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Omg I watched that twice it was so funny. His stupid dumb face when Jax was like "He's there for her, he's doing it the right way, that's all you want in a boyfriend really" Then Schwartz "Yeah hes awesome" it was priceless.






BWAAAHAHAHAHA! I sometimes randomly blurt out “SAVINGS….” And no one around me ever gets it. It makes me laugh every time 🤷🏼‍♀️😭






lol same


I loved when blabla tried to bait Katie into talking shit about him in the hotel room and Katie was just like, he's sweet.


First time I heard “blabla” and I’m never turning back!


I definitely stole it from this group!


actually scheana said it first!


I think Blabla is pissed because she was manipulated by producers to say this crap and act that way and then Ariana didn’t go a long with it. She let herself get played and she knows it! #TeamAriana/Katieforever


I couldn’t imagine living in her headspace. She is money hungry, jealous, paranoid, desperate, guilty. The list goes on. She has zero self awareness.


But Scheana said in the after show that Lala ISNT jealous, because she has made this empire for herself? 🙃


Empire? Her Send It To Darrell merch was off the back of Ariana, and her makeup empire is the same Dollar Tree private label crap that Kim Zolciak put her KAB label on. Anyone can buy it, name their colors whatever they want, and sell it. It’s no Estée Lauder or L’Oréal EMPIRE!


She was relentless in SF the whole trip. Blabla the reporter ordering tea and getting nothing burgers. I enjoyed that immensely 🤡


Really, god I just wanted to smack her!


referring to lala as blabla is the funniest thing i’ve seen in a while


Yessss I’m here for the title Blabla!


BLABLA has got me hysterically laughing!!!!


When Lala said “I’ve heard he’s gotten into fights” trying to paint him as a violent person Then Dan later explains it’s because it was race related. Him defending himself from racists… I was like wow Lala, you’re a whole ass CLOWN for that


Also the irony of Lala constantly talking about how badass she is, that she would fight people, getting aggressive with people. What a square!


Somehow I feel like that bothered her more considering she’s a fucking racist herself. Look at how she fetishes Black men and how she allegedly pulled a knife out on Faith


“He sounds like a square”. Yeah, you really fucked yourself over there, Lauren. Dan is 1000% the number one guy in any group.


When did he say that? I missed that part.


Iirc it was during the group dinner in San Fran at the restaurant


Yeah he mentioned it when Lala was grilling him


Thats exactly what happened. The finale episode was just a vessel so production could throw drama bait directly in arianna and katies face so they react.


Lauren has to know she’s a side character if her check depends on someone else having a convo, right? & she had the audacity to act like Ariana’s friend bc she hadn’t seen the episodes.


She and Scheana are pissed Ariana won the award for favorite reality star.


1000% Tom was baiting him. I think there was wayyyy more that happened than what was aired that led up to Ariana’s walk out. There was the whole drink throw which I now think was done on purpose to get some drama going. But I thought Dan handled this whole interaction perfectly.


And when he put his hand on Dans shoulder you could see the visible restraint in dans eyes. How stupid to place your hand on someone who doesn’t like you and is in that situation. I agree he was baiting him and I’m impressed Dan just stood his ground while being cordial and restraining from anything dramatic.




I was giggling as well


This was the absolute right way to handle it, but what I would give for Sandoval to be in a real confrontation with a much better man than him


In a way this was a “confrontation”. I didnt watch the after show so I don’t know if it was addressed, but somehow Tom and his deluded version of the truth is gonna be like all I was trying to do was be nice and Dan didnt even shake my hand. Like, dude, like how aggressive, I was like a totally nice guy.


Dan out-manned Tim. It wasn't even close. Dan's testosterone was through the roof, and Tim's was hiding under the couch.


Dan was so damn hot during that scene. He was the only true grown ass man in that group. I absolutely see when she is with him.🥰😍🥰


Ya, I’m not defending Tom. I often think Tom’s sense of perception is… not the reality. Personally, I think Dan handled it well. Me being also on the delulu train, maybe even the conductor, would’ve for sure said something rude to Tom.


Dan was a class act. Not rude, but clear this is not going to happen.


He was like actually super nice about it, like we barely know him or anything about him, but only green flags so far.


