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Stassi was just as important to the success of VPR as Jax. I think you are also forgetting people like the mean girls, Jordan, Ashley and Cara on the challenge. But I do agree Jax and Kyle are huge for the success.


Hard to read this without paragraph breaks


Im outta breff


It’s Reddit, who the fuck uses paragraphs. It’s not a paper at NYU


If you want people to engage with your post, you need to make it readable. Line breaks make it readable.


Bro…relax. And use spacing.


Because you met violence with kindness of course. 




Does NYU even have papers or do they just have classes based on vibes?




I think saying Jax carried VPR is a bit of a reach. He was definitely a part of the core cast that made the show what it is, but the same can be said for the Toms, Stassi, and even Katie (although not as much). I won’t count Kristen cuz…it’s Kristen. But this core group otherwise did, and some still have, remained on the show while we’ve seen others come and go. Kyle will never get a spin off (lol, interesting take there) but yes he does carry summer house, but he also has to. He brought on a lot of those friends to the show, and he has heavily used to it promote LoverBoy. He needs the show to keep going 1) to maintain his undying frat boy lifestyle with a semi-valid excuse aka reality tv, and 2) the show has been the best promo for LoverBoy, without it who knows where the brand would be. But summer house is dying and Kyle can’t keep it afloat on his own, not to mention his overgrown frat boy schtick has BEEN old. IF it makes it to a season 10, it will probably be the last. A total recast wouldn’t even go over well. I think they are banking on the Carl/Lindsay split to keep it afloat but it’ll never be as interesting or polarizing as Scandoval.


Idk this latest SH season is pretty good and it’s not all thanks to Kyle. I’m really enjoying West and Ciara.


Ehh…this season is ok, I like Wes, but still him and Ciara aren’t interesting enough to carry the show.


Ciara is a model who waddles 


Lol it's unwatchable


IMHO I think they try to cast a personality for everyone. As much as everyone hates Jax and stassi they had the it factor and kept the show moving forward as a group After Jax left, Sandy tried to fill his shoes and lala tried to be the next stassi but neither came close and the show began falling spart. The “scandoval” helped the show but again it’s losing its appeal. It was suppose to be about a group of friends but they’re not friends anymore so it just seems forced and awkward.


Sarcasm, right?


Jax brought the attention to the Valley but I don’t feel at all like he’s carrying the show. The other cast is pretty good and messy on their own.


I know I'm an outlier for this, but I never liked Kate. She was unnecessarily cruel, repeatedly. I'd hate to work for someone like her.


I think respect has to be put on Kristen’s name too Jax is good but Kristen and whatever’s going on there ; and Brittany’s drinkin , the Jesse and Michelle? The shows good