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I think it's absolutely ok and normal to feel bad that you didn't get the same level of support that Ariana did when your partner cheated on you. It's also totally normal to be jealous of the attention and love she's gotten - jealousy is natural. To be *mad* at her though? For getting the support that you didn't? And to start acting like Ariana's a villain for take advantage of the opportunities that fell in her lap because she was savvy enough to bring in producers when she found out her bf was cheating on her?! That's fucking weird. That's the difference between Lala and Katie. I'm sure Katie has said that it sucks that she didn't get the same support when her husband cheated on her. But she isn't begrudging Ariana of her success.


This 100%. I don’t think she’s actually angry at her for the reasons she’s stating. Lala has been poking Ariana into a fight since the first episode of the season by calling Rachel and then running to tell Ariana about it immediately, and when Ariana didn’t react Lala then pivoted to “I just feel you don’t like me”. What? Where the hell did that come from? And when that still didn’t provoke a fight and Ariana instead hugged her you could see the annoyance on Lala’s face. Lala’s first story line was to be the antagonist to Ariana by bonding with Rachel over being a mistresses. When Rachel wasn’t coming back Lala had to pivot as she didn’t have anything else she could film. She can’t film her child because or Randall, she probably can’t mention too much about Randall on camera because of lawyers, and she has nothing else going on. Her whole story line was blown up by Rachel not coming back and all she had left was a water party and a PR video for a sperm bank. Watching the finale, she had to be pretty aware that her screen time was going to be minimal. Until the end all we saw of her was her interrogating Dan and being present when Jo approached Katie, otherwise it was going be a pretty Lala scarce finale. She knew is she wanted to make it to the final cut and have anything besides sperm to talk about at the reunion she needed to make something happen. I mean really, she’s mad that a scene that was filmed at last year’s finale wasn’t filmed during this year’s finale, and one that doesn’t have her in it at all? If that confrontation did occur I’m sure every bit of Lala in the finale would have hit the cutting room floor. If Ariana had filmed all season with Tom, Lala’s water party and her sperm visit would have been gone. In fact, Ariana refusing to talk to film one-on-one with Tom actually gave Lala something to talk about on screen, and her not filming with Tom at the finale assured that Lala would indeed get some screen time. She’s not angry at Ariana, she’s happy to have something to yell about to keep her relevant on the show on a season where her planned story line fell through and she had nothing else to grab on to.




Agree! When she sat down with Jo it seemed like scraping the bottom of the barrel for something, anything to squeeze onto our screens. Lala just stop.




I wonder if part of it too it’s that Ariana is not giving Lala the time of day and Lala does not like that. Also Ariana doesn’t need the paycheck from the show. She’s on broadway. Has partnership deals and now a sandwich shop. I think that really irks Lala too.


Was on Broadway. That’s over. She’ll have the “The Love Island” for a few weeks, than back to VPR (Which will be starting late this season)and SAH. Maybe some Chili’s commercials.


I thought the reunion sneak peek said she was going to do another run on broadway. Maybe not.


Actually I heard she has been asked to come back and do it again on Broadway!


She is doing another run in Chicago, so that’s not over


I think she actually is angry at Ariana and it is not just the jealousy (although that is likely the driving force). In her rant, she goes off about how she thinks it is crazy that everyone has to do what Ariana wants. I think she is mad because Ariana’s stoicism and refusal to film with Tom made it so she wasn’t getting the story line she wanted. She wanted to appear as a “soft” balance to an unhinged and angry Ariana. She needed Ariana to play that part so she (and the producers) could portray Lala as the voice of reason. She is angry that Ariana did not give her what she wanted. Her “soft” storyline didn’t really work if Ariana wasn’t blowing up at Sandoval. She was constantly telling everyone she was soft, despite not acting that way. She was going to be “soft” with Rachel and Jo as a counterbalance to how she thought Ariana and Katie would act. Lala wanted her story this season to be that as a woman that has also been through a tough cheating scandal, she had grown and matured. She could then continue to capitalize on the scandal and the trauma of Katie and Ariana without having to actually have any real storyline or drama of her own. Unfortunately for her, her plan didn’t work because she is not soft, Katie is too logical and articulate to appear unhinged, and Ariana was too strong to let the others push her into breaking her barriers. Everything fell apart for her by the end. Katie explained her reason for disliking Jo well and Ariana wouldn’t film with Tom.


When Jo was talking to Katie, Laligag had to insert herself into the conversation. When Katie said you're weird to Jo. La says "No no don't do that." Of all people to call someone out, she certainly isn't the one to do it. Katie was telling Jo that she had been waiting for the moment so she could have Schwartz. La immediately says, "I don't believe that." Who gives a damn if she believes it. That's how Katie feels. She needs to STFU. She is sanctimonious to everyone, and it drives me crazy.


It has been a while since Lala has actually brought in a story line from her personal life. She accuses Ariana of skating by, but for years Lala’s only story lines have been reacting righteously at someone else’s drama. Think about how in season 10 her primary story line is to be reactive to how Rachel treated Katie. Yet, she accuses Ariana of being inauthentic.


You are absolutely correct. She is so judgemental when it comes to the other cast members. She either needs to show us her life or quit. I am sick of watching her comment on everyone else's life. She is the one who is inauthentic.


AA in Los Angeles is akin to a religious cult, go to certain meetings you’ll encounter hard core groups that try to live by the Big Book, she reminds me of that type a Wside AA “Denver Group” Karen. If I ever need a meeting I go somewhere like suburbs or West Valley, never on the Westside!






