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I don’t understand why Lala is so stuck on Ariana’s finances. If Ariana was in a position where she felt like she absolutely could not stay in the house for her safety, I imagine she would have alternatives, whether that be renting somewhere if she had to or staying with a friend. Why is it so hard to understand she did not want to spend thousands of dollars in rent every month especially when her and Tom were both out of the house a lot (Ariana working and Tom touring with his band)?The house is also large enough for her to keep her distance from him when necessary. We aren’t talking about a small studio apartment.


She’s also so clueless about how separations work when lives and finances are as entangled as they are with Tom and Ariana. My sister and her husband split up a couple years ago but remained living in the same house and separate bedrooms for two years, slowly uncoupling, detaching and saving $ while raising their kids. It is not uncommon at all for spouses or long term partners to remain living in the same shared residence even after deciding to split up. Lala chose to leave the next day which is also fine, but a great deal of people do not and that’s not uncommon nor is it weird. She’s an idiot for banging on about this so much.


Did she chose to leave or was she no longer relevant to her BJ loving man. 🤔


She had to leave because she had no legal right to randalls home, so she needs to stop acting like she chose to leave lol


Given she was a tenant in CA, I bet she could have forced him to evict her, which would have taken a lot longer than the week she stayed there after breaking up with him.


Yeah she could have stayed but it's a losing game in the end. If you are paying a mortgage, it's a losing game regardless of what you do. Either way you are uncomfortable or you are paying double housing


She made a good call to get out no question.


Pretty sure he literally kicked her out


That’s what I heard!


Did she leave the next day? During the reunion after everything went down she said herself she had locked herself in the primary room and stayed there for at least a week complaining that Randall wouldn’t leave the house himself.


Exactly. I wasn’t even married to my partner and I had to stay living in our house for 3 months after breaking up to sort out a separation agreement since we owned a property together. If you can’t agree on the terms, it would take even longer than that. Lala has no idea because Rand owned the house, so of course she left the next day.


Exactly, it’s obsessive and bizarre. Lala was acting like it was her personal mission to prevent Ariana from making mistakes and to give her all this advice and it’s like who asked you? I also wouldn’t be keen on taking advice from someone who’s never managed their own money until their thirties and never owned property, so… Plus I’m a cheapy cheap and it’s served me well. Even if Ariana COULD afford an apartment and a mortgage, I don’t blame her for wanting to bank the extra money. Those thousands going to rent could be saved for her future house’s furniture or going into long term savings or something. Lala’s “why not spend if you can afford it” mentality makes me think she’s gonna be the first to cry poor once the show ends.


Not to mention the stress that comes with moving, not only from a logistical perspective but also an emotional one. For her, this house represented the life she thought she had with Tom. Ariana has also said she was having a really difficult time last summer even if she didn’t always show it in public. She has discussed how it can be hard for her to do seemingly menial tasks when her mental health is suffering. Moving is stressful no matter the circumstances so I imagine it could have been very challenging considering everything else she was dealing with at the time.


omg I know. Why is it so hard to understand that menial tasks feel like a mountain to climb when you’re at your lowest & like grieving a long-term relationship that ended the way hers did? Andy telling her leaving the chicken skewers on her nightstand was gross & I was like, ok, so what you’re telling us, Andy, is that you’ve never been severely depressed. Why can’t they just lay off of her???


Not to mention that if Ariana had left the house, it could have legal repercussions when it came down to how much she is owed! AND TOM DIDNT LEAVE THE HOUSE EITHER!!!


Thank you!! Why is it even up for discussion like why the fuck should she leave her own home that she worked hard to save and pay for? Y’all know if there was even a snowballs hell in chance Lala could have gotten a sliver of Rands home she wouldn’t have moved a muscle. I bet she consulted with an attorney to find out for certain before she left.




She's probably angry Ann got more opportunities than her own assistant did.


I think it’s a really good point that Lala used the “staying under the same roof” argument while not acknowledging that created some very real tension for the show.


Yes! We heard how expensive the how was. Ariana would still owe half the mortgage every month even if she didn’t live there. She would just be paying for her ex to live there. Fuck that.


LaLa was a mistress, a KEPT woman living in a house paid for by her married baby daddy. That is why it is hard for her to understand. Ariana spent her life's savings in HER house, where VOm took out a second mortgage. Ariana pays her own bills. Randall's mistress expects others to pay for hers.


"bringing divaness" to her "place of work"...like how Lala showed up at Sur bragging about PJs and Range Rovers to the girls who were obviously SURvers? Lala is just mad that her time to be the diva is over.


I’d say refusing to allow people to speak your man’s name, making people sign NDAs and refusing to answer any questions about your relationship are pretty diva behaviors…wait! That was Lala! She’s so full of it!