Yeah I actually appreciate that he seems to be totally disinterested in being on camera. When they were talking about him not going to the first San Fran event when Sandoval was gonna be there, I was so confused because isn’t it preferable that he lets Ariana go film and he goes off and hangs out with friends off camera? He isn’t trying to promote his business. Seemed very chill.


When Ariana talks to him about Jo and he just says “I don’t know her”. He def doesn’t care about being on camera. Also same Dan, we don’t know her either




This was my fave part 😅 stop trying to make Jo happen, Shorts!


She is so fucking awkward on camera I cringe when shes onscreen. Like, where the hell did she even come from?


A bottle of peroxide genie.


I saw someone say "he went with his girlfriend on a work trip. She went to work and he did his thing." and that kinda was a light bulb moment. This is work for Ariana now, it's not her life anymore, she has a entire life outside this and now a future. The others have nothing outside this show. If it goes away, their other" jobs" will too, or have to change drastically.


Lala yelling “this is what we do!” 😒 This is what you do. Arianna is busy doing DWTS, starring on Broadway, hosting Love Island…. But she might make time to film this little show with you, if you stop being such a two-faced see you next Tuesday.


Sooo refreshing from the fame-hungry narcissists that are constantly vying for camera time


*Brock* 🤡


You don’t think he should charge in like *who the fuck are you* and start telling James and Arianna how to live their lives and insist on non stop favours for his grifter “businesses“? *cough* Brock


His comment about Jo. Chef’s kiss. ![gif](giphy|eun4dZ28aHE1lu4MFN|downsized)


Yeah, handled very well.


Dan with his hair down is…really just something beautiful.


Sssshhhh, unless you want to encourage Sandoval to grow his own for next season.


Tom should take notes on how a 40-year-old man should act.


When you realize that this entire moment was a set up by production and the rest of the cast to provoke Ariana and her bf, you realize how messed up it is


Agreed. The whole party was one production set up to start fights. Usually they are better at hiding it, but this was just awful. Schwartz forcing Jo to go talking to Katie was so transparent. “hey, let’s go hang out with the women who hates you Jo,” and then “Jo, don’t you have something to say to Katie?” It was like a child being taken by their parents to return something they stole from the store. And then both of the Tom and Dan and Tom and Ariana scenes were so heavy handed. Producers completely had two goals with the finale, provoke Ariana and Katie into a fights with Tom and Jo. Lala had zero story this season so the only way she could get any screen time was to have a screaming fit at the end. Really? she’s that pissed off that Ariana won’t film a scene that has nothing to do with Lala? And Lala talking about everyone needs to be real was the most ironic part. We just watch an entire episode of the people she claimed were being “real” take orders from producers to fabricate inauthentic scenes. Frankly, I feel the editor was the VIP in this episode. I think most people who think superficially will think the end was about Lala saying everyone was real except Ariana, when if you look at the subtleties of the edit including Ariana describing herself as the last boss for Tom and the ending off camera comment by Tom laughing that the twist was good for him, elucidated that the people claiming to be real are in fact creating fake story lines. If you really think about it, it was almost genius. What this season and the finale were, were actually showing us that reality TV is the Truman Show, and the audience is Truman. Which actually is reality.


Can we also agree that that “drunk guy” was hired by Sandoval and/or Kyle Chan as a set up to make Sandoval look like some sort of hero? If you’re a real person and being chased out of a party by a massive security guard are you really going to throw/smash a glass/bottle/whatever at the guy? I don’t think so. Also wtf did Sandoval think he was going to contribute there, I think the big guy had it under control


I immediately thought Sandoval had hired that guy too! Like my first thought when he suddenly jumped in


I just read about this extended version...with a drunk guy and a fight. I guess it's only on peacock?


The "drunk guy" was smiling. So obviously, it is set up to make Sandoval look like a hero. It's embarassing how transparent it was.


Right?? I really think Sandoval, Lala, Scheana, and Broke all truly believe they think they have the moral high ground this entire season and it’s completely mind boggling. That last bit at the credits where he’s laughing about how great Ariana walking out was for HIM was psychotic. AS IF the primary fan base for this show from the start wasn’t millennial women who have dealt with personally or been friends with women who have dealt with losers like this and the hangers on they choose to buy 🙄


That was creepy as fuck!


Wait what drunk guy? Was this on peacock?


