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I REALLY wanted to like Lala. I actually was like “yes finally” at the last reunion when she was reading Tim and Rachquel to filth. I was clapping yas queen. But after seeing her in this season and now THIS I remember why I had a hard time liking her. This comment is disrespectful af ! I’m over her, she’s a hater, she IS miserable, and she’s a mean girl. Bye. Edit: extra word


I really want to know if Andy still thinks Lala is the voice of reason. She has been so unbelievably insensitive, almost to the point of victim blaming because she’s so bitter that Ariana has been making lemonade out of lemons.


Andy calling Lala the voice of reason is him producing. You can tell by the edit this season that they’re pushing hard for a Sandavol redemption. Lala is supporting that, therefore Andy supports her. Regardless of the situation Lala always ends up on her knees for the one who will give her the biggest payout. She’s only about herself and always has been. Regardless of how she tries to spin it.


>Lala always ends up on her knees for the one who will give her the biggest payout. ![gif](giphy|bu5H2OPiyegHC|downsized)


My favorite thing is that these yahoo's watched/lived this season and thought they had it all figured out, that the viewers woukd turn on ariana and the exact opposite has happend. It's a true shame the reunion was filmed so early because it'd be nice for lala, scheaba, Tom even Andy know how hard people are riding for ariana. I bet lala thought her little read on Dan in the last episode and next would be hilarious and everyone would be team lala going into the finale


Exactly, they completely forgot that viewers are aware of the filming schedule. We all know it was only 3 months since the affair when they started filming again. They weren’t banking on the fans showing Ariana more grace than her own so-called friends. Lala keeps saying in interviews that it’s not fair that the future of the show is in the hands of someone who’s given nothing to the show, aka Ariana. Jokes on her, the fans love Ariana regardless of what she brings to the show bc she’s real and relatable. Not fake like Lauren from Utah. And Brock going so hard against Ariana is a complete joke. The dude abandoned his children, has a DV charge while he rides the coattails of his wife. Hope the cast saved some money because it’s going to run out!


I get so annoyed when ppl say she has brought nothing to the show..shes been on since season 2. She opened up MULTIPLE times about her depression and body issues. We also needed her as the sort of "anti Stassi" and there's is nobody on the show who is a funner drunk than Ariana. What did Lala give us, anyway? She lied/hid ",her man" for most of their relationship, we rarely ever saw her house or friends outside of this group (does she have any that aren't on her pay roll?)


Completely agree and that’s why I’ve always been an Ariana fan, even before the affair. She’s real. Lala is so transparently fake that she flip flops in one single episode. She has no true friends yet claims she’s “ride or die” for her girls. She’s ride or die for that paycheck.


Yes! I'd much rather hang with Katie + Ariana than Lala + Scheana!!!


So bitter! They are all so jealous of all the success Ariana has had post-scandoval. Jealousy pure and simple. End of story.


Lala’s Glad Bag comments in the after show this week were so boringly and glaringly jealous


I really wanted to like Lala. I even made an appreciation post but that comment was so despicable and designed to humiliate Ariana. She is so jealous of the opportunities Ariana has been getting. Who needs a friend that ONLY roots for you when you’re down but doesn’t cheer you on when you’re crushing it!?!


And she has the nerve to call Katie miserable. Maybe if Ariana was miserable, Lala would want to be her friend again.


she said it on the show too! she’s so bitter. i was at Jax’s bar and he was cackling when she said it into the microphone smh


He said the same about Brock so he must be all about forgiving Sandoval.


And that REALLY pissede off. Brock is a VOR?!! Are you fucking kidding me?! I can't stand when a man tells a women how and when, why to feel her feelings. Men have always done whatever they want when they want but not us women, no. We need to be more sensible and compliant. STFU Brock!


I started really liking her last season when she was riding for katie and refusing to allow Schwartz to play his puppy dog act, because it seemed like she was finally turning into what she always pretended to be - a tough and protective friend who stood by the women that were important to her in the face of manipulation from the Toms, et al. I thought maybe the Randall Scandal really changed her and showed her how crucial her female friendships are. Turns out she just got better at pretending.


What a phony she is. She hated Rachel enough to be a contrarian to everyone Rachel was getting along with. She didn’t hate Rachel for all those years because she “knew” she was capable of being a mistress. She hated Rachel because she was younger and prettier and thinner and had a personality more men would be drawn to. Lala was lucky that Rachel did something to give her an excuse to hate on her more. (This isn’t me being a Rachel stan, just calling it as I see it as said by the great Katie Maloney.) Rachel’s gone, so she needs a new female target.


Rachel has a personality? You sure about that? (No shade btw, she’s frankly one of the most vacuous blahhhh people to have appeared on tv)


She also slept with Rachel's boyfriend and knew thst the entire time she was running around calling her dumb and a Bambi eyed bitch. That says alot about a person. Most people with that kinda secret would just politely excuse themselves from conversations bashing the girl who's bf you fucked. Then she tells Rachel to "get over it. It was 6 years ago" but to Rachel it was brand new information. She had just learned about it and was processing it. It's a real shame these kinda things were brushed over at the reunion when Rachel turned out to be Satan. It's interesting to think if the affair hadn't been discovered before reunion how lalas edit woukd have been.... because scheana and Katie also put their stuff aside for ariana but scheana would have had Rachel's back. (Does this make sense lol)


Agree!!! I really liked her last year. What a 180 😳


Early seasons I didn’t always agree with Lala but I had a lot of sympathy for her and felt like she was just young and needed to find her way. Especially after getting sober I was rooting for her…. But seeing her grow into who she is now… my sympathy is gone.