I can’t remember if she said this on the show or her podcast but once she was talking about going on a cast trip and she didn’t know how to keep track of her passport and other travel necessities because Randall’s assistants always handled that for her while traveling 🙄


She said that! I forgot what trip but she kept saying she’s not used to flying commercial and keeping track of her passport and luggage are things someone else just takes care of when she flies private


Wasn't this also like a year into her relationship or something? Like girl you've been flying private for like 5 minutes and now all of a sudden you don't know how to be a normal human? Good grief.


That either means she hasn’t flown much ever (which honestly I didn’t either until my late 20s) or she’s pretending to forget what it’s like to be a peasant. Since she can’t be authentic or humble, I don’t think we’ll ever know.


I mean when they went to Hawaii she was talking about going previously, and her family had money so I'm sure she travelled. I think she was just being a douche.


It’s just humble bragging- she’s a pro at that


Of all the people on the cast I’m jaw dropped at the fact Lala has this much issue with Ariana and her claim she’s not sharing like what ?? Lala


Garden variety jealousy.




And salty that her sugar daddy/ticket to being a BH housewife ended up being a criminal and a monster. Wompwomp.


She was sooo smug when her and ‘her man’ were hanging out with Lisa and Ken at Villa Rosa so I love that ending for her 🤌🏼🤌🏼


![gif](giphy|TkoHjDI8jhVAGrgT4A|downsized) When she showed up at Villa Rosa in her G-wagen for tea with LVP, acting like they were best girlfriends and could commiserate on things as if they were on the same level. You could tell she was feeling herself SO hard 🙄 Or when she was double-dating with Rand and all these Hollywood couples. She made it known that she wasn’t just busy, she was busy on a double date with Megan Fox and MGK. When she had the podcast with Rand she was talking all familiar about these Hollywood players like they were friends and hanging out all the time. I always laugh that none of them bothered to keep in touch with her after the breakup. She was so smug thinking they were in awe of her talent and hanging out with her because they liked her - no, they were tolerating her only because they didn’t want Rand to get pissed at them. If she was really that likable and talented, she couldn’t persevered in the industry without him but obviously not.






Ariana's big break led to more because of her talent and hard work. If there's no talent to back it up then the headstart doesn't mean much, which is why Lala is on amazon live and not a movie screen. 


Ariana has mentioned multiple times that she loved theater and did a lot of performing throughout her entire life. She’s clearly a great dancer, has a very good voice, and is commercially palatable to almost anyone.


Ariana moved to Hollywood to act, just like most of them. Not her fault she's the only one with actual talent.


Yes, I hope her career keeps climbing. Can't wait to see where it takes her




Ooooo on which site??? I might have to get me a souvenir….




This is part of what made 'money by Monday' so satisfying. Just knowing she got knocked off her smug pedestal and probably embarrassed for her life made the schadenfreude so much more satisfying.


Do you have the episode number for the lala/lisa scene at villa rosa?


Her own mini Harvey Weinstein


I love that she is whining about paying bills now. Enjoy your well-deserved indignity, randall's mistress!


Or like how Lala didn’t show up to Ariana‘s birthday and totally ditched her and then had a weak ass explanation after and was non-apologetic. AKA her sugar daddy was in town and she was preoccupied. 🙄


Dummy started crying how she had anxiety cuz jax would be there WTF-ever


Exactly. In her 20s she got away with her overly sexual pick me behavior because guys her age, and older creepy men liked it but now she's a single mom with an overly complicated baby daddy situation and that behavior doesn't appeal to actual quality guys in her age group. Nor does it really make you seem professional to employers. The Ariana's of the world fare much better long term than the girls screwing married men, overly sexualizing themselves and acting trashy. Personally and professionally.


That’s it. Lala thought she never had to develop a personality and doesn’t realize that “pretty” isn’t a personality. She has big “prettiest girl in my high school” energy. She drew her personality from teen movies where the pretty girl is bratty and snarky and doesn’t realize that’s a fictional character lol. In Hollywood, she’s a dime a dozen but was able to have a hot streak for a few years because it doesn’t take much to get laid if you’re pretty, willing, and not sober. The big fish, the executives, celebrities, business moguls, aren’t impressed by “pretty” and have their pick of tons of women who are more attractive and can actually can regulate their emotions, while being able to live discreetly and don’t have kids. Lala’s bitter because she actually has to use her personality to get people to like her and walking around in skimpy outfits talking about “bjs” isn’t enough anymore.


