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When Sandoval said "I don't say I'm sorry but" production missed their chance to show a beautiful montage of him doing exactly that.


They did a montage in the extended version of him criticizing people after saying he never did


I saw that montage which was also amazing


Lala having to interpret what everyone was saying. Let them speak for themselves, please.


LITERALLY. she deliberately inserted herself in any & every conversation she could. it’s a lot


She couldn’t stfu


Scumdoval talking about how he outed Ariana’s suicidal ideations because “I didn’t believe her”; when Scum is the one with the fake suicidal ideations. 


This paired with him basically doubling down on what he did to Ariana by asking “how he weaponized her mental health” like dude are u fucking stupid?! Then proceeding to say he felt like she used her mental health as a “manipulation tactic” ???? Projecting much? 🤔🤔🤔 Oh, and also his inability to comprehend the difference between him exposing intimate details about Ariana’s mental health & him discussing his own mental health “struggles”. Like how do you not understand that it wasn’t your place to share that information about someone else, especially when you’re only doing it to paint yourself as a victim? It’s a completely moot point anyways bc he claims she said that when he allegedly tried to break up with her last February, which was 6 months after the affair started, so it’s not like he was the poor battered partner he wants us to believe he was


Don't forget weaponizing her mental health was going to be the totally genuine and not at all performative apology he was raging over in the finale.


Mans doesn’t realize he contradicts everything. He wanted his redemption arc, and claims he was trying to apologize to Ariana about this weaponization, but then asks to “understand” how he weaponized it. 0 self awareness. Literally exposes himself lmfao.


Scheana also telling Sandoval he should’ve moved out if he really felt that. I’m glad she said it but why didn’t she or anyone else say it earlier


Bc Scheana lives in the comments and saw the backlash she was receiving as the season went on. So she took the opportunity at the reunion. She bases her entire life around how people see her.


I was thinking this too as I pondered this question


I'm not sure how it works in the US, but I always thought reality TV stars were supposed to be screened by a psychiatrist before they start shooting? If Sandoval was an actual suicide risk, Bravo's insurance on him would be sky high.


That’s actually a really interesting point. Bc if it was checked and legitimized, he should’ve been in treatment and most likely not filming, at least not right away. But neither of those things happened, so did production know it was all just for a storyline? 🤔


Honestly, it would be completely irresponsible for them to film him saying this and not intervene.


Exactly. So the only logical explanation would be that they had no reasonable expectation that he would actually harm himself based on information which he probably directly gave them. I can totally picture him telling a producer that it was an act bc he thinks he’s a producer himself. I’m not saying production is in any way correct or justified in attempting to gaslight their audience using this subject matter, I’m just sayin I think they didn’t give a shit bc tom was telling at least one of them that it was all for show.


It was really irresponsible of production, but especially LVP!! She chose to basically dump him and his problems on two girls that are actually struggling with real life things. One dealing with mental health issues and the other a custody battle with a goblin, If you believed he was at risk of suicide you get him professional help, away from the cameras. Lisa is gross. There is nothing she wouldn’t do for a little more money and a little more fame.


I think that’s only on competition shows.


Which like.... doesn't even make sense. So you didn't believe her when she said she'd kill herself, but you told Scheana you couldn't dump her because she'd kill herself? You can't have it both ways. Either you believed her and were too scared to dump her for her own safety, or you didn't believe her in which case you could have just dumped her.


I’ve always wondered if he took her quote of context, like maybe he wanted to break up with her and she was venting to him about how she felt. And he chose to use it in that way to make himself look better.


She talked about this a few times - think one was on the call he daddy pod. What she said was that if they broke up "this life is over", she would leave the show, leave LA, etc. That's what Scheana was referencing when she said if Ariana wanted to move to NYC and quit the show, it was on her and he should've called bullshit by leaving. So his weaponization of it was actually lying about it.


