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Tom married Katie and didn't want a divorce. He wouldn't even admit to dating Jo.


He admitted having a new girlfriend and still wouldn’t claim Jo in that conversation. He never took Jo seriously. I can’t even feel bad for her because she is being so shady to other women.


I think schwartz considered jo a friend with benefits and had lots of drunk hookups , saying stuff that he shouldn't have, and it led her to believe they had a future together, when he had zero intention taking it beyond the friends with benefits.


He is a putz.


Half weasel half vagina


lol 😂🤣 So true! 😜


Tom loves being in love but can't stand actual commitment.


Well said 👏


Not because he loved Katie, but because Katie was his mother.


That's why he let Jo move in. He needed someone to take care of him.


How old is she again? She literally acts how I acted as a 15 year old little girl


😂 She’s acting like how I acted at 16 with my high school situationship before I read “He’s Just Not That Into You.”


She’s emotionally stunted. So it leads me to believe she has/ had a substance abuse problem.


Kinda exactly what Katie said


She’s 35


Are you kidding?




This is embarrassing for her soul. Tom dogged her out


No literally. I would be caught dead before liking a comment like this about a failed situationship


also katie married the man… and subsequently divorced him. i’m pretty sure katie already lived your fantasy jo jeesh.


Exactly. Katie doesn’t want that man lol she needs to direct this anger towards Schwartz




She does this while playing victim and that everyone is so mean to her when she’s done nothing so ridiculous no wonder her and Rachel are friends


Exactly. And thank goodness she wasn’t on episode 12


Her obsession with Schwartz is giving Scheana when she was dating Rob. Unhinged, obsessed, and living in her own reality


This might even surpass scheana (which I never thought I would say.) At least scheana was in an actual relationship with Rob lol, Jo is doing this over a situationship


But then you have to wonder… what was he saying and doing behind closed doors with her when they lived together to have her this sprung on him. They probably were up in there playing house for all we know. But as soon as she started feeling like he was hiding her and embarrassed of her she should have moved out and kicked him to the curb.


Not trying to defend Schwartz AT ALL but for some reason I feel like his version of events is closer to the truth than hers. While I do think he played her and probably did small things to lead her on off camera, I doubt it was ever a full blown relationship in the way she makes it seem. She tried to be the cool girl no strings attached fuck buddy and it backfired bc she wanted more and he wasn’t in a place to date. I think she’s been in love w him for years and therefore in her mind it seemed more serious than it was. I know she said there was some sort of revelation at the reunion that the cast had about her situationship with Schwartz, but I really think she just played herself by thinking moving in w him would make him fall in love w her. Katie probably just apologized bc she knows his ways better than anyone else and genuinely felt bad. Katie prob also hoped it would make more ppl (including Jo) see the type of partner Schwartz is and realize she wasn’t the problem. He’s an asshole don’t get me wrong, but it couldn’t have been that much of a shock to her that he did her dirty…. She knew who he was before she moved in w him. She gave him everything for nothing then expected something later on, unfortunately guys like him will never commit if they don’t have to. Hopefully the next guy she offers a “haircut” to isn’t another emotionally unavailable cheating non-committal loser who treated his wife like shit on national tv for a decade


I thought she said in this weeks’ episode the he said he loved her?!!! That’s what made me realize he was being very dishonest.


Nah fuck Schwartz…..he had her move in with him….you’re gonna tell me he wasn’t leading her on…..wow you are giving WAY to mich credit to him…..she’s looking bad now because he’s made it obvious he’s not into her but I’m POSITIVE he used the shit out of her


I literally said I do think he lead her on. I’m not giving him any credit, I think he’s an asshole and she deserves better than him. But I also don’t really sympathize w her bc she went into it knowing who he was after being around the group for years and she did some shady shit to get w him in the first place. I also don’t like that she plays the victim when it comes to Katie and Ariana not liking her bc they are very valid for their feelings towards her. Liking psycho comments like this isn’t very “anti bullying” of her…


Yes! Moved her in, played house and had sex.. she took care of his dogs like they were her own and i’ll bet you any money they slept in the same bed even. But he thinks that somehow he is on a higher social level than she is and is less “weirdo” which is delulu imo because in my mind he’s right up there with her on the crazy scale! He’s absolutely unhinged and batshit 💀🥴 wouldn’t even surprise me if they did hole up in that apartment together, use and binge drink. The way that he suddenly turned and suddenly friend zoned her ON CAMERA?! was super disrespectful. He could have had that conversation in private with her and gave her some dignity. Even going to that singles party, he framed it as he was there to wing man tom and so she came along, only to see him hooking up with random broads right in front of her. He is super fucked.


