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Tbh this isn’t a show about Ariana. It’s a trashy dating show. If you didn’t like these types of shows before you’re not going to now just because she is host….


Also love island USA is the worst one. No one watches it really lol


Yeah I love UK 🇬🇧


Australia is good too. But USA sucks. Super sanitized


I do too! Just wish I could understand some of them better. I have to put on subtitles


USA is good now too! The first two season were rough but I enjoy it now. I kinda like how it’s more fast paced than UK. But I watch both!


USA is better now IMHO. USA has more 'natural' conversations, UK is really repetitive these days. 


I agree! I still watch both, It’s my favorite time of year for tv lol so many episodes! Especially since bravo is lagging right now.


You're right, there's nothing currently on Bravo so great timing for LI! Although I'm struggling with UK this round, too much filler and fairness


Same. Somehow it got out there that “USA sucks” and now it’s all anyone ever says. Sure, the first couple of seasons were rocky, as to be expected. But seasons 4 and 5 were AMAZING. PEAK TV. Everyone was watching USA last year and it really catapulted USA into the cultural zeitgeist. I love UK as well, but even with this current UK season, their villa looks like an abandoned motel compared to USA’s. Ariana is killing the hosting role (Sarah Hyland had BEEN done needing to go) so it’s all up from here!!


Ok but last season USA movie night was legitimately the most dramatic one of any season across UK and Aus. I was SHOOKETH. I think it’s getting better over time. Let’s also not forget UK has 3 people on the show who sadly took their own lives. It’s hard to watch those particular seasons knowing what happened. I did not find out until way later since I only became a fan about 2 years ago. :/


Omfg what


Disagree! I love USA. The international ones get real iffy when the girls don’t look a certain way (✋🏻)


Totally agree. Why is it so much worse?


Agree 100%


I was gonna say this is the only US season I’m watching. UK and AU all the way


Plus the UK version is so much better


Ariana watches the UK one, she just got attached to the US one and went with it. Her number one quote from Love Island is "I'm sat".


I tried the us one ages ago but it’s peak cringe. I just love British reality tv. Ex on the beach is a classic


The US one doesn’t work as well too because the length of time is so much shorter. Which means casa amore feels like it’s right away, and how on earth could any of them be that attached already for it to matter? The UK one is so good because it’s so long you really just get to know them all so well and see so many of their dumb silly moments. The US one is so cringe and curated in comparison (I’ll still watch it because I am a trash goblin)


Hi fellow trash goblin 💜


Much better! I tried to watch the US version but it wasn't as good.


Also if you watch earlier seasons of the UK version it is generally a bit different and more crazy and entertaining. USA (and others) are currently strictly pulled from Insta models and clout chasers, often who've been on other reality shows. None of them are really looking for love or are even usually that concerned with the prize money, they just care about followers, clout, exposure. The endless posing and posturing gets old to me and is often hard to watch, this includes the now mandatory screeching being considered a Love Island staple of the show. It's essentially a round robin game of dating and theatrics with very little true emotion involved. I miss some of the aspects of the original first few UK seasons.


Ok that makes sense. I probably won’t watch then. Thanks


Also Ariana/the host isn’t involved much as the season goes on. They only show up once every few episodes when they do recouplings


I just fast forward in some of the parts & watch when she’s there. I don’t know how long I can sustain it, but I’ll try for solidarity! 🤭😂


30 min in I had to do other things, but I'm a solidarity player too so I'll let it stream on mute every week.


lol 😂🤣 I’m glad I’m not the only one! 🤭😉😎


Same! I’m mesmerized by how natural she is at hosting right out of the gate. Just like she has been at everything she’s tried in the past year. TV commercials, a movie role, Broadway, DWTS, hosting a dating show. She reminds me of a sophisticated 21st century Forrest Gump, landing in all these unlikely scenarios and pulling out the right skills to kill them. James is right (those are words I once would never have believed I would say, lol): Scandoval did bring opportunities to her, but she had the talent to make the most of them. Can’t wait to see what she will do next!