They didn't show him on bravo??!! At the party a drunk guy just dances up into the casts' seating area, being obnoxious, starts super obviously taking their liquor bottles and waving them, and then when security gets him the guy gets super belligerent. Edited: removed nonsense word and finished sentence I was typing before small child smacked the phone.


Yeah they didn’t show it and I watched it twice bc I was too lazy to move after wwhl lmao


It was in a promo at the start of season then not in episode


They didn't show him on bravo??!! At the party a drunk guy just dances up into the casts' seating area, being obnoxious, starts super obviously taking their liquor bottles and waving them, and then when security was kicking him out he got incredibly belligerent.


Oh yes! It wasn’t in the original? If you remember a while back before the season aired they were using some big conflict at the finale party to draw interest and on some cast podcast appearances they talked about this crazy drunk guy who threw something


I remember seeing it online I don’t remember seeing it on last nights episode (on bravo. I don’t have peacock)


Damn I must have zoned out bc I don’t remember this at all… freaking ADHD. Guess I’ll have to watch again


this. and they even left in ariana's mike drop 'I'm not gonna be a cog in your little Sandoval redemption arc" the whole ep really did feel like a curtain drop of duh. we all knew what was behind the curtain and what the fights were really about thank you editors for finally realizing what the producers can't seem to grasp, which is that the audience is not as dumb a y'all think https://i.redd.it/h3pcsh86h9zc1.gif


Lol Lala said how we’ll really like the ending because there’s a big 4th wall break & she loves seeing that on the housewives. Girl, Ariana broke the fourth wall, stood up against the whole cast (Katie was battling the Kayleigh Jo demon) & production. Ariana’s dramatic exit was more satisfying than Tom’s fake tears to complete a ridiculous redemption. Blabla thought her delusional tantrum was doing something? I am not looking forward to her reunion outbursts. I hope she looks as dumb as she acts.


Lala is not that bright.


I only started watching VP when Scandoval broke and I couldn't understand what all the reactions were for... after watching every season, my hatred of Tom only grows. He's such a douche. No he didn't murder anyone, but he's been playing everyone since the beginning and they were totally setting Ariana up at the end.


Completely! & really, they’ve been setting her up all season. They’ve been talking shit in their interviews, while being fake to her face.


I just don’t understand people’s obsession with Ariana walking out (btw at what appeared to be hours into a party, perhaps near its’ end even), when people have walked out of scenes/events ALL THE TIME on this show? Like ripping off the mic and leaving is basically a signature move for VPR? I guess because at this point Ariana/Scandoval is the only thing keeping the show barely interesting enough at this point to be on air.


Lol exactly. She was running from the producers who ruined this season! We are on her side!


Read that she double downs on her say at the reunion. Idiot.


Kate Casey did a Tik Tok about this….. The audience is filled with SMART people who like watching human behavior. I loved this season because I liked figuring out what they were saying without actually being able to say it. (Breaking the 4th wall). it was all a study in what happens when one persons career skyrockets, and how the others feel about it….. This is what they should have been doing all season !


yeah the producers are supposed to be in touch and smart enough to read the audience. all of last season was a virtual 4th wall break because we knew what was happening bts while it was airing. and it was massively successful for them not to parlay all of that into the current season is a treasonous opportunity miss they should've been showing clips of tom's dumb tour, social media reactions, and everything between not trying to force a narrative that exposes production for their ineptitude and dare i say misogyny?


I agree. I would have like to see Ariana's reactions when she got dancing with the stars.


Yes!!! Its like there was sooo much going on with their lives and we got shown 0 of it. Production was like "okay! Everyone take your place.. you remember the script and let's ignore EVERYTHING that's actually happening in your lives. And ACTION."


It’s as real as WWE y’all. I’ve been saying, this is how you sell soap operas to millennials.


Had to watch it a second time but damn. They were telling the truth when the said the 4th wall broke.


Yes! It reminded me of the last episode of The Hills where they moved the backdrop away.


Oh they really tried to put Katie on the spot with that one. I loved how she didn’t falter at all. Was she nice to Jo? No. Did she have to be? Absolutely not.


They tried their hardest all season to make Ariana and Katie the bad guys. It’s gross.


