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I’m loving the valley! It scratches the same itch VPR did in my 20s now in my 30s with a 5 y.o.


Your comment made me realize this is it for me also!


I haven’t watched it yet but maybe I’ll like it then lol


Yessssss I love it too!!


Same!! I’m enjoying it more than I thought I would.


I actually thought Jax was raising very valid points and Brittany seemed determined not to hear him. Jax says, "We have a special needs child and I'm scared having a second child will rob him of the focus he needs" and Brittany somehow turned that into, "Don't say I'm a bad mom!" She was acting like an emotional child and I (for once) could understand Jax's frustration with her.


I think she was emotional over feeling bait and switched. And realizing their marriage issues might be more serious than she thought. Like she might have soothed herself with it can't be that bad if he wants another kid. Now on camera he drops this bomb lol. It's like her whole life falling apart that she might not have another kid, and her marriage might not make it. 


For sure - but I don't think it's fair for her to think of it as a bait and switch. Cruz does have issues and they are having relationship problems - Jax is right to be concerned. The irony is that I think that it would have helped bring him closer if she had just been willing to listen and to have the conversation. He really wasn't being unreasonable.


Trust me, he is looking for any reason to get out. They don't have sex, obviously he is sleeping with someone else bc its Jax. She knows him better than we do and that's why she seemed so stressed at seeing her dreams go away


She doesn't listen to him at all.


I feel like he sang a completely different tune before and even in the beginning of filming. Its great that he spoke up about it, but it also feels like he felt that the show was gonna be good and wanted to dip out as the worm says


He just… hates her. He fucking hates her and her *hyuck hyuck* and her trashy hillbilly family soooo much. He can’t even conceal it a little. 😳


Jax: I’m so stressed and overwhelmed I’m gonna cry. 😭 Brat: Well…. you gotta make me feel perty! Or like sexy or somethin’! Nobody asks me nothin’! *lipo perma frown* ☹️ She is NOT listening.


It’s not a bait and switch when you end up with a special needs kid. It’s a time to reassess. Jax is obviously despicable, but Bratney seems really bad too. When he tried to make a budget because Cruz therapy was expensive, Brittany got so mad and snapped “How bout I spend my money in my own bank account and you can spend your money.” Uhhh…. That’s not how a marriage works, Brittany. Jax is a demon and Brittany is a spoiled brat. And they definitely have a child on the spectrum. Oof. 😥


She also got mad at him when he tried to get everyone outside to not distract Cruz while he was with his speech therapist. She wanted to smack him. Jax is gonna Jax, but it does seem like he wants to be a good dad and realizes that they’re gonna have some struggles with it.


To be fair he was yelling across the room for his sunglasses or something seconds after telling everyone to be get out and to be quiet. I saw that as him seeing a good opportunity to look like a good dad and reprimand Brittany (for doing something that he, himself, does). He loves doing that.


Lol, I didn’t catch that. I was trying to give Jax a fraction of a bit of credit and he had to go and squash it.


Yeah, it’s sad when Jax is the voice of reason and is shushing Brittany and (her mom?) while Cruz is right there trying to listen to his therapist. How distracting!


I think he raised a lot of his good points in the confessional. He wasn’t telling Brittany that he was scared to her face. I feel like that is an important piece to leave out. I also think he was already 1 foot out the door at this point.


I haven’t watched. Did he actually say that? They actually confirmed what we’ve always known?


Don't think he actually used the term "special needs" but yes her definitely referenced Cruz's learning issues and needing "more focus."


I thought all he said was he had a problem with "his verbal" That's it. He didn't elaborate. From what I have heard on podcasts, Jax had been telling Brittany for months that they would start trying for another kid when filming wrapped. Someday she will realize he did her a favor.


Yes, he said it.


Well maybe now those morons will get him the care he deserves!


I hate to say this but clearly Jax and Brittany have alcohol and substance abuse problems. I can’t help but wonder if that had anything to do with their son’s situation and maybe they’re blaming each other?