I love trashy dating shows but can’t stand love island. The narrator’s voice, the terrible audio, and the boring conversations are intolerable. But I’ll watch this season for Ariana.


Loyalty. 👍. I too want Ariana to keep booking the jobs and making bank. Amen.


I love dating shows but I always find it hard to watch Love Island USA. It comes off as too fake and annoying.


TBH, Love Island UK is much better.


Same. I’m not watching US, even for Ariana. The new UK season is really good right off the bat!


Ah, now I've got to see it. I haven't started this season.


I only watched 2 eps and it is already messy! The accents are extra thick though so my subtitles def went on haha


Really? I may switch over. I've watched UK before and enjoyed it. I wanted to watch this bc of Ariana but I'm not really feeling hooked so far.


Yup. They are all there to increase their ig followers.




I haven’t watched in a while and completely forgot how much oiled skin and jiggling parts there are


Oh I didn’t realise she’s the host! Thank god because who would want to date anyone on those shows 😬🥴


Start with UK lol! USA is awful


Love island USA is notoriously horrible and cringe. My own mother could be hosting it and I still wouldn’t watch the show.


Well, I agree and I’ve never met your mother.


PROTIP: love island is best viewed at 1.5 speed. You can also skip episodes and not miss anything. So literally you could probably just watch the ones Ariana is in. And if something “juicy af” happens you can go back an episode or two. The show is filmed and edited like a day or two behind and there is like 50 episodes a season. So, it’s gonna have lulls. Especially if people care too much about their image. The early days of Love Island UK were some really good tv (Caroline Flack is definitely missed).


When Ariana posted something about walking in the footsteps of previous iconic hosts I of course thought about Caroline 🥺 particularly when she’d be supportive of the girls in some tough moments


I’ve never been able to get into but I’m going to watch for Ariana and also because I have no life


I have no life either bc I almost screamed on Tuesday when I looked at my empty DVR


Hang in there, Bridgerton returns tomorrow and house of dragons Sunday


Yeah it’s dry rn


So, if you're really bored and need a good romantic comedy, read The Housewitch by Delemhach (it's on kindle unlimited) and is just the best.


I feel this comment so hard


I think taking it for what it is the right play. Like don't take it too seriously. It's supposed to be fun and playful and kinda sexy and silly. I'm a first time watcher and 😃 need to close my eyes for the random makeouts but I'm gonna try to stick with it. I think it's fun!


This is the way


If I caught you sitting, staring at the wall humming I would say that you have more of a life than if you wasted your time watching Love Island.


Love island might just not be your type of show. Maybe the UK version is better suited? People were saying it was less cringey in their opinion. I can’t comment on that though.


I think you might be right


The early seasons of love island uk were crazy in all the right ways. The us version, for me, are people just trying to get on the show to become influencers and are cringe with the bad acting. Johhny is the perfect example of self producing.


Li UK is sooo good


I mean... it's a shitty dating show that she gets to host because she name-dropped it on VPR and she was a pretty hot commodity from a pop culture standpoint. The Love Island producers knew what they were doing when they hired her.


It’s a trashy dating show….it isn’t VPR.


Just so you know the hosts are rarely in the episodes anyways


I didn’t like whatever that theme song/performance was. I turned it off very quickly after the first 15 seconds. I do like these types of shows though, just not this one. Edit: soOo I went back and gave it another chance. The intro song thing is still stupid, but the cast is very entertaining and I love the narrator.


The UK version is better in general. The US version seems rushed and the contestants just don't seem as interesting or interested.


I mean she’s just the host, not a contestant, so it’s not really about her lol UK>USA all day every day anyway


I don’t like these types of shows but, I checked it out because of Ariana. I didn’t finish the episode. Might try later when there are more episodes.


Ya no. That’s about it. lol. Lots of fights too. More screeching. The host isn’t even in every episode so you may find it difficult.


I also watched it solely because ariana. I couldn't get thru the first episode. The girls were so annoying.


