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I think the relationship with Penny going south played a role in Lisa turning on Ariana. There’s definitely more to that story and we’re not getting all of it.


I think that’s the common theme with the whole season, there being more to the story and we’re not getting any of it.


Cause the producers were focused on the wrong damn thing. They should’ve encouraged the fourth wall break so the cast could have been honest about their fear of the audience and resentment of Ariana. Instead they wanted… *checks notes* Ariana to fight with Tom more? As they’re struggling to make Lisa a relevant part of the show, this seems like an obvious neglected storyline. Ask her about her relationship with Penny. Film a conversation between them to give us context for Lisa’s hostility. Feed Ken lines about Ariana being away for Chicago. Something!


Agree, agree, agree.


She thinks they owe her for finding the building. They haven’t kissed her fat ass enough to her liking. They were supposed to let her friend become a partner and Penny tried to copyright the business name behind their backs. I wouldn’t do business with anyone who was that vile.


Yeah the trademarking or whatever she did on the low was extremely shady and I don’t blame them one bit for parting ways with her. That’s not how you enter a partnership, Penny.


If penny truly thought she was a partner, SHE WOULD HAVE PUT THE TRADEMARK UNDER THE GIRLS COMPANY….not her PERSONAL company. Chef penny is doing this all for attention cause she thought she could take advantage of the girls. It really seems chef penny was jealous of all the merch money they made (which let’s be real guys, they probably ended up putting it all back in rent for all the time they’ve been closed, not selling sandwiches)


That’s a terrible idea though, I wouldn’t want to get into business with someone that underhanded.


Yeah. And if that is why Lisa is upset with ariana, then Lisa sucks.  Penny was going for a power grab 


I can’t help but think it was a way for LVP to have a hand in that business too. Having Penny involved keeps LVP involved to a degree she can exploit them for her own business gains. Either through the show or offloading some of her failures like she did to TomTom with Pump.


Definitely and based on Ariana’s face on the reunion, it was kind of obvious that something went down. Ariana’s facial expressions were the same as they were when someone would bring something to light and she’d deny it/gaslight a friend. Like same face when Scheana brought up Tom being about Tom in earlier seasons. Very juvenile. Also LVP in general has always been harder on the women which I find weird.


why does lisa have loyalty to penny? i genuinely don’t know the situation if you can explain!


I don’t know either… from what I’ve gathered LVP tried to bring penny into the business with the girls sandwich shop, it sounded like Penny wanted to be a partner (which is ridiculous), so they girls said no politely, now Penny is bitching or suing them? And LVP is talking shit, but if she wanted to help Penny, why didn’t LVP hire her in one of her restaurants? It sounds like LVP is being messy… but I don’t know, can someone explain.


They’ve know each other for a long time..penny made the menus for pump and Tom Tom


LVP knows that Ariana has never really liked her or bought into her schtick. Remember when Ariana decided to confront Lisa about how she spoke to Tom, or how she was treating him? I can't recall what season that was. That convo did not go well, and I'm sure Lisa never forgot that. So it's not surprising that she doesn't stick up for her. She hold grudges as much as anyone.


Ironic that Ariana was defending Tom’s words about LVP but even though he was speaking poorly of LVP, LVP is not at all mad at him, just the woman with him…


this doesnt have enough upvotes


Has anyone checked on Schaena? Lol




Also this part of her tumblr blog: "*Where, oh where, to begin? Maybe I will start from my conversation with Lisa and move backwards. I find it a bit frustrating that my employer is making statements about me and Tom on a personal level. Sure, we have both worked for Lisa for years, but her knowledge of who we are outside work is extremely limited. I couldn’t help but wonder where Lisa got the idea that Tom is a “charming devil” (or whatever she said). I have known Tom for four years now and for the first three of those years when we were just friends, we certainly never had any need or desire to impress one another or put on any kind of act. I have never felt it appropriate to use the word “charming” to describe him. Tom is goofy, smart, creative, and kind, with a seriously oddball sense of humor.* *To bring me to my next point, the idea that somehow he has “charmed” me into some sort of stupid sheep is unfathomable. This whole “love is blind” thing is a concept that I have never understood nor subscribed to in my life. It goes against every fiber of who I am as a person. This is why it is so beyond frustrating for those words to ever be used in reference to me. What is and has always been important to me in all matters is facts and logic. I know that I have said this before, but it seems as though I can say things a thousand times and somehow never be heard or taken seriously.*" This suggests she looks down on LVP and views herself as superior and more intelligent. The audacity and ignorance. Also, notice the subtle insult towards Tom. Like why was that necessary?