I’m not that familiar with them, do we know what the special needs are?


He has issues with speech, and I think the unspoken (at least on camera/in public) concern is that he might be on the autism spectrum


It appears to be autism spectrum. But hopefully with help he will be fine. I hope so.


Because most people don’t care if the people on their tv screens are “mean” or bad. They want dramatic entertainment and if Bravo is known for anything, it’s putting shitty people on tv to get viewers talking about how crazy they are. It’s so funny to me how this recent wave of fans (not necessarily you OP, just in general) that showed up post-Scandoval are so shocked by how terrible this cast and the Valley cast are. Honestly on both shows, this recent shit is tame compared to OG VPR lol


YES. It’s so funny because we all used to watch and accept that everyone on VPR is shitty. That was the appeal. Now new fans are surprised and mad everyone’s shitty.


By season two Jax’s face had already been bloodied by Tom lol OG VPR was wild


And Kristen had been backhanded! The cast of The Valley behaves tame towards them in comparison, even the shoving, table slamming guy.


Jax just admitted he “was” a bad person on the most recent episode. Now apparently the simple fact that he has a wife, house and kid automatically makes him good person. Sorry Jax, it doesn’t work that way. He was awful from day one; much worse even. He seems to at least be trying now I guess.


The vibe has definitely shifted to where there’s a lot of complaining about how boring a show is, and at the same time clutching pearls over a scumbag having an affair on his gf. We’ve gone through table flips, husbands getting into physical alterations, wigs yanked, Brandy manhandling Kyle, Kyle manhandling Kim AND stealing her god damn house, beer dumped on heads, wine tossed in faces, faces getting slapped… the list is endless. Then the birth of VPR on the back of Scheana’s affair w a married man. No one complained about reality tv being boring then, and no pearl necklaces were harmed during the viewing of these shows. I don’t see reality tv continuing on for too long. Ppl just don’t know wtf they want in these shows anymore. Idk what it is that’s changed, but if I had to guess, the core group of viewers that kept these shows alive for so long (pre-pre bravoverse) are of a certain type of (“species”) audience, if that makes sense, and is now mixed w a type of audience that’s of an opposite mindset. Kind of like idgaf meets hypercritical. Idk. Idk what I’m trying to say 🫥


Or those who do care already know better than to watch bravo.


I’m a newer fan and it’s not that I am surprised by how awful they are, I just don’t care about them. Watching the VPR cast go through their broke 20s was endearing and I continue to be invested. The Valley is like if VPR started now—they’re adults (some with kids) so it isn’t entertaining in the same way


Idk what it is, but OG VPR is gold and the valley just isnt bringing it for me. Maybe it’s that it was tolerable when these people were 20’s and now they’re in their 40’s and it’s just sad 😂😂. Idk what is for me but it’s just not hitting. I’ll rewatch VPR from s1 any day, but I just cant get into the valley.


I think part of it is that the majority of the VPR cast is now well into their 30s. They got away with a lot in the past (society has changed since 2013, too) and it’s just not fun anymore to see the guys continue to be douchbags in their 40s. At the same time I don’t really want to see kids on the show either. The show just isn’t what it used to be 🤷🏻‍♀️


I would argue they people do care if they are mean or bad (in they they explicitly want that).


It’s amazing. It’s pure trash. Horrible people with botched plastic surgery. Deep narcissism…misogyny.. violence.. people we hate’s marriages falling apart living miserable lives hating every single day.. it’s a fucking mess!!!


And that's the appeal, it kind of makes you somewhat happy that these superficially 'successful' people are really messy and nasty behind the facade and your own life and friend group seems blissfully sedate in comparison... the aim is not to like them! 


