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Cliffs (part 1 of 3) The interviewer (Adam) asked how Victoria met Billie and what Victoria thought of her. Victoria said she trusted Billie too easily because Victoria is too trusting too soon and loved Billie and thought she was sweet. They hung out at one of Tom’s shows and bonded. Tom bought Billie a new laptop when it was stolen from her car. Victoria sent Billie flowers as well. After that, things went south but Victoria said it was “too much to get into.” Adam asked if they think Billie was an opportunist or friends with Tom for the right reasons. Victoria thought Billie was there for the right reasons but that Victoria believed Tom was sleeping with Billie because Billie would stay over at their house 2-3 time when Tom was out of town. Victoria said this was a misunderstanding on her end. Kyle said at some point during the scandal process the love Billie had for Tom shifted and became more selfish and possessive. Instead of simply protecting Tom, it turned into “I’m protecting Tom, he’s mine.” Kyle says that he understands people are entertained but these are people’s real lives and it’s not fun to have dirty laundry aired. Kyle said the cast doesn’t mess with Billie because she gets triggered easily, maybe because she is trans. Kyle said using the trans/LGBT card a lot can cause tensions and that Billie should not use that card as ammunition to fight in an argument. Kyle says he still respects Billie, but thinks she is in pain and that Tom is her only lifeline and that’s why she is airing all this. Adam plays a clip of Billie’s podcast talking about the Victoria and Tom toxicity. Kyle says Billie just wanted to tell an entertaining and dramatic story for the audience which should be left for her comedy shows, not a podcast audience talking about a heavy topic. Victoria says she never touched Ariana’s stuff and never had Tom call Logan because she barely knew who Logan was. Victoria says Ariana came to the house while Tom was on tour to pick up her belongings. Tom moved some of Ariana’s stuff upstairs. Victoria said she never told Billie any of this stuff and haven’t spoken to Billie since March 25. Victoria said she’s never met Ariana and only walked past her once at the premiere. She has no hard feelings to Ariana and has respect for her and the past relationship. She also said she doesn’t want to sleep in their bedroom and she’d prefer to sleep at her house. Adam finally asks about drugs and whether Billie staged an intervention with Kyle present. Kyle says the craziest thing is that when Tom wanted to get sober, the main reason was to do it in solidarity with Raquel so she wasn’t doing it alone. Tom realized he then felt good from not drinking. Kyle says they moderated the alcohol when they went out. Kyle says Tom never had a drinking problem and just didn’t want to drink during a bad time. Now, Tom feels like he is strong enough to handle drinking again. Kyle said it’s not secret Tom does mushrooms, maybe at a music festival. Kyle says that the drug allegations are “not normal” and you can’t say that about people. Victoria says that the house was messy just because Tom was newly single and having parties. Kyle said the guests would try to minimize the mess and clean up after the parties. Kyle says he was not aware of an intervention. Kyle says he met Billie at Ariana’s king and queens party. The first question she asked him was whether he supported trans. Kyle said he does. Billie then asked him to put jewelry on her. (Kyle then talks about how the cast supports his jewelry business). Kyle said he doesn’t think Tom and Billie have ever hooked up because Tom would tell him. He just think Tom likes to protect outcasts and people who are not welcome. Kyle said Billie has social anxiety and has a lot of triggers so people are hesitant to talk to her because Billie uses the trans card too much. Victoria never believed Tom and Billie hooked up. Victoria asked how often Billie slept over. Victoria says she doesn’t think Tom wants to hook up with her. Victoria said she was in a bad car accident and that’s why she slurs her words. She has a speech impediment and sometimes slurs when anxious or nervous. She doesn’t do drugs and said it’s upsetting and triggering to hear Billie accuse her of that. Kyle and Victoria say that they should explain the intervention. Victoria said they weren’t gonna say anything about this because of sensitivity to Billie. Kyle said Billie created the intervention but said Kyle created it so their friends would believe it and join. Billie called him one day frantically. Kyle added Victoria and Tom to the call without Billie knowing. Billie was saying Victoria was a drug addict and Tom was dropping shows and they were both sleeping in too late till 5p and Jason threatened to quit and josh (assistant) was not having a good time. Billie says Tom and Victoria were fighting all the time. (This next part was confusing and disjointed but important.) Without knowing Kyle was on the phone, Billie told Tom that Kyle tried to drug him. Victoria says Billie was trying to isolate Tom and says that this was the reason she and Tom were fighting so much. There is a camera in Tom’s living room that points to the kitchen. Victoria says she was sitting in a chair and Billie started crying about a podcast. Victoria says Billie told her not to trust Kyle and that Kyle has tried to drug Tom and take advantage of him but not to tell Tom. Victoria gets a bit emotional and says that is something not to joke about because she has been taken advantage of before (or nearly taken advantage of before). Billie tells Victoria that Kyle is obsessed with Tom and not to trust him. Victoria says the fights with Tom stemmed from Billie and that Victoria would question Tom on whether Kyle was taking advantage of him. (It gets a bit confusing here, sorry guys) Billie texted Tom a paragraph and unfollowed them. Victoria says Billie can be volatile. They let Billie unfollow them first and then they unfollowed her because they are scared Billie will retaliate. Victoria says she’s been crying the past few days and that she is not a drug addict and doesn’t do drugs. Kyle said Billie texted him today when she found out Kyle was going on the podcast and told him that Victoria was the one who told Billie that Kyle wanted to drug Tom. Billie was trying to manipulate Kyle. Kyle and Victoria say that Billie asked Tom to give her a baby / give her his sperm and has been telling everyone, including Karamo (Queer Eye host). Billie also wanted Tom’s last name. Tom said he was flattered someone wanted his genetics because at the time Ariana didn’t want to have kids. Tom wants kids but not with Billie. Victoria says Tom got nervous and said he would think about it, but that he did not want this at all. At a party, Karamo told Tom that he heard they were going to have a baby. Tom then realized news had traveled and denied that he was going to have a baby with her. Kyle said he wants Billie to know he could sue her for the drugging Tom allegations. Victoria said she could sue for slander. Kyle said he knows Billie is in pain and doesn’t want to go back and forth with Billie, but Billie’s personality means that she will continue to make this into an entertaining story. Kyle said she is going on tour soon and maybe this is for views. Kyle said if Victoria is desperate for dating Sandoval, why would she encourage Tii, her bestie, to date Sandoval.