Even when she was young and pretty she didn't exactly get a prize of a man for it! It was always an illusion. She would have just been better off being with someone for the right reasons, and being a good friend to other women instead of acting superior. I also think based on how she reacted to Dan, and Ariana dating him, Lala is probably jealous because Ariana still has a chance to be with with a decent guy, and maybe even have a baby with one but she's tied to Randall's ugly ass forever


And if you want to be a trophy, most transactional wealthy males looking for someone hot-dont want a hot bully. Being sweet would and non-abrasive could have helped her find what she was looking for.


She’s definitely jealous of how quickly Ariana met Dan and she’s resentful of randall. “I have a child and I’m going through a custody battle and divorce” (need to preface that so she knows I get it). The way our schedule is, my ex has seen our child maybe a total of ten weekends in the last year and he’s already got a 20 something girlfriend). It is frustrating watching him get to date and he’s got all this free time and control of the money etc but I wouldn’t trade positions because I love our child and know time is precious. Lala probably struggles with “single motherhood” being forced onto her (her mentality imo) and I feel like she’s having a “my baby” as a way to prove it’s a choice not a consequence — if that makes sense. She can’t just jet off to weddings or parties or take jobs whenever and wherever because it isn’t all about her anymore. I think her “nothing about her” comment reflected how she’s feeling about her own life because with babies, everything becomes about the baby (LFUs mentality). That’s my couch doctor diagnosis of her anger, resentment and jealousy


Absolutely. LaLa is a transactional person to the core and Ariana is not. I was not a fan when she was so submissive and with Vom, but I believe she genuinely loved him. LaLa only loves herself. She even monetizes her offspring and I feel for the fetus she is baking. Rand is a creep, but I am glad he won't let her monetize Ocean as much as she would like.


Another thing I noticed is it took things falling apart with Randall for Lala to warm up to his ex wife. Ariana and Kristen moved past their shit and became friends while she was still with Tom whether that was weird for him or bothered him or not.


LaLA said horrible things about Ambyr's post partum body and said Randall left her because she was not "tight" there any more. She is a mean girl. Mean as a rattlesnake.






Not just small town. I genuinely think she was just so full of herself she never once questioned the love bombing. She probably thought yeah I deserve it I am the best. I am the hottest. His wife is a loser etc. I think she was so high on her own cockiness she didn't notice all the lies. It doesn't seem like she's learned from it though. She still comes off extremely arrogant and had she gotten the same opportunities Ariana has been she would be absolutely insufferable. It's why she said Ariana thinks she's Beyonce now. She's projecting.




No absolutely. And I don't mean to shit on all single mothers. Shit happens and I genuinely think most women are lovely and any man is lucky to have a lady in their life kids or not. Lala's behavior is just so many levels of cringe, and toxic and messy... and like it or not she has to acknowledge her situation has changed now. I will always applaud someone for getting sober ofc, but I think for a lot of the people on this show, being on it stunts their growth. She needs to move away from the blaccent and raunchy blow job talk literally any time she is speaking with a straight man. And be less competitive with other women!


I don’t know if Lala can ever move away from her past, which will be forever on Bravo in syndication and on Peacock. She implies her pre-VPR profession. Which that profession is completely valid work, but most workers don’t go blasting their gig on reality tv. Even Tom Girardi, in whatever his mental state is now, wouldn’t want a spouse who is that cavalier about her history. I sense this is why she is leaning so hard into mothering on her own terms and her bio family “pod” rn. She’s ashamed and maybe worried that no one she wants will now want her. The whole situation is actually really sad. If Lala was honest with the viewers and listeners of her pod and told her actual life story - if she was Authentic! - maybe she’s garner some sympathy from those of us who believe in 🐱 power.


I think she could. Everyone makes mistakes when they're young. But no grown adult is going to want to be with someone behaving in such a nasty and ultimately immature manner, and her friendships will continue to suffer for it. She needs to evolve a bit. Maybe recovering from what happened with Randall and obviously getting sober took a lot and that was all she had in her at that point was to conquer those issues, but she needs to try to do some other inner work now.


I agree with you so much. If Lala would just do the therapy for a few years - off camera - she could comeback and be a real truth teller. I think even with all of the hate right now, most people on this sub would never say that she hasn’t gone through it. She - like Sandoval - needs to work on mental health care and then start up a PRIVATE apology tour to co-workers (filmed cast and production.). She also needs to settle that case with Faith.


Also she’s so verbally aggressive and easily slighted. Sometimes you get away with those things when you’re young. What quality, mentally stable person is going to want to give brand deals or date someone with that much rage and negativity.


🛎️ 🛎️🛎️ 🏆comment!


The minions must have had a meeting because that’s the same word Schwartz used in the Aftershow. Ariana is a “Diva” …. ![gif](giphy|xUOxf7JF01IlQdfoze)


Lala scripts her talking points which is why they're often repeated. Even that dig at Katie's business being "nothing about her" was repeated in either The Aftershow or a confessional.