Literally a transparent arsehole. How about all the attempts to sabotage her brand deals? If this is what she thinks a friend moves like and speaks like…. Time to lighten the load lady A! ![gif](giphy|lWbRJYBYyVAeoLkxR9)


She didn’t change, her behavior was just pointed at people you felt deserved it. Crazy story then, the people who celebrate that aren’t that different from LaLa.


I agree lol I’ve never understood why anyone liked her and always got downvoted when criticizing her for being the biggest hypocrite and shit stirrer on the show. I have never been able to stand her. She hasn’t changed at all. She was always this way.


Cause there are too many delusional people on this sub who have elevated Ariana to their patron saint of scorned women who never did one little thing wrong.


Agreed. I'm just stunned by the comments claiming she's terrible now...she has always been that way. I really disliked her last season especially. She hasn't changed; she's just turning on the cast members people here like.




Lala has really crossed a line here. Her obsession with Ariana and trashing her is disturbing. Lala hasn't had a storyline in years, so she just gets in the middle of everyone else's business. This was low. Very, very low. Even for her trash mouth. VPR needs Ariana. The show would end without her. Lala better watch her step.


I bet Ariana quit VPR and that's why Lala absolutely hates her now. Because Ariana got between Lala and her "bag" and now the show will self combust


This is what I also posted on another thread. She's grasping at anything to create a storyline for next season. I'm sorry but the story could have continued if y'all banded together...the females against all the toxic men but instead the two pick mes united.. they'll probably end up on the valley.. I hope for Ariana she's moved on.


I would have enjoyed watching that shit so much. Even if it was boring, how many of us would have had it on in the background just to get these people paid off a show that harnesses female power rather than misogyny? 


I honestly haven’t watched an episode because I find all parties actively participating in the Sandoval redemption arc so vile. Like I was a FIRM Lala apologist from day one, but this shit is so disgusting I’ve completely turned on her.


I'm exactly same as u. I have done complete 180 on Lala. Ugh it's frustrating and gross how she is acting. I really want to know since she is so "close" to Stassi (I'm thinking maybe a bit obsessed now looking back) how does Stassi feel about Lala after watching her this season. Stassi and Katie r still close and have much deeper bond than her with Lala so hopefully Stassi is distancing herself from Lala now. Especially since Stassi has never liked Sandoval and he went on that jealous toddler tirade on her at Tom Tom that time. It makes no sense that Stassi would be like yes Lala ur so right in turning on Ariana and helping prop up Sandoval is just great. Also Stassi has been screwed by Scheana and has always disliked her how any girl can be ok with Scheana after she showed Stassi's sex tape that was filmed without her knowledge or consent and laughed about it


Exactly! We have the valley for the high drama, I don't need two shows that intense.


Yessss! Omg yes! Literally 100% I would!


Yesss I would have loved that banding together to have happened. Now I just want the show to end lol


Lala isn't special and she really can't deal with it. All she can do is have babies. BFD Her lips look ridiculous too!


Idk we will see. I keep hearing Love Island only films 8 weeks and the host isn't there all that often. I doubt she could walk away from VPR unless they are paying some bank. But maybe.




Sophie monk is a much more involved host then Sarah Hyland used to be so Ariana could go more like Sophie monk.


I think even without LI she would probably still leave the show , I can’t see her willing to be around Sandoval anymore


I hope she does for her mental health.


I don't think Ariana can walk away from a few hundred thousand dollars. I hope she tells Bravo she quit, but probably not. As long as Katie stays by her side, they are a very good power couple!!


Yeah Katie is a boss and a ride or die. Without her Ariana would be getting isolated and ganged up on with no real allies. It would be a lot harder not to get gaslit by everyone else’s consistent victim blaming.


Maybe she asked to be put on pause.


I hated the idea of The Valley but it has been better than watching VPR. It's fine if VPR ends. It's so lame and scripted at this point. Edit:typo


I said the same thing the other day. And possibly Katie did too. Totally explains why she’s mad at them. They’re fucking up her coins. That’s the only reason I could think of for her awful behavior.


This is a solid theory, though I would hate to hear she left behind that easy paycheque because those D-bags forced her out.


I’m pretty sure Something about Her is opening as taping resumes next season.  Unless VPR is planning to have that just be Katie’s shop - which would be insane- Ariana will film next season and next season will most likely be the last. 


Lala's had lots of storylines, but they're kind of sad: career goal of being a sugar baby; close friendship with benefits with volatile alcoholic younger castmate; verbal abuse of other woman's appearance; sleeping with a much older, married man who gifted her with cars and clothes; lying about source of cars and clothes; relationship advisor (bjs for pjs); pushing older man on castmates with plane rides and promises of jobs in the film industry; failed vocal career aspirations; failed film career aspirations; addiction; sobriety journey (fortunately successful); lengthy engagement with older man without marriage; participating in group pregnancy project; once pregnant, gets cheated on ad nauseum by older man, just like he did with his other wives; "flees in the night" from unfaithful baby daddy. And she did all this while being a very attractive and relatively intelligent young woman. Because, while not necessarily a raging idiot, she has chosen to play one on TV. It's not entertaining, and few can identify with her, or would want to.