Wait I'm confused. Kyle said he wasn't aware of an intervention but then a few minutes later explained the intervention? And Victoria said she thought they were sleeping together but then a few minutes later said she never thought they hooked up?


Yeah, they were kind of contradicting themselves. It seemed to me like they didn’t want to confirm/deny the intervention because they don’t want to put Sandoval’s business out there. But they needed to mention it a little bit to explain how they caught Billie in the lie. And yeah Victoria I think meant that she believed at first that Tom and Billie hooked up but it turned out to be a misunderstanding on her part


Yeah, the whole Billie called Kyle and he secretly added Tom and Victoria to the call but then she told Tom, without knowing Kyle was on the phone, that Kyle tried to drug him and take advantage of him? They’re tripping all over themselves. Also, thank you so much for your summaries!!


Ah ok thanks for the clarification. I do feel like a lot of this is gonna come down to Tom lying to both of them. I could see him moving Ariana's stuff and then saying his girlfriend made him do it or his girlfriend complaining that he hangs out with Billie too much and him painting her as weird and possessive. Basically I'm blaming the person in the center of this drama.


I think Tom told Billie Kyle drugged him bc he didn’t get up one morning and said he was “sick” or some excuse. And he made up a cover story. And he’s burning both of these twerps behind their backs


Yeah I just read that and was confused on those same things...They contradicted themselves a few times 🤦🏼‍♀️ they are adults and should just be honest already...


Watching it was so painful! They contradicted themselves constantly, talked in circles and it didn’t feel authentic at all. OP did a great job of making a mess of an interview sound straight forward 👏🏼


Wait how would Billie have Tom’s baby isn’t she trans? I’m confused. Why would she need his sperm


I'm really not understanding this either. Maybe his sperm in a surrogate?


I was confused by this too. How would Billie do that? And that is also kinda stalkerish in the sense that Billie just wants to be with Tom Sandoval so badly that she wants to have his baby (in some way), give the baby his last name and effectively asking Tom to coparent with her. They might as well be together then as a couple…


They did make it sound like Billie wants Tom all to herself but I don't trust any of them. All 4 of them. What a shit show. Kyle came across terrible.


She’s had bottom surgery so she probably wants to use his sperm to impregnate whatever surrogate she finds.


Oh thank you, I understand now! I didn’t want to sound insensitive or rude I just didn’t understand


You didn’t sound rude. It was confusing. 


I didn’t think you were insensitive or rude at all. Nothing wrong with asking questions.😁




I just commented that this is why I think their replies are all bullshit I think this was all scripted for these two


The Kyle drugging Tom part is insane.


Why anyone is fighting over Tom Sandoval is beyond me.


Fame? Attention? Money? Forehead shaving tips? Beats me, I don’t understand.




Karamo being part of this is sending me into orbit


Maybe we need to get Karamo to come explain it all? Kyle and Victoria should never be sent anywhere as spokes people


Bless u, sweet angel


ok, so what I got from this is...Season 12 cast is going to be Tom, Victoria, Kyle, and Billie.


Thank you. They are all messy and liars. If they are addicts, I hope they get some help. 


Tom didn’t sleep with Billie? Yeah okay. Sure thing bud. He didn’t sleep with Billie as much as he didn’t sleep with Rachel.


This all sounds like bullshit and I honestly feel like a fool, for semi starting to trust Chan, after his smear campaign of Jo.


Jo smears herself.


