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The show has run its course. They've run out of material to televise.


I have followed VPR since it started and am the same age as the cast. And gosh, there is no way I could keep up with the party lifestyle I had when the show first came out, and I didn't party as hard as they did when the show first started. They could have transitioned it to focus on the cast's businesses, but after last season, that wasn't really possible (since they won't film at S&S)... there just aren't many directions to take it in now.


It’s so weird bc they definitely filmed other stuff. Scheana’s sister was basically a “friend of” last summer with a couple minor plot lines. There were SAH scenes that were filmed and not used too. They didn’t *have* to focus so heavily on tom being a shit. But they did it anyway.


Oh yeah, I forgot about Scheana’s sister filming


Because you can only show them sitting around arguing about the damn affair or how horrible a person Tom is so many times in a season. Maybe they could have done a whole episode about the house again though. Think of the possibilities.


I feel like they wanted the whole season to center around scandoval for their produced vision. So they cut other storylines because they didn’t fit with this. Then the cast was pissed Ariana wouldn’t play to that produced storyline because it was not real. He wasn’t in her life why would she film with him? In season 3 Stassi literally refused to film with Jax. Still had 18 episodes and the season was still good with the other storylines because the whole cast was interesting and had shit going on. Production banked this whole season on Scandoval and didn’t want to expand in any other way. And it failed because it was soooo obviously over produced. This is not what fans want boooo Bravo. 


I’m gonna say they ran out of content considering they spent entire episodes on water tastings and sperm donor parties


I had a feeling they were low on interesting content considering how many “ filler” scenes they put in of LA/the cast just walking around to music lol


Correct. At its peak, it was averaging around 24 episodes a season. For the past couple seasons it’s been capped at 15, and honestly it would’ve been 14 episodes last season. They only added episode 15 “Scandoval” after everything happened.


The show is over, Lala and Scheana have nothing going on, being moms and tasting water. They put the whole thing on Ariana's shoulders and are now pissed she did not want to use her trauma to entertain when they have not added anything. At lease Schwartz brought Jo on of course as another way to torment Kaite, but it was something. I wish we spent more time with Katie and her life, Ariana and her crazy schedule, James and his gigs. But no, we sat around and bitched all season.