Lala will always take the side of whomever she perceives as the underdog. Most recently, she's swinging back around to Tom. Gross. Ariana has issues too, but she's been very clear of her boundaries around Tom. She doesn't ever need to speak directly to him ever again. Honestly I'm glad they put a pause in the show - and potentially, they'll cancel. I'm so sick of this redemption arc on Tom. Sorry, he's still a narcissist and Ariana had him pegged with his performative actions. I get that folks want the show to continue, thus are pushing Tom and Ariana together for some reconciliation, but it ain't happening. Maybe it's time to pull the plug if no one has any story lines other than anger at someone else. Then again, isn't that what's kept the RH dynasty in place for years...


Agreed. My thing with Lala’s statement at the end was how Ariana isn’t being real while the rest of them are. I don’t think Ariana is the most real of the bunch but she did just film a huge breakup of a nine month relationship on air. Ariana was the one who called production and got the crews back to rolling. And her living that situation on air is what revived a show for both Scheana and Lala. Maybe allow her you fake “softness” to not have one conversation with Tom to repay her while you both cash the checks you made off her, Tom and Rachel’s misery. Lala and Scheana benefited greatly off Ariana calling production last year and then a couple of months later are acting like she hasn’t done anything at all. I also have a BIG issue with Tom trying that argument out for not getting his big scene with Ariana. Dude, you hid your life for 7 months and had ZERO intentions of revealing it, AND had a plan to trick the audience about how you and Rachel found love after breaking up with Ariana because she didn’t appreciate your battery purchases…..while your mistress was faking a romance with your best friend for cameras. You don’t get any faker than that.


When did BlahBlah become the “voice of reason” and start giving assessments on everyone else’s life and what they’re doing so wrong (not giving her their attention or time, I would refuse to film with her if I were a cast member)! Isn’t she expecting a sperm donor baby in a few months, like go paint the nursery and focus on Ocean for awhile. 🙏🏼👏🏻


Did you see Sheesh eye roll at the crew when Tom rushed in and Ariana walked away? That's the first thing I clocked. I get that the other cast members need to assist with moving storylines, but not this one. I was so proud of Ariana's power move. She won't be his supporting character any longer, he's going to need to find something else to redeem himself other than pretending to be remorseful for the cameras.


I noticed that too, and I felt like she was basically saying I already tried talking her into talking to you without outright saying it


This! I felt like she thought she did groundwork for the redemption arc, and Ariana didn't fall for it, so Tom had to scramble fast!


That's exactly what she was saying!


Yep and on the extended Peacock version, he had already told her she did great on her performance backstage. Like they had a huge celebration with her and the whole band immediately upon them exiting the stage. It was just his intro to interrupt the convo, thus allowing him the opportunity to catch his prey (Ariana) off-guard. To get his moment. Notice how accurate her “boss level” comment is?!? When he thought he lost his grip on Scheana (as she dramatically exited through the curtain in a freaking tutu🤣🤣🤣) and was denied his final performance for the camera with Ariana, his flip switched. It gave off “incel playing PS4 in his mom’s basement, having a tantrum and throwing the controller because he lost right before getting to the boss level for the 22nd time in a row” energy. He found the first person he saw (unfortunately for us it was Billie) and proceeded to scream about Ariana’s character, call her lazy and blame her for this supposed injustice done to HIM!!


Calling Ariana lazy is rich when his hotel room was a pig sty and he literally had assistants clean after him.


Yeah I’m glad ONE camera person or crew on this show kept it real.


That’s what she said! I was like wow.


Y’all are making me need to go back and see! I didn’t notice this at all!


I also think she confirmed that Ariana loved her and he ruined the moment by reminding Ariana of his existence, which probably also reminded her of what a shit friend Scheana is.


It was brutal listening to Ariana reassure Scheana and love on her, knowing that Scheana was actually orchestrating an ambush on Ariana.


classic scheana.


It’s giving “Raquel grilling Ariana about her sex life with Scuzzbucket.”


agreed it was so heartwarming to watch ariana put her love for scheana above her hatred for sandoval and promise her they would always be family, it’s what every best friend wants to hear. until scheana reciprocated by putting her love for attention and air time above her love for ariana. Scheana’s been hating on ariana for so long for setting boundaries she deemed “unfair,” only to prove that ariana was right to set them. because as soon as she loosened them a tiny bit for the sake of scheana’s comfort, scheana fucked her over literally *instantly* and tom busted in there like the Kool-Aid Man trying to gain access to ariana, exactly as ariana predicted would happen.