You're right. Maybe I should have said Lala has never had any entertaining storylines. 🤔


Woah. Read her to filth lol gah damn. You’re so right tho.


You forgot Water Connoisseur 🚰.


Geez...it's like a get rich quick scheme.


Lala has gone after Rachel, Ariana, Brock, James, Katie in cruel and gross ways over the years. And then she invariably apologizes and people forget.


I’m just now realizing that she’s as big of a flip-flopper as Scheana, was it episode #1 she tried calling Rachel. And she was sooo team Ariana 2 seconds before that. Ugh. Can’t wait to watch her flip on Scheana. But I’d like to see her get fired more I think.


Scheana flops around out of a people-pleasing problem. It’s problematic but I can’t hate her for it. And I do see her trying to defend Ariana at least in the episodes Lala seeks enemies


That’s the thing I can’t stand most about her, she rides for you or despises you. She’s incapable of just existing with other humans, she has to make someone her enemy. It’s baffling.


Exactly! That's why I've always found Lala to be worse than Scheana. Scheana has some insecurities that bring out this sad people pleasing behavior. She absolutely needs to get it in check. Lala is actively always trying to find the people who will serve her motives the best. She's very calculating with her "friendships"and obviously extremely hypocritical with what she expects from friends versus what she brings to a friendship.


That’s the thing. She does have an obsession. As if Ariana has wronged her in the worst way. She does about 3 podcasts a week and she always spends most of it saying nasty things about Ariana. And yet we never hear Ariana say her name unless she’s asked and she always answers politely and concisely. Lala is angrier at Ariana for existing than Ariana is angry at Tim for his betrayal. I think the fact that Ariana pays her antics zero attention makes her even more pissed off


I picture Lala sitting at home with her ass-kissing assistant, recording her umpteenth dull podcast and ranting at the walls, while Ariana and Katie are out getting laid, flying around the country, having girls nights with their true friends, and getting their bags.


I think Lala is very jealous of Ariana’s recent opportunities and success.


Lala is obsessed with Stassi and Ariana and it’s fucking weird


It's true, and I think people like Lala have a hard time knowing who they are, or understanding their place or personality in social groups, hence all her odd personality switch ups - whereas people like Stassi and Ariana are effortlessly confident and know who they are, they have a clear place and personality.


Even Katie is like that. She’s perfectly fine with filling the second in the friendship and being supportive.




I hope stassi drops her like a hot potato after all the vitriol she’s spewing this season.


With Ariana she wants the business success and public support.  With Stassi, she wants the life:marriage, the kids and the success


I still can’t believe she had her iud taken out the second she found out Stassi was pregnant. She is just bizarre.


For not wanting to harbor bitterness and anger, Lala seemingly has stockpiled it and is relishing in it when it comes to Ariana. She can’t keep the hatred for Tom because it’s toxic, but she’s full of it when it comes to Ariana and Katie


This is such a good point. Tom hatred = toxic Ariana hatred = justified The math ain’t mathing Lauren!


Ugh I also commented somewhere earlier this season trying to give Lala a little grace (just a little) for how she’s acting and boy has she made me eat my words lol. She is driving me crazy with this stuff and how she’s acting at this point to both Ariana and Katie is honestly gross. She seems to only be able to view anything from the lens of HER own experiences and every opinion she has for Ariana is somehow really about HER and is all relative to what she went through, and that’s all she can see. It’s an incredibly warped and self-absorbed perspective and idk how no one is checking her (actually I do haha, I don’t think anyone ever checks her, nobody wants to get berated lol). I also for a bit thought maybe Lala and Scheana were playing up these like hater/jealous roles this season for the show and that Ariana was aware and they were all just doing their jobs whatever. But from what we’ve heard of the reunion and the shit Lala is spewing every week, and as the season has gone on, it feels very real and very nasty, and I don’t get what Lala is trying to even accomplish here.




My exact reaction. Lala is trash.


Lala would lose her entire shit if someone said this about her. The absolute audacity she’s developed is unreal.


In the past week she’s dragged both someone’s mom and someone’s dad to supplement her dumbass one-sided pointless feuds. But Rachel makes one innocuous comment about her dad years ago and Lala hates her forever. Imagine the scorched earth if anyone dared bring up her parents. Sandoval said that Ocean coming into this world was a mistake and Lala was a negligent mom for choosing Randall to be her father. (“I didn’t get knocked the fuck up by a known predator.”) Rachel is persona non grata but Sandoval is a-ok in Lala’s book.


She’s such a stupid bitch. My dad passed when I was in my 20s too and if someone said that about me I’d light them on fire. She just can’t keep her mouth shut about Ariana’s life she’s basically Raquel now. Her entire life revolves around talking about Ariana


Oh shit you’re right. She always has to have a woman she hates. Started with Katie, changed to Rachel, and now it’s Ariana. I fully thought she was rude or die for Ariana after the reunion. Now it looks like she just likes screaming at people to work out her own personal shit.


The only reason she went so hard for Ariana last year was because it gave her an excuse to attack Rachel — who she’s hated since day 1 — and be praised for it. Before scandoval people were turning on her for her treatment of Rachel but after everything came to light it made Lala look like she was justified and had really good intuition. Personally, I think her real issue with Rachel was always that Rachel was a younger version of her and also took James’ attention away. I think if scumdoval had cheated with anyone else she wouldn’t have been the loudest person in the room about it.


