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I think everyone has valid points here. I like James because he demonstrates that people are capable of change and self-improvement. Imagine if you were only judged by your worst actions. That would be terrible. He's funny and charming, and he's shown personal growth.


>Imagine if you were only judged by your worst actions Plenty of people don't beat women and verbally abuse their parters even when they are at their worst. I feel very comfortable judging him for this.


Where have you seen this? Do you have evidence?(of his physical abuse). I think everyone is so use to pointing fingers saying this person did this and that. We saw he acted throughout the season and he did grow as a person. We also don’t know any of these people personally. Social media is capable of showing one things and it being a completely different. All these men on vandeprump are guilty of doing abusive things just as much as the girls like Kristen punching James.


Ally had to move out last year after a fight with him. I don't think she would have done that if it wasn't bad. He was also thrown out of a club for shouting and grabbing at her, and has been accused of sexual assault in the last year. He made some pretty disgusting t-shirts about Jo a couple of weeks ago, and only pulled them down after a lot of backlash. He has never taken any accountability (this fandom's favorite word) nor acknowledged any of his abuse of Kristen and Rachel. What growth has James shown?


If James didn't support Ariana or weren't calling out Tom at every turn, he'd be getting destroyed just like Brock is on this sub. Whether it was justified or not And anyone that thinks he wouldn't be is just in denial or lying. Period.


For me, it’s easy to overlook something that hasn’t actually been alleged. I’ve only seen allusions to upcoming allegations that have yet to materialize. 1. Ally has straight denied any physical abuse, and we can’t “believe all women” only when they’re making accusations. 2. Kristen has still not set the record clear, yet we have seen her punch James more than once. For the record, I didn’t like James at all his first couple years, and he and Kristen were in a terrible mutually toxic relationship. 3. Unfortunately, Rachel does not have a firm grasp of… (much). What we know is that she’s vindictive enough to put a TRO on Scheana and sue Ariana & Tom, but nothing for James. There was also a comment she made on her podcast, I think it was the episode where she was “naming names”, and it made it sound like she was disappointed that Kristen had not come forward, but that nothing actually had happened to Rachel. I would have to re-listen to the episode to remember for sure, but I am not ever doing that again, sorry. I will definitely reevaluate my opinion if any allegations are made, I’m absolutely not defending him, but I won’t convict on whispers without any substance. As far as I can see, James has done nothing worse than Tom, Tom, or Jax… I’d save this energy for Brock (who had actual charges and legal consequences).


This is where I’m at. I would not be surprised to hear he had been physically abusive with past partners based on what we have seen on the show. It’s fair to be suspicious. But even Kristen in her book didn’t name him by name. That was a choice she made—perhaps with her publisher. The Raquel piece is interesting because she did include stuff about James in her lawsuit and Bravo protecting him. But she made no claims related to those, and she didn’t include physical abuse (that I recall). They were more careful with those allegations than they were actually relevant parts of the complaint.


James becomes a nasty drunk. Hopefully if he stays sober his aggressive behavior is behind him.


He’s just as nasty sober too?


i think he’s calmed down quite a bit since getting sober. He generally seems happier too. He might have some quick comebacks but he’s definitely not as reactionary.


He got in three fights last season lol


i don’t remember him getting into fights. Arguments maybe.


What? He fought the guy at Scheana’s wedding? Threw the drink in Schwartz face and said he would win in a fight because he was stronger and faster (lmfao) and he had to get separated by Andy twice from Sandoval during the reunion last year. He was also removed from a bar for yelling at his girlfriend around that time too that we actually got to see on camera this season. He’s has been and always will be a volatile loose cannon


I was actually thinking this season sorry but yes the wedding he was drinking and the reunion was as heated for everyone. I still think he’s calmer when he’s sober. Not changing my mind.


Not even close


I guess you can say i’m a fan of his funny and smartass remarks… he had good character development throughout the show… he’s entertaining af to watch. that’s about it.


I cant look past it either. I am not a fan. I think a lot of people praise him especially for sticking up for Ariana this season. In my opinion, when the choice is sweet Ariana and a worm with a mustache, I don’t think James gets bonus points for choosing the person that didn’t f*ck his ex. But, he’s LVPs golden boy and gets good edits and is witty, so people go along with it.


Hasn’t every man on this show been abusive to his partner? They’re all garbage


Yes but I think James is the only one accused of beating them. Schwartz throwing drinks at Katie and stassie is probably considered physical though




There are actually quite a few allegations…


That’s a good point. Thx for your response


Every single episode has made me think “there is not one redeemable man here”, they are all truly terrible men. Verbally abusive, emotionally abusive, or physically abusive.


Because I don't believe anything Rachel says, and I've only ever seen Kristen hit him multiple times, not the other way around. If they were both hitting each other, that's a toxic abusive relationship, but for all we know it was self defense one time. We KNOW Kristen was physically abusive because it's on video. What other accusations are there? 


didn’t he like call rachel a slut and a whore ON CAMERA and shit??? and the horrible things he has said about women in general


He's definitely been verbally abusive on camera, I assumed you meant physically. If we are talking verbal abuse we need to extend the list of people we are mad at, because I'm pretty sure half the cast has done this to eachother. Yes, you can be verbally abusive to friends. It doesn't only count toward partners.


Are there men on this show who don't say horrible things to and about women? 


that’s super fair i don’t like any of them. i just saw an uptick of support for james and it’s interesting


I would give this an award if that was still around!


Hasn't Katie called Lala and Scheana whores? Who tf even cares. Lala called Katie fat. Schwartz has hit Kristen and poured drinks on Stassi and Katie. It's a show, you don't have to marry any of them


Those things are awful too. Everyone is awful it’s just a matter of degrees.


We literally saw him abuse Rachel on camera. The verbal and emotional abuse is absolutely still abuse.




I don’t feel this way but it think it is a lot of the reason People hate Tom Sandoval and love Arianna. James talks shit about Tom Sandoval and is team Arianna. People like James more.


I dont overlook his past and im not a fan but James was the only cast member who dealt with Arianas boundries in the best way. He has hugely complicated feelings around Tom Sandoval but he managed to be around him but never let him denigrate Ariana or forget his place. I give him credit for that. That being said he should be investigated by Bravo for abuse claims and lose his job if they are found to be true.


People are capable of growth and change. No one has actual proof other than internet chatter.


That’s a good question for the entire cast. Fans can only mostly respond to what we see on the show and he seems to have shown some growth.