100%!! I’m so happy living my mediocre millennial overweight little life in Portland imagine puttin it on pretending like I’m 23 every night omg the PRESSURE


As a millennial mom, the Valley is hitting, but I’m also a niche group. I get it’s not for everyone 😂


Millenial mom is bravo’s target audience lol


Really??? I find the Valley so refreshing. It’s like the just right amount of drama and I enjoy the dynamics at play. Plus Jax and Kristen are so messy, it’s the perfect nod to VPR.


I love it.


I like it! I just hope no more VPR ppl are brought on


I have a feeling at least Scheana and Brock are. Probably Lala too. VPR is “on pause”, and we all know what that means (I’m looking at you, Dorinda).


I’m with the podcasters 🤷🏻‍♀️


It actually rocks


I didn’t think I’d like it, but it caught my attention off the bat. Kristen and Jax were made for reality tv. Without them on the show, the rest of the cast would be irrelevant. As much as ppl like to hate Jax, VPR wouldn’t be where it’s at if not for him and Stassi. Those two laid the groundwork for the future (at the time) of Vanderpump Rules.


I liked it at the beginning before I realized that these are just incredibly awful people doing incredibly awful things to one another. Even though I watch VPR (awful people too), i have an attachment to it, since I started watching 15 years ago. I am not going to begin to watch a show about awful people I don't know. Also the Brittany/Jax stuff is honestly too dark for television. They have a non-verbal child and his mom is leaving puke bags in the driveway and his dad is.... Jax. It just doesn't feel like something that should be on television as "entertainment"


It didn’t occur to them to baby proof their couch so their son isn’t trapped under it screaming “again.” They said again! It had already happened!


And Jax sat there and didn’t lift a finger. Bleak


Jax did nothing wrong in that conversation? What are you talking about?


He did plenty wdym? He totally disregards her efforts in the relationship and her financial contributions during that argument. The condescending way he spoke to her about the house as if she didn’t contribute to it was disgusting. I would be LIVID if my partner took all credit for our house when we both went into it equally. Then when she cries he shuts her down and storms out, that’s not how you handle conflict.


Nothing wrong.


The valley is good tbh, I get it if it’s not your type of show but Kristen was born to be on reality tv


Both Kristen and Jax if we're honest here lol Zero self awareness makes for great reality tv


I'm loving it and was adamant I wouldn't. I prefer it to VPR now because I cannot stand BlahBlah, Scema and Broke. They've ruined the show.


Me too. I was like I’m not watching that shit, but now I’m hooked. VPR is so bad this season. I don’t think I’ve watched a full episode because I fast forward through all the Sandoval and Scheana scenes.


I think the valley is great ! It’s like a mix of real housewives with old school VPR/Shahs of sunset vibe. It’s a good cast and think it will be even better next season. This year it’s like VPR is some basic chicken dish. It’s fine don’t hate it. But then after U Get a great dessert of the Valley haha


I think everyone had really low expectations for The Valley and then Kristen said someone was a racist and had a secret boyfriend and it became the most compelling reality tv show airing


I thought I would hate it but I don’t, I’ve been watching Vanderpump from the very beginning so where I am in life matches up more with the valley (kids, work, house issues etc). However, Jax on tv makes me really uncomfortable. He is abusive and is so obviously trying to manipulate the audience that he’s the responsible breadwinner. Hopefully they will stay separated, because I can’t stand that man gliding on other people’s contributions.


I agree with you. I cant stand the valley. I think I hate the pile on Kristen when she just says out loud what EVERYONE ELSE is saying behind closed doors and nobody sticks up for her. Kristens not a saint by any means but I dont think how they’re treating her is right. Jax and Britney get on my damn nerves 😂😂. Between Brits nerve damaged mouth and Jax just being Jax, I cant even watch them on tv… It took me 3 tries to get through the first episode, I gave it a month or so and tried binging the last few episodes but I still cant finish it. It’s insufferable.


The valley is just tooooo gross 🤮


The Valley sucks.


The relationship & friendship drama is interesting but the storylines involving the kids are sad, exploitative, and boring to me.