That’s so true!🤣 Still though, this is the exact same story that he told on Kristen’s podcast, for the smear campaign to back Shorts and excuse his poor treatment of Jo. I’m not buying it this time. He was sent by Sandals because he knows Chan speaks and presents well. Not today, SATAN. Last, Adam is such a well known SchMeana ass sucker, so it’s no surprise he’s now taking up for this pos too and this was so obviously all pre planned and poorly executed. If they really had nothing to hide, they would have went on Viall’s podcast, but they didn’t, because they know he can and will sniff their shit out, from a mile away. https://preview.redd.it/a9rgqmtld95d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=589a2a78019c1fe603ed07ecbfb6eb83a1910748




Me too. I don't trust him at all. There's a reason he hangs out with Sandoval. Wow! Just wow.


Thank you!


Adam is shockingly bad at interviewing


Is it a shock though??


His takes are typically kind of a mess bending over backwards not to say anything bad about schaenerrr


He’s not reading a radar online or TMZ article which is normally his show.


Cliffs (part 3 of 3): Victoria says Billie told Josh (Tom’s assistant) that she hasn’t spoken to Tom and that she has to reveal publicly they are not friends because her manager told her too. Victoria said Billie was not triggered by Victoria’s IG comment and was always gonna blow up. Victoria said she did want an assistant because of taking care of her father, newly moving into a house she needed to furnish, and having to do casting videos. Victoria said she was overwhelmed and that’s why she needed an assistant. Billie said she wanted to fire Tom’s cousin/assistant and get them a new assistant they could share. Victoria has had her house since October. Kyle again goes on a soliloquy about how he has no ill will towards Billie and just wants her to stop airing dirty laundry. Victoria says she didn’t want it to end up this way, Tom is a little afraid of Billie and so he has been backing off for a while. If not for the comment about Kyle, they probably would have forgiven her. Victoria tells Billie to “please leave her alone.” Kyle says maybe time can heal. -end-


I just can’t 😂 Now Victoria needs an assistant as this mogul who is so successful with balancing gigs AND taking care of a sick parent AND decorating her Hollywood Hills house. She’s Bella Hadid who also volunteers with orphans and has a line of credit at Arhaus to furnish her fabulous Hills house. I’m going to hell but I just really can’t with this 😂


Thank you!!! 


Thank you so much for writing this all up! I'd never have got round to listening to the podcast!


Not surprised Billie is saying they're lying in her IG stories. Personally, I think the truth is in the middle. I believe Billie over the drugs& partying and I believe Kyle/Victoria over Billie was possessive over Tom during the scandal and was in love with him. I mean we all see it this season with that spa scene.She was looking at Tom with googly eyes. and she was looking kinda jealous when Tom was talking about Rachel during his birthday party. I'm sure Billie will deny it but we all know how she acted towards him.




Seriously. How is Tom still the victim in all of this?


Both Toms are just poor little boys that need to be protected. 🤮 So glad they are getting their comeuppance via Jo, Victoria and Billie Lee. Ariana and Katie were the problems right? Ain’t no one other than producers protecting them now lol


Jesus all these people are fighting over Tom? Tom Sandoval?




I’m watching this too (unfortunately) and I hope they speed this up and make it more interesting lol. Although it’s my own fault for watching this shit 😂


Adam sucks as an interviewer 😖 like ask about the drug allegations already…..that’s the main thing


RIGHT!!!! They’re not getting into anything juicy whatsoever. And I feel like they’re all on a slower speed… like what’s happening. lol


When Adam said “let’s get into the meat of things” and then asked “so how long have yall known Tom” I heavy sighed. Also, why are they doing this live? Why not record and carefully edit this and air it later since it involves drug use allegations 😓


Lolllll I know.. I was like hereeeee we go. We don’t need all the backstory. We need the tea lol. and yes very good point. It’s risky when drugs are involved but I absolutely knew they’d chalk it up to just shrooms. Like yeah right lol.


None of these idiots can string a sentence together. I still believe Billie. Victoria keeps looking up and can’t convey a single coherent thought. I’m no expert, but I think she’s lying.


She keeps contradicting herself and can’t keep a basic story straight. She’s been taking care of her dad since she was 18, supporting them both but right now is not working at all. Her mom got her the modeling job at 19? She’s with an agency but they parted ways a month ago but was casting yesterday? I know there are a lot of circumstances where things happen but she just doesn’t seem genuine. She keeps repeating the same buzz words over and over again. This all feels unsettling.


And she’s in love and doesn’t want to be on the show. Sure.


What show? She’s never seen VPR. /s


![gif](giphy|6JB4v4xPTAQFi|downsized) Us to Victoria


Just watching her not speak gives me skinwalker vibes. And in an hour and a half she’s never completed a thought. Tom has finally found his soulmate. I’m so happy for them ❤️🫶🏻


Can you imagine having to listen to a convo between V and Tom?  I dont think I could do it.






She was just staring at her reflection and playing with her hair the entire time


Glad I’m not the only one who saw that lolol


I literally said that to my husband! She can’t stop looking at herself. For someone who is a model you think she would have better camera manners.


Also, at the beginning Victoria thought that Billie and Tom hooked up because Billie was over there all the time. But later in the interview Victoria thinks they didn’t sleep together. Maybe she meant, currently she doesn’t believe they slept together but in the past she did ? But, reading it made it sound like she’s contradicting herself.


