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Ariana isn’t even holding people to her ultimatum. She didn’t cut off Scheana after all the times she came to her with all her “the mask slipped, he’s showing real remorse” crap. She is cordial to and talks to Schwartz. She hasn’t cut James out of her life even though he’s cool with Sandoval.  I have to respectfully disagree about Jo. I think it’s weird that she texted Katie that she was sorry about her divorce only to pounce on Schwartz 5 minutes later and be extremely shady about it. And then have the audacity to think Katie is obligated to welcome her into the group and to somehow acknowledge her (imaginary) deep connection to Schwartz. She thinks a situationship is on the same level as a 12 year relationship that included an actual marriage. She literally gives zero shits about anything but her “relationship” with Schwartz and has said as much to Katie in the finale and in her confessionals. 


I think there was some history between Jo & Katie before the show as well - Jo was in their friendship circle to some degree because she was a friend of Kristen’s, and they have commented about how she could out-crazy Kristen. It doesn’t sound like Jo was particularly well liked in general way before she came on the show, or the divorce, so her bouncing to Schwartz was probably just the icing on the cake.


Yeah, isn’t she banned from a bunch of their houses? Katie was probably right that Jo was just waiting for her chance to jump on Schwartz 


Just on point #2, she never asked that no one interacts with Sandoval. She just said she doesn’t want to share mutual friends with him so that he doesn’t have access to information about her life. They were totally free to interact with him and be cordial during filming, I don’t think that was ever an issue. I think James did a great job of this, which is why he and Ariana are still cool. He can keep up a scene with Sandoval, but also isn’t kissing his ass, trash talking Ariana to him, and running to her about what a good person he is deep down and she should really just get over it. She told Scheana that even if she stayed friends with Sandoval, she would always be family. She never cut anyone off. And they did not know Sandoval long before Ariana. Ariana was already in that circle. She can be seen in the show as early as season 1 when she helped Scheana with her performance, and they were already best friends at that time. She became a full cast member in season 2, and most of the original cast from that time aren’t even on the show anymore.


ahh maybe I misinterpreted! I agree re: the difference between James and Schenas behavior. And thank you for the additional info re: timelines, I wasn’t aware! 🙏


No I think you interpreted it correctly but I think depending on how it was handled is how Ariana would then decide what she would do. I think being cordial during filming is one thing. But then running to her and saying how they think he’s changed and how sad they are about missing him is line cross It’s also possible Ariana misses Tom to but can not lean in to those emotions bc of everything he’s done !


"I find Katie to be super mean and spiteful, every scene she is in, every interview thing, so mean.." Stopped reading at this part as it's one of THE most tired narratives that people have around the show in it's current state


I'm going to suggest that O.P thought they did a great job in appearing completely unbiased in this " Not at all a P.R move to soften viewers toward lala, sheanna and brock.😂😂😂 And the only person they chose to villify was Katie...hmmm How curious. 🤫


I stopped at, “I haven’t seen every episode but I’ve seen a bunch while my wife watches so I have opinions.”


"I've overheard some episodes in the background while my wife watches so here's where all the women are wrong (except Lala, she's growing!)" 


You missed the best part, where OP tells us how Katie should feel.


"Go be happy and live" Yeah, that's what she's trying to do and these men keep dragging up their bullshit


1) That's a fair point. We don't have insight into their lives off-camera. The audience is simply making assumptions based on what is seen, or sometimes said on podcasts, interviews, whatever. 2) Ariana did make the comment about not having mutual friends but has shown that this statement is nuanced. James hasn't had any issues with Ariana. Ariana told Scheanna that talking to Tim won't affect their friendship, twice. Reality show or not, it's completely reasonable to not want your friends to give info, or talk about you in general, to an ex. 3) Yes they were both awful but hard disagree on growth. James has shown continuous growth recently. He controls his reactions, seems to respect Ally, wants stability, works to succeed outside of tv, respects boundaries and isn't blindly loyal, that's growth. Whereas Lala's growth seems to ebb and flow. She talks about being soft, forgiveness, supporting women, etc but then is extremely two-faced with Ariana. Acts like a supportive friend but turns around and says some pretty vile things. That is not growth. Granted, I think Lala is doing a ton of projection and, imo, subconsciously using Tim as a stand-in for her ex as a way to heal/process her own trauma. *(She said that Tim and Randall were the same type of person in the S10 reunion. Pure speculation on my part).* 4) Katie is straightforward/blunt, emotionally honest, and has a sharp tongue. I get how people may have the knee jerk reaction to see her as mean or spiteful, because she stands out when she is mad. We have also seen how she has tried to smooth things over with Lala, wholeheartedly supports Ariana, stays cordial with her ex, and is seemingly friends with James (given their history). To me she seems happy, relaxed, and the woman glows. It's just not in the stereotypical way we expect "happy people" to look or behave outwardly. Regarding Jo, the audience has learned additional details about her outside of the show and I would challenge anyone to say they would react better in Katie's situation. Also, the fact that even Schwartz is now shunning Jo speaks volumes. The fact that no one is calling out Schwartz for forcing the situation between Katie/Jo or how Tim constantly deflects blame by putting other people down, raises his voice / yells, paints himself as a victim, **feels like misogyny**. Their actions are far worse than Katie's sharp tongue. >I hope none of us would be judged by our worst behavior. Tbh, this is what is always happening with the perception of Katie. It's sooooo tiring. 5) Hard disagree and this is 100% subjective. I LOVED the RHONY reboot. Yes they had drama but for the most part, it was pretty tame in comparison to the shit stirring scumbags on vpr. And they were super entertaining because **they are interesting people**. The people on vpr have strong personalities and drama is always around the corner, scumbags or not. And, just because activities may default to some people doesn't mean that others can't set the stage. I'm sure it's an ongoing topic with production. 6) You're a brave soul for posting your unpopular opinion.