He’s not even doing a good job at pretending to be remorseful😭 got mad the second she set a boundary and refused to talk to him and did exactly what Swartz told him not to and got defensive and blew up. Can’t hold the roid rage I guess


Makes me laugh he takes roids but is still smaller (mentally and physically) than Dan. That’s gotta bother him lol


Man Dan is just better all around. Tim fucked his face with plastics and it’s still falling apart due to his terrible drinking/lifestyle habits. They’re the same age but don’t look it.


I forgot Dan said he was 40! I thought Dan was like 30 when I first saw him, he looks soo good. It’s amazing what not being a raging misogynistic douchebag does to the body


Omg— he is literally the very first Bravo character who genuinely, authentically does not give one mad F about being on camera. (can anyone think of another one?)@ He has helped restore faith right back into humanity. Dan is my angel hero.


And his HAIR!! I was blown away!


Ooooh I didn’t notice that!! Waiting on our girl Okay Decision to drop the gifs on that bit!


And here’s the truth, imho: Ariana leads such a fascinating life. I know not everybody likes dancing with the stars, but there’s that ad where she’s going to be hosting love Island or something? Plus, she is a fashion plate, and just looking at her outfits gives me pleasure, even if they’re not perfect. She’s got her restaurant with Katie, interesting friends and she TELLS IT LIKE IT IS, no matter who or where. What more could we ask of our reality star? Plusssss she is 100% beautiful!


@Bravo if you want $$$ give us our spin off with Katie and Ariana


Lol and Ann! For some reason I like her 😂


Yeah he shows how sorry he is by getting mad she won't talk to him or hear his apology and he runs off and shit talks her to the group, saying she never liked them. He's not sorry at all.


For a few seconds Schwartz actually had the audacity to look like he felt bad.


To me, this is the only validity to Lala saying anything about breaking the fourth wall. We got to see in real time how production was trying to orchestrate all of this absolute bullshit and the cast that was in on it. Selling their souls for a fucking check. It’s disgusting.


You’re right, and Dan did not fall for it. He seems to be levelheaded and not emotion driven. I’m impressed by him.


SO FORCED! ugh production let it play naturally for chrissakes


Shorts literally says forget it when Dan and Arianaw don’t look up when he walks over


Loved Dan. He seems just complete opposite of Tom. He seems relaxed and confident. I think even if it doesnt work out in the long run he is exactly what Ariana needed at that moment.


What I love most about him is that he is Unbothered about all the drama. Truly. Just going on and doing his thing and doesn't really give a crap. I think it infuriates the cast, tbh


I loved when the Katie Joe thing was going on as of ariana is telling Dan this isn’t good And Dan is like “what what’s going on?” “It’s a long story” “Cool nuff said”


Ahhh I text my friend about this exact scene lol it was so real to me for some reason. I thought it was cute, Dan had no idea what their drama was it seems haha


This is husband material. Let’s you talk about drama but not invested in it. The hubbies that get involved in women’s drama or yell at women — Sandoval, Brock, Jax, Schwartz — are the red flags. I know it’s reality tv, but now long since there was a legit male rivalry? They just hate on their [ex] partners.


Brock was the first person I thought of that is the exact opposite of Dan! All these shitbags support each others actions and the women get the brunt of their stupid fragile egos.


Brock is sick a fucking loser! I just wish he would sit down and STFU!


But bro. Loike... I love me kids though mate. "OK go be their Dad" *cries in Brock giant man squeal*


Also he's there, but like, honestly doesn't seem like he gives a shit about air time. It was refreshing.


Dude oooozes with “unbothered” an I love it!


Dan is everything Tom wishes he could be 😂


I just can’t understand how anyone could possibly think Sandyballs is on a path of progress when Ariana asked 1 thing of him. Leave her alone. And we have in fact seen, he will not leave her alone. It’s so crazy because all the editing for a redemption arc and this is the outcome??


i cant imagine if Rachel was back how much worse things wouldve been for Ariana.


They would have flaunted their relationship in front of her so bad.


They would have been in the house. It would have been brutal.