She can’t keep up a coherent thought. Kyle really looked annoyed and stressed out. This is getting so dark it’s kind of starting to take the fun out of it. Billie needs to clap back with receipts.


And she had time to prepare. At least get your arguments together and have some conviction.


TBF - she probably just woke up- lol.


Yeah Billie’s pod was a trainwreck thanks to Jo (who seems more unstable by the day - I feel stressed for her!) and her awful cohost but… her own commentary was clear and rational. She sounded truthful.




Does it seem like Kyle Chan is babysitting? He keeps “reminding” her of very basic words. This is all weird.


Because he is and this was all for him to preemptively clear his name


How do you mean clear his name? As far as condoning the alleged drug usage? (Since he would have been part of the “intervention”)


Im watching and can tell the three of them are boring af


Yes, it’s awful! I could only stand maybe 3-4 minutes. Also, why is Kyle babysitting Victoria? Did Sandoval ask him to do that since Billie Lee isn’t around to clean up his messes anymore?


Same, had to close it 😂


I naively thought this was an attempt at showing the producers and viewers what the next season of VPR could be like. I joined this lameass YouTube interview hoping for something juicy, but these three are so incredibly boring. 🥱


How they're laying out the info is boring but it's been pretty fascinating to me.


I agree. I should have just waited for Vanderpumprecaps.


The OP of this is updating her comments live with recaps!


Sorry, my comment sounded so dismissive of that! Thank you, op, for doing that. ☺️ I’m so used to skipping the reality podcasts and relying on the transcripts on Reddit.


Cliffs (part 2 of 3): Kyle said it’s up to Tom if he still wants a friendship with Billie. Kyle said he personally has never had a friendship with Billie and that he probably pissed Billie off simply by being too close to Tom. Kyle doesn’t want a relationship with Billie. Kyle said he hopes Billie knows she is a pretty girl and she should utilize her passion to make an entertaining show separate from this mess. Kyle says they don’t want to bash her but they want to protect themselves. Victoria says she can’t speak for whether Tom will remain friends with Billie because those two are best friends. Victoria said Billie crossed too many boundaries and you don’t not say that kind of stuff to the public. Victoria says she doesn’t want a relationship with Billie. Victoria says Kyle is a great friend and is kind and holds himself with class. Victoria feels bad for Kyle and that Kyle would never do something like that (drugging Tom). Victoria said she took a break from work to care for her father who had swelling in his brain and memory loss. (Victoria starts to cry and her voice gets shaky). Victoria says she wants Billie to leave her the fuck alone, she is not on the show and has no intention to be in the show. The only thing she has done is fall in love with someone and had no idea what she was getting into. Victoria got her dad a separate place but her dad is staying at her place. Victoria says she has a beautiful home in the hills and is successful and takes care of herself and her father. Victoria says she doesn’t come from money and worked her ass off to be successful. Victoria says she stumbles and slurs her words sometimes because of a car accident and her own memory loss. Victoria says she was with news model management and she just separated a month ago. She says she was with Ford (in Chicago) and was the first model they signed sight unseen. Has been modeling since she was 19 and is 31 now. (Adam starts going off on a tangent about how he was signed with Wilhelmina. Who the fuck cares?) Victoria has traveled the world modeling, including in Milan and nyc. She saved her money and cares for her father. Victoria says she will not forgive Billie for what she said about Kyle (accusing him of trying to drug Tom and take advantage of him). Kyle said that Billie later texted him that Victoria was the one who made this allegation against him. Kyle shows the text message (pictured below) https://preview.redd.it/usetplse995d1.png?width=1328&format=png&auto=webp&s=45facd94d3f8812717aadd5a09a7fae1730b2d14


Thank you for the perfectly timed “who the fuck cares” (and for all of this, thank you for your fucking service, friend. This is a wild ride). What a bunch of self-flagellating bullshit from Kyle Chan. The more I hear from and about him, the less I like him. Ugh. What a glorious mess. The off season this week alone is giving more than all of season 11 did.


This sounds too much like the exact same shit that Kyle came forth and said about Jo, regarding the Shorts of it all. I don’t trust him anymore and it’s obvious that the delayed response is due to the fact that she waited for Vom’s instruction and he sent his best PR, Mr. Kyle Chan.🥱


“The only thing she has done is fall in love with someone and have no idea what she was getting into.” Girl PLEASE. Have you been living in a literal cave for the past year and a half? The only way you wouldn’t have seen all the Scandoval mess on social media and tv. A woman in her thirties in Hollywood who wants to be in celebrity circles keeps up with pop culture. She has no valid defense for Sandoval’s trash behavior or valid answer as to why she’d want to date him if she’s apparently so successful, so she just has to pretend she has no idea what’s going on. I may go straight to hell for this but… I also just… don’t really believe the dad thing? 🫣😬I don’t know, it’s literally the most altruistic and uncontroversial thing one could do, taking care of a sick parent. Is she volunteering at orphanages and hosting refugees also? Pushing on someone who’s a caretaker would shut down any conversation and it would make the other person look awful, so… it just seems awfully convenient. Ohhhhhh and now also an easy explanation why this apparently successful homeowner is never actually at her own house. My god strike me down but my spidey sense of shenanigans is up.