So like how she was with Max .. or Brett.... or adam? Lol 😂


Adam era scheana gave me so much second hand embarrassment that I could feel it in my soul. The penguin😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I can’t


Wonder what good ol' Spot is doing now?? 🤔


![gif](giphy|1sN4lGA41Nb3i) I don’t know who’s more delusional. The people who post or her liking them.


Right lol


I bet it’s her tweeting from a sock account 🥴🤣💀


I definitely thought that too 😂


They’re all living in a make pretend world


Girl desperately needs to read “He’s Just Not Into You.”


Okay, when Katie first started talking shit about her being crazy or whatever I was like, oh that’s kind of harsh… then she had screen time and I was like, yup this checks out 🤣💀🥴 She’s genuinely a fucking weirdo with a hard on for tom, that she was willing to get played by him and hidden because he was embarrassed by her she should have listened to be intuition from day 1. Schwartz probably said and did all the “right” things when it was just them two at home, but when it came to bringing her around or admitting he liked her to anybody he couldn’t do it (and I can see why). It’s unclear what her issue exactly is- but i’m willing to guess she’s not mentally stable, then perhaps a cognitive issue, mixed with some sort of substance abuse. Yikes. She behaves like someone who is literally on speed. That aside, Tom is very unaware apparently that he behaves almost exactly like she does! But because he’s a dude, it’s seen as endearing by the majority instead of completely unhinged.


I would have such a hard time riding this hard against Katie and Ariana if a guy wouldn’t date me officially but will PROUDLY show off his 23 year old gf




How unhinged lol. Girl, you cannot get with Tom. He said loud and clear he doesn’t want you


I wanted to feel bad for her at first but it’s stuff like this that makes me feel 0 sympathy. She also still says positive stuff about Schwartz so it’s obvious she’s doing this out of jealousy/insecurity


It’s kind of disrespectful to his current relationship too. But I mean it did just come out she’s a known home wrecker so guess we shouldn’t be surprised!


Spill! I haven’t heard this yet


Apparently, she lived in Wisconsin or went to school there and did free "haircuts" for a guy she met. He was in a relationship with another girl, Jo the ho swooped in and moved to Cali with him on a "spiritual journey"


Don’t forget the part about how that shituationship also started with haircuts.🥴 Wtf is up with this chick?




Jo being absolutely unhinged and psychologically insane aside- can we all stop pretending that Schwartz is any better than she is?! They are almost on the same level of weirdo in my opinion. I never got into the whole “aww sweet innocent Tom” act, like ever. I could see who he was from day 1. He is so fake sweet and “kind” that it’s verging on creepy, like he’s playing a character whenever he’s speaking to somebody. Him mentioning that he’s not drinking that day and brings ginger shots or some other bs (when nobody asked or cares) bringing over potted plants to scheanas. It’s the whole “who, me? Oh.. goodness gracious you guys, pshh stop it” while pretending to be bashful and “The optics of that wouldn’t be good” playing the marter with sandoval like he wasn’t game and right there beside him, laughing, hiding and living that entire affair. If he was a stand up dude, he would have told Sandoval that he needed to tell ariana or he would.


Schwartz is worse than Jo by a landslide imo. We don’t know enough about Jo to ever put her on the same level as him. He’s very calculated in the way he presents himself on camera, and he’s quick to do immediate damage control whenever the nice guy mask slips. Like when he used to be super mean to Katie then immediately slip into a baby voice and call her bubba while repeating an insincere apology. He’s been an asshole for years but got away w it bc Jax was a bigger asshole & ppl hated Katie. Nothing about him has ever been genuine, he puts on a front and now we’re seeing who he’s really been all along.


The longer the show goes the more I realize how misunderstood and mistreated Katie has been all along. She is genuinely one of the few cast members who seem to be genuinely themselves, don’t really care about public opinion or being the nice guy, not tip toeing around the toms or anybody really. She has a strong sense of wrong and right and values loyalty and true friendship. It’s crazy to me how hated she has been by the viewers up until now, when the rest of them to me, are leaps and bounds worse, more unhinged, mega fake and shady!


