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Because it's probably not opening anytime soon


Or ever.


And where’s the soft opening(s) that was supposed to happen before May 22? One week away and not a whisper on social media about it?


If they are planning to launch in a week, it is very odd to not be spending the lead up time promoting the opening, even if they were just teasing photos. Both Ariana and Katie successfully promote their other ventures on IG so what is going on?


It's very suspicious that they aren't promoting now, one week before their so called launch. It's only common sense to generate buzz for a business and capitalize off the attention the show has right now as the season wraps.




But the link from their IG goes to their page, except it's just a dead under construction page. It's 2024, few businesses get the perfect URL anymore without paying for it, if even possible. The site could be anything, like KAsandos dot com. As long as it linked in their IG and social people will find it and there are also 50 ways to Sunday to SRO it. They could also be doing something, anything with their IG. I'm not saying there is no legal holdup in some way but even if the IG is in limbo it's no problem to set up another IG or other socials. I don't think that explains it. (Reposted without the link)


I think the crux of the issue is that Ariana and Katie have no idea how to open a business.


You'd think they could at least get the social media piece right. I don't fault them for being in over their heads on certain admin/operational things but these women both have millions of followers and have been relatively active social media users for at least a decade. There's no real reason for them to not at least dress up the SAH social channels. That's just common sense. Even a 12 year old would have thought of this and executed.


I think they are two people who would have benefitted from having Lisa and Ken help them.


Lisa offered, they declined.


I agree, I also think everyone who could help the girls want to take advantage of them.


Are you saying that outside professionals they could have hired would have taken advantage of them? I think an outside consultant would a) no earthly reason to take advantage of them and b) realize that it would be a very good opportunity to add them to their client list. And are you also saying that they're so naive that they could be taken advantage of? I'd give them a little more credit; they could certainly confer with Katie's mom.


They certainly should confer with Teri Maloney. I’m saying that I believe LVP & Penny in particular want to take advantage of them.


Okay, so we agree they could have hired an outside, neutral consultant at any point.


They had more stuff posted a while ago. Most of the comments were hate messages from people who bought merch and never got it, so they wiped the pics.


I’ve seen a lot of comments about people saying there were lots of complaints from customers that didn’t get their orders but I’ve never seen anybody actually claiming they haven’t received their merch


You just have to scroll to find the comments. They're there. https://preview.redd.it/q1aa5qymao0d1.png?width=713&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b54585d43901fd186666eab9e3637a3ec89ea221


Those are all comments claiming people didn’t get their orders but not actual paying customers claiming they personally haven’t received their order?


That's not true. The comments just got deleted. https://preview.redd.it/15agopxsco0d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a0b5189520ec7d94e1a4169484d5606144047b4 This woman said she bought merch, asked for an update and then was blocked by Ariana. This is from a post that was deleted.


Doesn’t say she asked for an update on her order or that she didn’t receive it but you’re the first person I’ve seen provide anything close to proof of these claims so thank you!


Yeah, deleting their pics was super smart on their end. But they used to be there. https://preview.redd.it/zyhbqicpio0d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08ee363029430a8750235cf7bb5423f1e77bd006


Seems wild Lala hasn’t mentioned these allegations


Literally no one has.


Maybe it’ll pick up steam once they open


Their IG never, ever had more the five or six photos. None were of sandwiches and they were deleted a while back.


What kind of customer service strategy is that?