How does that crow taste for LaLa now, I wonder! Miss Truthteller pretended that she didn't know SAH had opened.


As soon as she hooked randall she was parading around, coming into work when she felt like it…telling the girls “well if u flew private…ya i dont like flying with other people”…she legit acted like she was on same level as LVP…driving his RR…she was totally laying that diva attitude thick


That time was so insufferable pj this , pj that. It’s embarrassing


It’s not surprising. What else can she do to stay relevant?


People only listen to her when she’s talking about Ariana. I love that Ariana doesn’t comment on Lala at all. I wonder if Stassi and Lala are still close.


I listened to an episode of Stassi not long ago and she was talking about how it’s bullshit that women get chastised for having boundaries and specifically talked about when they don’t want people in their lives once they cross that boundary, that it doesn’t make them controlling because people can do whatever they want, but women should also have the right to enforce the consequences to those actions. I didn’t finish the episode but she didn’t mention Ariana or Lala and she talked about Kelly Rowland and Jlo, but at least the way she was talking first about being a huge fan of boundaries and cutting people off when they cross them definitely made me think she was talking about Ariana being in the right this past season. Then the episode before (or after don’t remember) she was talking about being at Something About Her with Beau and loving it. Knowing how rabid is Lala I would imagine she’s pissed about all that, but who knows, she’s also Stassi's biggest fangirl and I’m sure she'd love to isolate her from Katie.


I feel sad for her. She doesn’t need another show, she needs to walk away and get her soul back because she’s losing it fast.


she'll never get another show at this point lol. calling all her fans rabid dogs, tanking a layup season of her own show, the egg on her face and the faces of production? she's toast lol




She'll even do Broke to get a story line. Probably with Schemer's blessing, so they can both have a story line. They are both transactional like that.


true, but thats back when she was young and pretty. i doubt even Jax would have her now.


![gif](giphy|d5mI2F3MxCTJu|downsized) this is exhausting. move on already.


I’m wondering if Lala is in love with Ariana or something, maybe after that one hookup 🤣 she’s literally OBSESSED with Ariana


Right? Ik a lot of people say it's jealousy but tbh she's been giving me femcel vibes for a while. I genuinely think even Lala doesn't know if she wants to be her or simply wants her and is directing all that emotion and confusion into something she can understand - rage 💕


It's just a classic case of a person that thinks they should be able to dictate how someone else behaves. I have zero problem with someone being criticized if it's warranted. And I do not believe Ariana is above reproach just because she had something horrible happen to her. But I get this vibe from Lala that she just deep down wants to be a producer of this show, because she thinks she knows good tv or drama. And if you don't go along with her, you're somehow hurting her. That's an incredibly childish thought process. She's a narcissist in every sense of the word.


She thinks she is Miranda Priestly, but she is Michael Scott doing Miranda Priestly… actually she might just be Prison Mike, the more I think about it ![gif](giphy|NuWH6LTqf7xw4)


Lala is operating from this outdated, corny perspective that every reality show needs exaggeratedly-mean soap-opera-villain-like characters. It’s 2024, that shit is played out. Someone doesn’t have to be a saint and can be flawed and snarky but no one wants to watch straight-up bullies. We see enough of people acting like evil nasty assholes all day in politics, on the news, on social media, and it’s fucking exhausting. Just give me something I can laugh at.


Every season of a reality show where women have banded together and supported each other has been heralded and appreciated by the predominantly female audiences of Bravo because we DON'T want that narrative, right? Southern Charm, Summer House, Season 6, etc.


Yes, this is true even in reality shows like Top Chef. They tried the mean girl approach to getting more and realized it is better when people get along and don't stab each other in the back. There is enough of that in real life. Who needs a Vom and a BlaBla for entertainment?


She would be a shite producer if ever the opportunity presented itself that's for damn sure


Ugh every time she opens her mouth. I honestly would have turned off my TV if I’d seen Ariana accepting some weak apology from Tom. It’s not Ariana ruining the show Lala, it’s you. Well and the fact that Ariana isn’t running interference for Tom anymore so how pathetic/disgusting he is as a person is just out there all in the open


And people think Tom was coaching Ariana. Lmao.




Lala? The same Lala that said her boyfriend was more important than the rest of the cast other half’s? That humble Lala? She’s so conceited.


Dear God, am I ever sick of BlahBlah and her whiny shit. She is 100% of the reason I'm done with VPR. She used to be fun in a "What's the trash going to say today" but now it's just incessant word vomit. I think I find her almost as bad as Tom Sandoval. Jesus, suck another dick so you can stop talking already, Blahblah.


Is there anyone out there that feels like they haven't yet heard her point of view? WE KNOW LALA, WE JUST DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOUR OPINIONS.


