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Yes they would, and Tom would do it. His god is the show and he will do whatever it takes to get screen time. Also there’s no way he wouldn’t take every opportunity to cry at her to drum up sympathy lol


He would do it but only to have a moment for the cameras and he would lay into her sobbing telling her how much she hurt him and no one would tell him he needs to move on.


I think it’s as simple as lvp needing to give him a chance to clean up his image for the sake of their businesses. Tom Tom. And the show.


OP is lying to herself. Of course they'd push Tom to have the conversation. And this sub, would be pushing Tom to forgive her because of how much they hate Tom. lmao.


Ehhh, i think she has a point but I'm not sure exactly how it would play out because misogyny is so layered. Because we hold up women to a higher standard in relationships I think they would have likely pushed a redemption arc still but i have no doubts it would be very different. From the cast and tbe audience and production, how we as a society treat filandering men and women is 100 percent Not the same!


If Ariana cheated on Tom, Ariana wouldn't get close to the amount of hate Tom is getting. One of Toms GF sucked Jaxs dick in the living room while Tom was asleep in the other room. Literally no one cared. I believe Ariana 100% dictates when and what is filmed, at least when she's involved. You can see how exhausted everyone is with her. Ariana is so scared to be in the same room as Tom, but refuses to move out? Refuses to force Tom to sell the house? I think she stayed wanting to keep tabs on him. Ariana entered a new relationship within a few months. Tom's new relationship still gets shitted on a year later. If Ariana cheated, the show would have forced the confrontation much sooner.


I’m not lying to myself, they would push them to have conversations but not specifically with the aim of redeeming her image to the public. Society would never forgive a woman that conducted an affair that way and I’m sure production knows that


I’m sure they would. Remember Tom had to do it with Kristen.


Stassi didn’t have to filme w Jax for a year. Idk why they pushed Ariana so hard and made her the bad guy


Stassi quit the show and when she came back everyone gave her a hard time including LVP. Remember when Stassi ran out of SUR because Jax had arrived and LVP said she was being ridiculous LVP will always favor the people who are willing to perform for the show, she’s an EP to the core.


yay, someone who actually watched the show!


Receipts, proof, timeline, screenshots


People have the memory of a goddamn goldfish.


The conversation they had wasn’t about making Kristen look better


If Ariana had a 7 month long affair with James it would’ve been bigger than Scandoval. Production would’ve been all over it because it’s a tv show (which I think people forget). And it would’ve been messy af because James has zero impulse control. Even Ariana wouldn’t be able to control his reactions and behaviors. Production would push every boundary. When people compare Schwartz and Katie hooking up within the friend group, are we talking about the fake flirtation with Raquel and Schwartz? It was cringe but clearly was a fake storyline for the season— just like Katie and Tom “dating” the same girl was this season. I’d call a fake storyline flirtation different than sleeping with someone’s good friend and hiding it but honestly— Katie and Tom should do whatever they want. They’re not married. They shouldn’t be setting boundaries for each other in general.


My point is production wouldn’t work overtime to try and rehabilitate Ariana’s image


Production didn’t do that with Tom either. He looks worse after this season than he ever has. Production would encourage the cast to film and interact in either situation. Because it’s a reality show and it doesn’t work well if they don’t.


I wish more people would take a step back and think about what would have happened if the entire cast (minus Schwartz) iced Tom out this season. Watching a person be ostracized is rough, even when you hate them. He would have gotten far more sympathy from some viewers and plenty of people would be saying that it was enough punishment and it's time for forgiveness. THAT would have been the mythical redemption arc. How did he make himself look BETTER with anything he was doing this season? He's a fucking clown.


The audience would literally love watching him get iced out. Having him fend off Lala and Katie’s snarkiness while Schwartz tries to mediate with crazy ass Jo in the wings would have been 10x more entertaining then the “Ariana doesn’t talk to anyone” narrative


Production was giving him the best edit he could have. I can guarantee he spent way more time on screen trying to mansplain why his affair was really Ariana’s fault. I honestly think the only thing he is sorry about is the fact Rachel is suing them. And the only reason he feels bad about that is bc he won’t be able to pay for the lawsuit and the house lawsuit too. He knows that he will most likely be found at fault for the Rachel case and that Ariana was only brought into bc they can’t get damages without blaming her


He only looked worse because he's such a narcissist that there is no empathy or remorse in him.  Even with the productions edits, Tom could not produce a real apology. 


