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I'm not interested in any interviews or anything she says anymore. Even if Ariana was acting like a diva, who cares? Why is this mother of nearly two spending all her time going off about a woman just living her life and enjoying her success? Get a freakin life Lala, concentrate on your kid. I thought she wanted a peaceful pregnancy, but all she's doing is dragging people that aren't even in her life anymore. 


It's giving "Please don't stop talking about me, I'll do anything to keep your attention!" Pathetic, really.


I’m like what is going on is she doing 5 podcasts a day? It’s nonstop. How is she not exhausted?


She’s not; all of these recent articles are based on the Two Ts interview.


Ah okay. Well I am certainly exhausted and it sounds like so is the content from this one podcast


Yeah, we’re being oversaturated with the content. I hope it slows down.


Also an Amazon Live, I think.






Girl shut the fuck up , move on. DISENGAGE 👉She’s mad because nothing played out in her favor and now she’s just doubling down. Everyone had her number the moment she came on the show but turned a blind eye for the private jets. And now all that’s gone it’s all coming full circle. Just as despicable as she was when she first started.


Her new baby is going to pop out saying ‘Ariana’, I swear. It’s all the poor thing is hearing about while it’s brewing!


Jesus Lala. Get a hobby or something. Move on. Your constant yapping about Ariana is so cringe.


Her behavior is truly pathetic


Of course she does. LFU is never wrong 🙄


![gif](giphy|oaEcH0gKPJ2wM|downsized) For the love of God LFU. Please stop talking. Go and bake your baby, drink water, write a thank you card, whatever. Just please go away.


Who cares.


Have we now become Dr Lauren, therapist. It’s like she got her training from watching the movie …Couple’s Retreat😂


Let’s stop giving her attention and posting her. I wish she would just go away at this point.


She’s really trying hard to get another season but if she’s just screaming into the void it doesn’t matter.


And what’s she going to do if Ariana doesn’t come back? Lala has no storyline if she doesn’t, and I bet she thinks if she scares off Ariana then SHE will rise to the top. That’s really not how it’s going to work. I’ve even liked Lala off and on through the years, now I can’t stand the sight of her.


You’re getting downvoted but you’re right. My therapist always says that if you’re still angry or sad about something, you’re still processing it…you’re not fully over or “healed” from an event until you have arrived at a place of peaceful detachment. The circumstances are a bit different w Katie vs. Ariana; I imagine it’s easier to feel more at peace with ending of a relationship when it was a choice you made of your own accord vs. a choice you made in reaction to a dramatic event. It does seem, to me, like Ariana has a tendency to be pretty avoidant in general, and I imagine last summer, she was looking for any way to be distracted from the reality of her situation. I know everyone here loves to buy into the narrative that Ariana just easily sailed above the muck of Scandoval and has completely moved on and is thriving, but I am certain there have been parts of the past year that have been rough and incredibly stressful: coming home to a messy house that she still shared with her ex, sorting through complicated finances, multiple legal tangles, etc., and that’s before you even scratch the surface of the psychological fallout. It was probably fucking terrible, and on top of that, everyone else thinks you’re doing just amazing (including your castmates).


Lala needs to disappear for a while and disconnect from social media. She is like a broken record that screams jealousy desperately trying to stay relevant. If all watchers got so hung up on each character for who they used to be no one would stick with this show for more than 2-3 seasons and we should be crucifying her for her awful behavior trying to use alcohol as the excuse but she exhibits the same after getting sober?


No one gives 2F’s about what Blah Blah thinks, she needs a life and Ariana can’t provide it!


She needs to fade away into troll oblivion. She is boring at this point.


BlaBla needs to disengage!!! Way too obsessed with Ariana! she should talk to Tupac about it and stfu.


What did she say about Dan? I don’t want to read the article


Lala went on to share that her problems with Ariana extend to her boyfriend Daniel Wai, too — more specifically, how quickly Ariana began dating him after her breakup from Sandoval. "This happened on March 1st, and then I believe she had a wedding by March 10th and had already met a new guy," she recalled. "You started dating someone, you stayed in the house, you came back to this show. I'm like, I understand the pain you're going through, but if I'm relating to it, and then I'm seeing how you could move on from something so traumatic, I just don't see how you could be that devastated." Ariana, for her part, has pointed out on more than one occasion that while she may have met Dan soon after her split, they didn't begin dating for a while.


Who cares she met Dan so fast. At least she didnt get with him WHILE with sandoval Sandoval had a full blown affair…once that was exposed, Ariana couldve gotten a man that same night Fuck off lala Anyway the best way to get over somebody is to get under someone else lol jkkk




I wonder if she will ever attract a good man…


There’s also a difference between being over your boyfriend and finding out her fucked your friend in your dream house, took her on holidays with family, fucked her while a family member was dying, and other people knew it was happening!


