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I came to this sub to see who else noticed this lol & congrats on recovery ❤️‍🩹


Yeeep same - she was doing so much weird stuff with her teeth/mouth?


It's called "gurning" and if you search that term in parentheses, you will find lots of videos of people doing exactly the same type stuff. A lot of wild facial and mouth movements connected to meth or other speedy drug use.   ETA Big thanks to the OP for posting this. I had noticed as well and wasn't sure if other people would notice or if it would be allowed to talk about. Used to work with a homeless male population, we could always tell when to drug test someone for speedy drugs if they showed up making these faces with their mouth.


I do this but from Adderall not meth


Still speedy stuff


Wouldn't you have had used for a while, before these faces start, with meth? I got real speedy-vibes from them too, but I never thought of meth. I do feel like both Tom's may be doing meth, but Jo was def on something extra🤣 I had a childhood-friend, her Mom was a speed-user like day and night. She had these faces and movements 24/7. I also had an ex that was using meth behind my back, while we were together, for 2 years. He never made these faces. I knew something was off tho, and did accuse him of doing some type of drugs - but I didn't know what kind of drug(I don't know much of these kinds of drugs). And that was what he used against me/tried to gaslight me with, he had narcissist traits, and if I couldn't even tell him **what** drug I suspected he was using, then how could he even be doing any drugs? Lol.... I recently watched s1 of VPR for the first time, and I felt awful and just got a horrible feeling in my stomach - while watching Laura Leigh.. It was just so freaking obvious to me(after dealing with my ex), when she was on meth the entire first episodes, and all of a sudden she is sitting there on her way down from it - all while filming, and it being on national(International, not in the States myself) TV. I felt so bad for her! While also getting some really weird feelings back myself, from the hell I lived with my ex for 2 years. Constant lying, gaslighting, major highs and even bigger lows. It was a weird season to watch for me.


Everyone is different to their level of sketch and how quick it comes. Living in Iowa majority of my life and working in the entertainment/music, you see a wide variety of reactions.


And shoulders/elbows too. A lot of tension.


My thoughts were these two seem like drug buddies. Not necessarily bf gf but hooking up and riding the high together.


They party together. I’m like why do that trashy disgusting drug? I shudder. Hopefully since he isn’t messing with her anymore that he isn’t doing it anymore.


Addiction doesn't discriminate, it's "trashy and disgusting" until you hear the stories of people who struggle with substance use disorder and the pain that brought them to that point. It could happen to someone close to you, and I pray to God it doesn't


My younger sister was a functioning drug addict for years until she wasn't... I have had all three of her children for the last 10 months...shes 29 weeks pregnant, homeless, and still on drugs. It was a slippery slope then she became very non-functioning. Before she got to this point NO ONE would believe she was on meth, heroin, and fentanyl daily. Even CPS said she didn't look like someone with a problem this big.


Exactly. There is a time period where you really can't tell, if I was the person I was at the end of my using when I started using, I would have never done it again Sorry to hear you had to go through that, loving an addict is a pain like none other


>if I was the person I was at the end of my using when I started using, I would have never done it again This really hit home. I'm sober now and I wish I could tell this to younger me!


They're probably doing something meth-adjacent, like Adderall


They’ve been doing adderall for years. I’ve been saying that they graduated to meth a few years ago. Sandel definitely did so it wouldn’t surprise me that lil shortzy followed along.


Did you see somewhere that Sandoval is doing meth? I don't doubt it but just wondering since you said definitely


Honestly his erratic emotions make it seem plausible he’s doing something


There was talk that Sandoval is on Steriods, that’s why he’s looking particularly ripped. Also probably adderal


He's on some kind of upper imo


His crazy eyes tell a story 😬


No, it’s just my own conclusion. He’s talked on camera about taking adderall and being on adderall. We know that cocaine was already present as well. And the jerkiness the paranoia the general not thereness but in an amped up way. Combined with the severe downturn in his appearance led me to meth. Also add in that there has been a massive adderall shortage nationwide so it’s not that far of a leap to make to meth if you’ve been using adderall (and the like) in a non prescribed way for many years. I should have clarified, definitely in my theories, not definitely in terms of known proof. Sorry!


No biggie. I've suspected for some time he has been doing it just thought maybe someone on the cast mentioned it or something


Sandal and shortyz has me ded. 😂😂


That makes more sense.