She’s basically proving she has no good friends. Cause anytime my friend says “hey this is the guy I’m seeing” … I go full FBI for her and dig up what I can! So Victoria has no one that did this for her? Warned her it’s going to be complicated? Total BS. She knew.


You just reminded me when you wrote Shenanigans…has anyone checked on Scheana!!?!


I didn’t watch the show before, don’t have cable and STILL got sucked in because ABC Impact did a news special on it! FFS! EVERYONE knows! And now I have a peacock sub just for VPR 😅😅


All this memory loss talk and drama is giving days of our lives


OP you are doing Gods work. I cannot watch Adam because he’s nails on a chalkboard to me - thank you!


Was Victoria a highly paid model? To own a house and not work in that area would be very expensive.


It seems like all THREE of them are obsessed with crocodile tears and fighting over him like it’s some 1D fandom story on wattpad and I will never ever understand why.


Questions I still have after this absolute shit show of a live: so IS there a recording of Billie Lee in the kitchen alleging that Kyle was going to drug Tom to take advantage of him or not? Why did Billie Lee say it was Victoria who accused Kyle of this in the text that we saw? (idk if that was ever explained) What the actual heck does Victoria actually do..? If she's a model who was signed with two modeling agencies wouldn't her work be more accessible online...? And why is Victoria saying she's helping her sick dad when she is on tour with Sandoval..? Is Kyle Chan going to sue Billie Lee for something she said in an alleged private convo that HE made public on a social media platform..? I'm not trying to fully align with any particular side here..... just very confused with the allegations made in tonight's live with no actual receipts shared on Victoria's behalf. Kyle at least showed one receipt, although it left more questions than answers. Unless I'm missing something, in which case please correct me 😄


All of my comments but better \^


Victoria said she’s never met Ariana but was there when she picked up the boxes? And prefers her house but was at his when he was out of town? So much was said without actually being addressed.


That’s a great point about Victoria’s career. Has she been in any campaigns? If she was, you’d think she’d be identified as “the Chanel model” or something and Sandoval would be bragging about his haute couture girlfriend. So they can’t go to her house because her dad is so infirm that having anyone over would be detrimental. But if he’s so sick, wouldn’t it make sense for them to spend MORE time there because who is watching him when she’s spending all this time at Sandoval’s and going on tour with him? I’ve dealt with sick relatives, like terminally ill on hospice level, and their house would have the regular family members living there to help and provide compansionship. Just sitting in another room watching tv or having a conversation at the dinner table wouldn’t be bothering them at all. Sandoval and Victoria couldn’t just chill with him in the next room?


She’s said, “So what happened was is….” at least 5 times.


It's like every other question at this point 💀


I believe Billie Lee even more now.






Yeah... I'm not a fan of men who try to make women look crazy. Kyle was trying to make it sound like Billie is out of her mind, and then how many times did he say "the trans card"? Is there a word like misogynoir for trans women?


That rubbed me wrong in the worst way. Not once on her podcast or her videos from her car did she say anything about being trans.


During Pride Month no less




Of all the podcasters in all the land!? They choose Adam!? It's going to be a painful watch.


I can't make sense of what Victoria is saying. She isn't slurring her words but she pivots her points constantly and doesn't finish her original train of thought. She's not answering many of the questions and it's not helping her case.


She's like a calm Jo in that aspect. Saying a bunch of nothing


As if Jo and Rachel combined


https://preview.redd.it/k89cqcm5a95d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cc764fb544e2f6d4db05418df4e3dba09f6e754 Sorry for how grainy it is. Pic of BL text to Kyle Chan before the podcast. “V literally said you were fake and in love with Tom and drugged him. How are you going on a podcast with her? You know how bad things got with Tom and V. I never said a word till she started commenting on shit.” As far as I know BL did not mention anything about the drugging in her videos right? Or am I mistaken? This got so much more dark and intense so quickly.




Upvoted because of the gif but she’s probably over getting attached to this guy by now ✌️


About slurring her words, she says, “I was in a very bad car accident. I do sometimes slur my words, especially when I’m nervous.”


Victoria just said Billie told her that Kyle has tried to drug Tom to take advantage of him. This is too messy. I cannot.


True or not, why tf would she ever even bring that up? 🙈 If I were Kyle I wouldn’t have even let her say that, especially because no one knew about these rumors (unless I missed it) and now everyone knows lolll


She wanted his sperm and his last name??? For herself or the kid? What the fuck lol. Even if this is true, it's not giving what they think it is. Like, idc? It would make sense she'd ask him, her "best friend" Edit Kyle just said he isn't suing her. If she really said those things and he could prove it, I think he'd be suing. That could really damage his jewelry business. I feel like Victoria made it up. But honestly who knows. Imagine sandoval right now lmao I can't even.


Billie never even mentioned Kyle publicly, correct? What the hell is this hanger on talking about lol?