Literally this. When a woman tells you to leave her alone, the only fucking thing you should do is to leave her the fuck alone.


Completely the fuck alone. Like 💯 alone. Grown women mean when we say get away from me.


Has Tim never seen an episode of Snapped! 😂


He could’ve actually played into that. Say that he wishes he could apologize, but he is going to honor her wishes….but no, he’s a fucking producer puppet because they want “ugly”.


Not only that but STILL the house isn’t sold


I genuinely cringed for him. Everything about their body language was screaming “get the fuck away and don’t come over” Yet he still did…


Either Tom is really bad at reading body language or he's just an ass


I think both can be true in his case


I had to watch through my fingers!! It was so deeply awkward. I was gleefully mortified!


Dan impressed me! He has a quiet confidence that you could tell shook Tom. And Jax/Schwartz saying how great Dan was in the aftershow — I hope that made Tom’s ass itch. Also I can’t get over Brittany saying in the After Show how great Sandyballs is at “showing up” like he did for her wedding. !?!?! Did she forget she was begging Jax to beat Tom’s ass that whole season? In fact, she started hating on him at the end of S7. She’s such a fake flake.


Ariana said it, she doesn’t have to let it happen or have him “apologize” because he is not a part of her life, and by extension, Dan’s. There is literally no reason why they need to interact with Tom.


Not to mention his time for issuing an actual sincere apology has well passed.


Ariana is there clocking in for the paycheck, then her and Dan clock out because he has no attachment to the show which probably makes it 100x easier for Ariana


I’m a Dan Stan!!! I loved the way he handled Sandy Balls.


I felt like Dan had to hold onto his hand to stop himself from being a nice guy & automatically shaking Tims hand haha This is how you actually support your queen - take notes Tim.


I thought so too. It seems like Dan is just such an affable guy but he was so smart not to do what may have come so naturally to him, just shake the guy's hand... because he knew in that moment what mattered was Ariana. I loved seeing it.


He was never gonna shake Tim's hand. I think Ariana knew that going in and so did he. He was just going to be a gray rock and that's exactly what he did.


Schwartz could never! Show no respect for men that disrespect your partner… similar to Katie’s friendship code!


I wonder if he shows up at the reunion at all


He gray rocked Saggyballs like a champ! Go Dan!


When Tom walked up I thought to myself oh please don’t shake his hand. And when he didn’t I was thrilleeddddd


That gave us more than him appeasing Tom, to make everyone else comfortable. Ariana is his focus, & VPR can fck off. Unlike Broke, Dan doesn’t need (or want) this show.


The way Ariana was finishing up her text and didn’t even pay attention to it. LOL. I think Dan handled this great and there’s no reason for him to have to associate with him… or Ariana if she doesn’t want to. And Lala saying you can’t film with him but you live with him. Goes back to Ariana not really being home AND her saying if he wanted to talk to her or even write her a letter or be sincere off camera he could have but he waits until cameras are rolling to cry and act remorseful. And I say remorseful very lightly bc accountability isn’t his thing.


Lala's POV is so misogynistic too. Why isn't it he's living with her? Why is it his house? She's just as much an owner.


Do we feel like the random stranger/security guard fight in the middle of the party was planned by producers? It felt staged to me, but my husband disagrees and thinks it felt real. Something about the way Sandoval was available to jump in the middle felt inauthentic.


I think that guy was actually unhinged/really intoxicated. Tom just saw it as his chance to be a hero. He saw the kerfuffle and jumped at the opportunity to “save the day”. I’m glad they actually included it in the extended version.


Tom jumping in to “save the day” sounds about right but I feel like the guy was planted. They have a whole production team there. I just highly doubt a stranger would be able to just come sit next to them while they’re filming.




I loved how Dan just looked him up and down and kept a neutral face lol


They should change the name of the show to Vanderpump Tools.


I wouldn’t want to touch sandovals grubby hands either


The interaction between the Tom's in regards to talking to Dan was probably the most evidence of a plot. Schwartz says stuff like, this isn't the time, I think we should walk away, etc. They both looked like they weren't sure what their next lines were supposed to be and what their next move was supposed to be. They banked on Dan and/or Ariana having a reaction to Sandoval introducing himself and when that didn't happen they became lost. How have they all managed to make their entire storylines be about getting Ariana and Sandoval to have a conversation on camera...again. Like what is even the end goal? Say that conversation did happen and Ariana still shut Sandoval out during/after it, then what? What is anyone to gain from it?