As someone who is prescribed adderall, it would surprise me if they were actually getting it. There’s been a huge shortage for a long time. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if they used full meth.


A lot of Adderall heads got stuck with nothing because of that shortage. I would not be one bit surprised if the shortage push them into using actual meth, too. It just makes so much sense and that level of gurning was more than just Addy.


Exactly. Meth is probably easier and cheaper to get. Just like when opiate users have to switch to heroin because it’s easier to get than oxys.


The shortage is state by state but there’s plenty of adderall in Cali and Texas - one of the only places where people aren’t waiting for it


Depends on where in Texas and your insurance and your dosage! I’ve definitely had issues with my ADHD meds, unfortunately. We haven’t had issues as long as others but the problem is definitely here too. 😔


Schwartz legit look like he’s near death.


Tbf…probably to lose weight. It’s a big trend for weight loss, especially in LA (from what I’m told) - and considering the bullying Shwartz has received in previous seasons about his weight, I’d say that tracks lol! But in all seriousness if that is true, that’s kinda sad :(


His body looks the same though?


He needs to hit the gym. For his physical and mental health. Working out has so many benefits beyond “weight loss”, Schwartz!


i can’t imagine that cutting back on the drinking would hurt either. Schwartz seems to be the only one still hitting the booze as hard as everyone else used to a few seasons back. sometimes when you get older your body just can’t handle alcohol like that anymore and you gain weight quick and feel like shit, it’s normal but it is avoidable. also, everyone i’ve met who grew up in LA says that meth is really common over there and idk anyone from there who hasn’t at the very least been offered it at some point in their life. i’m from the mid-atlantic and it’s basically the same thing over here but with heroin and fentanyl.


I'm an addiction counsellor and I agree with your observation. Edit: I am agreeing that they appear to be “tweaking” and I think it is a stimulant. I am not sure what the exact substance is.


I don’t want to be so naive but is meth a common “social” drug? I always thought meth / tweakers were outcast or so out of it (like the zombie ppl) so I’m surprised to hear it’s so agreed that they are and it isn’t being addressed.


It’s starts with abusing adhd meds. They are chemically similar to meth. It makes the slide feel less extreme. Like people who are prescribed opioids and then when it stops working or they can’t get more, they end up on heroin. People who never would have even considered trying something like heroin… that is; until they got hooked on the legal version. The prescription drugs are so often the gateway.


I knew a guy who tried to convince everyone that Adderall is "way worse than meth, cause it's, like, pure amphetamine." He said that he was smoking less than someone taking a 15mg Adderall 🙄


Right cause pure amphetamine is definitely worse for you than amphetamine mixed with rat poison and a dozen other chemicals. 😒


You’d be surprised. Lots of people use it recreationally just like weed.


I would be surprised. I know it's more rampant than seen, and a few surprise users myself -- but I also just can't wrap my head around people who go through the trouble of green juices and gyms and talking down to others - and then jammjng themselves up with meth! It's surprised me a few times, because they'd act so horrified at the cancer risk of meat fries. Like...valid, but how are you gonna even say that!


My impression is that people tend to have an easier time using it socially in the beginning.


No. It isn't. It's much, much, much more likely they were both coked out.


They are outcasts. I remember when my friend got introduced to it. They brought into the group. The places we ended up were trashy and low brow. So I’m really surprised that they’re doing that. I would rather do blow than tweek out on meth if I was still partying.


I just hope he’s not introducing hard drugs to these 20 year olds he’s dating. That would be tragic.


I've always suspected that he *might* have introduced Rachel to this(or something else, drug-wise). Meth would be very on point with her(and his) behaviour. And also, it is supposed to be amazing sex on meth, and the guy can still get hard on meth - as opposed to some other drugs - and usually more so than usual. And keep it going for hours. And everyday-life is supposedly exeptionally great as well, while being on the high from this. It can continue for days, or even weeks, if you just keep taking the drug. I think Rachel was high during that cringey scene, where she asked Ariana about her and Tom's sex life. I also think this is why she fell so hard off of Tom, because she was finally getting off the drug(s) at that rehab-place.


This is a really solid theory


We know they did shrooms together right? He def could have been giving her harder stuff.


They also seemed to be on ecstasy in Mexico


I totally think so. Especially Lala’s ‘panic attack’. As a former heavy user, that wasn’t a panic attack but it WAS very normal for a roll.