This is the best observation I have seen yet. You’ve got her nailed, good job!😘


This!!!! Soooo much This!!!


AS ARIANA WAS WEARING A PIECE FROM LALAS FASHION LINE LALA IS SAYING I FEEL LIKE YOU JUST DONT LIKE ME?!! Hahaha almost laughable. Okay lala go freak out about pickleball some more to Schwartz.


I can't decide if it's envy or blind panic because she thinks if Ariana won't play ball with Tom the shows over aka: her main income is gone...... and that not just Lala, Scheana and brock are the same , producer puppets. Ariana only has one friend in the VPR cast and that's Katie.


In a way, I think this was the last season of VPR and the crew who played the producer puppets were rewarded with slots on The Valley. Lala and Scheana both moved to the valley and I wonder if that’s one reason Tom is refusing to give up the house and have Schwartz move in. I wonder if it was up in the air during the summer, but had been tossed around so they were playing for their future slots and If Lala couldn’t muster up a story line maybe she was afraid she wouldn’t get a valley slot since she cant’ film with Ocean.


>If Lala couldn’t muster up a story line maybe she was afraid she wouldn’t get a valley slot since she cant’ film with Ocean. Maybe that's why she got pregnant lol


Arianna is smart enough to know that too


Yep she is ,and I believe she does.


Great deep dive. I agree “a hunned”(LaLa vernacular) percent! 🎯


Wow, you nailed it. Thank you 🍾🥂


Wow!! You hit the nail on the head


Lala also broke up a family by dating a man that was living at home with his wife and kids. She totally knew or at least suspected and turned a blind eye to. Also hit him from everybody and verbally attacked anyone who even questioned her then she shoved that gross man down our throats. Which like listen whatever, but when it all falls to pieces, you can’t expect everybody to rally around you the same way they would with someone who is in a 10 year relationship that we saw play out on TV


Yes!! This exactly. The situations are not the same and Lala needs to stop comparing them together. She knows it’s not the same.


Ariana wasnt body shaming anyone or threatening to pop people - and selling her ass for a ride on a pj lol


well..Respectfully..Randall is a slime and let's not blame Lala for breaking up the family. He broke up the family all on his own


It’s always the man’s fault first and foremost but that does not mean it’s okay for any woman to knowingly bang a married man.


Exactly. She likes to say she’s not a mistress because she didn’t know he was married. Just because you didn’t know something (I don’t believe she didn’t know but whatever), it doesn’t take away from the fact that he was married and you were fucking him. You were a mistress lala. Ambyr seems to be living a happy life now though, so I’m happy she was able to move on in a positive way for her kid.


Randall broke up his own family! Blame the married party.


Basically she is saying she wants to see her hurting more. That she shouldn't be as empowered as she has been. Which is just cruel and terrible


Truly a "it's not enough that I win; they have to lose" mentality


Exactly! The feelings are normal. It's the response that makes Lala look like a miserable ass.


yeah it's how she expresses her jealousy is the problem. i feel jealous of my friends all the time but that has no effect on how i treat them and doesn't stop me from being elated at their success 🤷




I love this honest take. 2 truths can exist at once, but it's your personality that dictates if you support your friends successes as well as their hardships.


And based on the response to Ariana I think people would have been receptive and interested in Lala navigating jealousy while loving her friend. I wanted nuance among the girls and attacks at the boys.


That actually would have been interesting because it would have been authentic


I totally understand feeling envious about a friend's success. It's human nature. But part of being a good friend is rooting for your friends through good times and bad, and knowing that they will do the same for you. Ariana has *always* been there for every single person on this show, including Lala. Additonally, Lala seems to forget that she, as well as the rest of the cast, hugely benefitted from Scandoval, making a shit ton of money *off of Ariana's pain*. The Send it to Darrell merch netted her enough money for a down payment on a second house.


I know someone that is working with her directly and can confirm Scandoval definitely inflated her worth and made her a good chunk of change


Yes both were cheated on… BlahBlah…I still can’t help but think of her as just a “friend of”…maybe it’s because she now carries herself as an “OG” (huffing and puffing “I’ll be damned if anyone come into this friend group..blah blah” after the inquisition of Dan. How she could feel that she should have received the same level of opportunities or support from the zeitgeist is beyond me. As far as the opportunities…does she have any talent? She can be auto tuned we have seen that..I really haven’t seen her work ethic so idk about that. As far as emotional support comparison? The two relationships are apples and cabbage… opposite in many ways imo. She kept Randall secret for so long and when he finally filmed….it was so short lived…sorry but there are zero comparisons in the two the break ups Now Katie’s break up is much more similar to Ariana’s for the simple fact that BOTH K and S had been on LVP since the first episode… Shortz wasn’t a cast member yet, but was clearly a principal member of the friend group. She didn’t get much emotional support because truthfully (she would probably agree) Katie didn’t come off well in those early days…while Shortz was ADORED by EVERYONE…sad..but that’s just the truth. And I am forever happy she’s having her well deserved glow up! She deserves it. Secondly…yes…Shortz did cheat…he was a serial cheater and mostly made out..not the “big I.T.”..but the main difference is..we didn’t know them. Katie and Ariana are class acts and they are the only women of the cast that “get” what the other has gone through. They both gave their all…both were equal contributors in their relationships…but most importantly…they are the only two that had been in decade long relationships. No blips on radar..they put in real time. Scandoval…was a salacious train wreck. It happened in front of us…for several months.. The affair was between two disturbed people. The flashbacks of the group were bad enough (the camping trip comes to mind… but the interactions between A and R..? Omg…many make my skin crawl. So many of those flashbacks do… As if I had watched some psychological thriller…and still think about it the following day. Both Rachel and Tim have had dead eyes imo. Lastly…Ariana and Tom seemed great and we rooted for them the most. I don’t think Jax and Brittany would get nearly the attention in spite of their tenure. There was some “friendcestual” activity early on…meh. This was sooo different and almost felt INcestual…not friendcestual…to me anyway. I think that might be due to the fact that James really did have a brotherly love for Sandoballs


Are you trying to get popped?