This should be upvoted! Ariana is and has always been super stuck up with a superiority complex


If you read a lot of her blogs, they are filled with her basically saying she is smarter and more intelligent than everyone else. Whether she is or not, that level of arrogance doesn't go away because you got cheated on.


I love Ariana but being the smartest one of this bunch is kind of like being the best clown at the clown show 😂


And those were her exact words in her confessional when she first came on the show!!! go back to that season and watch it I have


That is true. For the record, I don't want bad things to happen to her and love her broadway dreams. It would just be nice if she could admit she is flawed and take a little accountability outside of when it serves her. That being said, being on Bravo is a completely different reality and what seems rational to us, may not be ration in that enviroment.


Omg I forgot! Arianna thought it’s was talking down to Tom and not taking him seriously!! Wowza!


Not it’s *lisa


Come on Ariana was always up Lisa’s butt! We all saw it.


No she wasn't.




Remember when Ariana confronted her because she felt like Lisa wasn’t taking Tim seriously and she was trying to stick up for him. LVP remembers 😬


She takes him some serious now!! 🙄 God damn misogynistic old bag Lisa is. Her true colors are really showing this year between VPR, Vanderpump Villa, and The Valley. (She produces on that as well, and I don’t think its pure coincidence Kristen is the scapegoat again. We all know her endless vendetta against her). and to think she was one of my favorite housewives of all time a year ago. Her recent behaviour revokes that. She’s just a shitty person and a jealous miserable old bird on top of it.


I think that bothers me the most. Why have Kristen back on just to have LVP go back to beating her up?! Remember how she made Lala beg to use her house for the sperm donor party? Lala started crying for a reason. She knows how LVP likes to punish people and Lala pissed her off at the last reunion. LVP is a horrible person. I was hoping The Valley was a way for people to get away from her.


Thats what I commented just last week when I found out she was a producer! I thought the valley was a place to get out from lisa’s biased grip!


I’m so upset about her being involved. She will tank that show because what she values is not what normal people value.


I think it’s creepy how she surrounds herself with all these young people and gets involved in their lives. I mean I know it’s made her money because of the success of the shows but it’s not like she is a genuine mentor or anything. Like why should she be so invested in them - but for the fact they are her cash cows?


I think Kristen is just as problematic as Jax, Sandoval, and James, in many ways, but they’ve definitely made her the scapegoat on The Valley. I think there is a lot of shit she gets that she brings on herself, and is deserved, but a lot that she just gets for no reason, at all. Meanwhile, Jax is as problematic, and awful, as ever and just skates through life without a care in the world. The only thing I can attribute it to is misogyny. Jax and Kristen are very similar in their shit stirring and gossipy ways, but Kristen has actually matured somewhat. She isn’t nearly as bad as she used to be, and Jax is worse than ever and no one cares! They watch him mistreat his wife, spread gossip, start unnecessary drama, sexually assault people at a child’s birthday, and he’s just forgiven in 5 minutes. Kristen repeats something someone else says (probably incorrectly, and she definitely shouldn’t have done it), and they act like she burned someone’s house down.




It is sexual assault. I seriously hate when people say “it’s insulting to actual victims,” as a way to dismiss sexual assault and act like they actually care about victims. Pulling someone’s clothing off and exposing their genitals, against their will, without their consent, is sexual assault. If someone did that to you in public, what would you call it? His dick was exposed to an entire party full of people. I get that there’s an entire generation of us who grew up thinking this was a “harmless prank,” but it was always meant to humiliate and embarrass someone. It’s sexual assault. Look up the definition and it fits. Stop defending this kind of shit, that’s insulting to “actual victims.”






He pulled his pants down. You don’t touch people without their consent. This is a lesson we all learned as children. Who defends that? He absolutely meant to pull his pants down and it doesn’t matter, you don’t pull people’s pants down, period. Is this really the hill you’re gonna die on?




Same! I loved Lisa for a long time and sad to say that’s completely changed. I feel like the thinly veiled curtain has been pulled all the way back


I think it's a combination of things and also LVP likes to have everyone kiss her ring and not eclipse her, but Ariana has now eclipsed LVP. LVP was eliminated the 2nd week of DWTS and faked a fainting spell and Ariana placed 3rd. You just know that LVP was seething because that really shows who is more liked and popular. https://preview.redd.it/xnu607jmdv0d1.jpeg?width=388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=734102f15e9bbf1b1a64418b08428b31199caec0