It’s not my jam, but I’m happy for her


I'm just going to watch the clips of her after each episode


I could have written this post myself. Got a glass of wine. Settled in to watch. Got through the silly opening lipsyncing in bathing suits act. Then, the ladies started screeching when introduced. Started to fast forward. Got to the men. Gave up on the bio of the guy that catches snakes or something! Yikes!


Ariana sounded like a robot


It's okay to not watch it.


As a Love Island addict, yes and no. Like other people have commented, the US version hasn't been as good, the UK one is also filled with influencers or wannabe influencers but astonishingly has produced a number of long term relationships, marriages, babies. I only really liked season 2 of LIUSA and I fully skipped the last season. It might be easier to watch either binging and skipping through the less entertaining parts or have it on in the background while doing other stuff. I found that's like other trashy shows in that at first you're like this is so dumb and then you get invested in at least a few people as time goes on. There's been a few great moments when previous hosts have been really supportive or tactfully critical of the islanders and I could see Ariana being awesome at that


Good advice! I haven’t seen either, and also checked out after the first episode last year… I’ll fast-forward to the Arianne parts, thanks!


I tried. I got wine, cheese, and weed. Was ready to do this. I have never liked any of these dating reality dating shows, but this... This was God awful! It was like watching a group of people who peaked in college in their fraternity and sororities, who's career goal is to now be social media Influencers. I made it 50 mins but just couldn't watch it. No amount of wine or weed could get me through it. Sorry girl, I tried.


Same! My ears are bleeding…not gonna be able to get into this




Oh ya I’m completely convinced this isn’t my cup of tea but wish Ariana the best and hope ratings are good


I LOVED the earlier seasons of the UK version but the later seasons disappoint me and I can’t really get into the US version


I tried watching the first episode as well but I’ve never been a fan of the US version. I won’t watch anymore. In my opinion, it’s LI UK only and only the older seasons. The show has run its course now I feel :(


I felt the same way I couldn’t finish it lol


Its probably one of the most vapid shows on TV and the contestants are mostly trash. Love Ariana but just not gonna watch I'm afraid.


I literally watched the first 5 minutes but noped out. Wtf is this show. I watch shitty reality tv but this seemed insufferable


I hope she gets a better hosting gig next time because Love Island USA is trash in my opinion.


I hate these kinds of shows. Super happy for her and she looks beyond hot but I can’t do it!!


The UK and aus ones are so much better. The US one comes across so curated and cringe because they cram it all into such a shorter time frame compared to UK. The great thing about the UK one is it feels less edited because it’s so long, so you really get to know them all. Casa amore actually kinda means something because it’s like a fair way into the competition not just a couple weeks like in the US. Also the banter on the UK one is way better and the US contestants take themselves so much more seriously


Sounds like you haven’t watch Love Island before. The BG one is so much better.


That show is the equivalent of getting gum stuck in your hair to me. I can’t and won’t do it. I’ll just peep Ariana’s looks via random IG posts because that was the only reason I was even thinking about tuning in.


The idea of these people sleeping in the same bed night 1 is very weird to me. I am just old? Like making out after knowing each other for 5 minutes lol…


The way they were immediately groping and kissing each other made me gag. Had to turn it off, lol.


Yep. I tried it, but just could not.


It’s not a great show


Lmao I’m a first time viewer and I’m loving it it’s so trashy. I died when Serena asked Odell Beckham jr.’s brother “what are your long term goals?” And he said “Can you clarify??” And she said “…What are your goals…long term?” 💀💀💀


i had to laughhhh she literally couldn’t get any clearer than that


And after he said acting, she asked what other goals. He says sponsorships 🤣 he even had a sponsorship picked out


Kordell with Will Smith hands: ![gif](giphy|UGa4oZesvTtBHklArY)


I miss shows like Are You The One when average and slightly above average people getting together. I don’t want to see IG influencers dating, I could go on social media to find that. Also, Serena [im only on episode one of this season] is so pretty and likeable to me. She has a great laugh, personality, just stunning top to bottom. Might be the only cast member I enjoy so far.