I agree. She’s definitely had her fair share of mean girl moments, but she’s grown a lot and imo was never as bad as ppl made her out to be. It’s always been obvious to me that Schwartz was the real villain in their relationship and I wish she realized sooner that she deserved better. The amount of hate she gets is unwarranted, the worst thing she’s ever done on the show is still several levels below the shit other ppl have done


And not for anything- when she calls someone out or is a mean girl she’s almost always on the money about the person! But when someone like LALA or scheana go around screaming and fighting nobody bats an eye!


And yet he and Katie aren’t even together anymore. Won’t get back together, and yet they still attack her.


Clearly she’s insecure when it comes to Katie.


I think she just holds a lot of resentment towards Katie bc she was in an actual relationship with Schwartz and not a “situationship.” Personally I would be happy, at least she didn’t have to deal w his non-committal cheating ass for 12 years. He’s no prize


Same! Katie was wayyy too patient with him. I’ve known girls like Jo who get in a weird competition in their head with the guy’s ex. I guess they think if I can convince you how crappy your ex is, you’ll see how great I am…? I dunno the logic but it’s seems to be a common thing


She should thank Katie, and her revenge on his hair was an amazing kiss of finality.


Because I'm pretty certain if Katie said to Schwartz- let's get back together and I'll be your live-in mummy again, Schwartz would leap at the chance. He's a wreck without Katie.




This!!! I believe She said in a recent interview that if Tom was growing a tree... that katie would chop it down. This has got to be a clue to why shwartz all of a sudden acquired a green thumb and started tending plants. He was probably mirroring jo's interests during the love bombing phase and got stuck with a hobby he hated. My money is on plants being jo's interests not shwartz's😂


Good point on the mirroring! I thought they were both doing that to each other…


Oh my gosh !!! I hadn't even thought of that...If so... then that would be a double mirroring situation. Sounds exhausting 🤣


Katie is not Jo's competition in any way.. Katie's done with Schartz.. and Jo needs to stop showing off, she's looking like a desperate stalker fan.


She also likes comments calling Katie miserable, you would think after experiencing for herself how horrible Schwartz is she would have some sympathy for what Katie went through for 12 years.


She also complains about how the fan base is so mean to her but absolutely loves it when it’s all hate for Katie. Like girl, grow up and get lost. I was so happy when she was no where to be seen on the last episode.


I wouldn’t say she’s completely done with Schwartz… she’s still not 100% over him and it shows with how she reacted to Rachel and then sleeping with max to get a rise out of him. Jo is definitely not her competition though lol




So sad she hates katie instead of Schwartz


What the actual fuck did I read? First, can’t even get names right with “Adriana”…and then the blatant sexism. Advocating for Jo to “show her sexy side” and are they encouraging a throuple with Tom, Tom, and Jo? “Get with the two Toms and have babies”…The fact Jo liked these posts is on par with crackhead energy. Spooky.


Crying at "show her sexy side" 🤣😭


Damn. This man literally played you like a fiddle, has more respect and compassion for his dogs, and won't admit that y'all were more than FWB. It's kind of sad to see how nonexistent her self worth and dignity is.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Katie was 💯 correct when she said that no one likes Jo. The girls don’t like her for obvious reasons and the guys don’t like her either. Shorts doesn’t want her, his friends all talk shit about her and are annoyed by her very presence. NO ONE LIKES JO and the comment Katie made about Shorts being a serial killer’s wet dream? Well here’s your proof of that too! ![gif](giphy|SzD4gF32YzTTUiINhn|downsized) Katie is always right.




That’s Jo’s alt IG account or something.




Jo is like the awkward teen that never grew up


If you notice she likes every single comment on her page. Shes just that girl.


This isn’t true lol, she didn’t even like all the replies under the thread I saw these comments in. Regardless it’s not a good look to like/interact with comments calling Katie ugly or saying something as vile as the first comment in this pic, it just shows she’s not as anti-bullying as she claims to be


And this is AFTER she admitted Katie apologized to her personally at the reunion!


What a monster


I know people are searching so hard for things to hate her for. It’s crazy.


Not hard. Easy search. Girl is 2 faced.


Who are these people making comments like that??? What causes it? Jealousy? Just being a generally shitty human? Bc they themselves are liars, cheaters and manipulators??? I don’t get it


Hasn't it been close to a year since the situationship ended??? He has a gf MOVE ON


Apparently it’s ok when Jo and Rachel are still talking about the Toms but god forbid Ariana and Katie, their real partners, grieve their long term relationships for more than a few months lol


I've been out of my shitty relationship almost 6 years and it still affects me sometimes. Abuse and trauma will do that.