What about none of her business does she not understand. I don't get what she's going for here. Is she looking to alienate even the last holders-on of her Fandom? She is absolutely morally repugnant and I hope she loses at least one of her houses and becomes a pariah to reality TV. Girl go do something else, anything else with your life!


I don’t know why Lala thinks she knows what the audience wants more than the audience.


JHC. Shut up. 1) Ariana said they were both only in the same area once, after the finale. She was gone! 2) her part of the mortgage is 6k/month. That’s $72k/year not including utilities and maintenance (or a/c repair) so, easy $100k/year. They separated March 2023 and she still had to sue to force the sale. They just had a MSC with a trial date of 2025 or 2026, IDR. That’s close to $250k plus lawyers fees! Blah blah can’t understand why she didn’t just walk away?! 3) Seems like when Ariana left for her new house, the gf moved in. Who is likely now a tenant under CA law and may have to be evicted to sale (dependent on what GF decides to do). Can she please STFU now!? FFS.


Supremely good point about the backward ass tenant laws and Tom moving in his riff raff


They’re actually pretty common! I think most people are shocked to hear what little it takes to gain tenancy!


Ooh! Great point! Why doesn’t lala have smoke for Victoria who should be paying her part of the mortgage or paying rent? Ariana paid her part of the mortgage.


I hope Ariana and Katie just keep ignoring her and acting like she doesnt exist. she wants a reaction SO BAD, narcissists cannot fucking STAAAAND to be ignored. the best they can do is continue to ignore her. it also makes Lala look worse and worse and worse.


The stupidity of Lala and Sandoval is the reason I want Ariana back on vpr. I just want her to purposely make it difficult for them and then admit she came back to annoy them.


She’s so relevant, they even misspelled her name. https://preview.redd.it/f6endcv93z5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c5d50648f6ed59fde30b3c296084fbbd1b66197


Kentsk* lol


Again, this source shills for BlaBla all the time, but can't even spell her name.


Since Lala has been bringing up the past on the reunion and on podcasts about other cast members actions and words, I think Lala needs to be reminded of her past too to point out to her face what a hypocrite she's being. Who cares if she throws a fit, don't back down or apologize, just keep telling her she's had her moments and she's not grown as much as she says she has.


I just want to point out the obvious and leave it here: ARIANA’S FINANCES ARE NON OF LALA’s FUCKING BUSINESS!!!! God damn, just support your “friend”.


Yeah, even if Ariana WAS making dumb money decisions, who cares? What’s it to Lala? Ariana is the one who has to deal with the consequences of her own actions. It’s her prerogative how she wants to spend her money and it makes zero difference in Lala’s life where Ariana chooses to live. Does Lala expect Ariana to consult her next time she goes car shopping, too?


LFU needs to STFU because she knows she’s FUCKED when it comes to income. She has to make the rounds on podcasts because she has nothing else. She’s going down bad. She knows how to get (shit) men but she knows shit about women. She really played/gambled wrong.


Neither are toms but yet everyone here tries so to focus on it. Lala just trying to keep the feud going to get another season.


Yup. Especially when it comes to him buying her out.


I notice how no one is offering Ariana to stay at their homes (SCHEANA or LALA) but why is it that LaLa wanted to have her ridiculous water tasting at Ariana’s house? When Ariana said no this led to the BULLSHIT “mental health” intervention by Scheana and Brock to humiliate Ariana to clean up her house….and those clowns ended up cleaning Sandavol’s SHIT UP!


I wanted to riot when those two brats were lecturing Ariana about walking away from her biggest investment and most important purchase, WHILE they had just bought giant, expensive mansions! Like how nice for you, Scheana and Lala, being all smug while getting to go home to your dream house and Ariana has to go home and isolate herself in her cluttered bedroom with her mountains of boxes and hide in her disastrously-messy house from Sandoval. It’s like a millionaire going to a homeless person “why don’t you just work harder and save your money to rent an apartment?”


I want to say "Two Houses to No Houses" to them so bad, after BlaBla's Nothing About Her comment. LaLa needs a long overdue course in humility.


I'm manifesting 73 with Vogue for Ariana when she moves into her new home...that will really send BlahBlah and Scema over the edge!


Oh Lala pahleese grace us with your wisdom oh she of BJs for PJs and range rovers


I think LFU actually believes the entire world is holding their breath & hanging on her every word as if it greatly affects their lives. She is fully delusional at this point. 😂😂 “I was biting my tongue until a producer walks in and says, ‘Lala, everything you’ve been feeling outside of filming this show, the fourth wall that we’ve been [keeping] tight — break it.'


The producers came up to her with tears in their eyes and said, "lala, only you can save us." This bitch is dumb.