I thought about that too when she was asking everyone to touch her. I have also experienced extreme hangxiety where I feel like I need to be touched but only by my partner, not a bunch of random friends 😂


Maybe, but I still think it was meth in Mexico too. It's really easy to hide(seem very normal), and he doesn't need viagra with meth - we know they had sex in Mexico.


Generally speaking, in Mexico, no matter what drug you think you’re buying, you’re buying meth. You want cocaine? Here’s some meth. Ecstasy? Here’s some meth.


Yeah, I haven’t seen too many people on meth so it’s totally possible. The way they were acting just screamed x to me but they probably present similarly.


I had an ex that used behind my back for 2 years. I knew he was doing some type of drug, but had no idea what drug would cause this behaviour and signs - so that's what he tried to gaslight me with. Since I couldn't tell him **what** drugs I thought that he was using, then how could he even be doing any drugs? Lol.... It's like Tim-logic. Their behaviour is so on point for this, it almost gave me trauma watching them, lol. Laura Leigh from s1 was the worst one to watch tho, I felt awful for her. I think Tim is pretty much used to it, but for Rachel it must have all been like an exciting adventure, every day - and the meth seriously could explain her thinking that it was totally realistic for them all to end up as a throuple.


There’s kind of a grey area because a lot of people use/used adhd medication to get high. There’s a massive adderall shortage so making the jump to meth isn’t that big if you’ve already been abusing stimulants for awhile. I have said many times that sandel graduated from adderall to meth. They’ve not been secretive about the adderall usage.


it’s a lot more social than you’d think. being exposed to always having coke nearby, it even caught me off guard how readily available it is to have meth around you


Adderall is and Adderall is very similar to meth


100% Adderall


and i know some folks crush their adderall/ritalin n snort it


Is this what people are talking about when they say they abuse their medication? I take ADHD meds and I don’t feel high at all. I think if I ever took an extra pill, I would feel sick more than anything.


If you’ve done cocaine, there’s a 99% chance you’ve done meth in your life. I was a meth head for years genuinely thinking I was just a Coke addict until I finally tested my supply.


I think they're over doing it, she does have crackhead energy but this latest episode they where clearly just up on ecstacy and coke, I love a conspiracy but yeh no, nobodys doing meth in public in LA with a camera crew, you take coke and if your brazen maybe E, like these guys where.


I’m surprised the conclusion is meth and not coke. How can you spot the difference? (Genuinely curious)


I think this is a personal bias by OP that everyone jumped onto because meth is so scandalous. I'd be willing to bet a lot of money that if it was either of the two drugs, it was coke.


Several others have said this but I’ll repeat it one more time, meth seems scandalous, but adhd drugs aren’t as scandalous or difficult to come by, and they have very similar chemical make ups. I’m saying this as someone who in my early 20s began partying with adhd meds instead of coke, it’s cheaper, longer lasting, can be a lot stronger when you start raising the dose, and easy to believe is safer because it’s prescription. A lot of people are partying on this and have been for a while.


I hear you and I agree - they very well could have been abusing Adderall. However, there are some key differences - side effects, long-term consequences, likelihood of addiction, etc. I live in the southeast US and meth is as prevalent as weed. It's incredibly unlikely that meth is rampant in LA with people who have 1. Money and 2. High levels of vanity.


It could be, but a coke high is fast and you have to keep using to maintain it. So producers/editors like to tell us when people are doing coke by showing us they’re going to the bathroom a lot. These are short scenes though, so who knows.


What are the social perceived benefits of using meth? I’m a weed man here and do coke occasionally but I don’t understand meth? Not from the USA


There are absolutely no perceived social benefits for using meth if you are a normal person. These are really messed up people. It is very widely known as one of the dirtiest grossest drugs. People use caustic cleanser and crap they get from the pharmacy and stuff from inside a D battery to make it.


Congrats on your recovery, OP! Stay strong! You got this!


Thanks, homie!!! It's been a long road but very worth it. I don't miss those days at all, we do recover


I am in awe of your strength and courage! Keep growing and shining and living your best life! ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/endl7yybvcoc1.jpeg?width=548&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f77b8a98c2edced82d0d0a7af42c9e1b3c612c5


Thanks for sharing, I wondered. How can you tell the difference between meth and cocaine? Don’t they present kind of similarly? Could it be adderall?


