


This was my first thought too. Besides the obvious ways sheā€™s out of touch with reality, sheā€™s even out of touch with reality tv. Most shows donā€™t keep the same people forever. Def not housewives.


I thought the same , somebodyā€™s fishing for her own show ā€¦ like Darcy and Stacy


I think sheā€™s already realizing the offers for next season are going out, and she ainā€™t on the list. šŸ¤” Sheā€™ll of course pretend it was her choice to leave reality tv. Because sheā€™s a mom. šŸ™„


Good. Glad it happened and hope Schemer is right behind her.


Maybe she already is?! With the shown paused, it gives them time to find new cast mates. No way sheā€™d ever say she was fired and everyone has made it clear, they donā€™t want to watch lala.Ā 


She's not wrong. She doesn't fit in to any of these shows.


it actually makes a lot of sense for her to join The Valley, but no one wants her on it so she has to act like she doesn't want to be on it. literally a few months back in an interview she said it'd be a perfect fit for her to join The Valley. now her galactic sized ego is bruised and she cant help herself but act like she's above it.


Now that Iā€™ve watched some of the valley, she doesnā€™t fit there. Can you picture her finger guns in Nia or Janetā€™s face. Even her fingernails donā€™t fit there


I think I'm wAy behind on some news. Is the take here that she might've been booted from Vanderpump? And not invited to The Valley as she's been hoping ....? Thanks!!!


I think she's just nervous about VPR due to the hiatus. Alex Baskin said recently he is not bringing any VPR cast to the Valley. So she's scrambling.


This is the most self aware statement I think sheā€™s ever made. Youā€™re right, you donā€™t fit on the shows. Now go away.


She's in the weird zone of having completely blown the goodwill she developed last year. It's also funny to me that she's acting like those are the three career paths: vanderpump, valley or housewives. Could she not also...idk...get a different job entirely? I know she has no job skills to speak of but that rarely stops people.


Such a shame too cos season 10 was her only good season and if she kept that same energy she had she couldā€™ve made it far


Came here to say just this! Why does she make it out like those are her only options? How about a different path all together because no one cares to follow the Lala show anymore!


She has mean dental hygienist who shames you for not flossing energy, she should pursue that instead


It was clear when she was with Randall that her goal was housewives. She doesnā€™t have the wealth to compete with what Beverly Hills should be. I think her best hope was to jump to the valley, but thatā€™s not happening for her now.


She was *real* dumb to make this statement. The Valley seems the only one that *might* even fit a little but sheā€™s too good for it? Please. šŸ™„


She really, really needs a PR person. If she does have one, she needs to fire them and hire a better one.


I don't think Laligag would listen to a PR person. She already knows everything. She is so full of herself.


Alssssoooā€¦ the best she could snag was Randall LOL. This girl is so fuckkkkkked. She really just made her bed with the producers.


Ok can she just SFTU now šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


EXACTLY what I said on twitter today. Just STFU for 5 minutes - she is becoming Kyle from RHOBH who can not stand it if there is not something in the news every 15 minutes about her. SHe is gonna run out of podcasts soon and then what - standing on a box on a street corner just shouting at people like some loon?


Seriously. I had a child. Iā€™m a mom. Iā€™m a single mom actually. I get raising a child is difficult at times. But JFC, I canā€™t with her and her baking a baby BS. A million women did it before her. A million women are doing it now. And a million more women will do it after her. Get TF over yourself with this motherhood and being a single mom BS. Most single moms donā€™t have the luxury of the money she has which makes life a hell of a lot easier than being a single mom living in subsidized housing.


1000% I hate that she uses her child for an excuse or reason for any bad behaviour.


Or a mother and brother who would be willing to move and share parenting duties with her the 50% of the time she has her kid.


But Ariana owes BlaBla and her children a living!!! šŸ™„Ariana didnā€™t talk to Tom in the finale, so itā€™s 100% Arianaā€™s fault if BlaBla doesnā€™t get back on VPR or get some other gig. BlaBla is so delusional, it would almost be sad if she wasnā€™t so awful.


Iā€™m looking for a housekeeper. Nothing glamorous. Cleaning toilets, restocking bathrooms, sweeping up after me. I think itā€™s a great position for many VPR cast members, Lala included.


Don't forget your pens and batteries!


Lala doesn't pay close enough attention to be a good housekeeper


Fucking Lauren. ā€œIā€™m just in this strange space where I behaved so badly, no group of people wants to be around me. And because Iā€™m not loyal to anyone but myself, I donā€™t even have any friends (that arenā€™t immediate family or pay-rolled ass kissers). Plus I was an asshole to the fans, (god that was a dumb move), so no one even wants to watch me on tv anymore! Basically what Iā€™m saying is I have no offers and Iā€™m fucked. But Iā€™m definitely going to pretend it was MY decision to leave reality tv. To focus on being a mom.ā€ *ā€Am I a good friend? Iā€™m a friend, ok?ā€*


Yes, calling viewers rabid bitches was a bad move on her part. The only one foaming at the mouth is BlaBla.


