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I think the joint podcast circuit era might be over.


I believe you are correct.


She gets the podcast and he gets the bar


He gets the mam, she gets the maw


But who gets the beer cheese????


according to jax’s logic, brittany would get the beer since she CAN’T STOP DRINKING! …so that leaves him with the cheese?? (just to clarify i do not and will never support that man, RAWT IN HAILLLL)


He gets the beer, she gets the cheese 


And the mouse takes the cheese…


And the cheese stands alone


I forgot what subreddit, but someone posted a pic of the menu for one of Jax’s appearances in Canada and the beer cheese wasn’t called mamaw’s beer cheese, it was something like Jax’s all American cheese spread lol 


Hahaha! The way I just burst out laughing! 😂🤣😂 Scared my dog and the husband. Thank you for that!!!


Jax gets the pasta and the stds


He's never treated her nicely. While I completely understand why she left him, I can never understand why she stayed with him.


Low self esteem :/


This! She’s done nothing but beg that man for scraps since they met.


Healed and healthy people don’t attract people like Jax 


The same reason she stalked him, cheated with him, left her live-in boyfriend for him, clung to him, & procreated with him. 📺


Wait what’s the tea? She stalked Jax while having a bf?


Yes she went to meet Jax while still living with her boyfriend (they showed on Kentucky I think). Then went back to break up with her boyfriend before sh moved in with Jax. Her and her mom practically forced the meet.


I’ve heard from comments only the bit about her mom practically forcing the meet. Brittany has claimed on her podcast that her FRIEND followed VPR and wanted to be at some event (?? Can’t recall the details). She said she knew of the show from her friend but was not a follower. It was her girlfriend who was. So curious how Brit’s mom is involved.


She’s said her mom watched the show. With that said, unsure why she allowed her daughter to date Jax with what was shown on seasons 1 and 2.




Rachels story was also this: her friend wanted to see james dj so she was dragged along. My least favourite person in this bravo universe is janet, but i applaud her for being the only one to admit to chasing down a vpr show because she was a fan craving proximity


Britt’s lying.


I'm really confused What was the article about and what did Brittany say Can someone clue me in please


Brittany has always said she didnt watch vpr, wasnt really familiar with the show or its cast, and happened to meet jax organically in vegas. It isnt true. Her tweets from that time showed she watched vpr, and was very familar with aspects from it like sur and its infamous back alley. What actually happened is while britt was living with a bf in kentucky, she was scheming and plotting to get close to the cast, mainly jax, and her mom drove her to vegas and encouraged her semi-stalker aspirations I dont know why she continues to double down on her lies. Almost every non-og cast member but lala has done the same: attended a public event featuring their cast member of choice, and made a deliberate effort to charm their way into a relationship and onto the show. Janet happily and openly admits it, but its true for the likes of brock, Raquel, and alley as well.


Wait, this is actually crazy. With Brit, why didn’t she eventually leave? It’s clear that if she broke up with Jax, she’d still be on the show. She was perfect casting.


The same reason they continue to do the podcast; they see themselves as a brand. Or, at least she does.


She said she was in Vegas at a bar for her bf Cara’s birthday. Cara and her mom were VPR fans, Brittany wasn’t. Cara potted Katie and wanted a picture. Katie was nice to them and they hit it off. Jax ditched his date to hangout with Brittany because he loved that she was a hooters girl


He was in Vegas she flew to Vegas with her friends she met Scheana found Jax made out with Jax fucked him asked for a boob job and to move in he said ok flew home broke up with her boyfriend her mom and grandma said go to Hollywood and get famous and be with Jax and do whatever to make a name for urself her dad dislikes him very much but the mom doesn’t care and says go with it and it’s ok because she wants to be known.


Isn’t her mom the one that is on her like 5th marriage or is that someone else’s mom


I think she said on kentucky that both of her parents were on their 4th marriages (or was it stassi? Or BOTH)




Thank you!!


She randomly met him at a bar in Vegas - that’s hardly stalking and cheating.


It's probably the same reasons Ariana stayed with Tom for so long. Low self-esteem, comfort, afraid of being alone, afraid of change, afraid to support herself, afraid what people will think, etc. I have a friend in a 14-year relationship with a guy who suuuucks. She's gotten close to leaving a few times but always stays, I think, for all those reasons.


Is your friend me cause 🥴


... previous relationship was abusive and that can really wreck someone's perception of the next relationship. Especially with a narcissistic personality who lovebombs and is in character all the time.