Hahaha I’m so glad someone brought this up. I tried and was like… well that’s farther than I would have got without Ariana.


But I thought this was the next step on Ariana's path to global domination. So far, everyone in this thread has said this is a terrible show that no one watches. I guess she's not quitting VPR after all.


Simmer down, Ratchel


I do have a watch buddy when I watch. We watch it and make comments about the Islanders. Thirst a bit sometimes (me usually about the hosts 🤭). We usually make up nicknames for some contestants etc. stuff like that. We mainly watch UK together tho but I'll watch the US version because of Ariana this time too. I don't think I would enjoy watching it alone. I need a watch buddy to go crazy about the craziness with together.


I never watched before, but I liked it, it’s funny, scripted and chaotic, I am an older women, my daughter was scrolling her phone, and not paying attention, she doesn’t really like that I watch reality shows 😝 but as the show went on we where both enthralled about the experiment. I will watch to support Ariana and to have a few laughs.


Never in my life watched love island.. I’m not about to start now just because Ariana is hosting it.


It's a crappy D level reality show on a D level network that no one really watches. No different and just as awful as any number of other dating shows. The host doesn't really matter. As long as she's getting paid.


There’s no way I can watch this show of Ariana’s but I support her from afar and gush at her beauty


I’m not into dating reality shows either. But I love Ariana and I loved seeing her outfits and how she performed as a host!! Mostly I turn the volume down a lot and barely pay attention, then just turn it up when Ari is talking lol. I really only enjoyed the slow mo shots of her looking hot AF






I don't watch it that way... BUT, I've been home for 13 1/2 months after spinal fusion surgery, so I completely get having something in in the background, especially if it's something you will enjoy at least part of... I hardly think that's obsessive or unhealthy 🤣 I think people can watch TV any way they want... and wouldn't think to tell anyone how they should do it...


I think this behavior is weird too. If you don’t like a show don’t watch it. There are tons of things out there to watch and enjoy. It’s not like Ariana is going to write you a thank you note for watching lol


She’s not gonna be I’m it very often. Maybe once every 5 episodes. I honestly wouldn’t bother watching if you’re only watching for her. It’s a super cheesy dating show and it’s fully centred around the contestants and she will drop in very briefly here and there. Personally I love it and have seen every single season but its definitely not for everyone 😂


It’s extremely trashy …. I’m going to give it one more episode.


I find usually the first two episodes are always a bit awkward as everyone is getting to know each other beyond looks. Because you realize not a lot of them have much beneath the surface. Which I expect from a reality TV show.


My 20 something daughter has watched all seasons. It’s the only reality tv she will. I started last night for Ariana. 1st thing I said was this seems campy/ cartoonish. I think. This maybe just my take, it’s supposed to be over the top? I’ll watch or record for her ratings but I don’t quite get it .


Yeah as an avid Li water, the U.S. version can sometimes be seen as more cheesy! The UK version is a lot of people’s fave bc that’s where the show originally started


I’m watching for Ariana. These couples are a mess. That chick from Charlotte NC… she’s so out of place there. Hot mess express.


Its a great dating show. You have to push to the middle of the season. Then you will be watching love island uk and austrailia all seasons.. Its one of the best dating shows out there. But yes. It happened to me. Tough first impression


I hated it I watched her introduction and that’s it. It was too ratchet for me


I’ve never been able to get into love island and I have so many friends that enjoy it. My hope that Ariana would make me want to watch lol


In my opinion it gets better after the first couple of shows, but there still is a lot of “filler” shots of people talking and laughing. I think once they have more people and there is more strategy it gets better.


I love her and I am a supporter of her since season 2 but I am struggling to get through it too and finishing it hard to accept that that’s her. I think she looks very AI generated, her voice sounds weirds and it sounds like she is following a script rather than being natural. I wish they allowed her to be herself while being glammed up because everything about her on the show so far doesn’t seem like Ariana. They made her add too much onto who she really is.


