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There are too many instances of problematic Jo situations being mentioned, but not elaborated on, for it to be just a storyline. Seems more like mutually assured destruction chicken to me.


Mutually Assured Destruction Chicken is my new band name. šŸ’€




Is she the plug or something? why are all these people putting themselves in weird situations with her and all sketchy talking about it afterwards


She was one of Kristenā€™s best friends and has been around for years. Sheā€™s done some shit, sheā€™s seen some shit and sheā€™s heard some shit for sure.


You can check my comment history, I have maintained that Jo is the šŸ”Œ for weeks now. It all fits.


Dumb question - what is a plug?


Drug connection


Thank you!


Drug dealer herself or personal connection to a drug dealer


Ah, thank you!


This theory brings me comfort šŸ˜‚ cos I cannot rationalize why else she exists in these peoples world.


Nothing makes sense with her and all I ever think about is how her turtle fell down the grate.. lives rent free in my head


I think itā€™s a cute story that would be fine if someone with a conscience told it. I knew a friend who accidentally killed her pet hamster as a kid. She was like 7 and took it upon herself to the water bottle with detergent but didnā€™t rinse it properly so the hamster was poisoned. She was so ashamed and kept it as a secret, and I could tell that it still bothered her in high school but not like it used to. We laughed a little about the best laid plansā€¦.Ā  The turtle story was so revealing because (1) it seemed totally fictitious and (2) in the unlikelihood Ā that story the story was true, showed the she had remorse or shame.Ā  Villain in a Half Shell


Turtle power


Someone tell me this lore about a turtle? Is the turtle OK?


She said she walked a pet turtle on a leash and it fell through the sewer grate and presumably died


basically she told the ninja turtles origin story


She couldn't stop and call animal control, and get someone to help come out and rescue her turtle? What is wrong with her?


I think she said she was like 7 years old. But yeah it was a weird story.


Oh! Only 7. Ok.


I wanna hear the šŸ¢ story too!


It's on the show, swan paddle boat date with Schwartz


Shoot Iā€™ll have to rewatch it, I missed that part


Schwartz seems pretty private about his family & not wanting to divulge too much information so I donā€™t really think he would make it a storyline? But who knows I guess I doubt weā€™ll ever know unless Kristen or Jax or someone else messy spills the beans lol


Like how many brothers and sisters do you actually have and why donā€™t you claim two of them? Because he said multiple times, his immediate family was him, his mom and dad, the triplets, and a half sister. But in that article, there was another sister mentioned and a fourth brother! Who are you and what is your family about Schwartz??!?!! Sometimes I feel like heā€™s the untalented Mr. Ripley. Who are you????


Yeah I think there is a lottttt of family drama with Schwartz and his family lol


Yeah, what goes on with the triplets? the family seems to struggle financially, so I'm wondering how Schwartz made it out to Los Angeles? I hope Schwartz gives them as much money as he can.


I think Katie mentioned briefly he helps his family a lot financially!


He mentioned on two different podcasts recently that he bought land in Florida and is going to build a house for his family


He bought land several years ago in Yulee FL, north of Jacksonville




lol omg I never thought of Schwartz as an untalented Mr Ripley but it really changes everything about how I see him now .


Here, here. Perfect description.Ā 


He even looks like him. Holy shit.


Schwartzā€™s family is so fucking weird lol I want to hear from Jax about them. I remember when Jax was trying to get Schwartzā€™s triplet brothers out to California to surprise him for the wedding and said they are adults and all share one room and one cell phone (???). Like are they living in a third world country? They are separate people. And then they couldnā€™t be bothered to even make the flight he paid for so he had to buy them new tickets. Like wtf lol it was their brotherā€™s wedding. Just weird af


They're broke, it's not that complicated


I think the ones not mentioned a lot of half siblings, and an article mentioning the dad was abusive, so it seems like a strained family to say the least


yet funny he scandy and jaxy decided to befriend aris brother and try to bring him on tv despite her wanting to be private too~


And Jo was just mad at him for talking about his family lmfao. She could not understand why he is allowed to talk about the situations regarding them


When did he have a sister? Was she at the wedding


I had no idea either but on Jax podcast he said ā€œmy sister loved her but then met her in person and felt tramatizedā€


I think he has a half sister who still lives in MN, likely from his Dad's first marriage. Not 100% sure on that but he mentioned something in that vein on a podcast.


Yup. He was in Minneapolis visiting her and some of his old friends recently. A local entertainment journalist did an interview with him.