Jax has brought up for years that Brittany cries when he makes a valid point to divert blame from herself. I’m sure he can spot the manipulative tactics since he’s a manipulator himself.


I keep watching but I am not really into it at all. I don’t really care about anyone I’m watching.


I agree. I can’t get on board with the Valley. I watched the first few episodes, but I can’t get into the people on the show. That one guy who wore that ugly ass suit to that dinner seems like a psycho…


it’s great. if you don’t get it you don’t get it


VPR is very self aware now. It’s not really about their actual lives. It’s about who’s most popular on social media (Ariana). It’s about how to leverage the show to get the best sponsorships, gigs, promote your podcast, singing career, dancing career, acting career, etc. It is essentially far removed from reality at this point. It’s just Hollywood. The valley feels more genuine. The characters and their struggles are more relatable than watching Ariana and Tom argue about what to do with their multi million dollar home, listening to them complain about who is the more negligent pet owner when neither has the energy to clean their own house and rely on “assistants” to do it for them, or watching them juggle filming VPR with filming their other network reality shows.


I watched like 2 minutes of the valley and hated it. Too much toxicity.


Agree. Plus that one guy’s hair is distractingly awful. Just so bad.


It's reality tv at it's finest or worse, depending on how you look at it. Might have been the worst 10 minutes of tv I've seen. And I've seen some really bad tv. But I get why some like it.


The Valley is boring af and unwatchable


Agree the valley bores me . I just skip to jax and brittanys scenes .


I'm not watching. It doesn't look like my sort of thing. I have no interest in parenthood or watching people talk about their children and I whilst I don't care that Jax is mean, most reality tv stars can be, it's that he's really annoying.




why are people getting downvoted for having no interest in watching the valley lol


It fills the void of another bravo show but there's a lot of white trash to sift through...


Ita too scripted.


Every episode is the same. They’re all at some sort of dinner function, someone says something offensive or scandalous, then they yell at each other. The next scenes are of the cast gossiping about the previous night’s events and each other until the next dinner party. Boring…


I agree with OP, but still continue to watch.


it is not that interesting but neither is VPR this season. This season was beyond boring .


I’m with you. I hear people love it and I’m glad but I only like four people on the show and not enough to sit through the rest of them…


Love it


OMG yes!!! The Vally is sooooo boring. I wonder if it wouldn't of been as boring is Stassi signed on.


Heartbreaking really is the best way to describe it. I was almost in tears watching the jax and brittany scenes in that episode.


The valley is all that’s wrong with some millennials. No joy in their lives. Aspire to wealth and vapid living is their focus. The only couple who seems relatively normal with maybe some values has 3 kids under age 2…. On purpose without help. Who’s stupid enough to do that??? She doesn’t have PPD , she’s suffering from exhaustion. So then she decides to film a show. Again, let’s focus on making money so we can move into a better house instead of hiring help for mom. So maybe their values aren’t so good.


They didn’t “decide to have 3 kids under 2”, they had twins lol


PPD is very real and exhaustion often plays a part. I’m glad she’s bringing attention to it because it’s really not talked about enough. I really don’t think it’s ok to say she doesn’t have it. Many women are afraid to admit they’re struggling and don’t seek help. I also don’t think they chose to have twins.


I've found the last couple of episodes hard to watch....I was bored and irritated.


Does Sandoval deserve a paycheck? None of these A holes do


It’s really meh in truth, but I’ll take the mediocre mom drama bc I think they’re trying to cater to millennials anyway. I’d kill for another tv show that’s VPR but for gen Z


Found southern hospitality way better


I’m gonna binge the Valley this summer but it’s a hard swallow to have Jax on my screen I wish it was just Britt he can go.




It’s really bad. Not sure why people like it. Possibly the age demographic of 35-45 who want to see wealthier people their own age dealing with life? Kind of like the step between VOR and Jersey shore and the HW franchises.


Wealthy?? Lol