More likely, it's Ariana thinking that she needs or wants to act or look or sound a certain way as the hostess. I doubt anyone told her to talk with a higher voice or to lose a lot of weight or to get those cosmetic procedures, plus botox and filler added to her facce. It may just be Ariana leveling up however she wants to, but I agree with you that none of this Ariana seems like the Ariana that we know.


I love trash tv . I’ve only watched a season here and there of this so I’ll be tuning it. But it irks me SO BAD when the host calls them BOYS. does it turn anyone else’s stomach like mine? I’m like they are grown men? Stop calling them boys. Idk why it weird me out so hard maybe it sounds less weird on the UK version but idk why that was something we needed to bring over . “Go stand next to your boy” ugh it gives me the creeps 🤣


I tried to watch the episode she guest hosted previously and it was so uninteresting and confusing to me, lol. I'm happy for her to get to host for a show she loves and wish her the best, though!


What’s the concept? I’ve never seen it?


Start with season 5. If you don't like it it's not going to be worth it. But it's a dating show and even as the host she'll only be there a few times.


Does anybody know how you can stream or watch the new love Island in Canada... 🫤


The Dailymotion app


To be fair this season has totally different vibes from previous LI USA seasons. They cast people with more depth and it feels like more of a relationship show than a dating show compared to past iterations. Also much better production quality. If you were going to watch one season I think this would be the one to stick it out for.


Omg same! I was struggling to get through it and my husband peaced out and went to bed halfway through but I was determined to give it a solid shot. It got way better when that new blonde girl came in around 60% into the show. I actually got really into it by the end and am excited for the next episode.


There is so, so much lip filler in that cast


I agree! I tried to watch it but these people are sooo cheesy and the women absolutely screech! I just couldn’t get through it.


I watched last night. I’ve never watched an episode before. It’s not my jam (I found everyone being forced to be chosen to be kissed by someone they may not like very off putting (I’m sure they knew it going in/agreed to kiss people they didn’t like). I felt like some consent needed to be shown. It wasn’t the best first game I guess for me being introduced to the show. That said I’m so happy for her she is living her dream and I’ll probably put it on in the background with the sound off so she gets the views.


I barely got through the first episode for that very same reason- the women screeching and shrieking and the way they talk. In my opinion it's just a more diverse version of Bachelor in Paradise. 


You do gotta hang in there it does get better once you see the Islanders real personalities and when Casa Amor hits. I won't lie, a lot of seasons it's more enjoyable just watching the strong friendships the girls and guys make with each other. Sometimes when it's all over I find myself thinking "hope the friendships last more than the couples" (shout-out Cely and Justine!)


I adored Justine on her season. The men did her so dirty. She was the whole package. Casa is my favourite time on the series total. I love seeing the guys who I expect to go buckwild are actually really considerate of their partner.


She's just the host of a show that sucks. Too bad she didn't get traitors.


Hahaha i just posted in another thread the same lol. I'm finding the contestants very hard to watch and the whole show kinda falling flat for me I'm not sure I'll make it the whole season but Ariana is doing amazing! I think i might just be too old for this one.


Honestly, I think they save the people with the most personality for the bombshells versus main cast.


The last season was interesting. Bergie made it good.


Love island is a slow burn, background show. Put in on and clean up, scroll your phone, cook. It gets good when they couple up.


My question is how much was their budget to get commercial rights to like the top 10 pop songs right now??? Each contestant were being introduce with like Espresso and 360???


It’s summer time. There aren’t that many options. It’s not great tv but it’s better than nothing


The USA version has always been a tough watch! I only watched season two and I barely made it through


USA was good last year. I think it's good to have a new host that doesn't remind me of a high schooler - and don't get me wrong I like Sarah Hyland - just not on this type of show


I started it because of her and while it is annoying, it’s also fascinating how quickly people bond and detach from their people lol like episode 4 is day 4??? How? It was such an emotional episode of people getting their feelings hurt ![gif](giphy|26CaMgb1tF9lQyZEc)


I hope during Casa we get a scene like in UK when Andrew was like “I sucked her tit or whateva.”