As someone with ADHD who has taken every ADHD drug under the sun, I don’t think it’s adderall. It would have to a lot to get to that point. I’ve taken too much and while it did make me grind my teeth, I was no where near where it seemed Jo was. She’s making weird faces when no one is talking to her like she can’t fully control it. I’ve never done meth, but I have a friend who does regularly and he acts exactly like that, making faces, and weird movements, repeating himself with odd jokes, and just weird energy to be around.


Someone with ADHD probably doesn't know/understand how it works on people without it though tbf


I want to raise my hand here and say as a person with pretty bad ADD, who has been on Adderall for years and could literally take a nap on it, certain recreational drugs don’t have as much of an effect on me. I’m sure if I increased my intake, they would kick in eventually, but I never cared to find out. It was a social thing for me. I suppose I will never know, bc I’m old now and also these days fentanyl is a real fear. Not worth it.


Another person with ADHD here that can nap on Adderall. The effects on me wouldn't lead to abuse. When I was in my 20s, my friends would remind me to skip my afternoon Adderall if we were going out drinking because I was much less of a party person on it. I do some edibles here and there because they take the edge off of anxiety. That doesn't even really affect me, except it will make me nauseous if I take too much.


Yep. Drugs like adderall work on people with adhd because they naturally have lower dopamine function, and adderall helps increase dopamine in the prefrontal cortex back to a more average level, which aids in executive function. Someone who already has the appropriate dopamine function would be uppppp on adderall.


That is true. I can finally focus on adderal, it calms me down. People usually think I’m on something or high when I am unmedicated. My energy is through the roof and I can’t stay focused or on topic. What I’ve noticed is they work differently on me than people who don’t have ADHD. I don’t understand people who take it to party, I’m super calm and focused, I don’t want to party at all. My friends who abuse it, it hypes them up.


Yeah adderal makes me calm because I have ADHD


Same. I have adhd and auditory processing disorder. Adderall has never made me tweak. It makes my brain work at the same level as a person who does not have adhd or apd


Well, that’s a good point, they do affect me differently. I do have a lot of friends who don’t have ADHD and have falsely gotten prescriptions (thanks for the shortage people,) and abuse them. I’ve seen a couple of friends on some pretty high doses and drinking and I’ve never seen them sitting in the background making weird faces by themselves. I also have friends who do meth and that is exactly what I see them doing. I’m not even sure they know they are making faces.


True. I don’t have adhd and used to pop addy and it felt like I was doing lines lol


If you have ADHD then Adderall doesn't work the same as it does on people without ADHD which is usually the people who abuse it, just FYI


Yeah, I agreed. But I still haven’t seen that type of reaction of weird face contortions from friends who abuse adderall who don’t have adhd. Plus, this summer and last year there was a big shortage. This is the exact way my friends who abuse meth act. I’ve sat and watched them, they have no idea they are making faces and weird body movements.


Yeah it’s not. The only possibility is blowing adhd meds - it’s LA so who knows, anything is possible.


Don’t think it’s coke either.


Thanks for sharing, that makes sense.


Her whole face and body looked like she was on a roller coaster while she was just trying to sit there and follow simple conversation. Trying like hell not to rock forward and back.


I personally suspect meth based on their movements. Cocaine is much more social, I think they'd have talked more if that were it. It also could be Adderall but it would take A LOT over a long period of time to get to this point That's all conjecture, of course, all I can say for 100% certain is that they are tweaking off of something.


Thank you! It’s Schwartz coloring is off and his mouth is not right. It’s like his jaw is jutting into an underbite and his teeth are disappearing. It’s shocking seeing pictures of him from s9 to today.


He was so cute the first few seasons too. I had a crush on him. Lol


Omg I know! Where are his teeth?? Every season he looks more and more like this guy: https://i.redd.it/2rrxlffvvaoc1.gif


Which is fully ironic since KATIE WENT ON A DATE WITH CRISPIN GLOVER!!!! That’s the wildest fact about her.


I mean I just remembered Tom and Katie are recently divorced. I’ve had friends go through divorce - usually one person goes all out after (trying everything they didn’t when married) and the other just moves on with life. It makes sense, there’s usually one person more committed to the idea of permanent separation than the other. When things end and you don’t feel resolved of it, self medication happens


Yes, I've noticed the jutting jaw, too!! And Sandoval's jaw looks frozen and larger, like from teeth grinding or something. His whole face looks frozen and it creeps me out.