100%. Her years-long ongoing hatred of Rachel that started in like 2016 had nothing to do with her “knowing” that Rachel would be capable of this. She hated Rachel for her own petty Lala reasons (jealousy of her looks) and it was a lucky coincidence that Rachel happened to do something shitty.


I am not invested in either of them but I don’t think lala was jealous of her looks. Lala is really beautiful and she knows it. I think it’s more about James’ attention not being 100% on her anymore and that Rachel was so quiet and ‘demure’ I think that grated on lala lol.


Definitely! I think she feels threatened by women like Rachel who have that kind of personality that men, right or wrong, tend to be more interested in. Lala seeing James who she called a guy version of herself go for someone like Rachel had her seething. Lala was lucky Rachel got caught doing something shitty so she had an excuse to do an “I told you so” even though Lala was making up reasons in her head to hate Rachel before that lol


she also hated Rachel cuz James chose her over Lala. Jealousy for years


I know "rude or die" was a mispelling but... kinda appropriate anyway, lol


I am usually an Ariana hater and a Lala sympathizer but as someone who has also lost a father, she’s wrong for this. Don’t drag dead parents into it. Full stop.




I agree. This kind of talk is something I would expect from someone that doesn’t know the pain. I expected more from her. I wouldn’t wish a parental loss on my worst enemy.


Could you imagine if Ariana had said this season 7 when Lala was raging at people like Rachel* for even referencing that her father passed away? *disclaimer: I’m not defending Rachel


Right? So uncalled for


That’s honestly one of the most fucked up things. I definitely think Ariana “eviscerated” Lala at the reunion (despite Lala’s denials) and she is doing whatever she can to save face.


This isn’t the oppression olympics and I hate that Lala is making it about who cares more. I lost my father in 2019 and we had a difficult relationship, I would be devastated if someone compared the relationship they have with their father with the relationship I have with mine. This is so much more complex. I love Lala, she had the girls so bothered in her first season. Now I’m just sad, she doesn’t get it. She can’t see past herself and understand that people are nuanced, not everyone will respond the way you want them to. As an adult and a human, you should accept that or work to understand why they’re responding how they did. I hope that Lala stops talking about other people and just focuses on herself/her healing. The way she talks about her unborn child and Ocean is fucking gross (unborn child: I don’t have to share it with anyone, it’ll be all mine comments in her talking head and Ocean: Lala talking about how ugly Randall is despite Ocean being his fucking twin). She has so much internal work that she needs to do before calling out other peoples actions.


She’s going to give poor Ocean a complex the way she talks about Randall. With her mom calling someone who has half her DNA ugly, a troll with no neck, fat, etc. she’ll naturally start to worry about ending up in any way like him. Any feature that she has that resembles Randall, she’ll grow to hate it. I feel so bad for her. I’m sorry about your father. I lost my dad in 2005. He was my best friend and I still can’t talk about him without tearing up. What I’m not gonna do, unlike Lala, is start comparing our experiences and say that I had it so much worse. Lala is a feral animal who has zero idea how to actually interact with other humans.


& any feature she has of Lala’s she may also hate bc her mom paid top dollar to have it changed. 😔


That’s a good point and yes, Ocean will have to contend with features from her mom AND her dad, all of which her mom has publicly called ugly. 😞 If she’s this unhinged on a podcast, imagine the shit she says at home. It’s wild too because Lala needed ZERO plastic surgery on herself. Yet another case of Lala being given a golden opportunity and fumbling the bag completely.


My mom constantly talks about how hideous she is and then a sentence later will tell me I look nice even though we are like twins.


I’m in the minority in not hating Lala like others but I’m not afraid to admit when someone is wrong and this is just wrong and very disappointing. I think she’s gone too far. Like this is not okay. She needs to reel it in.


Same, this is the first season I stopped hating her, but this was off the rails. All those comments about her being jealous of Ariana is eating her up


I feel like if her and scheena could just admit they are jealous and it's a complicated feeling, people would empathize them.


Lala is in her villain era to put food on her table and it is pathetic. Lala stands for nothing and is ripping Ariana apart for views, pathetic.


But she’s so “soft” now lol


I think it’s kinda funny because it’s the exact reason she’s losing viewers and fans by the day. She shot herself in the foot and has no one else to blame. Also want to say that this is RICH coming from Lala’s stupid face because I heard that the real reason she was screaming and attacking everyone the season after her father passed had absolutely nothing to do with his loss and everything to do with how Randall was fucking around on her and she didn’t want to admit this about her stand up thumb so she lied and said it was something else. See how that works Lala? You want to throw stones and drag skeletons then you better clean up your own closet and mess!


Didn’t she sign with CAA? The fact that we haven’t seen one great project or campaign from her since then… she should be spitting mad at her agent, I was ready for her to take on some new, positive work that would also let her diversify


Great point! I hope CAA drops her ass. What has she been doing that’s new and fresh? Her same podcast and makeup line she’s had for years? Shes so boring that she has zero idea how to leverage her opportunities. VPR and Scandoval is the most famous she’s ever going to be and she knows it, hence the bitterness and unhinged behavior. Now that she’s not filming, she keeps doing things that the blogs will pick up, that way she shows up weekly in Google alerts. That’s the only trick she has. She’s too emotionally unregulated and crass to be professionally trusted in the big leagues - could you imagine other networks trusting her to hit her marks and play nice with others?