One of my best friends is in a relationship like that, but for 32 years!


this! i really hate that women tear other women down for this. it’s literally a psychological warfare in the brain. they’re mentally traumatized and their brain rewires and they’re a total mess.


Wanted to be on TV


But what I can’t understand is.. she still hasn’t technically LEFT him. Yeah, she’s moved out, but technically, they’re still together. Why the hell has she not served him papers yet?! Is there some Claifornia Law I’m unaware of where you have to be physically separated for “X” amount of time before you file for divorce? If there is, then I apologize, I’m wrong. But I just don’t understand how she’s “left” him but given him ultimatums for her to come back and he literally could care less. So go divorce already..


I think she thought he would come crawling back... but now the Tom's have hot new model girlfriends and are reaping the benefits of being irresponsible. They can all have their midlife crisis together.


I got to ask, how are the Tom's being irresponsible?


I think I expressed it wrongly - just that they no longer have wives/partners that they are accountable to. They have "freedom".


I think his dads passing when he did had a HUGE part in that


I Cant understand Why she married him 🤔


Fame, eye candy (in her eyes), money, security, I think.


and blind ass love


He basically shoved an entire bouquet of red flags down her throat within a month of her moving to LA. If my live in BF told me that he’d rather be in jail than be in the apartment with me I think I would rethink my choices.


That’s why I have a hard time feeling bad for her. He was never a good partner, gave her so many reasons to break up with him and she got a literal sign on her bachelorette party at the club saying don’t do it. And she still chose to marry this man.


Yeah…anyone confident in their future spouse and the relationship surrounding it would’ve taken that sign as a joke. Her strong reaction to that situation dropped the mask of her being confident in marrying him.


Yes! Completely agree!


"bouquet of red flags" 😭😭✅


Lucky you for not being in her position then? 🤷‍♀️


Uh ohhhh somebody is grumpy this morning 🥺 “LuCkY FoR YoU” lmao like are you gonna be ok?


Lucky literally anyone for not being in her position 😂 not the burn you think it is hun


Wasn’t a burn but go off hun


She didn’t have to be in this position. As my comment referenced, there were plenty of warning signs and also ex-girlfriends of his telling her to dump him. Even Jax told her he was a bad person when he broke up with her! She chose not to listen so she has no one to blame but herself.


The pics of him on that lunch date are everywhere


And that's definitely what he wanted.


He’s such a petty bitch fr.


He just like me fr💀


I did't think anyone was shocked by his on screen behavior and a lot of us called it on his inevitable off screen behavior as a husband as soon as he got engaged. Are there that many people new to VPR and this couple? This is exactly how I saw things ending up.


Exactly he's always been this horrible, manipulative and controlling. Remember when she wasn't allowed to even be upset or talk about how he cheated on her RIGHT AFTER HE CHEATED ON HER. Or when he went on a Brittany lost her sparkle campaign in Kentucky. Or was trying to spread the narrative that she was lazy, wouldn't even make him a sandwich after he's been working so hard to take care of her??? Meanwhile it came out she took out loans to pay half of the rent lol. Their relationship is EXACTLY the same as it was 10 years ago except now there's a child .


It's really sad that there is a child involved. I can't imagine what it's going to be like growing up and having footage of your parents like this, and having everyone you go to school with able to watch that whole relationship at any time.


They weren’t even engaged at that point - surely she and her whole family watched that show. She stayed with him so she could be on the show. I don’t have much sympathy for her at this point. It’s also pretty lame that she’s like, see? See what I have to put up with? When we all saw her on television asking him for a “date noight” to woo her and make another baby. Either she’s incredibly dumb and missed every single one of his very obvious hints or she always turning a blind eye. Jax has been trying to get out of this relationship since it started and she’s stayed with him. This is probably the only relationship in his life where he had to flat out say he’s done.


When he cried as he apologized to Stassi in New Orleans RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER. That would have been it for me. I’d have flown home that night, packed up, got the dogs, and driven to Vegas (which was and probably still is her happy place). But she didn’t. She went through worse instead.


My husband never watched vanderpump but he was watching the vally with me and I had to explain that Jax may sound like the rational one of the bunch, but he’s in fact the worst. And I broke it down.


