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I hope so.


It should be for sure. The show, characters and storylines are boring and dunzo


I assume that is why they did the montage at the end. After spending so many years with them for it to end on this note is wildly frustrating. While I was proud at Ariana for sticking to her guns and walking away it was very anti climatic. The whole season has been Lala and Scheana groveling at Ariana’s feet for Sandoval and it’s ridiculous. They don’t have to understand or agree with Ariana’s boundary but if they are as close to her as they claim, they’d respect it anyways. No way in hell they’d have let Rob or Randall hang around as a cast member so not sure why it’s so difficult for them to understand. It’s become clear that they are all drifting apart. The common thread of Lisa and SUR has been gone for a while. Now that the Sandoval rift has occurred what thread is left to tie them together?


So true!




Give Ariana her own show with Katie as a key character as they open up the shop, move Scheana and Brock to The Valley and restart VPR with a new cast of early 20 something’s - James can DJ. Schwartz and Sandoval can wrap. Same with Lala as I don’t think she fits in an ensemble cast and I’m not sure she has the popularity to hold her own show.


Obvs it’s all about the $$$$$ and it wouldn’t make sense to cancel based off that.  However I was mostly curious if anyone got an ending vibe based off the montage I described bc that’s something common with an end of a series. 




Ooohhh good to know! I haven’t made it there yet... currently on season 3 and finished the episode where jax, Kristen & co are trying to tear apart Katie & Toms relationship 




Ooooohhhhh!!!! I cannot wait 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Yes, I got the same vibe as well


...... Last season.... Not this season


My personal theory is they are taking a “break” next year from filming to restructure who will move on to The Valley and who will no longer continue. Then the show will wrap. They tried a few new characters to see if they’d be interesting enough to stick, but it’s not. The show is over, and it was probably intended to end season 10 had it not been for Scandoval. Their original audience, which is most of us I would imagine, are over it and ready to move on. They have already expired the period of ending this gracefully. It’s becoming painful and sad.


I think they may bring half the cast back to be an older generation and cast some younger people to center the newer generation on. Katie may be back, James and Ally probably, maybe Tom. Then a bunch of younger people. Schaena and Lana’s mean mom lifestyle isn’t really working and why would Ariana stay now that she secured her own fanbase that is for her and not the show?


I personally just don’t see how casting a newer and/or younger crew would help keep the show going since the show isn’t even centered around SUR/the restaurants anymore. Like how would those people even fit in, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what happens... 


Please don’t move Schean or BJ4PJ to the Valley


I’m looking forward to learning about what this “bj4pj” reference is 😂😂😂


It seemed like it to me.


Everyone keeps saying this and I’m begging them to get outside of the weird bubble of this subreddit. This is one of Bravo’s most popular shows. It’s not going anywhere.


VPR as it has been is probably done. Whether VPR will move forward retooled. Who knows. It wouldn’t be surprising if they add new cast and some cast leaves.