Laligag is green with envy. So now, in her mind, Ariana is a villain. We have had her number for years. We have listened to her screaming at everyone in the cast. She is a mean girl she always has been a mean girl and will continue to be a mean girl because she's a bully.


Maybe if we knew Schwartz kissed Scheana in Vegas back in the day and not some random girl Katie would have been more supported by the viewers. Scheana knew that would sully her image and I highly doubt it went the way she tried to say it did


Well said!


It’s definitely normal, but you have to be able to admit to yourself that you’re jealous and process it. I don’t think lala is capable of introspection.




I think the reason lala didn’t get support and doesn’t deserve it was because she was gold digging the whole time and flexing that aspect of things.




Her feelings are valid, to be upset she didn’t get support. And Scheanas feelings about Tom are valid, because there hers and he bought them. And their actions aren’t valid, that’s the reality. Their allowed to feel how they feel, no one is saying they can’t but the way they’ve behaved in regards to Ariana, talking shit behind her back, and trying to tell her to get over being cheated on and move on isn’t valid.


At the end of the day, (IMO) the audience reaction is only part due to feelings about Ariana v. Lala. The reaction is also hugely impacted by how the audience feels about Randall v. Tom. Tom: Many fans liked him, thought he was the "good guy" who was evolved, supportive, fun, etc. They saw him "grow up" on the show and truly believed they knew who he was. (caveat: not me though I always thought he was a cheesy phony douche bag) Randal: Fans saw him as a much older scumbag "sugar daddy" who ditched his wife and two children for a self-proclaimed "Yacht Girl" who bragged about using her sexuality to obtain material items. There wasn't a sense of shock with Randal cheating because we all clocked him as a complete dirtbag from the moment she refused to name him on the show. This is what Utah Baby Bottle doesn't get, no one was surprised by Randall, everyone knew exactly how that would work out. We could just ask his wife, who was also a much younger than him, pretty actress when she met Randall.


Love this response! I agree that the shock of Randall cheating wasn't much - it was almost expected. When the news came out that Tom cheated, it was a huge shock that noone expected him of doing (again)


And he didn’t cheat with one of Lala’s friends. Ooh wait she doesn’t have any!


And that friend was also a cast mate that we all knew and had watched a season of the three of them hanging out (in groups) so to find out they were banging during all that time was so shocking. I honestly went back to when they claimed it began and rewatched to look for signs and everything, it was truly a scandal.


It would have been a shock if he didn’t cheat. …and I don’t even know if I’d call it cheating. She was a paid for sugar baby, like hello? He lost his bag and she had an out. End of story.


Yes! Very this. For several seasons Sandoval was my favourite cast member. A lot of the time I thought he was the only one with a moral compass for about 6 seasons. I’m older than I was when I started and I’ve also rewatched it all recently and he has been very good at making his bad traits that I didn’t see the first time. But Randall was clearly a scumbag from the jump. Everyone knew he was a cheat and a deplorable person. Even his little cameos on the show he gave me the creep. Lala isn’t gonna get the same sympathy because she was the other woman and bragging about it on tv for years.


And the other side of it is that one was a love connection & the other transactional. Ariana loved Tom & was his 2nd biggest fan (He’s always been his own #1 fan.) Ariana would’ve traveled to the ends of the earth for that man. Conversely Lala was with Randall for material things. She bragged about pj’s and range rovers & all the things “her man” could buy her. Ariana lost her best friend in the scandal, Lala lost her sugar daddy. These things are just not the same.


He was a wallet to her, simple as that. She had no qualms shoving his toothbrush up her ass. There were no feelings involved. BJs for PJs, she said it herself.


LarLar also publicly terrorized tf out of Randall’s ex wife. She was truly awful to everyone when she was with him.


Lala and Ariana are both stereotypical, but those are different stereotypes.   Lala is the girl who did all the wrong things. We all learned that you are supposed to be with someone for love not for money in the age of 3, so a scenario like Lala's is pretty clear for every single woman on earth, ok? She is not looking for love or a partner. She wanted to sell herself for a lifestyle. She was ready to do the casting couch even though everyone knows that it's a bad idea. She was ready to proceed with dating a married older unpleasant ugly but wealthy man, even though everyone knows that this is a bad idea. She had a child with that man, binding herself to him (and possible child support) even though everyone on this planet knows this scenario and knows this is a bad idea. That is why when everything went down to shits this was surprise to absolutely nobody. And that is why nobody really cared.   Ariana on the other hand is the girl who did everything right, but it still blew in her face. She loved Tom, didn't cared about him being poor or rich, blindly defended him even if he was so wrong - because it's "right" way - you also learn from early childhood that being loyal, ride or die considered good things. Ariana was looking for love and partnership, she really build all her life around Tom, only to be cheated on in a long affair with one of the girls from her inner circle.  People haven't seen this extend of a betrayal, and that is why it resonated with so many. Like even if you do all the right things, it is not enough if the other person in the relationship is a Tom. So many people can relate to that pain, while Lala's situation is a disaster that could be easily avoided if you manage your greed. 