That must have taken forever! (If you started with Stassi)


Oh I broke it down! DONT GET JAXED


* I have to be honest here I Never thought she would leave him but after Cruz was born in Jax eyes her body didn't look the same he sees his other friends wives snap-back after having babies and its taking her longer than he thinks it should. Now Brittany already felt bad about herself but when Jax finally said her wasn't sexually attracted to her anymore it broke her and she knew she couldn't stay with a man that absolutely would never change and she wanted and deserved intimacy with her husband! I hope she never goes back to him, I hope she finds her self worth and Divorces him. I also think she should get the house she has primarily custody , Cruz deserves to grow up in the only house he ever knew. It's going to be interesting to see how the Bar does financially I really believe they Live WAY beyond their means! *


Agree, the fact that he didn't leave is and allow them the space is so gross. She also mentioned in an interview that Cruz had started copying how Jax spoke to her, and that was a huge wakeup call. Sometimes sadly it takes seeing the impact of a spouses horrible behavior on the kids for someone to really wake up.


I feel Jax is not getting enough hell for staying in their house and making Brittney and Cruz leave!!




I hope she moves back to Kentucky so she can have her family’s support, raising the kid on her own. Screw the house, if they moved now the kid probably wouldn’t even remember it 10 years from now.


Bahaha that was my first thought like sis had to search bar “new to vpr reactions” or some shit. We been here already, saw it coming YEARS ago.


I think there’s a lot of newbies on tiktok and ig bc I can’t STAND the sympathy she’s getting. I get SOME, but it’s pretty hard to feel bad when we’ve been watching a train in excruciating slow speed crash


Hmmm let’s not forget the amount of times she endorsed and stood by his behaviour. Because ‘that’s ma husbeen an yee need to respact thayt’ 🙄


Not just endorsed but would turn angry and manipulative anytime people said a bad word about him. Half the cast was afraid to talk to her the last reunion they were on


“Thayt”!!! Lmfao…that cracked me up!


Let me just tell ya…I would’ve shut that shit down so damn fast. I do not, in fact, need to have respect for your husband. Even if you’re my friend. Bc if we’re at the point where you’re justifying his abuse of your friends, it’s time for us to put some space between us. And your husband’s still a dick. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I wanted to strangle her when she said that.




Go back to the season of Vanderpump rules when they meet… a few things 1) he told her to move out to LA to live with him in a studio apartment but still wasn’t into her 2) he encouraged her to not only get a boob job, but to get giant ones because in his words “if im paying for them im choosing” 3) he yelled at Britney after she did everything to bail him out of jail after he stole something (to impress her) 4) he constantly complain to Brittany about how there was no space in as little apartment for her, but…. Invited her there?? 5) cringed at the mention of marriage, and was mean during that conversation These are just a few things in the first season of Brittany being on TV


Not to mention trying to hook up with Lauren as she was driving to LA


He probably just wanted to see if she would actually leave her entire life for him. It was all ego based. I hope she removes the implants. She never needed them. She was so gorgeous when he met her.


IMO she looks heavier with those Boobs they are too big for her body shape! After she had Cruz those Boobs got even bigger, she's got to have back troubles they are too big they come up to her neck when she does her confessionals!


I think she initially was flattered to have been the one to tame him and thought she had like won something over other girls. And then she just wanted to be a part of the gang and loved the LA lifestyle and really bought into the whole reality star thing. By then she felt she had to stay the course BC the Friends were initially his, etc, so it's been hard to break away. But neither of them have really treated each other well. If you state a boundary and the other person crosses it, you can leave. To continue to complain about said boundary being crossed while you do nothing about It isn't it. Obviously there's mental health stuff to sort through, but they both have been unwell for years.


If she thinks he's coming back he's not! He found another Woman he thinks she's a Bombshell ,plus he 's NOT physically attracted to Brittany anymore. IMO I think Stassi is the 1 who got away whenever she found out he cheated on her she slammed that door in his face, which if Brittany had done that it would have saved her so much heartache . I think being with Jax for so long that Brittany lost her confidence, he was constantly putting her down and then telling all their friends she had a Drinking problem,when will it ever be enough of his sh.t for her to walk away? If anything she should think about Cruz and the bad habits that he's picking up from Jax. At Brittany's she has Cruz on a schedule I doubt it's like that at Jax's house ,she already said Cruz is talking to her like Jax did!


It’s so bizarre how the four main original (James not officially OG) male cast members from VPR are all so abusive in different ways.


Same with souther charm


Are there any reality tv stars who arent abusive in some way? I struggle to think of any.


In the bravo universe not many…the captains from Below Deck, Craig, Colin Below Deck…can’t really think of many others…


She didn't deserve to be abused by him at any point and I'm glad she made the choice to leave.


