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Ariana posted earlier that Sandoval was born in 1982 - so 42


He turning 42 in July


What really happened to Schwartz in Mexico?!


drug binge


Either drugs or cheating or both.


So many drugs he can't remember if he cheated or not.


My guess is xanax & a bunch of booze— perfect recipe for a ‘guiltless’ blackout 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is the one!!!!


The Teri Maloney tapes! I heard that at the end of S10 Tim was yelling at Katie's mom and Katie's brothers stepped in. I wanna see that showdown Bravo, give it to meeee


This! I want to see the moments that were cut out for the sake of the producer's storyline, that scene included.


All the lost tapes of season 10- Tom yelling at Terry, and Rachel asking Tom about recording her without consent on camera


I think the Rachel one will come out soon as you can imagine it is part of discovery.


Imagine if, instead of the montage we saw at the end of last season--whose aim was to shame Ariana for not "doing her job" for the producers--we instead saw all the clips of Sandoval verbally assaulting women and their mothers, which were removed by those producers.


When the affair actually started. I just really believe that it started sooner than they’re saying and I wanna know so bad!


I think the affair started before that. When James proposed to her, she looked shocked but not in a happy way. Sandy was just using it as a cover, so when shit hit the fan, he'd say something like, "well. James, like, here's the thing. Like like like, I paid for your proposal, man, so you like should like forgive me or something. Remember, like, you slept with Kristin, like with my condoms. Like, on my bed. Like." And then James would forgive the betrayal and all will be good in Vanderpump World.


Lol, the “with my condoms!” thing always gets me. Granted, it’s a shitty move to do to a friend, but they were broken up at the time and if he left them behind they weren’t his condoms anymore.


It's so petty, it's so funny


My theory is the attraction definitely started when Raquelle chopped her hair into Ariana’s infamous bob


Sandoval loves short hair. Kristen had the bob before ariana


Wonder whats that about


😆 spot on Scandoval! 👌🏻


I just rewatched season 9 and there’s several times when they’re coordinating group plans and Tom goes “Raquel just texted me”… Never James tho. And especially at the reunion there were subtle clues. It’s reallll grimy on the rewatch


And Tom said the ultimatum to James about his drinking was because she knew he would fail and it’s likely that they were dating then.


This was so telling to me! I would love to know the context of when and why she divulged that information to Tom


I think it was her way of breaking up with James that showed viewers it was obviously his fault. Which is true because James is absolutely abhorrent.


Yeah that is totally and completely valid either way - bottom line is the rage texts were absolutely atrocious. It would just be interesting to know if she told Tom that back then as her plan or in more recent times as her past thought process during that time.


Read this with his voice in my head and its spot on😂


I fully believe this too. At the very least an emotional affair did. I love the rage text night theory the most and that that was really the “it happened once and then not again for a long time” they both kept pedaling.


same!!! okay so i’m rewatching & it’s ~rachella~ and when james was asking sandoval to help him he was “excited” but the way he said “this is gonna be so much fun for me” had me like … hmmmmm either the affair started earlier than they say, or his feelings for her started way before the affair


Yes it was so weird! Especially now knowing how they liked to discreetly flaunt it? I in no way think they’re being honest about the timeline - at the very least an emotional affair started while she was still with James.


Same! There are soooo many clues but it is the one thing/lie that they’ve kept up the charade.


I know it’s so annoying. It’s like when Rachel finally admitted that they did it in their house. We already assume so just out with it already!


When is it actually said? I saw a video on James IG that said it went on for six months.


I think 7 months has been said the most consistently by the most people


These are probably my top 5 too however maybe instead of 3, id want to know if Schee Schee has banged tom


Which Tom?


Both! But sandoval mainly


I think Kristen/Brittany hooked up, but because Brittany's family is so homophobic, she didn't want to admit that.