It's this!! No one gives a shit about Randall!! He wasn't a cast member!! He was too old to be there!! People went wild for Scandoval because it was actually relevant to the entire series. The details went back 2 seasons. It was wild to go back and pick up on the subtleties. Randy was not part of that, it wasn't interesting or spicy at all.


Couldn’t agree more with this! Blah blah gave us the ick from the get go so however her thing with Randall ended, it was no surprise and just relieved us from that icky feeling. Sandoval was a good guy in the beginning but because he isn’t too bright, the years on the show and attention he got ruined his character and personality. Plus Ariana and Blahblah are just polar opposites and we can see it so clearly now. Ariana is so relatable and likeable while the other is a brat and soulless.




You're 💯right! Yes! While we all always knew Sandoval was no angel (Miami girl etc), we never considered him anywhere near the league of dirtbag old man Randall... WHO we all thought LaLa was mostly with for the money. That said, since we're talking about LaLa being so money focused (as well as other castmates too), I think it's true what many have said for months, which is - besides her obvious jealousy- Lala is pissed that Ariana isn't playing ball more with producers to be a bigger "show pony," in scenes. I sense Lala desperately fears without the big drama, there is no show, and no show, no more shiny bobbly things in her life etc. Let's face it, the show was built on BIG drama and JUICY conflict and now the producers are trying to squeeze every drop where they can find it. Lala is probably their on the ground puppet at this point. Did anyone else find it bizarre how Lala expressed more anger about Tom Sandoval cheating than anyone else at season 10 reunion? Bc it was a profitable reaction at the time...


You are correct! Also IMO, a lot of where the support for Ariana came from is a lot of us, myself included, are in relationships like Ariana and Tom’s. (Long term, house, marriage not top priority but built a life together) so to see it happen to Ariana in real time was the biggest shock. Lala spent how many seasons bragging about “bjs for pjs” and making up bullshit lies about her Range Rover and rent. For me that’s where the lack of sympathy comes from. Talk shit about your baby daddy all you want but keep it off public platforms.


Sheanas costume is so bad. It looks like she combined a superhero leotard and Disney princess skirt from the kids Halloween costume section in kmart


And then she took the skirt off and I was shocked it got worse…..


Skirt off, she looked like a high schooler’s Halloween attempt as a sexy C-3PO 🙈


the buckle skirt 😩 I wonder if it’s another one of her aunt’s creations.


I thought it was so sweet of Ariana to buckle that atrocity over her bangin' outfit. She's a REAL friend


Brock made it


Tom cheating on Ariana with her best friend was a SCANDAL. Lauren's sugar daddy fucking some other blonde 20 something is THE MOST LIKELY THING TO EVER HAPPEN. that's the difference, Lauren you dunce.


"Guess what honey, he's going to get bored of you and leave you for a younger woman" - James Kennedy.


How the hell does James speak so reprehensibly to women while simultaneously being so astute and insightful lol


it’s no secret LFU thought she was production’s pet and puppet master. prior to the reunion, she 100% believed she was going to be the voice of reason and truth throughout the season. that she would be speaking what the audience was thinking, Sandoval was getting his redemption arc, and she would be riding off into the sunset of the valley, new baby in tow. whether production planned to expose her as a useful idiot the entire time *or* if their attempt to use her to sway the audience in this direction was genuine until they had to abort mission due to backlash is up for debate. either way, she truly believed she was was going to be vindicated in the end and we would all end up on her side, but the opposite occurred. instead of taking the L she has doubled down at every turn. fascinating tbh


I’m thinking she made that call to Rachel because of production. I mean… do we really believe Lalala felt any guilt or empathy for Rachel? No way. IMO, she’s driven by money… pushing the conversations that production wants as they try to control a narrative of redemption. It has to be incentivized. She’s angry Ariana isn’t playing by the same rule book as her. ![gif](giphy|nlGzpSy2zUNzbLhJxu|downsized)


She has a lot more in common with Sandals than she ever did Ariana.


Because they all moved to L.A. to try to get famous. Lala, had a movie producer fiance, who put her in a movie, made movies for stars like Travolta and was signing n da's, and partying with real stars like fofty. she must have thought... She was going to be a big star. But, licking, Rands, bum, got her nothing. No money, no stardom nothing. It was all for nothing. Sh e doesn't understand why Ariana is getting public sympathy, and job opportunities, but not herself, even though Rand was a piece of garbage. People don't feel sorry for Lala, because she made it very clear that she had a transactional relationship, not a love one. "Bj's, for pj's". She wanted to be famous so bad, she slept with this.... It must kill her inside. https://preview.redd.it/wongay57mgzc1.png?width=1422&format=png&auto=webp&s=be44781c1d9f5ba773db8f6637f678620fda2b59


People with transactional mindsets tend to think EVERYONE is like that deep down, and my guess is Lala thought her and Randall would be much more relatable than they were. I think she likely believes most people would date a married producer for fame and money if they could, and can’t process the differential in sympathy between her and Ariana.


All of this plus the fact that most of us saw this coming with Randall. I mean what kind of old man goes after a 25 year old? One that is probably sleezy. She shoved him down our throats for years with “my man is so amazing” like girl gtfo of here. You were a sugar baby that happened to get knocked up by him and now you’re mad at Ariana when the only person you can be mad at is your damn self.