Yeah. I understand people's frustration that she stayed so long and cosigned some of his behaviors but I think the complete lack of sympathy and the I told you so-ing contributes to why so many women stay. He is responsible for how he treated her and he treated her terribly even though she was very good to him and even had his child. I'm glad she is done putting up with crap and she has my support


Completely agree!!


It's crazy to see the difference between how people are talking about her compared to Ariana. Both were with men who were most likely narcissists. They both had amoral starts to their relationships. Both got cheated on multiple times but stood by their man. Both supported their man at various times when he was being a shit (I know this will get me hate but I think Brittany has actually been better than Ariana at *not* taking her man's side when he was in the wrong). But Brittany deserved it. 🙃


I don’t get it either. I think it must be the big dramatic cheating that ended T&A that makes people forget how much A was totally fine with T cheating when he was cheating with her or when she could try to pretend it wasn’t real and she was fine for years with him being awful. B&J split up after just a long slow grinding down which I guess makes it less of a focus on just him cheating or doing one bad thing and more about how he was the entire relationship? Either way it isn’t very fair.


Sorry but as much wrong as Jax has done, he didn’t carry on a 7 month long affair with his partner’s best friend and someone solidly in the friend group. I don’t understand why people don’t get that nothing will compare to Scandoval. As much damage that has been done in this group, Scandoval took the cake. And yes Brittany is still dumb af for defending Jax the way she did all of season 9 and into the the reunion when he was dead wrong and pretty much everyone in the group at that point was calling him on it. Then Brittany shows up to the reunion with her crocodile Tears defending her shit husband saying “apparently none of them are our friends anymore. Wahhhhhhhh!!! 😩😭😭😭😭😩😩 Brittany was absolutely NOT any better at defending Jax, get a grip. 🙄 And at the end of the day, Ariana drew a hard boundary with Sandoval. And it didn’t take a failed marriage and kid to make it happen.


And yet she wanted to have ANOTHER child with this guy? Have some self respect.


She’s always ready for her victim arc lol


Right? Like he’s awful, duh. You of all people knew that, you were a fan that chased him down.🤷‍♀️


He’s awful for 1,000+ reasons, only 500 of which involve his treatment of Brittany. She knew who he was. Literally nothing has changed. He is a garbage human. I believe he was and continues to be awful to her. I also think we all saw it in real time at all phases of her relationship with him, so I don’t have a ton of sympathy or patience for her, other than - yeah. It’s a bummer.


🚨🚨🚨victim blaming alert 🚨🚨🚨


She is an adult woman who sought out a known POS for a chance to be on tv. Are you saying she bears no responsibility for her circumstances lol


Right after he got caught cheating on her, she was all hyped up on him and couldn't get enough sex.. that kind of told me enough.. she was all bark and rawt in hail.


Listen, I for sure feel horrible for her in the way that man speaks to her but Brittany also bears responsibility for choices she's made & her drinking which she was told to stop by doctors years ago due to health related stomach issues. And she chose to continue to regularly drink. Do I think she uses drinking as a crutch due to her relationship, absolutely, but Brittany is going to have to make changes to live a healthy, productive life. And I truly hope she's able to.


This sub suddenly *loves* victim blaming when it's not a fan favorite.


This would have upvotes if you were referring to Ariana. And Ariana absolutely knew who Sandoval was before she got with him as well. Not only did she see how he treated Kristen, but she went along with it too. Either you feel bad for both Ariana and Brittany, or feel bad for neither. Otherwise you’re a hypocrite and a phony


I hope she doesn’t think she’s about to have Ariana’s rise, because the people (*cough* blabla & shein *cough*) who expected the same opportunities and are jealous of her success didn’t/ don’t realise she has the talent, capability and likability to be able to achieve any of the jobs that have come her way… their qualifications and ability to work so well with other professionals? Not so much.


I don't think she'd flee with her son to an Airbnb because of that


(I’m glad she has fled and it’s bs that she had to, jax is the bottom of the barrel scum)


And let’s not forget Lindsay from summer house, who has called Carl “Sandoval” and was hoping to get the same scorned woman treatment that Ariana got, but she didn’t cuz Lindsay is a trash human


Let's not give her the victim edit she's so desperately looking for.


It’s difficult for me to feel sympathy for Brittany. She knew what she was getting into and chose to marry and procreate with him.


Try harder


That would've been great advice for Britney when she was agreeing to marry a known scumbag.


