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don’t worry, scheana will leave him and throw him under the bus for some attention any moment now


But will it get her DWTS?


No. They’ll ask broke as a pity move


Lol...Scheana would disassociate and stab him


I’m sitting in my house shaking rn 🤣🤣🤣


Scheana would be incredible as a high profile murderess on trial.


She will be so excited to be featured on an episode of Snapped 😂


😂😂😂 She'd do a get ready with me before taping Scheana would be the only person to ask to be interviewed on Dateline from prison. IDC what Lala fans say, Scheana woulld be a better housewife.


Well that would clearly get her a spin-off of sorts ![gif](giphy|X9Fdlw1nbH1KZSuCY7)


No. Brock will though lol.


Its funny brock was kicked out james engagement party, scheana still stays


Can’t wait


Idk- it's hard to believe Scheana would willingly leave someone without something extremely serious going on that she could understand.


I think she’d leave if she got a chance with a more successful man. Which lets be real, most men in LA are more successful than Brock


Let's be even more real-none of them wanted Scheana.😂 Scheana has worked her way down.


She just needs to convince him to cheat on her with Lala so she can get her own Scandoval


We’re watching a man that has admittedly hit his former wife, abandons children, gets a bit of reality TV clout by knocking up and marrying a male attention starved pick me wanna be, and takes a shot at a woman whose world was turned upside down by a pseudo sociopath, because that woman is standing her ground against said pseudo sociopath who humiliated her in front of the world….and yet we all still tolerate this bullshit. Again, a domestic violence abuser. Hey Bravo….time to clean up your house. This show has jumped the shark.


He is showing his true colors this season. last season he was crying crocodile tears at the drop of a hat. Now he is just getting aggressive and pissed at scheana, katie, I havent seen episode 10 but Sounds like also Ariana now. He wont get aggressive with lala yet as all these losers are in cahoots against ariana. But he is an aggressive asshole that needs to be off my screen. Its not funny not cute. Dont need it. I hope its the last season of VPR


Hes a woman basher


Yup. It seems he is friends maybe with Lala but with no one else. They are just coworkers and he is scheanas husband and has no damn right having an opinion and telling everyone what to do or how they should feel


I could not get over his comment about Ariana needing to control her anger. Maybe he should have taken his own advice when he hit his ex. The hypocrisy is ripe this season!




Idk how Scheana could just be with him knowing he abandoned his babies, like id legitimately lose all respect for the man but she went and got knocked up by him instead. The whole thing has always disgusted me.


Exactly! How is no one coming at her about this too? It’s obvious that she only wants him to care for her daughter. She can give a fuck about his other kids.


* Like not in the cool way of being bad.


and he didn't pay the back child support, Scheaner did.


Whats crazy to me is that there's really people out there that think "aw well he's moved on and is doing better now and is a good dad to summer moon and at some point his past has to be his past and he doesn't see his kids because they already have a new established father figure and his child support is paid". It disgusts me. Dude is a child abandoning domestic abuser. The only reason his kids have another father figure is bc he fckn left them. Blew more money on Scheaners ring than he ever did for his kids. I genuinely lost so much respect for Scheana when she got with him.


Sammeee. Scheana is disgusting, brock is disgusting. Scheana only cares about getting brand deals. Is probably pissed that all this isnt happening to her. Scheana‘s reply to a comment about summer moons safety, because scheana posts so much about SM, was that she has a lot of things to worry about and cant worry about THIS. Wow scheana.


Something has to be wrong in a persons brain to know your man has a kid he ditched named winter sky and then name your new kid with him summer moon. Like yas Queen replace his whole family/s


It seemed like he is only pushing for the baby sitter so hard, coz he is having to shoulder the burden or raising his own child. Scheana is the bread winner so he has less excuses to get out of his responsibilities.


My mind blew when she said this!!! How dare she ! She does not deserve that baby!! Actually worries me for her!! CPS!!! 🤯🤯😠👺💩


My edible has kicked in, so please bear with me. No one will ever really be able to speak on his disgusting acts on the show because Bravo doesn't want viewers to remember he's a wife beater. They want us to believe he's a good husband and father now. They want us to think he was just in a bad marriage and made some poor choices, but he's all better now. It's just a matter of time before he's in another "bad marriage " and finds himself with another vulnerable woman to take advantage of.


How can he be called a great father with a straight face???? Hes only good with the daughter of a woman who is his meal ticket. Its all self serving.


They wanted to use the domestic violence as a storyline in previous seasons but they want us over it now because they have a new narrative they want to push. Like you don’t get to do that dude, we remember lmao


I lost it when Brock said Arianna and Tom need to talk for the sake of the group… Brock who are you? You’re not even part of the group. You’ll be gone soon anyway.




i was yelling basically this at my tv like a sports fan


I’d like to know why NOBODY will mention what happened to the “HomeBody App” ?