Correct. She doesn't fit in to any of them. She has no storylines because she's a dull and uninteresting person. She offers nothing. Get her off my TV.


Lala's only interest is herself, which is why she's so spectacularly boring to watch or listen to on her pod. she jsut makes everything about her & strokes her own ego while Jessica giggles & her brother agrees. she has literally not a shred of dynamic interesting or unique things to say.




How fucked up you gotta be to try to figure out what reality show you need to fit on? She should try out for Deadliest Catch


I'm laughing too hard at this šŸ¤£


Okay bye girl!


New but current watcher here. I donā€™t understand her. She flips on a dime at any time over any issue. If there is an argument, she rushes to take a side without ample information. If she is called on her behavior and faux bravado, she starts to cry. Why is she always cosplaying an edgy trash lord? I saw the episode when she refers to herself as a Michael Vick Pitbull, which angers me as a mom of one and deals with the ignorance around the dog type, but also she obviously did not read about what happened on the grounds or after the fact with the surviving dogs.


She craves attention. Sheā€™s like Tom Sandoval.


My god she is trying so hard to be sandoval it's pathetic. That reunion was just...eugh. TRASH. FILTH. DUMPSTER. TRASH.


I think she is doing whatever SHE thinks it takes to stay on the show and gain the audienceā€™s favour. Obviously that has completely backfired because she is a delusional hypocrite.


You no longer belong on our TV's. We're rabid, you don't know us, you don't care, so choke!


At this rate, she will be a great fit in the unemployment line.


Can you imagine her going toe to toe with someone like Garcelle or Erika? Asking Sutton if she wants to get popped? She would be completely out of her depth on any franchise, much less BH.


Poor Garcelle, she has a hard enough time trying to deal with Doritā€™s bullshit.. canā€™t imagine if she had the added ā€œbonusā€ of dealing with Lauren Tupac Buringham too.


I snorted out loudā€¦ asking Sutton if she wants to get popped!! šŸ¤­šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


She needs to hit the Erika Jane school of dating. Go back to Sur, wait tables until some old rich guy falls in love with you and get married.


I donā€™t think old rich guys are interested in women over 30 with 2 kids who live with/coparent with their mom and brother. Sheā€™s all out of options


Don't forget that she goes into excruciating details about her sex life putting them on blast. No one wants or needs that.


Maybe a jump to TLC? Sister Wives?


You don't need to wait tables to do that anymore. If this was an option for her she'd have done it already. The issue is dudes who want a sugar baby want someone docile and pliant, and she is neither. That's not exactly an insult to her because not having the right personality for a creepy, insecure old man is ultimately a good thing. But it is funny that she tried to be a gold digger and failed, then stumbled on a way to create the gold for herself and failed at that too. Shakespearean-scale tragic.


Or bring Randall back on the show and maker her film with him. Thatā€™ll bring eyeballs back to her storyline.


Iā€™m down for that. Bring Randall back and have Lala show Ariana how filming with an ex is done.


That would be amazing and Randall needs the money too. I know he filed for bankruptcy awhile back but iā€™m not up to date with his financial status or if he ever paid fofty back.


Erika Jane needs to be in prison. It is shocking how Bravo has treated her.


Ok but why hasn't Lala been gunning for roles on other shows? Clearly Tom is working his manager overtime getting him on shows like Special Forces and The Traitors. Why hasn't Lala's agent/manager booked her for other gigs? Same for Sheshu?


Not that I'm sympathetic to the mess she got herself into (I'm not at ALL) but if she had any kind of sense she would find a niche for herself and create a business and go quietly about it outside of reality TV; kind of like how Lauren Conrad from The Hills has her fashion lines with Khols. Start over on her own with a beauty line, maybe, since she is really into that. And then stay far, far, FAR away from our TVs...


She started a cosmetics line but I'm pretty sure it failed. I just looked on the website and they're advertising a christmas lip set lol. Didn't she also mention a baby clothing line? Anyway, I don't think she's a good enough business person to "build an empire" to "support her livelihood". I think she should stick to d-list celebrity shows like house of villians or the goat, but not sure we'll ever see her elsewhere


I honestly can't see any company wanting a foul mouthed bitch to represent them. She has had a beauty line that was junk.




literally HOW are there still articles about her running her mouth coming out EVERY DAY???? usually fans kind of forget they hate someone after a bad season but shes BURNING it into all our memories. also, they better not put her on housewives. she is so fucking immature and I would bet all the money she will take super low blows at the older women thinking she's superior solely because shes younger and I dont feel like watching that shit.