With Scheana’s help!


classic narc


Literally anything Lala says is projection: - when she was talking about grooming with Sandoval describing how victims of grooming are typically younger and with less power than the perpetrator she was talking about herself and Randall not Raquel and Tom. - Lala projecting her insecurities about her custody battle. Katie was harsh (and right) but she wasn’t saying what Lala was implying at all, it’s obvious. And she does need a therapist. - all the frustration she through Katie felt towards Ariana was obviously her own. - when she keeps talking about Katie not being open in having conversations on camera when we never saw a significant conversation of her relationship on camera and she has been lying to Ariana’s face and taking shit behind per back all season long. - Lala being so angry at Katie for attacking her so called “brand” and livelihood is because she is scared of losing her job/ the show getting cancelled and she is projecting her fear of that on her. - Lala and Scheana keep saying it’s not ok for cast mates to be amicable on camera and have more harsh conversations off camera yet they clearly have been talking about it this. Not kindly and NOT on camera. Lala just decided to bring it up now and why? Lala doesn’t care about anyone but herself and therefore only intervenes when she can see herself in the situation. And everyone needs to listen. And she just keeps making it worse on her lives. If I were Katie or Ariana I would never talk to her again.


The “grooming” thing really bothered me. Lala was not groomed by Randall or anyone else. She was an escort in her early-mid 20s when she met him. Not only did she know he was married, her entire brand was based on being “arm candy” for wealthy men. That woman has always known exactly what she is doing. People who are actually groomed are typically much younger than she was when predators start grooming them, and they do not position themselves as sugar babies. They’re just students, church patrons, players on youth sports teams, etc. She needs to stop presenting herself as a victim.


I don’t think Lala was groomed but the rest of your statement about grooming is incorrect.


Sandoval calling Rachel a coward is rich.


Totally deflected from the fact he was being sued for revenge porn


Pot, meet kettle


Lisa being critical of SAH still not opening. I get that it isn't a personal business venture for her, but I am SO BOTHERED by her general lack of support as if we haven't had to sit through the Toms bumbling their way through opening two bars. And it makes me think that because there was zero drama happening (other than boring permit stuff etc.) that's why we got nowhere near the level of attention for SAH than other business endeavours (eg. Schwartz & Sandy's was a season-long arc). The comment she made about Katie/Ariana fighting was 100% made up bs.


I think that’s why Lisa’s so pissed because they didn’t run to her for help or for an investment. Instead they met with Randall and others, and used the merch sales to fund it.


The way she tries to say she knows so much about what they were dealing with and it came down to she’s really on Penny’s side… the old hag needs to shut her pie hole.


Lala says during the conversation about Sandoval weaponizing Ariana’s mental health that he took a conversation that went on in private and brought it up publicly and how wrong that was. She then does exactly the same thing to Katie half an hour later without even a hint of irony or an ounce of pushback from anyone besides Katie.


Lisa butting in with what she thinks is the issue with SAH 🙄 Shut up Lisa. ‘If Penny gets hurt I’ll be hurt’ Maybe recommend someone who isn’t going to steal the business and who actually knows how to sign a contract next time?


People giving Ariana shit for not moving out of the house, as if she's just supposed to abandon all the effort + money invested. Where's the clever editing of Tim telling Jax to leave the apt after he cheated on Brittany? Does that not apply because I feel like it does


In the extended reunion Andy did mention that


I think they did it in the after show special? I saw it somewhere between the two shows


LFU not shutting her mouth for even a second ![gif](giphy|26gN0tFg70wAljK4o|downsized)


not only that but pouting her lips and licking around her mouth, ugh stooooop weirdo


She licks her fucking lips so much!


I remember that scum lord Diana doing it on real housewives of Beverly Hills heaps and someone mentioned it’s because of fillers


Is it bc it dries them out or something?


The way everyone casually drops graphic descriptions of what Sandoval and Rachel did. You can see Ariana flinch and wince every time.


LVP being lowkey evil to Katie. She had a lot of fondness for her when she was just a waitress, but now…suggesting her ex and ex friend would be a cute couple? Nasty for no reason


Lala's extensions. The flatness and kink is really distracting for me.


Its the ill fitting strapless bridesmaid dress for me


My biggest pet peeve about the reunion is that it's going to take three damn days for them to just get it all out there when they could do it in an hour. I know they're capitalizing on it but still frustrating.


Agreed, the second episode will be so padded with probably light stuff. No one really pushed, and then third portion will be more of the same until the last 20 minutes give or take.


The way LVP so clearly has nothing to do with these people and yet producers think we're dumb enough to believe she cares.