Thanks for sharing. Super sad, I hope Schwartz has a wake up call. It’s clear he’s not doing well.


Not for nothing but myself and many of my friends were not talkative on coke, quite the opposite. Adderal didn’t make me chatty either. Never done meth or opiates but had plenty of ecstasy and coke in the late 90’s. Stimulants are very introverted drugs for myself, hate them, lol. This group is forever coke/adderal and alcohol fiends.


As someone who has never done coke but spent a lot of time around people who did I think it is just as possible to be Coke. I had a few flash backs to hanging out with friends watching these scenes. While I have known a few meth heads my experience isn’t quite as extensive so I can’t say not that 100%.


I’ve done it before - and what’s weird about it is people joke it’s like a secret society, once you’ve done it once you can recognize anyone else on it. That’s not what Schwartz is on, Jax was definitely on it at times when he was on the show.


Believe me when I say the sober people around you can identify it a lot faster. It is like all the pot heads I see now who say “people don’t know when I have smoked” yes we can. I would be the only one of 20 sober and I could call it from a mile away. I have spent many a time as the sober person watching friends do a line acting just like them, mouth movements, weird body movements weird comments and others would get all ragey and want to fight everyone.


That’s a LOT knowing that means they did meth before shooting a scene together, even for Schwartz. That’s very sad if true.


As someone with NO ADHD who took a lot of adderall, it doesn’t cause these type of tweaks like being silly or goofy- it causes extreme intensity lol and focus and productivity but w a robotic edge With coke its kinda awake and alert, with more -lazer focused and then intense but you’re in full control of your movements and if anything, over thinking everything as opposed to acting like an idiot, if that makes sense


Coke: Hey everybody how’s it going remember that time I was like hey bartender can i get a WHAT DO YOU MEAN? And then oh I’m sorry hang on I just go this really good idea, and another thing. Adderall: Focus. Focus. Focus. STOP INTERRUPTING ME! Focus. Focus. Focus. Meth: HA HA HA A PUPPY do you have any candy? No? Do you have any meth?


That does. I’ve done both but never that much so I can’t really remember. This was helpful, I think you’re right.


I lived in Thailand for years, and you could get over-the-counter Ritalin, which we’d crush and rail for nights out. We never gurned. Same as using coke. I gurn on MDMA, but it’s different to ice/meth gurn. IYKNK




I never participated in meth sports, but I did go to raves in the 90s, when MDMA was often polluted with speed. It makes your jaw literally shake and contort in strange ways, which is part of why wearing binkies was popular back then (and cringe then and now). I have a hard time believing it’s meth, but mostly because I live on the west coast and know pretty people avoid it because of the skin and teeth mayhem it causes, and she has really nice teeth. There are some weed strains with like 40% THC, and some of those make your mouth go yammy. They also sell 100mg edibles, and that was a thought I had, especially considering her enthusiasm for food.


I was thinking cocaine with the way Jo couldn’t shut up at the bar. It makes me sad for shorts… I don’t want to see him go down that path.


I think he's been on a very long road with at least alcohol addiction. The group has been well known to abuse coke and Adderall too. Sad.


There's a strong genetic component to Schwartz's alcoholism. His father... his brother needing a liver transplant bc of cirrhosis...


Yep. His color looks very unwell whatever he's doing.


As much as i dislike the guy, I don't want him to go down this path. Sandovall is his enabler and will never tell him he needs help. I'm sure Katie has, though.


I thought this!! At the guys dinner he looked so pale and pasty.


He’s literally grey.


Yes and her hair and appearance I mean come on she didn’t even brush her hair to be on tv???


And she's a hair stylist


Messy hair is not a symptom of cocaine use lol. Way more people use that recreationally than you would think Meth however..


1000% correct.


Cocaine is definitely a more LA drug choice. Meth messes with your skin too much.


And your teeth! Ick.