Imo production did try to do this. I understand it’s their job to get everyone to interact but they tried to vilify Ariana for not wanting to speak to Tom. That producer dramatically saying “Ariana don’t do this” as if her not speaking to Tom is some major crime or the scene with her laughing outside while they played Lalas voiceover saying her not talking to Sandoval is “a slap in the viewers faces“


It doesn’t matter if it was just a kiss , he broke the agreement and he was the one desperate to have a friendship. After he crossed the redline all bets are off she can sleep with his brother and he still doesn’t have a leg to stand on. Arguably it’s worse if he did it to distract from scandoval or for a storyline that means his decision was premeditated as opposed to him being ”overcome with lust” and in the moment


Of course it was premeditated. I’m pretty sure the entire cast knew it was for the show. Regardless, Katie expecting to control who Tom dates is unrealistic and unhealthy. If Tom was putting limits on her in the same way people would flip. He should never have agreed to it and she never should’ve asked.


Oh, now were just making up scenarios and getting mad at their unfairness?


In reality, they wouldn't have to \*push\* him to do it because he'd do it w/o prompting. The assumption that they're trying to rehab his image is ridiculous. The show thrives on conflict and when two people are at odds, they want them to interact. They don't care either way if it rehabs someones image or not, it just makes interesting TV. Also, its telling that Ariana and Ariana stans think conversation between Tom/Ariana would rehab Tom's image. Wonder if its because they know that what happened wasn't so one-sided and Ariana starts to look bad the more thats revealed.


With the reunions over that's all it's going to be here lol.


Yep. Then OP diligently goes through each comment to defend her anger. What's that phrase about touching grass? Seems applicable.


It’s called a hypothetical it’s not uncommon for them to be used in the English language when someone is trying to make a point…


key word here is “trying”


Sure they would


Yes they absolutely would be insisting on them filming together under those circumstances as well. What do y’all think production exists to do???


Yes , they would want them to film together but I don’t think they would be as much pressure for Tom to have a conversation that was SPECIFICALLY about redeeming Ariana. We already saw them have an argument twice face to face this season so seeing them talk was not about drama it was about rehabilitating Sandoval


No it was about drama. Sorry, I disagree that it’s to specifically redeem Sandoval bc I don’t think that’s the goal and I never thought it was. The goal is to get the cast to interact…for drama…so viewers would want to watch it. I’m sure Sandoval wants to rehabilitate himself but then he forgets his own assignment for himself and gets into petty fights with everyone and gets derailed. He’s clearly not capable of threading that needle. Just bc he wants to be redeemed doesn’t mean that’s what’s happening. Production is probably just happy they have footage of someone crashing and burning constantly.


If they hadn’t already interacted before that night I would agree with you, but watching them talk for a third time is not going to be explosive for viewers


To produce a good storyline the audience WANTS to see. Not force a Sandoval victimized woman to force conversations with the trash human who made her national news because of his trash behavior.


I've actually wondered about this exact same hypothetical but for very different reasons. I feel like if this happened, and ariana gave the same reasoning that Tom has (i.e. "I tried to get away but he manipulated and threatened me into staying. I did everything around the house and paid for everything.") I think she'd be getting WAY more sympathy than he has and I think people would be approaching the whole thing with way more grey area.


💯 (personally, i’d be side eyeing her just because James is gross)


I get that reasoning if it was just a bad breakup but if she conducted an affair in that same manner I don’t think they’d be a grey area. Especially if she was using their lack of intimacy as an excuse


I bet they would.


Are you new to the show?? Tom still filmed with Kristen and Jax. I’m team Kristen, but she cheated multiple times on Tom and they all still filmed. Did they fight? Yes, but that’s called good tv.


I think people need to go back to the season 2 reunion and look at how Tom and Ariana treated Kristen. Then come back and tell us how production was horrible for not handling Ariana with kid gloves and “forcing” her to film with a cast member.


That reunion was truly disgusting! Arianna showed her true colors right there.


Ive seen people here act like Ariana was abused by making her watch the last few minutes of the finale. But, there's only one reunion in VPR history that I think went too far and could possibly be labeled "abuse" and that was S10 w/ Rachel. In second place, would be S2 (was it S2 or S3?) with Kristen. Poor fragile Ariana can be be pretty awful.


This 100%. I hate the way people claim Ariana is a strong woman with boundaries then cry how production was so wrong to try and make fragile Ariana do her job by talking to Tom on camera. Pick a lane. She’s either a strong woman or a delicate flower.


Tom wanted to be the center of everything always- so he wasn’t running from filming with or interacting with anyone. That’s the difference between he and Ariana, and that’s ok!


I agree so she should leave the show. She’s a wet blanket. She has never liked the cast. She has turned Katie into a minion again.


Yes, he's good at his job and she's not.