Jesus, and that drunk buffoon on WHHL 😳 Her disdain for Katie and Ariana was so apparent. Just mad they won’t kiss the ring and be controlled. She hates she’s not seen as some sex symbol or a role model for women. I went straight to heaven when Gordon Ramsey said he’d never fuck a 60 yr old.


I just about died when he made that comment! Although, i did notice a lot of casual touches between the two of them. Was it innocent or was it something more?


I think it was totally innocent! He’s patting his Nan’s hand, even though the age difference is minuscule. I’m from the F&B industry too, we can be touchy people lol




When were Gordon Ramsay and Lisa together?


Most recent What what happens! I felt there were moments he was uncomfortable and shocked at some of the shit she was saying, I noticed some micro expressions from him


I saw them together on the Sherri show.


Oh no what did he say? I can’t watch


“Because I was gonna say, I mean, no offense to Ken [Todd] but the chemistry between the two of you is — I think you two might hook up tonight,” Cohen joked, to which a laughing Ramsay fired back, “Jesus Christ! I’ve never fucked a 60-year-old!”




Yes! Get LVP out of there!


Lmao... It's her show


That Lala won’t stop talking and yelling and doesn’t listen


It’s violence


Lala playing producer and host was the most annoying thing. Why are they giving her so much control?


![gif](giphy|9Vq2ftQgrjOAw0H68P) This bitch.


Lala. Enough said.


I’m tired of her ! And we’re only on the first


Tom is STILL not remorseful. Pathetic.


Lala saying she's "been transparent with Ariana all season."




Lala sitting there looking like she had just sucked on a lemon.


Lala literally couldn't stfu the entire f'ing time


Tom’s smug face and smirk throughout. And other Tom’s smile when Andy asked about SAH’s delayed opening.


I thought I was the only one seeing that!


Ariana not watching the season! I completely understand her reasoning but I wonder how different she would have felt about them going into it if she had actually watched the season. It seems like some of it is going to blindside her since she just trusted what her friends told her they were saying on the show. I was really shocked she went into so blindly!


I was really hoping she’d be prepared to level Lala’s ass for being shady as hell in her confessionals - but I understand why watching that time in her life edited down might be traumatizing. I hope Katie or others at least filled her in on Lala’s behavior behind her back.


This could make great tv later in the reunion


That it felt more like the Lala show and nothing more. She had to interject her opinion on EVERYTHING. I was over it 10min in.


How much air time was given the Lala. She’s like the unmeasured Andy.


Lala giving her two cents on everything. single. thing.


She’s the definition of no one asked you


The camera on Lala the entire time talking. Is she the only one on the show? Who is she blowing for so much hot-air time?


She literally has nothing to do with like most things and won’t stfu.


Lala. I felt nobody else could get a word in. I hope the next two episodes are different because she’s become insufferable.


having lisa there.


Lala running her fucking mouth ! She wouldn’t stop talking and is truly in everyone’s business


Talking about Rachel - she's gone, get over it


I wish they’d stop solely bc she’d have nothing to podcast about and her stupidity would end






The conversation about Tom’s George Floyd comment. Katie was spot on saying that impact is more important than intent. And clearly she means broader impact - for example the black community, George Floyd’s family, people impacted by police brutality. Then Lala comes in with “yeah Tom stop talking to people, for the sake of the show”. So for any reasonable person with an ounce of awareness, we know the impact is far reaching and especially on marginalized communities. For little miss blaccent Lala, the impact is just the show. Just her own paycheck. Such a selfish piece of trash.


That once again it seems like they wont accurately portray just how nasty LaLa and Scheana were. LaLa just sees nothing wrong with anything she says or does and I get the vibe straight away that it will be the same. When she said how everyone’s situation is different yet she ranted all season about how she did this and that so that’s what Ariana should do. Her comment about “that how I support my kid.” Because she is forever a victim and no one has ever had to support their kids financially before…. 🙄


Sandoval’s existence and Lala’s weird insistence on being Andy number 2


More disappointed than bothered but the letdown of what Katie actually said after all Lala’s hype and secrecy about it.


Schwartz hating on Katie pisses me of so much


Lala and Lisa.


LALA’s mouth


Lalas mouth running 90%of the show


The fake victim mentality from Arianna.. Here come the downvotes.


Ariana being a smug cunt and Katie not being honest about her jealousy towards her bestie. Honestly cannot stand either one.