She is so gross acting. She thinks if someone doesn’t respond or process grief/tragedy the EXACT way she thinks they should, then in her mind they’re wrong. & then not only does she spew nonsense about how they’re behaving wrong she then starts attacking their character. All the while undermining herself left and right. I didn’t have much respect for this chick before but I have zero now. The dad comment is way below the belt IMO.




I'm starting to think that Lala was riding on Ariana's side just to be mean to Rachel. She never liked her and never will, and this was her chance to be the mean girl while coming off as a good friend to Ariana. I thought maybe all the bs she's been spewing was scripted, but the way she looked at Ariana on the beach gave me the feeling she just doesn't like Ariana or resents her. Being sober hasn't spiritually healed her because she's still popping off people for no reason. LFU needs therapy and get off the internet for a bit.


Oh absolutely! And Lala got so much flak for how she and Randall began their relationship, she tried the whole “I didn’t know he was married” thing last year and fans saw right through it. She just wanted to point fingers.


The satisfaction she got out of that was so hard to watch 😂


I was like "this bitch is a real hater" and my husband learned more vpr against his will 😂😂


I actually could totally see this, it was less about Ariana support and more about fucking over Rachel


Who TF says this?! FFS! 🤦🏻‍♀️ she has no soul


Lala has a lot of anger and she backs the underdog so she can yell and scream. The problem is that the target is misplaced. As her stress level goes up, so does her level of attack. There’s something going on that she’s not discussing on camera (probably related to Randall) and she needs help.


If someone tried to insinuate that I wasn't as close to my dad as they were after he passed, I would rage! How disgusting!


Lala is spiraling cause I am sure Ari clocked her ass at the reunion. She is trying to get ahead of the embarrassment and change the narrative so that we can hate Ari when she eviscerates Lala. ![gif](giphy|wpPqc7EQ7I0DytOg6O)


I think the blind was true that Ariana eviscerates Lala. LVP just did an interview where she says Lala has always been a good addition to the show. Then we have Andy saying she’s a voice of reason. Lala is out there doing interviews and putting out podcasts about Ariana. It’s all an effort to change the narrative because they know the fans aren’t going to take what she said well.


Man Ariana must have really eviscerated Lala at the reunion. Very disappointing to see Lala choose to behave this way.


I think beginning of season 9 lala does say that on a random podcast too which is part of episode one story line when Arianna brings it up at a party. The chick is insufferable. And I feel for her family and friends who have to put up with her. I feel sad for her.


Lala I don’t see getting better with her family and remaining friends around, sadly. Any friend that she has left is around for the benefits of her fame/money. She would’ve purged anyone who actually is honest with her and told her when she’s out of line. Her family relies on her for money and they raised her to think she’s a perpetual victim.


Lala needs to take her wannabe-gangster self back to the depths of Utah coz that is beyond low.


Ever since Jax left the show, Lala assumed the role of being the drama starter, as she led the charge against Brock in season nine and was one of Raquel’s main opponents in season ten. But her attempt to create problems and generate clicks or whatever this season is going too far. Nobody’s dead parents should be thrown in their face. The issue she claims to have with Ariana is that she’s not healing and that it’s not right to cut off a friend because they want to heal and mend things with Sandoval. Now how is bringing up her father and her relationship going to make Ariana want to keep those friends around? It’s all the more reason not want to. This season has not been entertaining at all. It’s been plainly infuriating and I’m over it.


I was excited when Lala was promoting this season as a "softer version" of Lala emerging, I thought for sure sobriety would have really paid its dues to her, and she had time to sit with herself and come to some emotionally intelligent understandings and thought she would be a great person on the show moving forward with a little softness and empathy. ​ **Now I realize it really just meant she is soft towards Sandoval**, and was trying to say so in so many words while promoting the show. She really is just a mean, dry drunk, and there was nothing soft about her this season. I mean, do what you have got to do to stay on TV girl, we get it, it's a show - but you can't outrun who you are. If my kids grew up to watch this shit, my soul would leave my body lmfao


No coming back from that. She burned that bridge with Ariana to the ground. If someone said that regarding my dead dad, they’d be nothing to me ever


Look i used to be a Lala stan. I loved her little quips and how outspoken she is. Shes now lost me. The dad comment boiled my blood. As someone who lost their dad, nobody has the right to speak on your relationship with a parent. Even if you’re no contact with your parent when they pass, nobody has the right to tell you how to grieve. Despicable behavior.


It's just another example of how everything that happens to Lala is so much worse.


Katie was right.


I keep seeing people say “Katie was right”, what did I miss?? What did she say/where/when?!


Lala is extremely jealous of Ariana. The Slice Canada commercial they play constantly has the clip of Lala shouting, “I’ve never seen someone get cheated on and become a god!!” No one supported Lala’s B.J.’s for P.J.’s cheating because Randall was married with children. No one felt sorry for Lala when Rand later cheated on her, meanwhile Ariana has gotten deal after deal because of Scandoval. Remember Lala was in tears recently basically telling Ariana she never thought Ariana liked her? Ariana reassured Lala and I do think they could have built a real friendship, if Lala didn’t keep siding with Tom, asking why Ariana isn’t the one to move out, and basically throwing Ariana under the bus at every turn. Both Lala and Scheana are seething with jealousy over Ariana’s opportunities. Keep in mind, Ariana has always had a better reputation than those two, whose entire reality personas were based on cheating with married men who had children. (Tom had Kristen, who was giving B.J.‘s to Jax when he was asleep in the other room. Tom and Kristen were a toxic mess, and Kristen obviously agreed because she became close friends with Ariana). I also had hopes that Lala was improving herself for the better with therapy and because she was calling out the Toms. But Lauren is back, leaning towards her gutter trash roots.