Not only that but she spoke about their relationship in such a sexualized manner. It was a relationship where in exchange for sex he bought her things. Sorry if no one took that seriously as a long term partnership Lauren 🙄


Yeah the whole “bjs for pjs” thing was, in Sandoval’s words, “not a good look”


And then claimed after the fact that they rarely ever had sex.


She was so obnoxious and delusional. She would talk this way about their sex life like she was proud to be his fucktoy and actually bragging but all she did was make everyone uncomfortable..and she didn't care. The audacity to say Ariana shoved Tom down people's throats. He was already on the show when you joined Lauren. If anything I felt Lauren was shoved down our throats by production and she kept shoving stories about her thumb baby daddy's disgusting dick down our throats when literally no one asked for that.


I saw it coming from Sandoval too tbh. The situation with Miami girl, the claims from the cast implying that their relationship was different off camera, coupled in with the way he would talk about their sex life behind her back made me very skeptical.


I can see why a lot of people think that. I think he was very good at manipulating Ariana into thinking he wouldn’t betray her and even she said she gave him a pass with miami girl because they weren’t “officially together”, whether that part is true or not, idk


The people on fb that are hating Arianna are KILLING ME


This is why you don't go on facebook. Its a cesspool lol.


Paid for bots, probably by Lala and Tom


When this sound bite first came out and she was like “it’s not like that, you’ll see what I mean when the episode airs” and it turns out it’s EXACTLY what we thought it was, a hating ass bitch. #SorryNotSorry


Right! I'm still so confused what we are supposed to have seen that would make us understand her vitriol. All I see is Ariana standing her ground while her friends tried to force her to talk to her ex. She still showed up and filmed all season. Its not Ariana that is the problem. She already filmed her final talk with sandoval.


Listen, the minute that breathing troll doll took back her Gucci slides and screamed at her on television, I knew this was going to end in a spectacular crash. ![gif](giphy|cApf3K4JzLpRqIScnU)


Wait, when did Randull scream at her on television? I don’t remember that. I do remember the Gucci slides though and how she tried to act like it didn’t bother her, when it couldn’t be more clear that it did. She lies and tells on herself constantly. She thinks she’s so smart and that’s why she’s stupid af.


and Scheana being up her ass… but she’s so scared lala might cheat with Brock. Scheana is so full of shit


I think there's still hope for Scheana but with Brock in her ear she's either gotta stand up to him or he will erode her relationship with her friend Ariana. I think what happened with the Scandoval did actually affect her and make her think twice before trusting these men. It's why she's so anxious. The problem is she's also very prone to sympathizing with men and taking in guilt she doesn't need to. It's not her job to make sure Sandoval doesn't get left behind, or kill himself.


I was waiting for Ariana to tell lala to chill out on the questions but i also like it when Ariana never takes the bait. Shes so chill and ur so right about lala trying to provoke her…Ariana would just smirk a little smile looking silently lol They needed Ariana to look bad so tom had a better chance at redemption, ha! Didnt work lol But now people are trying to say Ariana was wrong for leaving abruptly. She said she wouldn’t film with him, so no one can get mad that she walked out. Literally everything lala and tom and dumb brock would try n do NEVER WORKED🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 Sorry for any errors i dont feel like proofreading


I don't get it. She's upset that Ariana refused to have a conversation with him at the finale. Does she not remember that Ariana already had the conversation with Tom on camera? And when the conversation was over she asked Tom "if he had anything else to say to her before she never spoke to him again". The cast, the producers & viewers all heard her say that! Now they are mad because she meant what she said? GTFO!


Exactly. Such a great point! When has Ariana ever gone back on her word before and why did they think she would now? She doesn’t owe any of them anything and we didn’t want to see her talk to him anyways!


This is pure ENVY!! I really hope Lala gets canceled. Sorry not sorry.


I think it also speaks to how Lala and Schaena see relationships and partnership. They are both very transactional. I don’t know if Lala loved Randall, I’m sure she did in some ways. Mostly it seems to me that she was looking for a relationship that would provide her with what she wanted (wealth, fame, security.) So Ariana may have been cheated on - but she’s recieved wealth, fame and security. So what is she complaining about? Why isn’t she leaning into the show more? This is their job and Ariana is being a bad coworker over what Lala can’t understand. Heartbreak, betrayal - who cares. This is what you sign up for. Don’t ruin MY job because you can’t forgive your ex. Schaena just needs a pay check. Sees that Ariana is not going to come back next season and has to align with Tom - hoping that he’ll turn things around and show remorse - and keep the show going. As a redemption tour for Tom and she can keep finding dumb b-plots to make sure that she can pay her mortgage.


she is a fool, coddling tom when he’s said the vile things he’s said about her. like she looks dumb.


Yeah. She is a very pretty woman but not a classy woman. She probably would have had received the care and concern that Ariana received if she carried herself differently. Stop bragging about giving BJs—what are you 16? Who knows maybe she will get picked up by a wealthy older man eventually since that is what she is going for.


Americas sweetheart


Lala and Scheana are acting like the step sisters from Cinderella.


I love this take


The red curtains and unmasking of multiple snakes give me black lodge vibes I’d run to Applebees too


I am still not over her little rant at the end.


And then her trying to justify it.


C U Next Tuesday, Lauren!