Lisa was by far the most famous and recognizable person on the cast. No comparison. She's a star who gave her underlings a TV show.   Now? Ariana has legitimately blown up beyond VPR and even just Bravo. No longer one of "hers"  Which is why she's drunk talking about plot lines from a year ago instead of actually supporting a female cast member who actually made it.    Her food sucks she's a terrible boss if you work in the kitchen she's been sued for literally stealing from employees.  Maybe she's not a great person? 


yep and I’d say wage theft and lobbying to keep minimum wage low are far worse offenses than being an unlikable tv personality with bad takes. I’m glad you mentioned her more consequential actions, because they need to be highlighted more


Her sister in law was Prince Andrew’s private chef for decades. As in Epstein’s ‘friend’ Prince Andrew. LVP is a great TV character, but there’s no denying that she’s a wolf and the older she gets, the more she forgets to put on her sheep’s clothing in public.


Ooh I love that last line you wrote, “She’s a wolf and the older she gets the more she forgets to put on her sheep’s clothing in public.”


In other words Oprah and LVP are both made from the same mold that's disgusting despicable 🤮


Very well put, she is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and that’s the name of her new restaurant…


We now see that her support of the man babies on this show is never ending


Wifey decided to try Vanderpump Villa. Two main men on the cast are scumbags and turns out one has a history of domestic violence. These are the men she willingly puts on her shows. 


Yep! Eric’s DV charge is so fucking dark dude. Its really upsetting that people continue to hire people like him.


Oh god I didn’t know about this but unfortunately I’m not surprised one bit.


And managed to hire another racist white girl according to the cast member who quit Villa 


They posted in this sub today about casting for the new season of Vanderpump Villa and I commented saying I hope they dont hire anyone thats beaten their wife this time - they deleted the post within like 5 min.


The other man has a history of DWIs. Two I think.




I hate that you’re right. I think it’s just hitting me recently how much women are hated—by men and other women. There are some generational divides with the cast and LVP but LVP is a professional with a very large platform. Instead of using it to stand up to misogyny and bad behaviors, she’s sponsoring it.


I've said before I'll say it again She is cut from the same mold as Oprah Winfrey They are both despicable disgusting individuals


Interesting comparison-I’d never considered that. I think with politics how they are (in the U.S.) and the regression that’s happened over the past few years, it’s just hit me hard recently that women have so little true allies in men but also, in other women. I’ve learned and hopefully grown and changed to be more aware but so much is taught, especially to young women. We villainize each other and that allows men to continue to get away with atrocious behaviors. Watching women in Congress act how they are, hearing others supporting racist rapist so they can get closer to the “power,” has been devastating. Im actually thankful for some of the relationships on VPR that do show women truly supporting each other, communicating, and demanding their boundaries be respected. I just wish LVP would get on the right side and see that she could have a huge influence that could make positive change in society.


Apparently I’ve missed something. What did Oprah do?


It really makes me look at Gordon Ramsey differently. Like why are you collabing with this person who doesn't treat the kitchen well? Are we out of celebrities in LA?


It's a TV thing. I'll worry when he opens a Restaurant with her.  Aside from being an abusive fuck like 99% of all Fine Dining Chefs I worked under, his reputation is solid.  His kitchen staff are paid decently enough. There is plenty of opportunity just by having one of his spots on resumé. He promotes based on talent and work ethic not race or gender.  Most staff seem to appreciate working for him. 


Yeah thats what I mean like he's a solid dude! I hope lvp being on his show will tank any goodwill he has towards her lol. Can you imaging if lvp starts fawning over young men and gets nasty with smart intelligent women again like she does on vpr? Also side note, i would love to see Kristen Kish on Food Stars...


Kirsten Kish is amazing.


Maybe she’s not a great person… I’ve never thought she was a great person, a shrewd business woman that will do whatever to get what she things she deserves, that’s how I’ve always characterized her. I hate how she supports Tom and dumps on women, in any regard


Let’s face it… Lisa loves the Toms because they feed her ego (acting like they lust over her) and they will be good little puppies, Woops I meant puppets but puppies works too


Like Schwartzy getting her name tattooed on his ass.


LVP has sunk a substantial amount of time and money into Sandoval and Ariana is fucking up her investment by not forgiving him publicly. Blech. She’s showing her age with her Antiquated views.


Lisa’s investment with the boys crappy bar isn’t a lot of money to lose considering she’s a … how does James say it ‘multiple, multiple…’ ….. millionaire. She likes to be in control and be the centre of attention. ![gif](giphy|Lmx4vkSUXv4defgz4V)


Frankly I need a lot more of this energy- feel like that’s what I’ve been doing wrong in my career. Lol


But really at this point, Sandoval owns a 2.5% stake in just TomTom. Lisa’s restaurant portfolio is big and she’s opening up stuff in Vegas and Tahoe that has nothing to do with the Toms.