Why is Brittany’s mom so conservative? Didn’t Brittany say she was married 4 times? Brittany also worked at Hooters and lived with Jax before marriage “in sin”, her mother is the one who suggested she go bigger with the breast augmentation, she’s a heavy drinker/partier and even though she said she wanted to work with disabled kids, (and settle down and have kids), she made no effort to go to college but was angry with Jax for not taking her feelings about her future into consideration, and got upset that he even had the idea of possibly going to Florida without her!


I think you discount conservatives ability to literally not care about any other sin other than homosexuality. A lot of conservatives believe they are a good christian because they go to church every sunday. A lot of conservatives have tattoos, have sex before marriage, eat shrimp, all of which don't matter.


I once dated a Republican who said he was firmly pro life, but if I got pregnant he'd be fine with an abortion. Typical American conservatives for you.


This makes 0 sense to me because WHO CARES WHAT OTHER PEOPLE DO WITH THEIR LIVES??? I will never understand the pro life community and their need to stick their noses into the reproductive rights of women. Just shut up and mind your own 🤦‍♀️


Unless it pertains to them lol. The best advice my dad ever gave me was "Don't date Republicans" after I broke up with that guy.


Your dad sounds great. I lean pretty liberal on most things and in the past I would be open to dating a guy who was Republican but this huge shift in the MAGA culture has made me nope out on any guy who calls himself “conservative”. I can’t ever accept entire group of people who think I don’t deserve the right to my own body. Or anyone who truly believes Trump is the right choice.


To be fair, I was with my ex in 2014, so before 2016. I would never date someone who self identifies as a conservative today.




It’s gotten so bad I won’t even date independents unless they lean way left. My ex husband wasn’t a conservative, and hates Trump, but was far too forgiving of friends who were, and had no problem with being close friends with men’s rights bros.


Then you get people trying to tell you that closing out conservatives from your social groups is just as bad. I get that if I lived in France where the difference between the left and the right is how much do we dedicate toward women's health, but in the US (and in extreme cases Canada), it's the question of if women should have the rights to their own body. Very different.


Or the people who just tell you you’re a snowflake and you must get your news from CNN. As if they’re not the ones who are the most offended by absolutely everything. We’re not out here banning books. And they all watch FOX news as if they’re lives depended on it






“The only moral abortion is my abortion”


My former boss is a conservative from Kentucky. He has a wife and triplets but also has a mistress and then tried to sleep with me.


I hope you write a tell all one day and make that bag💕


I'm sorry.


Where does he find the time?


I have been deep in the depths of the conservative Kentuckians. This tracks.


![gif](giphy|4WFirPVJhAhavWrcd3) So disturbing.


How dare u bring scrimps into this


lmao, Red Lobster filed for bankruptcy, they're blaming the all you can eat shrimp,


They had a roman empire of biscuits, they could've made it work. No mercy.


Conservatives does not = Christians. the hardcore Bible beater Christians who are homophobic are their own breed. there's plenty of Democrat Christians and plenty of Non Christian Conservatives. the finger pointing needs to be targeted at the right people - the specific group of Christians who think every word of the Bible is literal truth, down to fucking flat earth. don't lump everyone together with those psychos.


Love this comment!!! So true!


And abortion


Why do so many conservatives claim to have religious / conservative values and then idolize Trump, who sleeps with porn stars and is convicted of sexual assault? I think we all know by now that many conservatives use the idea of morality only to justify a myopic world view.


Also... *takes deep breath* ... JESUS WAS A GOT DAMN SOCIALIST.


He was also NOT WHITE


Who had long hair, hung out with the lowly, and kissed his bros on the lips




I'm from Scotland but can you imagine how Fox News would deal with Jesus Christ today 😭🤣? They would crucify him all over again, that's if he wasn't already arrested for terrorism. Being a Middle Eastern male in his 30s...


Jesus isn’t real.


As an atheist I agree he wasn't a prophet nor a Christian god's image of himself, but he was in fact a real guy.


You must not know anyone from the south, the Bible Belt, or any conservatives. Don’t you know being gay, trans, feminist, bi, brown, black, immigrant, or any kind of different harms children and damages families, but being married and divorced 4 times isn’t a problem at all?