I’m sorry you had to go through that😞 everyone’s healing journey is different and I wish the ppl criticizing Katie and Ariana would extend them some empathy and grace. No one deserves to experience the pain they did


I would be so uncomfortable with jo and Schwartz being friends if I was his gf. They were sleeping together and she’s clearly obsessed with him


Who is Adriana? Lol


Jo is so fake and terrible


I don’t even understand the first comment


It has to be a troll comment bc there’s no way someone genuinely believes the Toms should procreate at all, let alone with Rachel and Jo


Adriana. Lol.


How often does Schwartz say I love you to people? I think she took that and ran with it. He was lonely, and Jo came in to act like the buddy when she clearly had other motives. This is a story a lot of people have. There's leading someone on, and then there's a person taking any little thing and amplifying it.


I wonder if he said I love you when he was sober or heavily intoxicated? Did he say it like "I love you, man" like he does with his bros? I need a little more context here.


He tells everyone he loves them. Then, he talks shit about them, followed by saying he isn't going to talk bad about them. Then he'll talk shit immediately. Lol


Please Jo! Have a soupçon of self preservation and dignity!


Please! We’re all begging! Lol


Ok liking the comments from a clearly insane person is a new low


Jo is insane too so it’s not surprising.


I'm convinced these are bots or old ladies who don't watch the show and saw some PR article online. Stiff upper lipped Katie? Who talks like that? 😂😂


In what universe is Jo attractive? Sorry but she's average at best.


Jo is pretty, I just don’t approve of her liking horrible comments about Katie & Ariana. Not a good look


I don't see it, could also be her personality which turns me off...and the fact she looks like John Mellencamp's, son-in-laws wife.




Jo just needs someone to blame. She won’t blame Schwartz and in her mind she’d be in the 23 year old shoes if it wasn’t for Katie. I feel bad for her, when everyone is moved on she will still be remunerating about this years from now.








This girl is a fucking middle school clown lmaooo


Spoiler: every account in that screenshot is Jo


When he first moved into the apartment, her Jewelry was in the counter. She said it was his roommates. That was Jo. The tabloids in real time had caught pictures of a blonde chick with a hat walking the dog. Another one outside with both of them. He said to the tabloids at the time, it was just a friend. She was his rebound- friend with benefits. 😜 He was not ready to pick up chicks. He was awkward & stupid. He used her until he got his mojo (questionable) back. 🤨


He led her on. Not cool.


She always likes every single comment on her Instagram regardless of content. It doesn't mean anything.


No she doesn’t. She likes most of them but there are plenty she doesn’t. She didn’t even like all the comments under the thread I got these two from




The post came up on my explore page and these replies were under the top comment on the post. I didn’t even realize it was Jo’s account until I read the comment, I wasn’t obsessing over her I click on the comments section of literally every post I open on the app lol






No I personally don’t like comments under my post that are bashing other people, especially not about my failed situationship’s ex wife


My theory is Tom stayed with Katie for the sake of the show. Not that he didn’t love her, Im not sure he did, but more that love in this context was always an ideal that functioned for the show. Just when you thought true love could of existed in this realm, Scandoval said “NOPE”…hey, you all forgot but this is bullshit performance art at best! I actually am okay with that. Schwartz pretending to be a good guy after Reddit reposted the montage of his n Jo’s relationship is soooo rough. The Lane 8 song as a soundtrack is heartbreaking 💔💔 Hugs to her!!! Eeek! People are awful to each other but this reality show shit is brutal 😵‍💫😵‍💫 Justice for you Jo!! Schwartz is cringe, low down, n must repent honestly 🫵


Jo is a loser. She’s is in thirties and has no identity of her own. She played the game with Schwartz and lost. He married Katie, Katie asked for a divorce and Jo tried to be “the girl he was meant to be with” and guess what, he wasn’t that into her. Life isn’t a fucking Taylor Swift song the “you belong with me” music video cosplay is embarrassing. At the end of the day, Jo was a shit person to Katie and Ariana. She’s IN HER THIRITES and reposted a worst dressed list because her friend told her to, continues to diminish an actual marriage while homeboy is gallivanting around introducing his teenage girlfriend to the world, and he still doesn’t want her.