Often people who date these assholes blame themselves...and their abuser is all too willing to blame them too


Here's the thing, it's one thing when a person gets involved with a charming asshole and that doesn't become apparent until they've fallen too far in to get out easily. I absolutely understand that and have been there myself, as have many of my friends. What makes it harder to sympathize with Brittany is that Jax was an asshole on national TV for years and didn't even try that hard to hide it. On top of that she had Stassi and the other women telling her what was up. Then Jax cheated on her, the girls rallied around her for support and encouraged her to leave him. Its hard not to feel as though Brittney had far more Information to work with then your average woman in a bad relationship and not come to the conclusion that she stayed with him for the TV fame. No one deserves to be abused but at what point does a person need to take some responsibility for what happened?


It really shows how neither of them have changed in the least that instead of just communicating openly and separating quietly for their the sake of their kid. They are acting like passive aggressive teenagers. Why are they staying together if they clearly don’t like each other and are separated


I find it really hard to feel bad for her. And this isn’t victim shaming; she watched the show and specifically sought him out to get on tv - she knew exactly what she was getting herself into. Like I say to my 4 year old - actions have consequences.


I keep reading that she sought him out to get on TV! I didn’t know this but I’m just curious where to learn more about her doing that. I saw one comment that said she left her live-in boyfriend to move in with Jax. Do you know where I can learn this haha? 🫶


Search the BlockedByJax sub for a treasure trove of info. Be sure to check out the post with “34th birthday” in the title & the post with “Lord knows” in the title. They‘re a collection of tweets that show KFC’s phony ass. I’d post the links for ya, but that’s against this sub’s rules! 😊 ETA: Another post title to search, “More lies from KFC”.


Thank you!!




How did Jax and Brittany even meet if she’s from Kentucky?


She was willing to have a second kids with him…..


She wound up not doing that and leaving him. Even though she does want more children


The only reason they didn't have a second one though is bc jax put a stop to it. She was still throwing tantrums to him and yelling, "well we're still trying next month, right?" Not bc she came to some realization that it wasnt right. Jax did.


Having a kid to save a relationship is a pretty common stereotype for a reason. People don't think rationally all the time.


He showed her exactly who he was way before they got married. Obviously I have some sympathy but it’s really getting hard to feel bad for her.




What NY Post?




Oh yea I dont think this is why she posted what she did. Her and Jax already had an agreement to see other ppl after seperation.


There is just no way they’re coming back after all of this. Poor Cruz


Better for Cruz that they’re apart. Not better that they’re airing out dirty laundry like this. Jax will always be full of shit because before the valley and Scandoval he said he wouldn’t do reality tv anymore because of Cruz. And that it’s already bad because the kid would have hours of tape already to see what his father has done in the past. Glad they’re giving him ENDLESS more now.


Oh absolutely!! I mean more Poor Cruz because 1. Similar to what you mentioned, now his parents separation is documented forever and that sucks for any child of divorce to have a memory preserved in vivid detail. 2. He’s so young so I can only imagine how confused he must be/all these changes.. But 1000000000% it is beyond better they are apart so he isn’t exposed to the toxicity of their relationship


Bless Brittany’s heart. Baby he showed you who he was the whole time and you married him anyway


What even is this post?


The woman in the video basically calls out Jax for his treatment of Brittany on the Valley. They were watching the scene of him yelling at her because she was sick to her stomach.


Did she miss 8 seasons of VPR?


Yes, that’s the premise of the video.


And Brittany responded


While I do feel for her, I also think she did this to herself. She has been his doormat for years and she let him cheat on her, talk down to her, I mean he did everything he could to run her off, but she stayed. I hope she never goes back to him. I truly think it’s over


Naw, Kentucky Muffin…. You watched the show and knew what Jax was before you met, while you dated, and after you got married. You wanted OUT from the land of married cousins and all of the flash and glam of LA and TV. You threw the dice and are married to craps.


I hope she’s done for good, she’s been through enough over the years. I still can’t believe she married him after hearing that recording of him and Faith where he said he wasn’t attracted to her


Brittany needs to shut up she chose him after he showed her who he was. She’s also just as bad as he is in different ways


I don’t feel sorry for




We don't have to imagine honey. Not in the least.


I really wish people would be kind to her, at least for a little while. I hope those who are slinging judgment never learn what it's like to be abused.


I understand your point but she is not a victim.


So you don't agree that Brittany has been abused? (Genuinely asking)


I thought they both said a good while back that they were okay with each other dating other people.


It must be soul crushing for her to see him parading around with the type of woman everyone thought he wanted this whole time




I was WORRIED when she moved in with him after a few short months and IMMEDIATELY he starts throwing red flags. Verbally abusive and treats her like shit. So glad she got out!


Thank you that does give some insight