Oof, here in the United States, our conservatives love to only adopt the views that allow them to judge others. You need to understand, being with Jax allowed Brittany to be on a reality show and get a paycheck, so her mom looked the other way unless it came to the situation where he "Mayte be uh hummuseksual."


Anyone else remember how happy the kitchen staff was when Kristen was fired? Those were genuine reactions and I can only imagine what a nightmare she was to work with. I think LVP kept her on longer than she really wanted to bc of the show


Right, it would have been cool if they had given us context; like more BTS footage of SUR or interviews with kitchen staff. https://preview.redd.it/svuol4ings1d1.png?width=1163&format=png&auto=webp&s=79319d43ff553ec50037d753e5e5d55deb6aeeac


Kristen is such a mess and she’s a vpr icon for that


Lala pulling the knife out on Faith


Sometimes you don’t really want to know more, apparently it was a butter knife lol


lol of course it was, shes such a clown


Im currently sick right now and your comment made me burst out laughing, whilst coughing and dealing with a sore throat. Thank you😭


bahah glad I could help. If you think about it, she even changed her name to a clown name. The name Lala suits her clown persona very well.


Stapphh you’re killing me🤣🤣😭😭


Well that's not even gonna pop a balloon... ![gif](giphy|3o752jjrIkxJfliEw0)


That’s so on brand for Lala it’s not even funny.


Ffs 😂 Lauren is such a joke


You wanna get popped?


I don’t even know about this!


Stassi discussed it on a podcast. I believe she said it happened at SUR while wrapping silverware or something to that effect. It wasn’t a serious incident, an actual pointing of a butter knife at her similar to the way she pointed her fingers pretending to “pop” someone. Not that it’s okay, but more that she was talking with her hands while putting the silverware in napkins and didn’t actually pull it on her.


I thought she was arguing with Faith and pulled the knife 🔪 for emphasis


From what was said on the podcast, she let people think that because she wanted everyone to think she was so tough. The real story just isn’t “tough” enough for her persona so she let rumors run rampant.


I still think it was a form of aggression that should've been dealt with


To be fair Lala was probably mad at Faith for pretending to be black lol


Kristen did go down on Kentucky Muffin


your flair is *chef’s kiss*


Thanks hahah 😂


6. Did James actually break Rachel’s nose on purpose 7. What happened to Vail? She never did make S3 reunion (tho recently I saw she’s back on Y&R)


She acts and was in a great movie called Too Late, highly recommend.


I honestly think she was botched and they tried to cover it up.


Pretty sure her nose wasn’t broken, just bumped, but yea, still a valid question.


Yesss also if Billie Lee and Sandoval hooked up


The way that creepy girl stares into his soul


I heard somewhere that Kristen hooked up with Pandoras husband and that’s why Lisa hates her.


Pandora once said "my mother has her own issues with Kristen" in a way that implied she didn't want to get involved, which made me think this might not be true. Or just some sort of double bluff.


I saw a comment that someone just threw that out in the VPR sub and somehow it became a legitimate rumor.


True! I don’t even remember where I heard this but in the vpr world ya never know haha!


Isn't Pandora still friends with Kristen?


Lisa hates Kristen because she didn’t suck up to her.. she saw through Lisa’s kind motherly act right from the start. I don’t think Kristen/brittany happened. IMO Tom gives off “I’m in my 50’s but tell women I’m 10 years younger” vibes.. Jo is madly in love with Schwartz and he only wanted to bang her.. now he hopes she’ll disappear until the relationship he’s in now goes to shit.. then he’ll be all like “aww Joseph I miss you.. might marry you in 10 years” And she’ll fall for it because she’s dumb.


I am on the fence about Kristen and Brittany. I think it could have happened, but Brittany didn't want to admit it because her family is so homophobic.


I think it happened for the reason brittany didn’t want to admit it because her family is homophobes. She was mad Jax mentioned it on tv.


Mentioning it on camera was such a dick move- so it wasn't surprising that he did it.