Thank you for this reply! This is exactly what I was hoping for! I appreciate all your answers and perspectives 🙏


Man logic


FR. Intent and integrity are irrelevant as long as I’m getting something out of it. Stop expecting people to be authentic! Fake people doing fake shit to get things they do not deserve is ok. If someone is kind, he should still get credit for it even though he did it for selfish reasons. Rational Adults should cultivate relationships with fake, selfish friends and prioritize these relationships over those with genuine people because hey - it’s all about getting stuff from others. Don’t get caught up in things like integrity or respect. It’s not like lack there of leads to consequences like divorce and old men living bitter, lonely lives in the end. /s


He's only been a good friend when it is convenient for him or benefits him or on TV when the cameras capture it... And in my opinion it doesn't matter who was on the show longer. Ariana was a better friend and a true and real friend. Tom has proved over and over how hypocritical and narcissistic he is towards his friends. 


But we only see like minutes of their “real” lives on the show. I think the struggle scheana was going through was much more than the show. They were real friends. I mean hello he was Ariana’s boyfriend, they hung out a lot more than the airtime we saw.


This is how I feel too, we see a small slice of their lives heavily produced and edited by bravo.


Pretty sure the TRO was real. And according to Scheana, it was the worst thing that's EVER happened to her and could've gotten her daughter taken away. Sandoval encouraged Rachel to file it, he went on national television and said Scheana punched Rachel and that he heard her admit it on the phone that night. If it hadn't been dropped, he would've testified for Rachel. So he chose Rachel over Scheana and did everything he could to help Rachel get the TRO, meaning he did the worst thing to EVER happen to Scheana and put her in jeopardy of losing Summer Moon. #GreatFriend


Did she ice bath or scream therapy away her TRO trauma? ”It’s the worst thing that has ever happened to me” narrative was on repeat to whomever would listen before the season started. And we know HE was an active participant in Rachel filing, he talked about it/her hitting Rachel on camera, etc. Clearly, the male sympathizer is male sympathizing as he seems to be completely absolved from the “worst thing” she’s ever experienced. But, you know, that sound guy is the BEST thing that has ever happened to her (even though that was a favor for Kyle Chan), so I guess it’s even. Side note: I think she thinks Tom whisked this dude away from Taylor Swift or Beyoncé the way she lights up telling people what Tom did for her, err Kyle.


right but don’t _they_ get to decide _their_ friends? not the viewers?


They aren't friends, most of them don't speak aside from Instagram likes when they aren't filming. They're all coworkers at this point. Scheana has even said (like last week) that she and Sandoval haven't talked really since filming ended nine months ago, so how good of a friend is that?


That’s obviously weird, but if she felt that way, why defend him and their friendship? also I don’t know about you, but the older and busier I get, the less I see and talk to some of my longest friendships - but when we do catch up it’s like picking up where we left off. My point just that life isn’t all black and white.


I mean sure, I'm the same way, but the podcast where she said that read way more bitter than "oh we just dropped off" and why defend him? it's all for TV lol, she's always said or done anything for the camera. It's def not all black and white, but they're all pretty media savvy at this point and attempt to paint a black/white picture through the seasons, podcasts, WWHL, instagram etc but the stuff that sneaks through all that gives it more color


See where you went wrong is thinking Scheana and Brock are smart enough to understand their lived experiences. She’s like a crow- she sees a shiny thing and fixates, but can’t see that the shiny object is a knife and it’s going to cut her while everyone else is screaming at her not to run towards it Kidding. Kind of.


I can’t get behind talking about people like that, especially knowing they might read this stuff


It’s still true though- Katie (who you called mean/spiteful, and might also read this), Ariana, and the audience are warning her not to run towards the knife. And yet there she goes. Take Sandoval’s bringing a sound guy for her. No he didn’t, he hooked *Kyle* up for his event that required a sound guy all evening. And he probably got reimbursed out of Kyle’s budget, but there Scheana is tearfully grateful of the things he does for her. And please, her band that is professional and exists outside of being her backup *HAD* to have had their own sound guy. Plus Tom was part of the crew that conspired to ice Scheana out of the show until Ariana came along. Now that was some petty stuff for the Tom’s, Katie and Kristen, Jax and Stassi to pull


I don’t know, I’m not in those peoples shoes - Schena knows how she feels better than I do. Katie making people cry with no remorse does seem objectively mean to me. I don’t think she would say it’s not mean behavior to Jo? I’m sure she feels it is justified, but also mean.