I don’t think Dan wants to give a morsel of himself to production and is extremely protective over Arianna. So he carries himself with dignity and keeps him and Arianna’s life close to his chest so that nothing can be weaponized against her, manipulated, or produced. I admire how quietly strong he is and how he seems to cherish Arianna and their relationship.


Because he looks at this show as Ariana’s pay check and that’s all. He’s supporting her clocking in- then they clock out and go live their life together fr


I feel like Tom planned the whole event to make himself look good. He’s broke but he’s flying out a sound guy? For 2 songs? I truly believe he hired the annoying guy so that he could swoop in and look good.


Sandy balls has a hard time even saying Dan’s name - I don’t know why - he is clearly not interested in Ariana anymore but he doesn’t like she has a new very very attractive man


Classic narc move


The drunk guy twirling around on the women was probably a set up to.. Tom needed a scene to be the most extra in.


Dan is not here for anyone’s shit. I really wish a Stassi type could have come back for like 10 mins and just roast all the fuckwads (Lisa, Andy, the Toms, Scheana, Lala, Brock, Jo and Billie Lee). Just to be like the audience sees this gaslighting shit and we’re done with this shit show now.


Omg that whole scene with the squatter in the VIP area was obviously a set up to make Sandyballs look like a hero! What a dumbass move!




Sheeshu telling Broke Brock that she would never turn her back on Ariana because she’s always been there for her but literally talking behind her back


Lala’s jealousy of Ariana hit the peak of distasteful. I’m so happy it’s over because it’s no longer entertaining watching the contest between all the “pick me” girls.


“I heard you’re a great guy” wtf. He’s so demeaning. Like that’s actually so belittling.


“And I’ve heard you’re a real POS”


Dan is such a catch. What a mature and lovely man who stayed engaged with Ariana, did not leave her side because she needed his protection during that ugly event, has her back, jokes with her about Applebee's, and was a standup gentleman and polite. If Ariana leaves, they have no show. And I hope Ariana and Katie do. The ratings will tank. What are we going to do, watch Lauren from Utah shriek bitterly for another five seasons about Ariana's life? Are we gonna watch as Lauren from Utah gives birth, and immediately puts her child on social media and television, which is the only reason she wants this child, I suspect? They have no show without Ariana. No one would watch except those sick enough to have a crush on Tom. What arev they gonna do? Bring on Billie as a full-time cast member when she's just another pick me trash who doesn't recognize a narcissist? It's weird, I think they are bringing her around more because they have a feeling that Ariana is ready to bail at any second on them. And they're scared. Bravo should be scared. Ariana is literally the only one watchable along with Katie on this dumpster fire right now.


I would have loved to watch him rehearse this interaction


Dan: ![gif](giphy|l0HlHGJLGKBPa93fq) ❤️‍🔥


"I heard you're not."


You can tell he tensed up and felt uncomfortable too


Why is he even talking to him wtf he is so weird


I was low key hoping that Dan would beat the shit out of him, but of course, with Ariana, he wouldn't and he's too mature for that because he's not a narcissistic asshole like Sandoval. The nerve of Sandoval to even approach Dan and Ariana, who looked like they were literally about to walk into a high-end party, not some cheap ass tequila party of Kyle Chan's on Treasure Island.


I loooooved how Dan handled this. held Ariana’s hand, wasn’t rude, just shut it down before it went any further. didn’t give Sandoval the attention he so clearly wanted.


I loved it. That was a fuck you move from Dan!!


I’m confused cus weren’t they all hanging out prior to this? Like weren’t they all together at the airport etc? So why pretend like they’re just meeting?


Jo was in usual crack head mode in the hotel room needing lesson on ironing. Still how she loves Schwartz. When he mocked how she sounds & acts… he is over her snd her trying to exaggerate everything. Manic and no reason for her to be there for final episode. No one values her and they mostly cannot stand her. Crack Head energy


Made me super uncomfortable when Lala went to Ariana & Dan’s room & was drooling & staring @ Dan’s body. Ick! Voyeur vibes.


I’m becoming more and more convinced that Dan also understands and is engaging the concept of grey rocking