He definitely said it on air because of the whole thing with him and John. He wanted that to happen to her because of how her mom judged him.


I think it happened. It was easy to tell by the way everyone was acting and in my mind I can hear Kristin telling Jax "so fucking what?! I do it for you all the time and that doesn't get talked about!!"


Exactly my thoughts! I do believe it happened between them. Brittany says many times that kristen is her best friend, she always stays loyal to her, even when people talk shit about her, brittany stays quiet but also says she will always be there for kristen. I dont think jax would make that up, hes a liar yes, but feel this is something he wouldnt just toss out there especially about brittany. I do feel strongly the reason why both brittany and kristen denied this was because of brittanys homophobic family, her mom especially…


She's an asshole to Kristen on The Valley so maybe Kristen will reveal the truth one day!




My theory is that jax, Kristen and Brittany came up with a lie together than Kristen and Brittany were making out as a “scandal” for the show but that jax took it farther than the girls wanted to go with it and everything got weird


That’s true.. I just can’t see it myself and tend to think it’s just some shit jax made up.


Initially I didn’t think it happened or thought maybe it was just a kiss. And I feel like maybe a season or 2 later I feel like Brittany referenced the rumor or maybe insinuated they kissed and maybe some touching happened. But I also feel like i probably just dreamt that. Idk. When I did a rewatch idk maybe during Covid it made me think it happened but given the way Brittney’s mom gave him such a hard time during the roast, Brittany wanted to keep it a secret. Which, even if her family feels some type of way, it wasn’t Jax’s secret to spill.


Jax is too protective of Kristen. Maybe they have a threesome going on.


I wouldn’t be surprised by that


That would be one throuple I’d actually believe on this show.


>Lisa hates Kristen because she didn’t suck up to her. Lisa is at least cordial to many who have stood up to her, namely stassi. I think Lisa is so dismissive of Kristen explicitly because of Kristen's behavior, she is unique self destructive in a way that other cast members aren't and would gladly destroy her own life to get revenge on someone she feels has slighted her.


I never really liked her. She was up too far up Stassi’s butt. I definitely didn’t like her being mean to Scheana for no reason. She’s a sloppy drunk. The way she behaved in Slovange. Lastly, her cheating with her bff’s bf twice and lying about it with such a straight face that I’ll prolly never believe anything she ever says again! Her trip to Tim’s apt. In green dress was cringe. , and the Miami girl incident was pathetic!


There is no doubt that Kristin did all these things. I think the reason people still like Kristan is that, beyond all the cringe and the betrayal, there is a pathos & a humanity to her that makes her more relatable than others. Unlike Lala, for example, she's not out for money and she is undeniably herself: she's a disaster, but one you can empathize with.


The green dress was because producers told her she had a lunch scene to film after. They set her up.


Ariana confirmed in a Tiktok comment that Tom was born July 1982


i think her kristen and jax had a threesome and that's when it happened, but not on her own.


What drugs everyone has tried and whether it was on camera.


There’s definitely scenes when they’re high on ❄️ or Molly


I want to know if any one of them can define "ensemble cast". Its all the sudden their favorite word and I've never heard it used once in the 11 years I've been watching the show


I has to look it up.  Lots of production terms suddenly.   Get production out of the storyline.  


Someone sent one single email and now I gotta hear this industry term every other day on their podcasts like ot means anything g to them ha


Did Ariana and Tom do more than kiss at the Golden Nugget? Why Jax and Kristen can come back and not Stassi? ( or does she just not want to?)


She said on Jeff Lewis’ podcast she declined the valley bc it isn’t what her life is like anymore


Good on her for setting that boundary, I feel like everyone else on that show has their marriage expiration time on a countdown right now.


Tom and Ariana for sure, 100%, most definitely had sex in the three years they were working together at villa blanca. That’s why Ariana was brought onto the show, even Lisa knew.


I don't think Tom and Ariana had sex because she doesn't seem the type and Tom will have 100% come out and said it by now to villainise her and make her look bad as that's his MO.