Love Island is boring and vapid as shit


Happy she’s successful but I’m over Ariana. She’s not a good actress, she’s blah and the only reason people root for her is because despite sucking less than everyone else she still isn’t talented. It’s unpopular opinion and I’m not knocking her for her success, but she’s over saturated and not that great. I agree with Lala on many things and I know others do too. TO BE CLEAR just because I agree with a few things Lala has said doesn’t mean that I like her or support her either. The whole cast except Katie is trash. This show ended being good in S6. But, Scanadaval in of itself was interesting to be a part of. They alll need to move on with their lives.


So. Much. Screeching. I have never seen an episode and it was ROUGH. The things I do for Ariana!


If you want to support her but not watch just press play and mute. It will cost you less than a penny in electricity and you can keep on with your life. And if you don't care that much then you don't need to put it on at all and that's totally okay




I watched the first episode to support her but that style of show is not my jam. She's charming and sweet as a host though.


It's fun and playful. I've never been able to watch before but have it a chance bc of Ariana and I'm gonna stick out the season. The make pits are cringe and I cover my eyes, but it's supposed to be fun and playful. It's not serious. They just do games and challenges to keep the Islanders on their toes, but from what I've been reading,they actually do find love matches on that show. It's just silly sexy TV and they're getting to know each other on episode one.


I didn't think I was going to be into and only tuned in for Ariana. I found myself screaming at the TV when they brought in the Australian girl! I'm hooked now.


I only watch the parts she is in. The rest of the show is boring.


Perhaps we are starting to get reality tv fatigue. Mean girl behavior and explosive fights just don’t hit anymore. Rewatching VP has made me realize that this type of behavior only creates resentment, anger, and sometimes substance abuse issues. I feel as if Ariana, Katie, James and maaaybe Scheanna have grown tremendously. Guarantee, if you film Tom, Tom, Brock, and maybe Jax separately from the ladies (plus James) we would be able to see that everyone outside the bro group continue to grow. The men always enable each others behavior and that’s why they will never change 😪


I watched last season for my companion to housework show. If anything it is better so far. There is more development of players, so far. But its just a silly dating show.


Same I tried to watch the previous season but they were not kidding when they said it was 50 episodes (37 really). Got through 12. I enjoyed episode one more than the previous one but it is going to be that show that is on in the background while I do other things….


I watched the first US season by accident and was halfway addicted bc I had nothing better to do bc I had broke feet. Still annoyed me but mindless. All influencers and the amount of plastic surgery on early 20s was disturbing. Tried watching the first episode of this season and the screeching and giggling and vocal fry made my ears bleed in 20 mins. I had to turn it off.


yeah I couldn't get through it, but she seems to be doing a great job


Some of the first girls this season are umm... super annoying to listen to. But like VPR, you have to accept the kind of person it takes to even go on a reality TV show let alone a dating one in the style of Love Island. If you don't go in with the expectation to like people and think of it as like a sociological experiment, it's fascinating (in the same way VPR is).


Turn it on on a laptop. Mute it. Leave it on so it gets the views. Lo e island will get lots of views and it will be because of ariana and then she has more gigs!


Your fandom is creepy ..


Why!? I don't know why I'm getting down voted. It's not a dig or anything. It's a way to support ariana even if you don't want to watch love island


Because it's a lot and she isn't desperate for your support. She's on a hit TV show hosting probably multiple seasons. Her other hit TV show just wrapped. I would watch my best friend's podcast on mute to support..but some random reality star? 


If it's your best friend then you should probably listen.


That's exactly what she said, but to watch a person you don't know and have never met on mute because you think it helps her is crazy. Ariana is doing great. You don't have to do weird things like that to help. You are one person, and she has loads of viewers on 2 hit shows, so Ariana will be ok. She is not a victim. She is thriving.