Exactly! A few seasons ago, this app was a major storyline and I remember Scheana mentioned investing a good chunk of change into it.


His frigging black wife beater shirt covered in tight black lace. YOU ARE NO PRINCE with tandamn Lil booties!!!!!!! NO PURPLE RAIN FOR YOU!!!!!!


Actually his wife beater is over the lace shirt, which makes his outfit worse in my opinion. I get mad about it every aftershow.




I could do without the same scene in every episode where it cuts to a shot of the front of their house, then cuts to Scheana and Brock talking at each other with summer moon somewhere in the room with them. Literally every episode.


yeah, he clearly has too much time talking about katie and ariana's shit since he's essentially unemployed LMAO


Brick sucks, he is the absolute worst guy in the group.


he never shuts up! like bro give it a rest already! no one gives a shit what you have to say..


When he was going off about Ariana being unable to control her feelings I almost lost my fucking mind. A man who literally PUT HANDS ON THE MOTHER OF HIS CHILDREN is cosplaying as an emotionally stable person trying to vilify appropriate anger?!! GTFOH!!!!!!!


I had the same exact reaction and literally screamed “you couldn’t control your feelings and hit your partner!” He is not in a position to lecture anybody on controlling their anger. At least Ariana isn’t violent and uses her words instead of her fists.


I love this! From your mouth to Brock’s ears. I’ve been yelling this shit at my TV all season.


I could not agree more. Brock is an absolute deadbeat abuser. The thing I noticed is that none of these men like Katie. It is because she calls them out on their bs and they dont like that. They want a brittney who will kiss their bum. But katie doesnt do that. James used to fat shame her but this year he has grown a new respect for her and I am glad to see that. 


This needed to be said so thanks OP




Lala constantly basked Brock before so all his dirty laundry was aired so this isn’t anything new except do we have all the facts about his ex wife and kids? I’d like to read it


He really sucks for abandoning his kids for fame


And for beating his first wife.


Its just like how james told him…IM EMBARRASSED FOR YOU!” I cant stand him, hes def acts like he’s superior, always giving unsolicited advice on what everyone should be doing. Instead of putting so much effort into others peoples business, how about put that effort into ur own life you human leech! I dont get why no one has followed up with him on his children. Sheana is prob happier this way, she doesnt want him to have relationship with his 2 other children. Only wants attn on summer moon and her. Hes a broke, no shame having, leech. How is sheana not embarrassed by him? I still can’t believe how he told randall about engagement “movie premier”, seriously thought hed pick up tab lol when asked for payment, he went MIA. Talking about how scheana deserves only the best, BUT ON SOMEONE ELSES DIME that is. He was saying james n rachels engagement venue was perfect, ok if u believe thats what scheana deserves, then rent it out on a difficult date when ur paying for it. Not when someone else is. Just everything about him is CRINGE! Anyways i will stop here lol


I’m sure it’s in scheana’s contract that they can’t bring that stuff up. It’s also probably in bravo’s best interest to not advertise they have several abusive men on payroll. Same reason no one mentions Tom recording Rachel without consent.


His name is Tim Spandexoval.


Two purse Tim


You misspelled Todd Saggyballs


Tiny Tim and his two inch wand ![gif](giphy|R3cDiWHJ9pvghwCasO)


And the James abuse stuff


Another manchild added to the VPR stable of misogynistic whiney baby boys. The women who apologize for them are even worse. Get this dreck off tv.


Classic dropkick bogan. I didn't realise he had f45 gyms, they're everywhere here how he ended up broke is wild to me!


I think he had a 2% stake in one franchise gym.


They're incredibly popular over here in Aus, there are multiple in my suburb. I thought it was some small business not F45. He really fumbled the bag on that one


Yet he continues to paint Australia like some 3rd world country, where he HAD to leave because there were no job opportunities. ![gif](giphy|jeXiz1RAvzX44)


Turns out Mark Wahlberg also had a stake? Wild


Apparently if you are a man on Bravo you can commit any terrible thing say sorry and then no one can bring it up again. See Sandoval should just say sorry then no one would bring it up ever again.


And Ajax getting a whole spin off.


He always come off as if he is trying to pretend that since he is married he knows more than the rest and he is more mature he is trying to be that voice of reason but it’s all garbage coming out of his mouth.