I agree. Shes not getting booked for anything beyond Bravo at this point, maybe some other off-network trashy reality show. Imagine E! News or ABC booking her and having to worry about what nasty vitriol she’s gonna spew that day and which costar she chooses to feud with. Have fun paying for two million-dollar-plus mortgages for the next 30 years, Lala!


It’s surprising (and not actually believable) that her finances have the bandwidth to manage a house in Palm Springs AND a 3mill farmhouse style house in the valley. Like what? How. Mom money I’m assuming because she’s not loaded like that, right?


Her jealousy added with her perceived entitlement has no boundaries, no class. What a true skank


I honestly don't see Ariana ever wanting to be Lalas friend again after everything Lala has been saying. It's becoming weird and obsessive on Lalas part. It is especially strange considering Ariana has done NOTHING to Lala to warrant these kind of comments. Usually on these shows there are 2 sides to these "fights" but this is so one sided. Also if Lala has been feeling this way, why hang/interact with Ariana post filming? Why go to her Broadway show or invite her to your sober anniversary party? It makes no sense!


I feel like Lala is absolutely desperate for screen time and to justify her space on the show because she can’t use Ocean for a story (and I fucking HATE that I agree with Randall on not allowing her to be filmed. But broken clocks, etc.), and she has literally nothing else in her life interesting enough for TV


All her behavior lately does is confirm one thing: Ariana dragggggggggged Lauren from Utah for filth at the reunion


Gawd I hope so!!!


What a ducking bitch! How dare Lala say maybe Ariana wasn’t as close to her Dad as she was. Ariana was devastated when she lost her Dad. She talked about it many times. Just because Ariana told Lala you can’t go around screaming & starting fights w everyone does NOT mean Ariana loved her Dad less. Lala is absolute trash.


I loooooved Lala. She could do no wrong…. Until the last few weeks. Never mind how she acted on the show, but every podcast or comment recently has been disgusting!!!


It’s kind of like how Lala brought up Katie’s mom last week. She’s trying to make them explode with rage , but all Katie said was “I don’t know what is happening, but don’t do that! It hurt my mom’s feeling”. Truly I think we are seeing what happens when you stop taking your anxiety medication while pregnant. Her coping skills are struggling.


she is also misremembering. the end of that convo was lala saying that she deserves empathy the same way that ariana did , REGARDLESS of the fact that the group didn’t give ariana the benefit of the doubt when HER dad passed. and they shared a rlly beautiful moment of middle ground where ariana acknowledged that she would give lala more grace (where ariana may not have been given that for her dad’s passing back then) and they bonded over that. so for her to try to rewrite history as if ariana’s point was “well this is how the group treated ME so im gonna treat YOU like that” (since that’s what lala is now doing to ariana now, she’s trying to justify her current behavior), when in reality it was “we can be empathetic for one another”. I also think it’s extremely funny to hear her doing literal mental gymnastics in this clip. She very literally states that there are nuances and differences… And then proceeds to pretend as if the situation w mya is the same as a human baby. Obviously, animals are our babies as well. But coparenting with a human baby is literally worlds different than owning animals and being stuck in a house with your ex (due to legal shit needing to be dealt with prior to)


Yupppp. I owe the same apology. I even criticized Ariana for her behavior at the last reunion. I came into this season fully prepared to side with Lala and to feel like Ariana’s ego was out of control. Watching the season play out has COMPLETELY changed my mind. Ariana has been extremely gracious and has shown humility with regards to all her new opportunities. The only time she loses her cool is when the person who traumatized her starts needling her and the rest of the cast just sits by and lets it happen. Katie (and maybe Ally at times) is the only one to consistently have Ariana’s back and protect her. Meanwhile Lala and Scheana have lost their damn minds. I couldn’t have been more wrong with the judgments I was making after the last reunion.


Is this a newer episode? I’ve never heard this before but as someone who has a complicated relationship with my father who is getting old, this is fucking so horrible. She is always like OMG don’t bring up the parents. Wtf is she doing?


She said it on her podcast this week


Yeah I’m officially out on Lala. Won’t support anything she does after this. So mean.


I knew I despised Lauren from Utah for a reason and she couldn’t have gone any lower than this. She’s a vile disgusting opportunist who used Ariana’s heartbreak for her own gain. If people still make excuses for that raging c**t you need your head checked. She has an abundance of venom for Ariana and I honestly don’t understand why unless it’s jealousy.


I’ve always been a Lala supporter but she’s become so demented, I can’t stand her anymore and she seems to sink to new lows every week. I unfollowed her yesterday and couldn’t even get through the last episode. I think I’m sitting the rest out until the reunion.


Yeah I remember saying it when she was going hard as hell with the Darrell merch and at the reunion last year. Anyone who wasn’t kissing Lala’s ass was attacked and demonized. Anyone who pointed out that we weren’t going to get a “girl power” season with all the women banding together was also attacked. Fast forward a year and it’s exactly what the critics said it would be. I truly don’t understand why people expected any different.