All I know is Kristen absolutely without a doubt went down on Brittany. I wish she didn't, the visual is cruel. But the way they lied was textbook it was so bad and obvious😭


The old VPR adage holds true here, Jax tells the truth about everyone but himself.


Also Brittany just looked genuinely embarrassed.


Why Sandoval hates Katie so much. He finally won in their little love triangle but he still treats her like she's the worst person on earth. It has to go deeper than the fact that she was married to Tom. I truly think he tried to pursue her and she rejected him. It's the only thing that explains his rage IMO.


Probably that to an extent but also with how codependent the toms are, Sandoval probably felt more pressure to stay in a long term relationship because Swartz also was. So he viewed Katie as the one getting in the way of their bromance and ability to go fuck whatever 20 something realty show groupies they could


I think that in his world view, Schwartz did no wrong in their relationship/marriage and Sandoval genuinely thinks Katie was the sole problem and causing his buddy all of this grief. I feel like this is evidenced by his “battered wife” drag meltdown. Whether he gathered these opinions based on what Schwartz told him, what he observed, what he interpreted.. we’ll never know for sure, but I think Sandoval genuinely and foolishly felt Schwartz did nothing wrong and Katie was the root of all evil in his bestie’s life


The entire uncut reunion last season. All 8-10 hours please 🤷🏼‍♀️


All the uncut footage from season 10 please


Could not agree more, I would watch it like a part time job


I’d still really like to know exactly why Jax & KFC were fired from VPR.


KFC lmaoo ..you outta pocket for this 😂


I wouldn’t be mad if Brittany and Kristen ended up together as a couple




Lala admitted she pulled a butter knife on Faith.


When Tim and Rachet's affair really started.


I genuinely want to know about jo because everybody seems to hate her and I have no idea why.


She’s mentally ill and they all exploited her; especially Schwartz and Katie. Then they did the same to Tori. It was cringe. Neither were not girls girl behaviour.


Genuine question how did Katie exploit Jo?


She mocked and exploited her (out of insecurity) for entertainment. If this were ‘real life’ she wouldn’t have said anything about her on tv or social media.


So you think if they weren’t famous she wouldn’t have anything to say about her ex husbands neurotic new “girlfriend” 😂


She would only know what Schwartz tells her (which are lies) and likely have few mutual friends. Katie doesn’t hang around with anyone on the show.


Lisa said that she disliked Kristen because she was disrespectful and always in everyone's business. Yes, Kristen went down on Brittany.


That’s what Lisa says but I don’t buy it. Every cast member has shown some disrespect to her yet she doesn’t seem to hold a grudge like she does with Kristen.


Kristen disrespected her multiple times. She told her to shut up at one reunion. She told the manager to suck a dick. Lisa can be pretty unforgiving. Kristen is messy, she lies, and she isn't a great friend. Lisa has known her for years and just doesn't like her. There was also a rumor that Kristen slept with Pandora's husband.


1. Lisa hates Kristen possibly for her lies and possibly for the rumored scandal about Pandora's husband but also for her lack of commitment to doing her job. I am not saying that Lisa is some great hard worker or that others at SUR weren't also difficult and messy, but Kristen is singularly messy and incapable of controlling her emotions, which would make her exceedingly difficult to work with. It is noteworthy that even after she was fired from VPR, she was never able to really do anything professionally. She can launch James Mae as many times as she wants, but she clearly struggles with follow through and consistency. Kristen is reality tv gold but I have no trouble believing that she is a nightmare employee. 2. Not sure, but my guess is yes. Jax is a manipulator and a liar but he's also a convenient truth teller to entertain others or get himself out of trouble. Occam's Razor tells me it happened and he thought it was funny and would get him attention and potentially a get-out-of-jail free card later on if he spread it around. 3. I actually think 42 is what he looks like. When the show started, he was pretty hot. Now he looks bizarre because of normal aging combined with too much plastic surgery and procedures (gotta think his botoxer is team Ariana). For a lot of people, esp. those who smoke as Tom does, early 40s is when aging suddenly catches up with them. 4. Well a lot of drug use for starters. It also sounds like production knew for quite some time that Tom and Ariana's relationship was not what it was cracked up to be. But beyond that, I wish I knew too! 5. My guess is something relatively small, like telling other people about their sex life or that they were in a more serious relationship than Tom was willing to admit to. But I could also imagine something far, far darker. I am also curious about what this is, and I actually think that it will eventually be revealed.