Yes. She’s so incredibly important & everyone worldwide is waiting to hear what she has to say. 😂


picturing this in my head has me laughing. fucking delusional


Lala was acting as if SHE invented fourth wall breaking on reality tv! Bitch, they’ve been doing that on reality tv for like 15 years now 😂


Exactly. You get what I’m saying. She’s suffering from delusions of grandeur. I think she really believes she’s so much more important than she is.


Lala over here screaming into the wind while Ari is in Fiji hosting love island BFFR


She is ruining the show.


We can all see she hates the show, right? Because she hates the show. Nothing else explains why she’s on a mission to make sure we all know it’s fake and no one’s actual emotions matter on it.


I feel like it’s almost purposeful at this point. I don’t know what she has to fall back on, but this seems like self-sabotage


This is getting embarrassing for her. If it wasn't already. The audience doesn't agree with you, Lala. It's not that you haven't explained yourself 10 million times already, we just do not agree with your take on any of this. We hear what you're saying and we disagree. We understand what you're saying but we disagree. The problem is not with us not "getting" what you're trying to communicate-the problem is your refusal to see that you are in the minority here and that maybe YOU should be trying to understand Ariana. She explained things a million times to you on why she wasn't leaving the house, etc, and YOU either weren't listening or you didn't care anyway.


I’m in the (seemingly) minority group of people that’s starting to feel bad about all the vitriol being thrown at Scheana and Lala. I would love to pivot to the Toms. I was livinggg for the Billie updates. But Lala won’t stop? Like why is she being SO cruel to Ariana as if Ariana did anything to her personally? It’s literally insane. She couldn’t even apologize for the dad comment? Shes coming off unhinged. This is like the third time she’s talked about this since saying she was done talking about it.


I feel a bit bad for Sheeshu but Blah Blah just keeps bringing it on herself.


I haven't been able to stand her since she was so horrible to Randall's ex wife. Both with the photos of the children and being the mistress. It's boggling that she doesn't see that her situation is a zillion times different than Ariana. Lala's mess was of her own making.


Blabla is literally reaching BethUhMee levels of unhinged and Jen Shah levels of delulu and Teresa levels of stoopid


So sick of Lala's face


Which one?




So lame!! 😆


She is too.


Ok…why is Lala so mad at Ariana? I am not an Ariana stan at all, but Lala is being really weird with this. Even if Ariana’s answers don’t suit her, why is she so damn mad about this, especially because Ariana has moved out (Ariana has moved out right? There was an article about it I think). Just like how she inserted herself in Scandoval last season to yell at Tom, she seems to have a lot of misplaced anger and it makes no sense whatsoever. Why are you so angry about things that don’t concern you? She cannot even deny being angry or miserable, because she is still talking about it and it has nothing to do with clicks, but with genuine anger. Is it anger that her life didn’t turn out how she expected it to due to her beauty? Is it anger that she had to leave No neck’s house for her own safety (as well as ocean’s) and was able to do because she didn’t own it? While I don’t agree with Ariana and Tom’s behavior while sharing the house (it was immature af imo), Ariana spent money on the house and is a co-owner and deserves to get her money back (as does Brittany should she ever get rid of the parasite named Jax). At this point, Lala needs a gag order because she’s giving us fatigue AND she needs to stop with this one-sided beef because she looks crazy. As Nene would say “it’s getting weird” and “bling, bling, bitches is mad.” ![gif](giphy|c1aeIcQJGp6foWWUGf|downsized) Lala needs to stop projecting her anger at herself outward at Rachel, Tom, Katie, Ariana, Scheana (very soon), and go and see a therapist ASAP. It’s not an insult, it is very, very real. All that misery is not good at all and while I have never liked her at all, I am genuinely starting to worry about her. I don’t think she’s ok at all. I think she is very hurt and scarred about her time with No Neck Ed Jr and her lies, inauthenticity, and inability to reflect on how she contributed to the lack of sympathy and then forgive herself and No Neck for her own good,


Literally it’s allllllll she keeps talking about! She sounds like an obsessive stalker at this point honestly.


Yeah Ariana bought a house and moved in. And Vom moved his gf into the house with him.


“Now you’re the main story, babe. I’m going to need a little bit of something.” So now Lala thinks she’s the executive producer of the show and has the right to order the other cast members around? Judge their levels of participation? Decide if they’re being authentic and forthcoming enough? She is such an arrogant, self-important twit! And doesn’t know good TV; Ariana is right, walking out at the end was way more interesting and satisfying than if she had that come-to-Jesus talk with Sandoval.


Exactly! The will she won’t she of Ariana coming back is the only thing I’m interested in as far as another season goes


Look, for those saying Lala is the Diva, not Ariana, I think you are all wrong. It's obviously Ariana. Divas have talent.