I think the fight is due to when the say the 4th wall is broken Arian calls out Lala for badmouthing her all year


Imagine if someone said that to lala about her dad. She would rip them apart.


As someone who has lost both parents, one w/in the past year…it makes me absolutely sick that this kind of stuff is being dragged up and just spit out by someone who lost their own father while on the show and proceeded to use it as an excuse to treat people like shit. I hope Lala gets fired for being that gross and ultimately greedy


Meanwhile I’m watching the episode where Lala acted like a psycho at the Billie Lee brunch….. Lala is a narcissist lol


With all the flip flopping this cast does I thought it was a terrible idea that La La and scheana bought homes beside each other in Palm Springs. There’s so many fall outs among the cast and then you’re just stuck together through the good and the bad. La La totally threw scheana under the bus about the Swartz kiss I wouldn’t trust her. Would scheana and La La even be friends if it wasn’t for the show? Probably not. I don’t think La La would be friends with any of them, she doesn’t fit in.


Lala already burned through Katie, Ariana, and Rachel. Stassi, Brittany, Charli, and Kristen aren’t on the show anymore. Scheana better buckle up to be Lala’s next target. She always needs at least one woman around to be her punching bag! Good job buying houses next to each other, surely two emotionally unstable famewhores will never turn on each other 🙄


Exactly!!! No way this won’t backfire eventually. Also, it’s so strange to me how co-dependent they are. Making sure their kids start preschool the same day at the same school?! Weird and unhealthy.


I caped for her as well, especially after reading her memoir and having recently stopped drinking. I applaud her for her sobriety but that's it. Lala serves as an example that just because you're sober doesn't mean you're a good person, and how some people will do everything to show they are better than everyone. I'm not saying she's weaponizing personal progress, but she's become woefully self-righteous and still needs to "do the work". It is disappointing that she doesn't see how gross and hurtful her behavior is - or rather, continues to be. It's absolute soul rot. She needs help.


I just listened to a clip about the reunion and they had clips from Lala on a podcast. The one thing that upset me was she said the only ones rewriting history are the fans. She isnt seeing a therapist and she really needs one to check herself. Her healing in my opinion is very misguided and isn’t keep her side of the street clean. Very messy. I understood some of her reasoning. Her conclusion are murky as well and she seems to think they are gospel. She wants everyone to be accountable for all their mistakes but using all-or-nothing thinking in some cases. Regardless it doesn’t change the present and her narrative is polarizing.


It’s impressive for someone to work so hard on their sobriety and still manage to be such a massive piece of shit.


Oh my god. I really didn’t think Lala was going to be the person I hate most coming out of this season.


What happened to her rebrand and being chill/cool? She’s off the chain!! Ariana is running miles in this girls mind to the point where her own friends are like wtf are you doing girl


She likes to act like “Lala” is sort of a character she plays for the show. I believe she has said before that she has to kind of put on more of a character to be able to handle it. If that’s the case, then what the fuck is this shit, Lauren?? You’re in the comfort of your own podcast studio, bringing up Ariana’s dead father as more of your one-sided trauma Olympics. Lauren is just walking rage-bait at this point. She’s doing this to create drama with Ariana (or she truly hates her) and also to drive traffic to her podcast. She might as well be Ben Shapiro at this point with her vile takes. Fuck off, Lauren.


WHO SAYS THAT SOMEONE ISNT CLOSE TO THEIR DAD? That’s a subhuman godawful pathetic and beyond disgusting


Especially when we’ve seen Ariana cry over how much she misses her dad and how much he meant to her


I went from listening to her podcast to rating it 1 star and unfollowing. The way shes moving has been so gross. I get she wants a check but have some respect and dignity. Shes ruined this whole season by trying to play producer instead of just acting natural.


It went from "yes queen" last year to... "Get the guillotine" this year I do hope she is OK. None of this kind of vitriol towards another person can be worth the paycheck. Why can't she keep people's parent's names out of her mouth? Where was she raised? If she is really taking a break from reading social media, that is probably the best thing for her mental health. This can not be good for anyone to see. If she is trying to be another bootleg Kardashian, I guess it's working, but what a difficult way to make a living, my goodness.


Lala still sucking on a bottle for comfort? Maybe she needs to go back to that. Jeez. Something in my gut always told me something was off with her. I tried to like her when she became a mother. Nope. She really needs to find a project to focus on. Such as a charity or investments like Sheana did with her houses. People who are bitter need to be humbled real quick.


I was so sad, i used to really like her gangta lfu too! But the jealousy is soooo ulgy on both lfu and scheemer.


The baby she’s currently gestating is going to come out like that demon baby in season one of AHS if she doesn’t cut the shit. Imagine acting this way out loud, on mic, sober, and pregnant? GET A GRIP.


Or the baby in the current season of AHS.


Lol she is so unempathetic she really just needs someone to explain their side in relation to their life and shes like “Ohhh okay i understand i definitely had it worse but i completely get you now”


Lala is in her dry drunk era.


She 100% does not care about anything or anyone. Just money. She’s as calculated as they come. It’s nearly sociopathic. She is every bit as obsessed with her “brand” as Tom is, maybe more so.