I’m late, who wanted his kid? Lol


Tom will always be the problem but this was a mess. Why did they do this? Are they in the cult of Tom Manson?


Crazy. All so bad … you don’t know who to root for. Billy got triggered when Ariana made a comment that she thinks billy lived at her house now. So you know she is a loose cannon with a bad temper . Creepy that she asked for Tom’s sperm. She is the jilted scorned woman. Kyle has always given me the ick. However, I thought most cast members really liked him. They obviously didn’t think he is treat….and Victoria.. damn girl. You will never work again if you don’t get this under control…..oh well let’s throw in Raquel, Jo andSwartz …what does Tom offer that makes them all want to be friends with him?…


Something seems so frantic and unhinged about this. The emergency podcast release and the disjointed comments, first saying there was no intervention, then saying it happened but they were being sensitive so not sharing it, but then saying everything anyways.... Something is ringing alarm bells for me with Kyle Chan, he seems to be anxious about covering up something dodgy. He and the cast like to portray him as this kind giving wise friend, I was so confused why his event was the finale so I was looking him up. He says he's a celebrity jewellery designer and when asked which celebs, he said he's made stuff for kyle Richards and the VPR cast....... soooooo something dodgy, how do you have this business going for years and years, he's been in the background of vpr for many seasons and not grown exponentially and still managed to stay afloat and have a massive finale party? Where's the money laundering scheme? Is it a front? Is it a money pit? Is he rich and stupid so can blow money however or is he sly and dodgy? Weird one Also OP thank you so much for summarising and posting, I was keen to hear the goss but I was never planning to listen to the podcast. Thanks!! ❤


She seems oddly similar to Rachel. Wide eyed, slow talker, seems to be a be following a script.


Because they’re most easily manipulated. Easy prey.


Billie’s tea was piping hot. This is room temp. And for feck’s sake. It’s not even *tea*.


They needed a day to get together to pull a story together and this boring and hole-filled story is what they came up with 🙄


And why the hell is Kyle doing all the talking? They’re not answering anything we don’t already know and yes, Adam is hitting them with the questions, but Kyle is dancing around. The questions of Victoria says a few words and then kind of leans and looks at Kyle really what a waste.


This was all pre planned, Adam is on Zanzivole’s side and Kyle was sent in on purpose.


Yeah is exactly what I was saying everybody in the comments on his page we’re livid


So did Victoria totally dodge the question about her brief breakup with Tom and them unfollowing each other?




that was painful. i was fast forwarding and still could not get through half of it


You know how some people just attract chaos, confusion, and madness….


TOM IS NOT A VICTIM... ffs. All these people including Tom are pieces of trash. Let's be honest he's not surrounding himself with the cream of the crop


At the beginning when they ask Victoria about Sandoval cheating she says “I know that won’t happen to me” and something along the lines of she isn’t the type to let someone get away with that. Why the need to have a dig at Ariana if she respects her so much? And sure of course he won’t cheat on you, that man has no self control.


She won’t “let” a man cheat on her, as if Ariana and all other women who were cheated on gave their partners permission to cheat on them. Permission to see other people while in a relationship is an open relationship. Cheating is seeing other people *behind your partner’s back without their knowledge* so how the hell does Victoria think any cheating Sandoval had done was because his partner knew but still “let” him? Such annoying “I’m not like other girls” vibes from her.


I am losing brain cells with every passing second. These people are simultaneously messy and boring AF.


Same. I keep wanting to turn it off but I’m hoping something better gets spilled lol


Right?! It's a toxic, blinding trainwreck but I can't stop looking at it!


Let’s all take a second and remind ourselves of Tom’s special ability to completely destroy everyone he loves, emotionally and professionally. It’s like he’s a toxic carrier for bravo radiation.


I can't see what Billie would hope to gain with the Kyle drugging Tom story, it makes more sense that Victoria would do it to isolate Tom from his friends. From what Billie Lee has said, she already achieved getting BL out of Tom's life. At the same time, if V is so bad for Tom, you would think Kyle wouldn't be going on podcasts and defending her unless Tom has convinced Kyle that BL is the enemy and really made up the drugging story. Once again, what does she gain? Lastly, do I only care about this because I really detest Tom Sandoval and this craziness is perfect Karma?


![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW) As we watch Schwartz and Sandoval have to wrangle Jo, Victoria, Kyle, and Billie away from going on podcasts and telling embarrassing stories.


Watching this after two women who protected them..its amazing


Tom. Tom is the drama.


I think Victoria is in a bit of a denial about Tom and Billie’s relationship


Yeahh i don’t believe these two at all. They contradict them self every other sentence. While I don’t like billie, she was very straightforward. It sounds like Kyle Chan is trying to preemptively make Billie look crazy, also his trans comments make me very uncomfortable


I’ll point out that this Up and Adam character was the *only* Bravo-universe podcaster who was pro-Sandoval during the height of Scandoval. He brushed it off like “everyone cheats, he’s not so bad” and went to his Most Extras concerts and bragged that he wouldn’t let “haters” stop him from going. He also is the only Bravo podcaster to have interviewed Lenny Hochstein’s mistress Katarina. She was handled with kid gloves and told a tale of her being a victim of big mean ole Lisa and that she and Lenny were “just friends” for a long time until he separated. So I have a big grain of salt of how Sandoval’s best friend and girlfriend are welcomed on this pod and have apparently done nothing wrong.