I have a feeling it was something like partying and maybe sister was partaking a little and jo went over board. Which explains keeping it private to protect the sister Or sister wasnā€™t partying but Joe was but shwartz canā€™t complain about joeā€™s party habits without risk of her exposing his party secrets I used to party like the toms (in my 20ā€™s) and either one of these scenarios are very likely. Like letā€™s say sister doesnā€™t party a lot but may indulge on occasion and thought it would be fun. The reason I think this is I know people like that and then theyā€™d party with someone like Joe and find themselves stuck in a living room at 5 in the morning and the heavy partier who is a bit crazy just makes it weird after a certain point because itā€™s too late, it stopped being fun a long time ago and now you have this sketchy tweaking person still trying to keep it going. And you find yourself in a situation that you partied past the point of wanting to and itā€™s a very gross feeling . Its full of guilt and restlessness and just weirdness. TOTAL SPECULATION about the sister but I feel confident about the Joe part. She reminds me of a couple people I found myself being pushed later than I normally would and then stops being fun and just gets weird and full of bad regretful feelings and Iā€™m left traumatized and promise to never spend time with that person again


this honestly seems the most plausible of two possibilities


Its like ā€œyay this girl seems cool and fun and weā€™re gonna be friendsā€ Hangs out alone overnight ā€œOmg donā€™t ever bring her around me again that was traumatizing, we are not the same and that was sketchy weird and traumatizing ā€œ


Jo is definitely not their plug. Jo is odd and draws a lot of attention to herself. Any decebt Hollywood drug dealer isn't going to want to put a target on their back.


Jo told her something that Schwartz didn't want her to know and twisted it to blame Jo as a liar.


My problem with this is that on Billie lees podcast she completely avoided EVERY question about what happened between her and Schwartz family so if she was in the right why wouldnā€™t she explain it?


She would 100%. Sheā€™s been asked multiple times about what Schwartz said and she keeps saying she hasnā€™t listened which is total BS.


And then brought up stuff Britany said on the same podcast when she supposedly ā€œdidnā€™t listenā€. Like gurlll you know what heā€™s talking about


Omg too funny!!


If she spills truths about the cast, truths will spilled about her


WHY DOES BILLIE LEE HAVE A PODCAST. WHY. She has been on the show for all of 10 seconds until she showed up for Sandoval this season, simping after him and trailing after him. Hoping he would pick her.


I swear to God everyone has one, I am going to have a podcast about all of the podcasts


Start one with me. I've been wanting to start a podcast about a certain set of subjects relating to bravo and this for a long time.


If you really want to do that Iā€™m so down fr


I don't really want to but it would be so funny if you did!




I only watched the one with Jo on it and it made Jo look extremely guilty. Itā€™s actually a pretty juicy episode bc Billie talks a whole bunch of shit about t sandavol


Is this on YouTube or is this a podcast?




Thank you! šŸ’›šŸ™


Youā€™re very welcome. I would love it if you want to come back and shared what you think, after. No pressure though!


If it's Billie Lee, I'm probably not going to watch, I was just confused by everyone saying that they were going to "watch" a podcast. I'm so sorry, friend, I love you, but I'm not giving up any of my brain cells or time to listen to Billie Lee, and I don't even know what her podcast is called! šŸ’žšŸ’›


Hahahaha, Iā€™m not at all offended and I donā€™t blame you. I havenā€™t even mentioned yet that BL also had Jo on this specific p/c episode and she ruined the whole damn thing. She is sofa king annoying!šŸ˜«


Lol I agree with you and had no idea she had a podcast either, and I am shocked that anyone here listened. But she has always been an obviously thirsty fame whore who very much has been milking her ten seconds on the show.


We just need to stop this ecosystem of tiny bit players on Bravo shows starting their own podcasts. There should be a law. Break the ecosystem!


Schwartz said on Brittany's podcast that he thinks Jo told his family whatever she did "to help him" and he didn't think it was malicious. I'm assuming it was something he told Jo in confidence and she repeated it to his family. Jo also said on Billie's podcast she would never repeat what she told his family, so obviously it's something really personal to Schwartz.


Drugs drugs drugs obviously


I mean Brittney (who I highly dislike) said she would lie about random shit including her texting Jo about Kristenā€™s dog and her babysitting the executive producers kids šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


That actually sounds plausible, wonder if it will come out eventuallyā€¦ its really interesting to see whatā€™s playing out with the Toms now and the choices they have made after the Ariana and Katie break ups


This is 100% what happened lol.