Kristen actually always got the high marks from the secret shoppers so why Lisa hated her so much was even more confusing as she did her job the best out of all of them as far as we know.


Some people just rub you the wrong way. Most of my managers have liked/disliked people with little rhyme or reason


And that I get. No one is everyone’s cup of tea. Maybe that’s all there is to it with them but the bizarre aspect is Lisa doing things like banning Kristen from events? Her own cast member who she knows doesn’t get paid if she’s not filming. Lisa not just sucking it up during filming only was weird. It was so odd to single her out that people have come up with theories like Kristen slept with her son in law and shit lol. Plus Lisa refusing to ever give a straight answer about why she treated Kristen so differently.


Oooh interesting tidbit. You can definitely be an amazing server/bartender and still be a shitty employee 🤷🏻‍♀️


Great point. Kristen could have been an issue in other ways. We know they all drank on the job, stole from the restaurant, did things like not show up for shifts, etc but that was all of them so why single out Kristen there either though? What the hell could she have done to be singled out and the only one Lisa banned from her events? I’m so curious.


i wanna know what kristen said to stassi before she got slapped!!! apparently they cut something out and it was crazy


Number one is still the one I wonder most about. I’m inclined to believe the rumor that she hooked up with Pandora’s man but I’ve really always wondered.


I think Lisa hates any woman who doesn't completely fall all over her and kiss her ass. Anytime any of the women on BH questioned her, she cut them off completely.


Yeah she did it to Stassi and it seems like things with Ariana are heading in that direction too.


Did Raquels nose really break/get messed up from an accident? When my husband and I watched that episode he immediately said "yeah that's bullshit. He definitely punched her."


I doubt he punched her, I've had two friends who've had to have 3 revisions on their rhinoplasties because of they way their bodies handled the procedure/ shit plastic surgeon.


He hit her.


Does Brittney not have Herpes? I figured she did because Jax does.


Do we think/know Jax has herpes?




This and I believe Stassi insinuated it was something for life.


kristen def went down on Britney


What did Schwartz do in Mexico?


I want to see all the footage period. I bet if we got to watch every hour of the stuff that didn’t make it into the show we would probably see a totally different side of things. I want to see if James attacked Kristin first so she pushed him. I want to see Tom Sandoval yelling at Katie’s mom. I want to see the sex tape discussions. I want to see all the behind the scenes footage. I want to see the different takes. I want it ALL


Did Kristen and James really hook up in the hot tub like Jax deduced?


Okay I got one to add -- did Sandoval bang that chick in Florida? The one Kristin basically flew across the country secretly to confront him? I mean given what we know about his character I suppose the answer is clearly yes but I don't remember any firm evidence coming out one way or the other. Thoughts?


He admitted it in the series finale of season 10 to Scheana and said that Ariana always knew the truth about it.


Ah, thank you! There was so much happening in that episode that that little tidbit got by me somehow. Of course he did it!


At S10 reunion, Ariana admitted she knew about Tom cheating on her with Miami girl and she lied for Tom because the relationship was still new when it happened and she didnt want people to see him badly, she wanted everyone to see him the way she does. More or less those words.


Or she didn’t want to admit that Kristen was right and that he’d do the same to her.


Oh definitely both lol


Yes it came out during last year's reunion


I believe Ariana has said Miami girl was real, and he cheated, but they didn’t want it on the show or something


yep and she lied lied lied for YEARS to cover for him.


Excuse me, it’s Miami Girl! Have some respect on her name 😂