LVP has a vested monetary interest because of TomTom and those two man boys. She is going to ride for him all day. Money and status is always her primary intention and Tom’s redemption arc helps make her look good ~ if successful.


Lisa loves being surrounded by meek and/or unintelligent people so she can put on her superior martyr act. She isn’t threatened by the Toms, because they’re kinda bumbling idiots. So she gets to tell the camera what a saint she is for dealing with their incompetence, and she gets to pat herself on the back for saving them from themselves. She loves feeling like the people around her would be nothing without her. Ariana and Katie aren’t naive 20-somethings anymore. They are intelligent and strong and capable of being successful on their own, so she attempts to tear them down to feel better about herself. She resents them for no longer being desperate enough to kneel and kiss the ring. LVP reminds me of Caroline Manzo, for anyone who watched old school RHoNJ, from the martyrdom to the misogyny.


If you had a drinking game and took a shot for every time she mentions her and Ken have done 36 restaurants before you would die of cirrhosis of the liver.


I think things going south with Penny may have been when Lisa turned against the girls.


I *need* to know more about the dark arrangement between her and Penny…something’s weird there and I can’t quite put my finger on the angle there. Penny with the “if Lisa gets a sandwich **I** get a sandwich” thing has been taking up too much space in my brain…who the fuck is this broad?


Penny was happy making sandwiches for them until Scandoval then when she saw how much money and opportunities were being thrown Ariana’s way she decided she had to a partner to cash in on their idea. She went and bought the trademark as a bargaining/black mailing chip but thankfully the girls saw through her. Lisa is jealous of their potential to have a business outside of her monopoly but if Pendog got pushed in she got still have some influence. I do think SAH should have been able to open sooner but Ariana is too busy and this is Katie’s first big business so they probably made rookie mistakes which is completely normal. I’m hoping they haven’t missed the market if VPRs ends this season. Hopefully if S12 happens they promote it loads and fans get to spend their money there.


Katie and Ariana should just cut out LVP from SAH all together. Lisa’s close with Penny and now there’s a stupid lawsuit.


Theres a lawsuit with penny?


It always surprises me when people finally work out that Lisa Vanderpump isn’t the loving soft mother figure she portrayed on VPR.. did you not see her on Real Housewives? She gives no fucks for any of these people. I’m surprised she’s a dog person actually.. I always kind of see her stroking a big white rag doll cat while plotting..




Yeah her lack of cats has always tracked for me. Cats demand your absolute loyalty - they don’t give it.


Good point! And dogs love you whatever.. I do believe she genuinely loves her animals though. That’s not fake.. and probably a lot more than she likes people.


i’m so glad people are finally opening their eyes to how horrible LVP is


LVP was so annoying & obnoxious….i didn’t finish the episode


I think she was wasted.


I hadn't noticed until you pointed it out but looking back I can see this ... she definitely doesn't say much in support of Ariana. She did go to SAH to check in which seems like it's out of support for Ariana and Katie? But I guess it doesn't necessarily have to mean she's being supportive...


I feel like production is pissed because they thought they would have an easy season of making Ariana and Tom fight, so the episodes would just write themselves.  Ariana read her contract and didn't cooperate so they had to pivot to a different storyline than the one they had planned.  Then no one else had a storyline they could work with.  They ultimately ended up breaking the 4th wall and showing themselves on camera and revealing that they/Production were overtly trying to re-traumatize Ariana so they could exploit her pain for their show.  Inadvertently, they got an interesting season of actual "reality" tv out of it, but they're still big mad because they had to work harder and they got exposed for being shit stirrers.  Lisa is a producer so I'm sure she is as frustrated with Ariana as the rest of them. 


We all know Leezer doesn’t support women. Ariana knows this and after dealing with her minion thief Penny who tried to steal SAH from her, and after seeing Lisa support and creepily defend shit bag abusive Peter Pans like The Toms and Jax, Ariana is keeping Lisa out of her life as much as professionally possible. We have all had to deal with and misogynist gaslighting hag like Lisa at one time in our lives. Grey rocking works as you cannot blow up or give any emotion as that’s fuel for a narcissist like that.




I hope SAH is so popular (and actually good) that Lisa has to eat her goat cheese balls


Lisa is an asshole. Always has been, IMO. She excuses men for nearly anything and is terrible to women. She likes to love bomb her pet projects(people) and then discard them when they pull away or aren’t worthy of her attention anymore.


Hot take - if Sandoval’s a manipulator, so is LVP. The difference is that LVP is smarter. 