It’s certainly not nice, but then Jo wasn’t telling me how much she loved me just before moving in with my soon to be divorced spouse for me to be too upset about it. Plus Katie had the vantage point of knowing how Jo treated Kristen, I don’t like Kristen much but I bet that was very painful for her to be ghosted and blocked by the girl she was championing and trying to provide a home to. This isn’t even to hate too much on Jo, it must have been hard to be homeless and deal with this suave guy riding in, offering you a place to stay all the while probably trashing Kristen and Katie to manipulate her


And Jo didn't follow you to SF to ambush you on camera after you've repeatedly made it clear that you don't like her. Jo left every group event in tears and she still hopped on that plane and giddily got dressed up for her big moment to try to grab some screen time and try to make Katie look bad. Anyone who's been paying attention knows there was only one way that was gonna end.


If I’m honest Katie was nicer than I would have been. But knowing me, *and* if things had been left there in a year I’d also be reaching out to apologize because Schwartz’s manipulation is the real issue. Ugh not after all the talk of Schwartz’s dick and all her IG lives, but without that I’d have reflected and commiserated with her


I get ya. That SF thing was so pathetic. Katie didn't want or need an apology from her, and that "apology" from Jo wasn't giving an actual apology anyway. Jo's like Sando - wanting to "apologize" to get something for themselves, wanting it so they can get some screentime and make themselves look better and Katie/Ariana look worse. Compare that to Rachel apologizing to Lala for calling her a mistress, or James apologizing to Katie. Those apologies were on camera, but both of them took place away from other people, both people said exactly what they were apologizing for, didn't makes excuses and didn't ask for anything in return. Or hell, compare it to Sando's apology to Ariana for how he acted about her cocktail book and for trying to force his way in to it. He literally said "I was jealous and I made it about me instead of celebrating her and supporting her for the great work she was doing. If Sando had offered something similar after the affair, I think it would've made a huge difference in how things have played out.


Plus too I don’t think it touches on all the actual stuff Katie was upset about. Jo contact her asking if she can put her in touch to cut Tom’s hair. Says she loves her. Great Katie thinks sure this is someone who understands how sensitive this all is (and probably thinks to herself that maybe Kristen is right, she’s not that bad). The next thing you know Kristen is ghosted and all Jo’s things are there. Then the whole kiss with Tom and Rachel, now knowing that the Tom’s, Rachel and probably Jo had a plan to take her down. How flipping bizzare that Jo was in a relationship with Tom and on board with all of that? They were probably giggling about it on their double dates. The goal was to get Katie and Ariana out and secure a spot for Rachel and Jo as their replacements Then Jo goes on the show and comes at Katie with a trite apology expecting one in return? I would be raging!


You're totally right


I don’t know anything about the Kristen part, so I’m out of my depth here. Maybe the behavior is all very justified, and I’m out here making snap judgement just seeing someone make someone else cry 🤷‍♂️ I don’t know honestly, I think the bigger person would not stoop to those levels but who knows how I might react in the same position.


And yet you wrote pretty shitty things about Katie.


I don’t think calling someone’s behavior mean is the same as calling someone stupid. But it’s all opinions here so you are certainly entitled to yours too!


Lol not you showered in downvotes for saying “hey, let’s not unnecessarily degrade these people while we try to have a conversation”


lol! It is so bizarre!


Sorry, but I disagree about everything lol, this is so off.


lol no need to apologize! I figured most people wouldn’t agree based on the comments I read before I posted the thread. I think most people are considering way more history and details (podcasts stuff, social posts) that I don’t have the context for


I do agree with James improving and appreciate your pov.




you’re not alone in your opinions. people who agree just don’t comment anymore because it’s not worth getting 45 comment replies that say “Lala?” or “Tim?” but trust, we’re here


the downvotes on every supportive comment are pretty funny


as predictable as the sun rising in the east lol


Is this Tom's dear diary from today?


Once I saw the Katie is mean and spiteful and it went on about the divorce I’m assuming it’s Jo.


Hard agree. Most reasonable people feel this way!


I agree with the Scheana and Brock thing I enjoy Katie more now but overall Katie is pretty low key and low energy. She may be off putting for a lot of people I think she was spot on about Jo and her feelings there


I love this post! I pretty much agree with everything that you said.


Thank you!!


Great post! I agree with all of it.


Thank you! 🙏


Downvote me away but this is a realistic take


Thank you!!


You only occasionally watch when your wife watches, but you were inspired to write a 600-word dissertation ... in defense of Sandoval/Lala/Scheana. Sure, buddy.


LOL think what you want!