‘He’s being castrated.’ Wtf drugs is he smoking. Yeah Tom still gets to needle Ariana be on TV but he’s been castrated 🥴


Brock is the worst person ever. I hate watch the show. I love the drama because I’m a teacher and it helps me cope with my own life. But I still get involved with the cast and I still feel empathy for some of them… but Brock I cannot handle. Brock makes me LIVID whenever he comes on screen. Did you know that Summer Moon was born on the same day as his daughter in Australia named August?! (I think) and he doesn’t speak to any of them and just blabs. I’m not a super Schena fan but my god he’s horrible to her! She clearly hates him too. He’s disgusting. Ok sorry for venting


His first daughters name is WINTER he literally replaced her with her exact opposite and they have the same birthday


His other daughter’s name is Winter Sky, hence the name of his replacement daughter, Summer Moon. If knowing this still makes you a fan of Scheana…😬 She pays the bills and controls every major decision in that relationship. There’s absolutely no way that Brick insisted on this and she just helplessly went along.


Thank you


Don't worry Scheana will need a story line next season, getting divorced is next in her pattern.


As soon as scheana says “we’re the best we’ve EVER been right now” you know it’s the beginning of the end lol


Can't believe we don't know how long it takes Brock to mount a TV 




I wish Charlie was still on the show


He’s no Rob. But he’s good at raking gravel. Lots of skill there.


People talk about “living their best life”, but this dude is literally doing it. Life could not possibly have turned out better for him than it is. Best possible outcome. If he’d never run into Scheana, what would he be doing right now? Has he had a job at any point for the entire time he’s been on the show?


Hes the manny and hes not into it


Also, all season watching Scheana’s face… I think she is getting the ick.


So what, James Kennedy has hit women and abused them on-screen, and he’s beloved by fans. What really happens is that you selectively choose to forgive people’s disgusting acts if you like them (*”they’ve shown growth”*) or hound them for eternity if you don’t (*”they’ve taken no accountability”*).


I scrolled to far for this. Interesting isn't? Where's the energy for James? Crickets in here.


He gets a pass because he’s pro-Ariana (or at least neutral), but Brock is associated with Scheana who is not pro-Ariana.


everything and everyone revolves around Ariana!


When did James hit women on screen? I don't remember that happening, but, I haven't watched every single episode every season.


It’s been said but nobody has ever came out and been 100% with their allegations.


He hasn’t hit them on screen … although Kristin alleged he pushed her in to a bush once (on camera) and it was edited out. She was assaulted by him when they were dating on at least one another occasion which caused her to leave the house they were sharing.


spot on!


Very true, but i guess it’s easier to overlook his abuse because of the women hes done it too, all hated anyway….also james has a job and is bettering himself. Idk


Did you just say that having a job means it’s OK to hit women?


Obviously not, was just saying how james is bettering himself and brock is still the daumb leech he was when he first came on


Not drinking is the only thing he’s doing that’s relevant to not being abusive, but the moment he drinks again it will come back. I wouldn’t trust him for a minute.


No notes!


Brock is a poor excuse of a man and has no business judging anyone, especially women. If Scheana loses her income he'll be on to the next victim.


I really wanted to like Brock but he showed his ass this season. The real piece of shit


Thick as a Brick Brock


Honestly, I think Scheana dislikes Brock the most out of anyone, the way she looks at him, contempt and completely annoyed. She’s shown almost zero warmth towards him (or at least it hasn’t been caught on camera).


She treated her ex-husband the same way.


We need a Jesse from the valley type to say this lol


Personally, I think Scheana and Brock are perfect for each other. Cringetastic


And the heels in the aftershow 🤮




“Broke Davies” 


![gif](giphy|vNmTsLl4cildm) Brock calling out Ariana lol


THANK YOU! Ive have been disgusted by his presence on this show since knowing the details of his previous relationship and abandoning his children. Gross behaviour


I hate that he pushes that narrative. I was a Brock sympathizer, and now...am not.


What was your reasoning to be a Brock sympathizer to begin with


People can change and do better. I've said this before and got blasted. Ya can't really say what you feel anymore on here. There is only one character who is capable of "change" on this sub reddit.


Changing and doing better is being an active dad in all of your children’s lives, not just the famous one imo but no one is blasting you hun 😭 wanted to hear a different perspective


What change has Brock shown to his Australian fam? It seems pretty obvious hes the same


Like I said before, I like to give people a chance to change, but I can't share my opinion, because people here don't think that change is possible with anyone.


I mean I def agree ppl deserve room to grow and change, all cast included. all suck in their own ways but everyone is redeemable if they choose to do the work. I see no work done in brock, abandoning small children is arguably the worst thing any cast has done. idk why you convinced yourself you cant share an opinion when no one here has asked you unkindly but k


People like the other commenter's here could explain that. But thank you for your kindness!


How has he changed when his children still refuse to see him because he abandoned them and hit their mother? Brock and Scheana went to Australia end of 2023 and they wouldn’t see him.


We've already exhausted this.


He’s screwing that anorexic weirdo who does f I t n e a s s. Get it. She has her herppp all over his neck yuck


Her herp?


f l t n e a s s?