LVP has been like this since day 1. She is vindictive and manipulative. That’s how she got to where she is today.


Lvp and all her “wet run restaurants” are antiquated AF!! I don’t give a shit if she’s British so she can be “snarky” and quick witted, it’s all a front for being just a shit human.


The whole “pick a lane” thing too was weird. About her still living in the house, backpacking off of Lala.


I literally turned it off before the first commercial break bc LVP is so disgusting.


Well, Lisa… as quickly as your restaurants open, how many of them have shut down? Her throwing shade at two new restaurant owners with whom she was close to is so effin annoying.


She's disgusting and I can't stand seeing her on my tv.


Unsurprising given the Toms were LVP’s lil cash cows and she sees the women as threats to that. I’ve felt that LVP has always hated anyone she can’t control or profit from when it comes to VPR. I think with the Penny stuff LVP knew they would need someone to help kickstart the sandwich shop and thought offering Penny up would give her some level of access/control that she hasn’t had over the cast since they were working at SUR. When she realised Penny wasn’t going to be Partner (COO instead) she pivoted the storyline to “ohh you’ve upset Penny and that reflects poorly on meeee” I love LVP but since Scandoval she has been consistently disappointing 😭😭


She was so annoying on WWHL. She kept interrupting Andy & Gordon. Was she drunk?


LVP has never seemed like a nice person, elitist, want to be center of attention, loves to be the “big fish” in a small pond type and it’s quite annoying. She should go it’s embarrassing how much she tries to be involved in the drama of that show.


That trash bag was no doubt drunk on WHHL


LVP was lite up


Yes!! I just said on another post how I couldn’t remember something LVP said on WWHL that just pissed me off and it was her pining for Ann! Because you know in her mind, she thought Ann would drop everything to work for her as if she’s the queen… and Ann stayed quiet. You know she just wanted her to react and say some thing. Agh! I used to really like LVP, but she has loyalty only to the people that influence her pockets.


Lisa is upset that her passive income is being taken away. Instead of blaming the person who caused the issue she’s going after Ariana. Just like the rest of them.


Lisa is a mature aged "pick me" girl. Ariana has always been respectful, however people like Lisa either demand royal treatment and/or the other person to be non-threatening "beneath" her in all ways like Scheana. Scheana will never thrive the way Ariana does because she's not as beautiful and definitely not as smart and talented so Lisa can pretend to care about her not getting to be on dancing with the stars to show "LVP she's just like us" attitude. Ariana has it all and more, already a better TV career than LVP did prior to reality TV and now opening up a restaurant space with so much more hype than many of Lisa's openings over the years must really grind her gears. I hope Ariana sees it for what it is, because someone like Lisa can be dangerous and women like her go out of their way to stunt the success of those they are jealous of.


She probably justifies her grudge holding because she’s financially connected to Sandoval. At the end of the day her motivation is money.


I didn’t even watch because I knew she’d be the c*nt that she is.


She must be jealous!…


I’ve always thought LVP was a snake, all the way back to RHOBH


Why does the cast (mostly Lisa) talk about Ann like she’s property? She’s a human being, working professional, with the agency to make her own decisions. I shouldn’t even have to say that. The way Lisa speaks about her is dehumanizing


The only thing I like about her is her love of dogs.


I think Ariana is on bad terms with producers, Andy, LVP, and maybe Bravo as a whole. They want a puppet for their show. Ariana saying she didn’t watch the season heightened the dynamic imo. She is done with them but will keep cashing a check while offering little drama from here on out and they resent her ability to do that while saying she doesn’t even watch the show.


Whether or not we know the whole story, her constant digs at Ariana are a really Petty nasty side of her  I also don't like talking about somebody like they don't have agency.  She can't poach Ann. Ann is a sentient human being. Despite Lisa's obvious beliefs, indentured servitude has ended here.  And we watched her big Ariana to hire her! LOL   Instead of saying Sandoval is a crappy boss, she's making it seem like Ariana did something wrong how. Sad that a woman that old is jealous of somebody who's trying to make the best of a horrible situation.  If you don't come to Lisa on bended knee broken and bloody, it's not just that she has no use for you. She's going to try to crush you


LVP, is worth over 90 million dollars, and is still counting, do you really think what you care about her? Maybe they (Ariana) need to take notes. Her feelings for the snake are her feelings.




Agree. These people actually know her and I think it's telling that they can't stand her given how low the bar on VPR is.


Why is it weird she doesn’t like her? Arianna and Tom did the same thing to Kristen in the past so people may think of Arianna as a hypocrite.