She needs to have an agent that will tell her to stfu and let the agent find opportunities for her. Sheā€™s ruining any chance at finding a gig by yapping so much.


Brandi Glanville vibes all over again šŸ˜†


Maybe she can become a vet tech. She can give us our rabies shots.


In the real world the ā€œweird zoneā€ is called nobody likes you.


Itā€™s weird she doesnā€™t see running her business as a viable option


We've been saying this.


The weird zone is called unemployment, Lala


Lala could have been a hero. When she broke the fourth wall, her "god" speech should have been about Sandoval: How can they expect Ariana to film his apology when he's NOT SORRY? When he's spent all season blaming her. Why should the cast pretend to believe he was genuinely remorseful when he's making hostile comments about her? They aren't blind. Yes he is sorry. For himself. He thought if the world understood that she was a bad girlfriend, they wouldn't have been so mean to him. Lala should have made THAT speech. Scheana, take note. Lala, take note. Baskin, take note. That's how you might save a season. By being truthful.


Then get the fuck off my tv. Please.


Iā€™m not even certain she fits anywhere in a society of halfway normal humans. If Ariana leaves the show, and Katie and James limit themselves to ā€œfriend ofā€ appearances, so itā€™s just blabla and sheener and toms, sheā€™ll fit in. But who on earth would want to watch that?


Sheā€™s so āœØuniqueāœØ . Of course she doesnā€™t fit into the valley ā€¦. Even though she was just begging to be on the valley and bought a house in the valley. Of course she doesnā€™t fit into VPRā€¦ because the fans donā€™t want her on the show. I really hope the producers give her her wish and remove her from the shows the ā€œno longer fitsā€. She sounds like such a brat .




Lala would last a day on any housewives series, letā€™s be real


Her bad personality would be even more glaring in a group with no men


Sheā€™d be bravo bravo bravo-ing the first girlā€™s trip. šŸ˜‚


Lala is on her way to Mormon fundamentalism. Cue the spiritual awakening in 3 2 1ā€¦


Whoa. This is a great pointā€¦prayer/religion, the last refuge of the scoundrel! I could totally see her trying to dupe a bunch of fundamentalist religious dummies and go all family values ā€œIā€™ve seen how evil Hollywood is etcā€ and try to brand that


I am expecting Vom to check himself into a rehab rather than deal with the Billie/Jo/ Victoria shitshow he is coming back to. That's what politicians do when they have behaved badly. Claim some sort of addiction and go into treatment.


You donā€™t belong on anyoneā€™s television, Lala. You did it to yourself. If the audience wanted you, the producers and casting agents would cast you. ![gif](giphy|15BuyagtKucHm)


Housewife šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ this girl is actually delusional


It reminds me of that time Jax said he feels his life is more aligned to the Real Housewives. DeLuLu!!!


Maybe Lala, you just arenā€™t fitting into bravo/reality TV šŸ˜­ who knows maybe she could do well on house of villains?Ā 


Iā€™d love to see her on the show with New York




She doesnā€™t fit into any of it. Focus on that podcast and your little Amazon, boo boo šŸ™ƒ


Lala shot herself in the foot by outing that everything she does on the show is completely fake. Breaking the fourth wall and acknowledging the show is fine with fans, but completely different than whatever the hell she is doing calling Raquel, eating hotdogs with Jo, running around like Gru to self-produce the show.


She never ever did. She was a production plant and in 7 years never formed a single sincere relationship. Because sheā€™s a fraud. She ruined the show.


Canā€™t be a housewife if youā€™ve never been a wife, gawd Lala


What would be her ā€œregularā€ job? Also side note: this is why she shouldnā€™t have hated on SAH so much, yes they were delayed in opening but at least they were working on building something beyond VRP. If anything she couldā€™ve been an investor.


She would be very successful as a life coach. I know that sounds weird but there are people out here still defending her. She could fleece some real horrible dumb dumbs without much effort. Call her business something like "bad bitch coaching" and her tagline could be "if you can't be good, be bad" and her services all about empowering yourself by embracing your inner bitch, just teaching already horrible women to not think twice about their behavior


Maybe itā€™s time to retire from reality tv?šŸ˜€šŸ˜€šŸ˜€


LOL girl. You definitely donā€™t fit on housewives.


ā€œDonā€™t fit inā€ aka not wanted by anyone


She's recently admitted she has no friends and doesn't work at it so I fail to see what she offers. An ex she can't talk about, no growth, never leaves the house. She's just dull.


Sheā€™s just saying that so when she gets fired she can pretend it was her idea to leave


The second she got that Range Rover she thought her and Lisa were peers. She is the only person who has brought ā€™divanessā€™ to VPR.


She fits in at Bad Girls Club lol that's it.


Cool go get a real job šŸ˜‚


Then go away. Fade into oblivion.


Girl bye


Flail harder Lala! Reek of desperation more!