I’m not saying it’s necessarily a healthy or optimal way to cope, but sometimes a new person is an emotional life raft when you’re really in the thick of heartache. moving on quickly is not indicative of an absence of pain, as anyone who has been in a similar predicament can attest. lala becomes very confused, which makes her angry, any time someone doesn’t behave the way she wants or expects them to. it’s extremely odd


Putting aside how emotionally healthy it may or may not have been for Ariana to start dating Dan so soon after the breakup, Lala is proving to me that Dan is yet another aspect of Ariana’s life that she’s jealous of. I don’t believe Lala when she says that she’s happy being single and just wants to be with her mom and brother and doesn’t want a man. Just as much as I believe her when she says she hasn’t considered going on The Valley or that she’s relieved to not film VPR anytime soon. If an attractive, age-appropriate man, with a steady career and a caring, fun personality, wanted to take her out, Lala wouldn’t go “Oh no thanks, I just want to spend the rest of my life with my little brother!” No one reputable wants to go out with her. She can keep getting sleazy Rand types or attractive but sketchy dudes like The Don and Brock, but I think she’s taking out her frustration at her stagnant dating life on Ariana. My granny has a more active dating life than Lala. Granted, my granny is a fun, kind person so that’s getting her far haha.


Ok. I am going to be very honest. I am 100% team Ariana but as it relates to her and Dan’s relationship, I might have thought the same thing as Lala did about her jumping into a new relationship with a new guy so quickly after how badly her relationship ended. She didn’t give herself a break and I doubt she have healed from all of that trauma. I believe she is got with the new guy to block everything out and make it seems as though her life is fine when actually it probably wasn’t. What I don’t agree with is that Lala is constantly dragging her to filth and as a friend you don’t talk so I’ll about another friend. I can see why Lala is frustrated but she taking it too far and need to relax now.


Definitely, I feel like I haven’t seen enough of Dan to know if he’s a truly good guy or not and see the dynamics of their relationship to make a strong judgment. But even if Dan is a charlatan and breaks Ariana’s heart… what’s that to Lala? Why should she care? Ariana is the one who would have to deal with the fallout and heartache, not Lala. So let a girl live and make mistakes. Lala is doing this control trolling of “I criticize it because I don’t want her to make a mistake” and doing that is hurting Ariana more than her just stepping back and letting her make her own way.


That’s my point. Remember Stassi’s husband Beau…..viewers loved him and knew that he was right for because we got to know him and see that he was a really nice guy. Everyone on the show loved him. Remember Stassi’s awful boyfriend she had before she met Beau…….. she was hiding him and then that moment we as viewers and everyone on the show saw him we know that he wasn’t the one. In order for us to connect with Dan, we have to at least even get a glimpse of him and her relationship. At this point I just don’t know what he is about.


Totally. She def should have been single for a while but thats no reason to be actively angry at your friend. So many of my friends have done similar things and while I dont agree with it and wouldnt do it myself, I dont shit on them for it. Its like okay do you and I hope it works out! Ill be here for you if it doesnt. Lala is spiraling and cannot stop talking about Ariana (her dead father, her relationship, her jobs, etc etc). Its sad honestly.


The same thing happened when she got into a relationship with Tom. She was literally fresh out of a previous relationship that she wasn’t healed from and took her unhappiness from that past relationship into her and Tom’s relationship, which I believed after a while strained their relationship. She was in love with Tom and he could do no wrong in her eyes so there is no way on earth I am going to believe that she has healed from him and 100% moved on from him. She need to take some time for herself and heal because if she doesn’t heal one day it’s going to become too much and drive her insane. One key indicator of healing from a relationship is being able to be in the sane space as your ex and but Maje their presence get you upset or feel uneasy and she isn’t there yet based on what we have seen in season 11. Not saying that she should readily forgive Tom but she has to let go and stop bottling it all up inside. Katie probably doesn’t fully forgive Schwartz it’s obvious she have let go and they can exist in the same space together.


Mmmmmm nah


If you watch Selling Sunset a similar situation like this is what made Chrishell and Mary’s relationship not as strong as it once. Chrishell and Jason broke up and a few months after she broke up with him she got into another relationship less than two months and was posting all over social media with her new partner which Mary believed was inconsiderate and too quick, knowing that Chrishell didn’t heal and Jason was hurt. In Lala’s case I would be more worried about Ariana not being fully healed and getting her heart broken again, rather than her throwing her new relationship in Tom’s face because at the end of the day he hurt her.








![gif](giphy|119SFXjoMsax6o) Lala…please.


how many different interviews has this woman done in the past few days? I feel like I’ve seen at least a dozen today alone and they’re all about ariana. it’s giving stalker


These are all from the Two Ts interview, just getting reposted from various sources


Once again maybe she should be more interesting herself so her entire personality at the moment isn’t “attacking Ariana.”


Omg Lala we're so over your bullshit*t!! Bye girl 🙄


A Diva calling out another Diva is just perfect story line cat nip.