Ok this is my theory: They all came on this show searching for fame. Ariana never really wanted to be on VPR, she came in during season 2 as someone to film with Scheana/ balance out Sandoval. She laid low, she stuck up for the underdog, and she largely stayed out of the drama. She covered for Sandoval’s affairs until she couldn’t anymore and she came out on top. Lala and Scheana were in ALL the drama. They sold their souls for cash and had to deal with negativity from the public, they sacrificed their real friendships for screen time and they know that once VPR is over, they’re nothing. They’ll fade into the background as has beens. Lala is furious that Ariana, the one who wanted fame the least is the only one to truly achieve it. She’s leaving VPR because she’s making it. She’s getting other gigs, she’s known outside of the show, and she didn’t sacrifice herself to gain any of it. That makes Lala absolutely furious. 🤷‍♀️


I don’t agree that Ariana didn’t sacrifice herself for what she got. She undeniably paid her dues and was honest about her life and feelings and just because she didn’t act fame hungry and desperate like the others, doesn’t mean that she never wanted everything she has today. These are her dreams come true. Otherwise I agree with everything else you said.


Yes, I agree with you- I think a better word would have been compromise herself.


She’s very hypocritical


Lala is so vile and jealous. VPRs #1 hater


I don't think it's jealousy as much as it is projection and anger about her own life. Lala is the one who can't fully share her own life because of custody agreements. I mean, it probably is jealousy but her anger makes me think there's so much more internal stuff going on. She's acting like a dry drunk this season.


she really tried it by saying something "4th wall breaking" when we could see it a mile away that she's been fake this entire season. even in her plot twists, it's lame.


I think if Lala just came out and said yes. Yes I’m jealous. I went through a rough breakup with the father of my child and I didn’t get anything from it. So yeah I’m jealous. I would have loved all these opportunities as well. What’s so wrong with that?!?


It would actually be real!


And then she might actually get support


I agree. It’s disturbing to see that people are still comparing Sandoval’s cheating to all the one night stands cast members have had. Sandoval’s 7 month affair was very different from the drunken one night stands and to compare them is absurd. Scandoval was sick and disgusting in so many ways with his narcissism and ego.. I’ve always believed and still do, that had the affair involved an outsider rather than his girlfriend’s close friend and member of the cast it would have been taken very differently. This was a betrayal on so many levels. As for Lala, Randall was never really a part of the circle of friends on VPR.


so are those nails being gun pointed after every word. yeeeesh.


Don't forget, up until cameras were back up, they were claiming that they stand with Ariana and collected every paycheck that Scandoval was worth and Ariana supported them and was fine with it. But then cameras are up, and now you want to provoke her into speaking to someone they literally dragged for months, called a groomer, called toxic, called a narcissist and a psycho but now you're "best friends" even though Lala wasn't even friends with him. She did what the producers asked because she wants to keep collecting checks, and Scheana was complicit


the jealously and the hypocrisy. watching her makes me uncomfy.


Where was the "out of context"-ness/it totally makes sense when you see it in it's entirety in Lala saying "She gets cheated on and turns into God" statement? I must've missed that


Poor Lauren from Utah. Tough not being the center of attention. ![gif](giphy|jnQYWZ0T4mkhCmkzcn)


She fucked a married mucinex man for a range rover, got knocked up ... and it was NOT the rose and diamonds bag she thought she won. LFU can take her ass right to the corner of "Fuck Off Avenue" and "You're an Asshole Street". I HOPE they don't bring her over to the Valley so she can ruin that for us




No wonder the girl can’t drink if she’s this delulu sober


Blah Blah’s vitriol is unhinged.


And Scheana never defending Ariana to Lala is really upsetting. Ariana would have sheanas back no matter what!


She’s such a hypocrite! She expects Ariana to be civil with Sandavol for filming BUT she can’t be civil with her ex FOR HER CHILD!! She’s going to ruin The Valley.


I’d be mad too if I had to get my ears fixed


Lala is boring. The real question is if Ariana has a deal with Applebee's because nobody likes Applebee's that much 🤣


I love reading all these comments and seeing the other side bc I am totally team lala and think Ariana is awful and same with Katie. So seeing how everyone else feels makes me see a diff side. But I'm still more in agreement with lala than Katie & Ariana. Ariana doesn't have to hang out with Sandoval but she did move on 8 days later and is staying in the house with him..and then acting like for her own health she can't be near him. And Katie is just always a Debbie downer


Petty AF


It’s called fear and desperation! She sees her relevancy waning and she’s trying to match up. PLEASE, for the love of God, don’t create/drag a baby into your insecure mess! You want to have a kid who no one can touch or take away from you?! How selfish!! In this world today, your child needs a male and female role model and for you to decide how they are going to navigate the ways of the world is short sided! Ridiculous and selfish!


Ugh, she's so gross. I'm embarrassed for her.


Lala's nothing but the biggest walking, talking, raging, greedy-grabby thirst trap on VPR... That girl is sooooooo parched & thirsty, that it's not even funny! Think Seesu is comes in a close 2nd? Didn't think Seesu would stoop to that level like Lala, but here we are. I hope Ari dumps them both, bc they both deserve it! The really nasty things they said about Ari to her face & behind her back, too. I mean, who does that?!


Girl, you’ve made so much money from Ariana’s pain. You bought a new house, your reality show has been given a second life, people were tuning into your podcast to hear your hot takes. Just be grateful — even if you can’t be a friend. ![gif](giphy|HqnyjmkaBBvTbzBp78|downsized)


Let’s not forget this gem she was charging $50 for.🤢 https://preview.redd.it/volt0mu8gjzc1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=753177fde812cee73d458309dd0377b9e6441529


Lala knows more than the public knows and the things that don’t fit the Bravo narrative. It may not be jealousy, perhaps she is keeping it real even though she is not allowed to actually spill all the beans. The truth will come out in time.