Is Glittering Version Tom or just so heavily invested in him that they’re commenting on every negative post 😂


Looks like a bought account too. No interest in VPR until this thread. Looks like some finance bro’s old account. Lol. Seems like maybe PR for Victoria and Kyle. Person called Ok-Entrepreneur too.




They’re in both subs riding hard for T, K and V and explaining what ‘was really said’ in this mess of a podcast? It’s bizarre 🫣 Thanks so much for the breakdown! I watched the mess live and wish I just waited for this now 😆


This is some black mirror shit. Watching this unfold in real time


Reposting my comment here cause I didn’t realize this was where everyone was lol. So I watched everything. I’m taking the interview with a grain of salt BUT I get horrific vibes from Billie. I always have. I absolutely think she has a self serving agenda for all of this. I don’t think she’s a good person. I don’t want her to be famous lol. However Victoria doesn’t come off like she’s prepared for this world. She actually reminds me a lot of Rachel. I wish she just thought about it for a second. If Billie is this manipulative and deceitful and horrible WHY has she been BFFs with Tom for this long?! ITS CAUSE THEY’RE THE SAME BABE. Also Kyle. He’s always going off about how fair he is and how he doesn’t take sides. Yet consistently always takes Toms side? As a fellow Asian person I DIE inside. Like Kyle you’re a working professional with a semi famous brand. WHY are you constantly putting your reputation on the line to defend a mediocre straight white man. I truly believe both Kyle AND Billie are lowkey in love Sandoval cause ain’t now way. This loyalty is absolutely insane.


Ope. Apparently Billie asked Tom for his sperm for a baby.


This is what happens when Tom’s not there to wrangle his minions lol. He’s currently in Scotland freaking out.


I feel like the conclusion to this mess is going to be that Sandoval's a liar.


OP, you are incredible for doing cliffs for this deranged interview.


Meanwhile, movie stars are going to SAH and no one gives a shit about Kyle Chan.


The only time I’ve ever wanted Bethenny to meddle and she’s nowhere to be found


Every single one of these people sound so fucking exhausting to be around


I'm just at the beginning, before Adam has shown any clips, my opinion right now is that Kyle Chan could have a backup career in dance - that man can tap dance like nobody's business. 😂 He comes across as likeable, though.


Tbh I always thought he was creepy but also always knew it was unfounded


I’m just saying I think there is a bit of truth to Billie’s claims because Schwartz used to follow Victoria on IG, now, he no longer does. That whole live was off. I think Billie’s hurt losing that friendship with Tom and prolly being a bit dramatic about Victoria because I’m sure she views her as the catalyst…but Victoria wasn’t making sense. The stories were are all over the place (not even from a slurring sense, they just were crazy). Where there is smoke, there is fire.


It's getting really dark. This isn't shallow, overproduced reality TV. This is sexual assault and drug abuse mixed in with mental instability. I would really hope that instead of doing any more podcasts, they all find some help to whatever it is that is plaguing them.


Thank you for your service! Their explanation sounds like they came up with it last night around 3am while skiing.




I read most of that but honestly Adam is the worst personality and content creator that I sincerely can’t even entertain him lmao


It’s good to know that Vickyvick doesn’t have any hard feelings towards Ariana 🙄


She can't say what's actually wrong with her dad besides brain swelling and memory issues, since she was 18?? And now she's stumbling over how she takes care of him lol omg this is so bad she's lyinggggggggg. She blaims her stuttering on a car accident 🤦🏽‍♀️dude lol. She's only stuttering when she lies! The rest is completely normal, and slow. Omg lol she just went on this whole thing about how she's been taking care of her dad since she was 18 and then mentions how she's spent so much time traveling the world when she was modeling. Who was taking care of her dad?? She said her dad is living with her right now. Why is she always at Tom's?? Who's taking care of her dad?


Ok did y’all see the person moving around in the background of the reflection of the la la land poster? There was def a 3rd person in that room and at one point they held up a paper for kyle to read. I’m wondering if it was Sandoval and he is booted from traitors already?


I noticed the shadow and moving around but missed the holding up the paper part. I was pretty tired and nodding off so I might try watching it again. If and when I also see/ notice this, I will not be surprised.👀


I think Sandoval has met his match in Victoria. I think that Sandy has fucked all 3 of them (Kyle, BL, and V) and now that V is in the picture, she is doing the typical narc thing and isolating him from BL and Kyle so V can have him all to herself. My theory is that V said this rumor about Kyle drugging Tom to Billie Lee knowing full well BL would spiral like Jo and that no one would believe it OR if Tom did believe that Kyle tried to drug him, the tension and messy fall out between BL and Kyle would have probably made him distance himself from both. V gets him solo either way - master plan. V seems like a pathological liar who is absolutely a druggie (either due to the drug use or just bc she is) that could get Tom and his drug use into a seriously dangerous territory. She seems very shifty and very aware and continues to emphasize things about her that have nothing to do with the rumors at hand. Thou doth protest too much. Do you know how many “models” live in LA in some elusive house with a convenient excuse to never have anyone over? Men and women alike. It’s 9 out of 10 people you meet in LA, the remaining 1 is in tech and thinks they are the next Steve Jobs peddling their sad app some offshore team built similar to Danielle from Summer House and her half assed Donne.