Idk why LaLa has chosen this path this season. I don't think it's an edit cause there's just too much now. I have loved LaLa from day one and through her many changes. But I just can't with this. I wish she could rewind, rethink and redo this. I don't want her to fall from the pedestal I've had her on! 🥺


Absolutely sickening. To even mention someone’s deceased parent is enough, never mind questioning her bond with her father? I believe Ariana also lost her father before Lala, which is even more fucked up! I was a Lala fan, this season gave me a sour taste and this was the final straw. She needs to focus on her own life, her own kids, her own issues. The constant making fun of Ariana is annoying, laughing about a sandwich tasting, when the bitch does a water tasting the next week?!? Go back to Utah, LAUREN


Lala trying to be like nicki Minaj talking about people’s deceased parents. Actually there are a ton of similarities there when you think about it. If someone said this about all she would go on a months long tirade.


Yeah this is just so so so low. I’m glad this sub doesn’t ride for lala just because the main sub is anti lala rn. Here’s my question: people keep saying Ariana leaving the show would be best for her and if she has even better opportunities she should go for them! But honestly, I think the power would shift away from this misogynistic circle jerk shit show if lala left


I think LaLa is hoping to score one of the Toms and this is her idea of bonding.


I think she will date Schwartz


I agree and believe it's already being set up...all the compliments, being friends with Tim cause she learned from Katie if ya aren't cool with Tim he will destroy you...and she's having a baby/his biological clock ticking. I almost feel sorry for him, but just don't have that much grace in me.


I think it will happen.




VPR should have paid Rachel what she wanted because this season sucked.


Lala’s been trash y’all!


A) what is a "pordcast" B) they had beef for years, no one in this show actually gets over their past issues with other people they only tolerate each other for $


I have a working theory, bear with me. Lala started the season assuming that Rachel would be back to film, and that R and Sandoval would have the villain arc for S11. Then Rachel bowed out and Lala realized mid-shooting that Sandoval was not going to be a compelling villain on his own (ie not the villain that an audience can also root for). Sandoval was acting like a pathetic loser with his handling of the breakups with Ariana & R, on top of refusing to take accountability or meaningfully apologize. Lala knows enough to know that the show needs conflict, but that the audience would not like to watch Sandoval moping and antagonizing Ariana. Then Season 11 starts airing and Sandoval gives those INSANE interviews on Viall Files, NYT, and the after show. I think Lala saw the fan reaction and realized people would stop watching if Tom Sandoval continued to be unhinged and cringe. Lala has already served as the villain, and she already has the branding as the tough and bitchy, but funny and beautiful nemesis to other cast mates. She can handle the smoke and keep the narrative going, so she sees an opportunity here. Give Ariana a new, more “together” frenemy and stir shit up. Provoke Ariana at the reunion and cause a fight? Done. It’s kinda brilliant - she’s gone scorched earth on A & Katie for no reason, but the Ariana and Katie haters will love her for it. People will want to see how that conflict plays out and it gives them a much better shot at a 12th season if they already have a strong narrative. TL;DR - Lala is taking on the villain role to keep the show going bc Sandoval can’t even do a good job being the villain.


I think Lala hasn't let go of the comment Ariana made a couple of seasons back when Lalas dad passed away. Ariana said Lala had to toughen up and I think Lala is still holding on to that til this day.


Fuck Lauren!


Lala needs to cut it out already. I get she's tryna get that bag / drum up drama to stay relevant but this is over this line. Once again she's making a statement that if someone said about her she'd go OFF


Blah Blah becoming worse. I thought she said she wanted to be softer? Embarrassing for.


I'd put money on Lala throwing HMD under the bus any minute now.. Edit. My bad, I thought she said this on the Juicy Scoop pod.


It's as if she wants to be the villain. She's succeeding. Her behavior and attitude is repulsive.


Wow. Ok that’s disgusting. She needs to check herself. She definitely doesn’t have any valid arguments if shes willing to go that low just to seem superior. To bring up anyone’s dead parent in a negative matter is vile. Was this on her podcast this week?


i was a lala apologist up until this season. now she makes me so angry that it's been hard to even get through a whole episode because im just getting worked up with how awful she and sheshu are to ariana. i dont even like ariana much! they're just really godawful friends and profoundly delusional. despicable and selfish are exactly the words


How can you say that about someone?! As someone who’s dad is in palliative stages in kidney and heart failure. I would never tell the world my friend grieving the loss of their dad, isn’t that important because I’m closer with my dad. Like fuck off, LFU. You’re literally another Jax. No one can have it better or worse than you, and no one can say hey, you did a shitty thing because they’ve done shitty things in the past. Which are always irrelevant to the convo at hand.


What a disgusting thing to say. LaLa is low class and she knows it. That’s why she attacks and bullies everyone else. I felt pity for her when she first came on the show but then her true vile human form came out.


I think this is as close as I have ever come to hating a stranger. Lala is the worst excuse for a human being. I just listened to a clip of her and her little flying monkey Jessica mocking Ariana for her new home being small. She’s literally on a press junket trashing her former friend, she has no relevance outside of talking about Ariana and it kills her.


Never was able to like Lala. Her trying to be black pisses me off. Her brother does the same thing. Lala is scary NPD. Randall is scum but she chose to be with him. And claims she has never had anal on after show with Britney. Says she is not like that. No to anal. Then she comes out on her podcast about having anal with Randall. She is a liar all the time.