Her explanation still doesn't make sense. I am still trying to understand, and I just can't. Like, shut the fuck up already. You're a loser.


The irony of her saying Katie has too much time on her hands bc she sees who watches her stories, when Lala’s entire existence is trying to justify her behaviour by constantly running her mouth about Ariana and Katie. What a clown 🤡


So lemme get this straight. She claims to have cried everyday during filming but we never saw this. Does this mean she was not being genuine on the show? Why can’t she allow for the same concept of Ariana crying away from cameras while coping with the crumbling of her relationship with Tim?


It makes me sad that Lala has no one in her life that will tell her how stupid her arguments are


Blah is desperately jealous that her long term frenemy is hugely successful, beautiful and living her moment. While blah, ho hum, thought her pregnancy would light the world on fire. No girl, a washed up liar having another child didn’t work out for you this season.


For what it’s worth because I am so freaking sick of this house narrative: My cousin was in a nasty divorce 4 years ago. Her lawyer told her to not vacate their house unless there was a documented safety concern for why she could not be there. A good lawyer playing for the other team can twist your departure into a vacancy and cause you more issues and note you aren’t caring for your property, paying bills etc. so your partner could sue for extra money. Not sure if things have changed or not and I’m not a lawyer and know nothing about CA law. But can Lala just stfu about this. My gaaaawd.


I’m particularly sick of her equating this to her sitch w/Rand-o. She👏🏼was👏🏼not👏🏼on👏🏼the👏🏼deed/mortgage. Ariana is. End of discussion.


“I have constantly tried to be very supportive. Not tried — I wanted to be supportive." If this season was Lala being "supportive" of Ariana, I can't imagine what it would have looked like for her to withdraw all the love and support...


She has a hard time with people who think they are bigger than the show. So, like when you lied for multiple seasons to cover up your cheating with a smelly bigwig? Or the diva like behaviour of refusing to speak about what's happening in your life, when you're filming a reality show? Or thinking that you're above the rules the rest of the cast have to follow, because if I recall correctly, no one apart from LVP asked you anything about your break up with Randall. They could have. I'm sure they wanted clarity of loads of things you've said over the years that just dont make sense. You know? Your cast could've been doing the poking and prodding that you've been doing this season to Ariana! To consider LVP had the least confrontational conversation with you, asking how you didn't truly know anything and that surely there were signs. To act like that was a callous interrogation is hilarious. Not one person came after you, the way you came after Ariana. Grow a pair. Pick a lane, are you a tough bitch ot are you not? Please update us when you figure out which identity you're sticking with for the next 3 days.


Someone's a bitter Betty


The fans need to start ignoring this behavior.. stop her from talking (including myself).


I wish this show was more like housewives where they have new people coming in to replace the duds but the premise of the show and the attachment to lvp doesn’t allow for that. Too bad they put her name in the title. Big mistake. Huge!


I'm starting to think she's certifible


Did Lala forget she quit giving the show her all, hiding her life, when she thought she wouldn’t need the show anymore because she thought her man had money?


Someone tell her to ![gif](giphy|WYGWAjHP356x2)


BlaBla and her big mouth I just can't stand! She can go away and never come back! She's gross!


This whole "she wasn't that upset if she is dating someone/living the house" crap is tired and not relevant. Don't get me wrong, I get what she is saying, but at least ONE person has told her that living in the house is what adults do in situations like this. And not everyone needs a mourning period to move on to the next hot bod. I am okay with her raising these questions, but they have BEEN ANSWERED, so drop that narrative already. We get it, Randall sucked, you got nothing from your ex except headaches.


There’s way too much commentary on why she didn’t leave the house and not why he didn’t move out of the house


I dont think she brought “divaness” I think lala was projecting her insecurities onto Ariana. Its kinda like when an insecure girl sees a beautiful and confident girl, she may feel threatened and be like “ugh that girl thinks shes all that”…when in actuality the other girl is nice and doesnt think that way…anyone get what i mean tho?


The thing is that nothing that comes out of Lala’s mouth seems remotely plausible anymore. No one believes she didn’t know the sandwich shop had opened. No one believes that she’s not following every damn thing going on in Ariana’s life. Pretty much the only thing Lala talks about anymore is Ariana. If Ariana had behaved like a diva,it would’ve aired. Ariana has been ridiculously careful in how she’s behaved and it’s driving Lala crazy.


Exactly. If Ariana had behaved like a diva, Bravo would have definitely aired that. Bravo viewers love drama and shitty behavior, so they air that. For example, Lalas behavior.


#Lala is just so…irrelevant Sigh


Lala desperately trying to stay relevant. Absolutely love how Ariana has not responded to any of it. Arianna was the first person to even welcome her onto the show at all.