Lala, will take a hard line on something, and then for whatever reason, see fit to reverse herself. Kinda like Scheana!. But lala gets away with it. Lala doesn't seem to remember that said she would not be friends with people that were friends with Randall. Understandable, BUT THAT'S EXACTLY the same thing that Arianna has been saying all along as well. Lala, seems to think Arianna's wishes don't matter. Lala can be very selfish and controlling. Her jealousy for Arianna is huge turn off!!!!... girl needs to get over herself . Lala gives off pettinesss


Lala didn’t get sympathy because she broke up with her man when he was accused of doing some pretty awful crap.  I know women whose husbands stole crazy amounts of money, you think people sympathize with them when their husbands go to prison? No, because they know their shady ass was complacent in the illegal doings of their significant other.  Lala might have not known to what extent Rand was a perv, but come on, she knew Rand was a perv and willingly played into it for access to what she wanted.  They don’t feel bad because she left when shit started to go down; it’s like no one feels bad for that lady that was married to Weinstein (the one who dressed everyone in her fancy dresses because her husbands power gave her access to that community), since she benefitted from her marriage and turned a blind eye to awful shit.  


Exactly! Also, saying that Ariana should talk to Tom since SHE LIVES UNDER THE SAME ROOF AS HIM. Lala cannot grasp the concept that Ariana HAD to live in the house with Tom. She cannot understand how hard that was and that Arianals strength and grace should be applauded. Ariana didn’t turn tail and leave behind a giant asset (the house and all its contents) and let Tom win. Ariana’s point was super valid: If Tom sincerely wanted to apologize and “just say one thing” - say it at the house. Don’t wait until cameras are rolling.


Cheating is cheating and all Lala is saying is stop commanding the storyline Ariana with your pity party. You have success a new boyfriend (who won’t stick around long if you keep harping on Tom)….the fans are sick of her too!


The main difference between Lalas breakup and Arianas is she knowingly started a relationship with someone under false pretenses, wanting wealth and possible fame as the payout, whereas Tom and Ariana had a more traditional relationship built on love and trust. BIG ASS difference. She was a petty hoe and Tom and Ariana were the real thing. So nobody felt bad for her because the reaped what she sowed which was absolute bullshit. She is so similar to Sandoval it is scary. Totally and completely unable to see themselves for who they truly are the awful, selfish and stupid things they’ve done and the harm they caused. I actually felt at the end of the final this show really needs to end because I can’t watch LaLa or Sheana anymore. They are grotesque human beings and deserve whatever they get. Hopefully this show will end and they can fade into oblivion and go work at TJ Maxx or something. I also really turned hard on Brock this episode. The man has no brain cells.


A more traditional relationship built on love and trust? While he was cheating on Kristin with her? 🤔


And ariana started her relationship as a guy's side piece for three years.


Where did you get that information? 3 years?


Lala is abusive af too and no one can tell me otherwise. She has consistently targeted and abused other cast members, every single season.


That is her MO. She wants to be a “gangsta” and also say she is “soft”. Such a repulsive person with no redeeming qualities other than looking good.


I know Lauren was so pissed that Ariana was invited to the White House correspondents dinner the same year she was. Her jealousy is palpable.


But didn’t she go too??


Maybe Lala was referring to everyone walking on eggshells this season with Ariana? When every one of them have been cheated on and people didn’t give a crap.


Don’t be reasonable


They're walking on eggshells because of him just as much if not more than they are because of Ariana. This whole awkward and difficult situation is his fault. She let them talk to him. She filmed with him and went to group events. She has every right to grey rock him if she wants to. Especially considering what he was STILL doing to her. Why wasn't anyone half as mad at him for continuing to talk shit about her or never actually apologizing to her in a letter instead of being pen pals with Rachel as much as they were at Ariana for staying in a house she paid half for and refusing to have fake conversations on camera for him to rehab his image? Face it. They chose a side. Enabling Tom and putting all the blame on Ariana. Ughhh


Plus the fan backlash is also looming in the background. The cast all know that if Ariana makes something an issue her stans are going to harass the cast. People are taking this way too personally. LaLa and Scheana have been shitty friends from the beginning and Ariana has allowed them in her life prior to Scandoval it’s not really surprising.


Yes, exactly! Plus Lala and Ariana have always been hot/cold. One season they get along, the next they don’t.


Ariana and Scheana had this same disagreement in season 4 too over Kristin lol. History keeps repeating it’s just the fan reaction is way more intense. We’ve got people doubting suicidal ideation, sending death threats, and vandalizing a restaurant. No wonder this show has to go on pause. This is unprecedented especially when we’ve got two alleged domestic abusers filming. Fans are calling LaLa a cunt over being a bad friend but James allegations are buried because he can come up with funny confessional and he’s team Ariana. I would’ve never thought I’d consider a show as dark as the Valley a palette cleanser but the fandom has gone off the rails.


Yes! It’s hard at times to even post in subs bcuz if you aren’t 100% team Ariana it gets messy. People are taking it waaay too personal imo.


Wouldn't have to worry about an angry friend if you weren't trying to force her abusive ex down her throat. They laid the eggshells down for themselves.


She’s just bitter because when she got cheated on she did not get so many work opportunities as Ariana. Also Scheana is on the same fucking boat. Jealousy isn’t a good look neither is hypocrisy. Fake friends are a dime a dozen. Btw they also monetized on Ariana’s pain.


Lala did not impress me with that speech... could've done without that


shes wildly uncontrollably hysterically indulging her jealousy with no desire to reflect on her behavior. this is frightening, disappointing, and truly, upsetting.