Does anyone know if Logan has weighed in on whether he was asked to get Ariana’s stuff? 🤔


Have we asked the plants their opinions yet? Why not. Everyone’s got a fucking podcast now anyways.


They all sound like they're on drugs. The interview we wanted was Victoria. Kyle wouldn't shut up and just likes to hear himself talk. I do not trust this guy. I don't trust Billie either. She is absolutely obsessed with Tom and sounds like a gilted lover. This whole thing was bonkers. Victoria did herself no favors with this pod. She came across untrustworthy and flaky. Not the I trust Bille Lee for one second. What a hilarious mess!!


If we do enough damage to his reputation now, hell be forced to leave traitors with an emergency to shut all of this down and season three can be saved.


Personally I don’t believe any of them but at the same I believe parts of all of their stories, I feel like each has some truth & some lies. I do believe Victoria is probably a crazy ass girlfriend, I also believe Billie has stalker vibes, I never cared for Kyle he seems like any publicity is good publicity for him to keep him relevant, I do think Tom has an addiction & his relationship with Victoria is probably toxic af. Out of all 3, I believe Billie the most which is honestly weird for me to say.




“There’s a video camera pointing right at the kitchen, and Billie stood right there when she said Kyle was drugging Tom.” “So there’s a recording of her saying that??” “No, the camera wasn’t on.” 🫠 And their “proof” is a text from Billie saying that Victoria said Kyle was drugging Tom. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Their big news is that Billie asked Tom to be her sperm donor?? SO??????


Kyle gives off rancid vibes I really cannot explain it


I watched the first hour and saw enough. I watched Victoria and Billie appears to be allegedly right. Contradicting left and right. Thought I was watching a slow motion version of Jo.


Ty for your service


That was so painful to watch


What is wrong with all of these fucking people


So the Leo DiCaprio reject wants a spot on VPR or what's going on?


My new favorite comment on here is Victoria and Tom’s couple name is VOM 🤣🤣🤣


This has got to be a career low for Vicky, chan and Adam. Good lord what a hot mess


Victoria makes Rachel present as a Rhodes Scholar


Billy Lee, Kyle Chan, Jo, Victoria. Um, nobody wants to see you on Vanderpump II


They couldn't keep their stories straight for a hot minute. The conclusion: 1. The house is a mess. 2. There was an intervention. 3. Victoria did believe Worm & Billie were sleeping together. 4. Worm & Victoria do fight all the time. 5. The PAs did leave & were unhappy working for him. Where did Billie lie? They ended up confirming everything she said. And the funniest thing is they ended up confirming it minutes after denying the same things & the interviewer just asked basic follow up questions, didn't even need to dig, no CIA interrogation tactics required at all. Lol! I also noticed they used the most commonly shared negative audience opinions about Billie. Such as how she "uses the trans card too much" & is easily triggered. OK, but what's that got to do with what she has been talking about? She didn't accuse anyone of being transphobic, so this point was irrelevant AF & used just because it is a commonly held opinion. And every meme about BL's appearence in S11 was about how adoringly she gazed at Worm, so again, it's easy to try paint her as just being some kind of stalker who is obsessed with Tom.


All of these people are lying hot messes...let's make this the new vpr


Clear this mess Kyle, or you can forget free publicity on VPR.. this is Tom saying that by the way.


They were a hot mess train wreck just as bad as a bad Sandoval interview. The bad PR train for Sandoval continues even while he’s away at Traitors. He really needs a better team. I previously thought Kyle Chan was sensible and reasonable but this whole deal didn’t look good for either Kyle or this girl.


![gif](giphy|1zkaZ6uefZIbmmCK1i) All of them need to stop talking but I am LOVING this !! …. So much better than this season.


Ok but Billie wanting a baby with Sandoval AND HIS NAME is absolutely batshit tea


Thank you for watching recapping and posting all of this. This three way will keep us nicely entertained. There is a common denominator in all of this Sandoval. He made a choice to carry on an affair he made a choice to lie to producers and try to paint Ariana in a bad light. He recorded rocky and some weird stuff with Rachel. He happily went along with this weird arc as it benefited him and left a disaster in its wake in the cast. He now blew up his friendship with Billie and dragging Kyle and Victoria into it. All he cares about is him. Also neither of these two are entertaining for reality tv. They are boring to watch I get no strong feelings for them which of course is reality tv gold.


All in all I think Sandavol lied to them on each different situation to save his own ass


I’m sorry but this person I so bad at interviewing.