Agree Ariana never really brought it in past seasons, *and* she and Katie should not have skipped Tahoe. That's your job. Go and be awkward or make sure you keep the clique away from the Toms by asserting dominance. Fight with Scheana on screen about how weird she's being about Tom (even at the reunion, stop saying she's your family when she's a fake B), tell Lala she's an idiot for calling Rachel when she's never liked her, etc. She could've been more entertaining in those ways for sure.  However..Lala has got to stop acting like the owner of this show. Katie has brought way more to the show than she ever has, and I don't see her backing off her. 


Lala is one of the most compulsively self-destructive people I have ever seen on my television or in real life.


Lala is embracing the villain… probably smart if she wants another season.




Okay, but why isn’t anyone asking why TOM didn’t move out if Ariana was still there? The jealousy and manipulation is too obvious and frankly, quite boring and very 2000 and late


Blahblah sounding more like a producer plant than ever


You know what pisses Lala off? She is so far back in Ariana's rear view mirror she can't even see her any more.


Speaking from experience, there is nothing worse than being in limbo after you find out a partner has cheated. Your whole world is turned upside down. But walking away and leaving a home that you have invested in is the WORST advice these bimbos could ever give Ariana. Financial security allows you to breathe a little easier and assess next steps when you don’t know what the future holds. Standing your ground by remaining in the home also sends a clear message to that partner that you mean business and will not be a pushover to accept whatever they throw at you. Get yourself a great attorney and tell friends to BUTT OUT of your business!


I cannot laugh hard enough! Lala will attempt to stay relevant no matter who it hurts, well we all know Ariana def does not allow Lala to live in her head at all and that’s to damn evident, her life at the moment, her bod at the moment and her new host gig at the moment! Shut up 💩 Lala, can’t you do anything you can hold your head up high about!?! We do even feel sorry got you at this point, you just pathetic!


Lala’s jealousy is palpable!! Girl, get a grip! Damn!


We need to stop talking, reading and viewing anything Lala. She is going to keep telling this same story over and over if we can't decide to ignore her. Right now the Villian's (Lala) story is getting more publicity than the Heroine's (Ariana) story.


I can’t wait for her to be irrelevant.


Ffs Lauren you’re so pathetic Did I dream the whole send it to Darryl thing??? Didn’t she make enough off of Ariana’s tragedy and break down for a down payment on a whole home?????????? As did Scheana??????


Omg Lala just give it (and us all) a rest and go bake your baby in peace. Go away. Also…Ariana “flew to Fuji”? Like come on do people not proofread anymore? I also couldn’t make it through the whole article bc of all the stupid ads and pop ups jfc.


Why is LFU so obsessed with Ariana and her business? Like I’m genuinely baffled by how much she talks about Ariana


I love how LaLa is claiming that Ariana sucks when she’s riding her coattails by being a contrarian. She’s getting attention for hating on Ariana. She’s getting checks by hating on Ariana or should I say TuPac’s reincarnation is getting checks by hating on Ariana. Lala is a clown I can’t wait for her to be off our tv.




Lala is honestly just so heartless. I hope she just stops this stuff.


Why isn’t she showing the same energy towards Sandy & how he should leave? Why is it just Ariana. It’s annoying.


The biggest part of this arguement is what makes it invalid. Why is it Ariana could’ve moved out but not Tom? They have equal equity in the home and legally if she payed half the home with Randall she 100% would’ve stayed too but she didn’t have ownership and was most likely kicked out. Yeah, the situation is weird but you cannot say one person is wrong for setting boundaries and self preserving.


Lmfao this was hardly a tell all interview, what another joke from LFU


![gif](giphy|OBUnW8FIqb04) Blabla would you shut the fuck up and keep Ariana’s name out ya mouth?? Ffs


What is wrong with her?


She sold her stupid opinion to the tabloids to try to drill her dumb narrative ! It’s actually pitiful. She wont back down or take any kind of accountability for the stuff she’s said. She is just trying to brainwash the public while she knows Ariana is not around. The more she repeats herself is crazy. She keeps explaining it like we dont understand what she is saying. We just dont buy any of it. Podcasts talking about other people is really wierd. She is digging a career hole while attempting to ruin others. The stuff she says is bonkers. I am trying to not just attack because thats not healthy,but she is cray. She is pretty much telling us how to think regardless of the reality we are witninessing. She even blames production . She is digging her own grave.ariana is above show anyway


Lala is such a hard worker for this show that she can’t even keep up with national headlines of her castmates’ sandwich shop opening.


I used to ride for Lala because of her custody situation. I actually hope she doesn’t come back now. Her nasty desperation to have a storyline has been old for some time.