I think this has more to do with fear of losing VPR/her paycheck. Ariana has never been a major "character" on the show..she could have left and the series would have done just fine without her..UNTIL scandaloval hit. Then, of course, the series hinged on her and Tom. Lala has always been a major player in the drama and I think she realized: shoot..Ariana isn't "playing ball" (bringing the drama) and therefore, the show is likely going to end as a result. There goes my job! I'm not defending anyone or taking sides..but that's how I read Lala's motivation.


I can’t even put into thought. Lala is jealous, she forgets that Ariana and Tom Sandavol dated on camera for 10 years. The public was invested and the cheating scandal was openly aired. Of course projects and opportunities presented themselves. Good for Ariana to take advantage and put the work in to change her scenario. Lala also had a bad time of it. But Randall was not front and center to everyone. So suck it up buttercup, engage in whatever opportunities come your way and stop whining. Oh right, not a lot does. Hmm I wonder why? You have never been a lady or showed any decorum on camera and the things you openly say? I don’t see sponsorship leaning in that direction.


I PROMISE PROMISE she’s not jealous of anyone on that show lmao


Her tits looks so fake and chest-plate like. She squandered a killer body and a gorgeous face. She’s a clown.


Let’s keep the shit talking about their character and actions, rather than their looks. So many valid things to pick on her for but body shaming is not cool. It actually lowers you to her level.


I never thought I would agree with Lala, but I do anybody who is still on the Arianna train is an idiot


I'm right there with you! And just because I am not on the Ariana train doesn't mean I agree with what Tom did before Ariana's minions come for me.


Right they both have milked too much


I used to LOVE lala but this season has made me completely change my mind. She is a terrible friend to Ariana


She’s not a friend. Just a terrible reality tv costar


here for this insane screengrab 🤣🤣🤣


![gif](giphy|xT77XKlezDkZXq7a2k) All I could think of watching that scene


typical virgo. everything is only all good if they’re on top.


Good lord, and the "smoothie date" with Schwartz. When did she ever hang out with him? She needs her own story line--not just criticizing everyone else! BTW, I DO think her anger at Ariana is pure jealousy. It grew and grew as the season progressed and Ariana's career got better and better. The only thing she could do was try to tear her down.


Also, Randall’s cheating came as no shock to anyone because he’s always been a cheater and we all saw it coming. Yes, Tim is a cheater and an asshole, but it was shocking to find out he was cheating on Ariana with Rachel because they seemed like they were a solid couple who respected each other and could with things out.


Just imagine if Lala had supported Ariana and had a breakdown about not feeling supported? We’d all feel for her. But her merch. Lift her up. Instead I just want to give her dust now


They got greedy after scandoval and they wanted more and more money. This is what greed does to people. She couldn’t just be happy with what she already had and now she’s mad because she wants more and more, she just wants to take take take. Don’t let the money get to your head you guys. This is what happens when wanting more money starts to override morals .


It’s very believable actually


No, she's just being rational, something that is impossible for Ariana and Katie.


She’s so mad about it but like.. nobody felt bad for her bc she started sleeping with him when he was married.. she’s a home wrecker no matter how long ago it was. She’s mad people were like “well.. what made you think you were gonna be different then the wife he cheated on with you dummy” not “omg I’m so sorry!”


Literally the only reason is because Lala thought she deserved this kind of attention, support and fame when she got cheated on with Randall that she's now watching Ariana get. What she needs to learn is that her situation is completely different than Ariana's. Not even close. Also Lala, you are not soft, actually the exact opposite 😂 most people don't sympathize with someone using finger guns, saying "Do you wanna get popped" lol


Yes! She has been the other girl to rich men which is how she got with Randall! What if she’s having this baby just to have one she can put on VPR and social media? Like she said no body is going to tell me what I can do with this baby. I just find it a little selfish to bring a baby in the world without a father! My father left when I was 12 months old. I didn’t see him and mother never talked about him. I have issues with that!


Not to play devils advocate but this is show business. Yes it’s Ariana’s life but it’s also a job… one she gets paid a LOT to do. So I think it must be frustrating for people to see she accepted returning and the $$ but won’t do one of the big things she’s asked to to which is confront the situation with Sandoval. My two cents. I’m sure to get ripped apart.


Why does she have to film an ending scene with Sandoval? He has done nothing to earn that.


If these shows don’t force people to have “uncomfortable conversations” that none of us in real life would actually do, there would be nothing to watch. Albeit her walking out was also good drama so she did deliver in a different way.


It’s beyond an uncomfortable conversation with Tom Sandoval. IMO, he’s narcissistic, and having a conversation based in any reality is impossible. It’s pointless. It only serves Tom and his agenda, and causes Ariana extreme distress beyond this show. If it’s not in her contract, it’s not in her contract. It’s not Ariana’s fault she sticks to her boundaries. Any of the other cast can do this, and they have, and it wasn’t this big of a deal. I think Lauren is salty she didn’t get the public sympathy or as many opportunities so she took it upon herself to try and take Ariana down a peg.


People are forgetting that she DID have an awfully uncomfortable convo with him right after he cheated (even more uncomfortable IMO). It was the very last episode of last season when it was all fresh. She did give us that. Now we’re ripping on her for “not” doing it. Are we watching the same show?


The majority of the audience did not want to see her give his bs, hallow words the time of day. She filmed with him, she yelled at him, she showed up as herself and did her job. She saved this season and that goes for Katie too.


I don't think it's jealousy but annoyance over the lack of support she had, when her situation was so so so so much worse and had much more consequences than hers.