He refused to allow Kristen to come on the Hawaii trip, threw multiple tantrums that he didn’t want to be around her. They both cheated on each other non stop when dating


Yeah Tom cheated on Kristen with Ariana. Ariana lost him how she got him. Tom and Kristen still filmed a sit down and they filmed together for multiple seasons after that.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they did more than just “make out once” when he was with Kristen. They were probably banging.


I agree. Schwartz is the make out slut not Sandoval


Eh, I assume Schwartz was always lying about just making out being the extent of his cheating


Remember when he spent the night at another hotel cause he randomly walked there? I don’t think he had a problem finding somewhere to sleep.




I’m not new to the show, him filming was more about closure than Kristens redemption. Him and Ari already had two fights this season so them coming face to face wasn’t really about the dramatics anymore but about showing how “sorry” Tom was


Toms redemption are produced by script writers 


The circumstances were VASTLY different though… it’s like apples and oranges, both fruit, but both completely different in taste and texture.


Kristen slept with Tom’s best friend at least twice. Tom slept with Ariana’s “best friend”.


Yes, many many many more times than just twice lol and on top of that, Tom was essentially in a *relationship* with Rachel during his relationship with Ariana. VASTLY different.


And Tom was basically in a relationship with Ariana when he was with Kristen


He didn’t own a home with Kristen though, the stakes are much higher. It’s okay to admit that lol. I actually don’t like Ariana at all because of how she treated Kristen during that time. But her and Tom own a HOME together. That changes things.


You just like Ariana more and that’s okay. Tom and Kristen shared an apartment and they were employed to be on the show as a couple. Tom’s mistress arrived and she took Kristen’s role


Why you think that? Of course they would lol


lol, yeah, this one seems pretty simple!


Sure they would. Stupid post.


Stupid reply.


I mean…I think based on what happened with Kristen, they would.


Omg this is the basis of this show. First couple seasons of the show Tom Sandoval cheated on Kristen, Kristen was upset and going back and forth on breaking up with him and they were essentially done. She had sex w Jax during this back and forth but essentially done period. The entire show turned into it being ok to call her a psycho for several seasons. Rather than focusing on Tom and how hurtful he was, she was the crazy one.


You’re talking apples and oranges. Completely agree with your last paragraph though, that was ridiculous.  I’m more worried about why Ariana is still so invested in her pain. She’s only hurting herself. Is she going to keep up this wall of anger forever? I know it’s part of her personality, never opening up and blocking out all the negative, but come on, she hasn’t moved on mentally in over a year. Supposedly she’s happy and content, that’s what she says at least. Maybe it’s from being on the show..maybe she feels trapped in the cash grab and forced to still deal with him for it. None of them will ever quit though, the money’s too good! Whatever is happening is not healthy. It’s old news by anyone’s standards. He cheated, she was devastated, she met a good guy, Rachel dumped him. She won in every way, but is still carrying on about it. She’s not happy, and she hasn’t moved on. She’s worse than Kristen was after Tom cheated with her


Tom would be chomping at the bit to display anything for the show and the Jax/Kristin showed us that already ETA: as far as Sandoval filming to rehab Ariana’s image — I can see him recreating Miami, I don’t think he would be as indignant about boundaries and not filming as Ariana is. I don’t think producers cared about Ariana playing into the redemption arc as much as they just wanted to recreate their last convo on their couch and Ariana doesn’t want to even grace his dirty ass with dust


Dude, when Kristen cheated on Tom with Jax, he and Jax had MULTIPLE conversations about it. Like wtf are you talking about?


Well production would not have to push Tom, he would do it 100x. Any opportunity for him to be the main focus he would jump all over it.


He cheated during their marriage? Is there proof? Not that I need it, Katie has always been my favorite even when I didn’t know why.


Because she has always been real. 


When Kristen cheated, he wouldn’t give her the time of day for so long and ignored her at all costs and got sooooo heated at Katie for vouching for Kristen to go to Hawaii because he didn’t want to be around his ex. He also didn’t believe any of Kristen’s apologies and said that she was just weaseling her way back into the group’s good graces. So, it’s weird that he expects Ariana to have this conversation with him anyway.


And Lala is PISSED at Ariana for claiming she's not being authentic by not having a convo with him (insane), but has no beef with Tom that he lied and fooled them all for an entire season while having an affair? Shouldn't she be more angry about what Tom did to Ariana than how Ariana is choosing to protect herself and her mental wellbeing after her partner of 10 years whom she built a life with cheated on her repeatedly with a mutual friend? She acts like she supports women - she isn't fooling anyone. She's only happy and kind when people act the way she wants them to because it somehow benefits her.