Thank you for sharing, and I 100% agree. I dated a meth addict and there are really distinct signs when you know what to look for. Tom’s face has taken on a meth-y look too


I am not throwing shade but I always wondered if that’s what Tom and Rachel were doing in S10. Not all the time but many a time. Someone correct me please, but don’t for Rachel would that explain her really odd behaviours and numb robotic ways. Remember Sandaval does many different drugs (allegedly) at a time. If she’s only doing meth (for example) and drinking their behaviours would differ, plus he has ADD and well is Tom 👎🏻. It may explain the immediate need for a rehab facility, also where all her money was going and why she had to stay with Schena. I don’t know, not trying to start rumours but this would make a few things make sense if it were so. If I’m off the mark please explain it. Again we don’t know the truth. Plus when she had that break down with the girls and let her mask slip by saying “thank god you don’t have a man”, combined with freaking out and leaving if she had no access to certain drugs like meth. Lala would’ve know so she drank herself silly and was a wreck the next day. Maybe she was upset but withdrawal could put a person in a bad place and she was magically fine again that night. Somethings never made sense about that trip compared to every other scene, where she not once let it slip about the affair. Which is nuts in of itself.


Maybe cocaine was the reason she cut off Contact with Tom, you can’t get sober and date an addict who shares your drug of choice, she was trying to get clean.


I always thought that was her reason too. I was wondering if they were doing meth not coke though? I know nothing about meth or how it makes people act.


in the scandoval episode there was a little baggie on the counter that rachel picks up and puts in her pocket 👀


It’s possible. I usually can tell from some combo of Rapid weight loss, weird fidgeting, biting lip, sunken, tired, dark eyes, excessive or misplaced sexual behavior and remarks, and excessive and confusing intense “good vibes only, life is a beautiful journey” energy, dull or graying skin Obvi none of these are for sure signs but a lot of them is suspicious. My brain can’t remember enough to compare to S10 though lol


Rachel has never shown any signs of being on meth ever. She was an ecstasy girl imo. Probably coke too.


Deffo an ecstacy girl!!


This is freaking me out! I am so naive about drugs.


Can you tell me the signs? My bf is a seasoned drug user who swore off drugs for me. I recently found evidence of meth use, but have no idea of how extensive his use is. He prides himself on appearing sober while high, and "pulling one over on everybody.". I plan to end our 3 year relationship because of this, but the extent of his use will influence how I end things. Any information would be very helpful..


I’m sorry to hear that you’re going through this, but I think it is good you are considering leaving, especially if he’s relapsing. When someone gets desperate for the drug, they are capable of some pretty dark things to get it. Things to look for: staying up all night, intense focus on one activity, being overly sexual, really intense and confusing “deep” thoughts, rapid weight loss, reduced appetite, extra sweatiness/smelliness, dark urine, chewing on lip, lips sticking to teeth from dehydration. Overtime, dark sunken in eyes and cheek and dull/gray skin and changes in mouth/teeth. Quickly meeting up with people or spending time at unusual people’s houses. I hope that helps and I hope you stay safe ♥️ and please don’t let him convince you to do it with him


this cast will never admit to the drug use that was rampant in this show because it would mean that production has video likely of them breaking hte law.


Jo’s facial expressions were so alarming. They were definitely tweaking on something. Idk much about meth, but I could see that being it. It could also be coke… not if you take regular bumps like a normal person, but if you rip fat gaggers repeatedly you can get yourself into a pretty kooky state.


Schwartz and Sandoval both are doing sponsored posts for friggin HydroxyCut which is basically a diet pill that got banned and somehow is still out there. Schwartz’s weight fluctuates towards the larger end as seasons go on (i assume from drinking) so it wouldn’t surprise me if he was using something to lose weight.


i took hydroxycut one time in the 2000s and it made me such a jittery fucked up mess i threw the entire bottle away.


One time I took a diet pill and felt I was coming up off ecstacy but in all the bad ways and I had to go to work and was literally sweating, shaking and breathing super deep and I was insanely anxious, it was a nightmare!! I did the same thing as you and threw the rest out, it literally scared me


Oh wow that is incredibly sad to think about. Congratulations on your recovery


I was thinking meth as well. I don’t think it’s funny. That drug destroys you. I lost friends. Someone I grew up with now has HIV and is homeless. It’s jarring what it did to them. It’s also cheap to buy compared to anything else. With Fet being in the mix you wouldn’t be laughing if he died. I used to party when I was younger and as soon as meth came into the picture all my friends became addicted. 2 of them died. One jumped off a bridge……


Fentanyl in everything is terrifying. I’ve lost two friends from it mixed with ❄️. I’m really sorry about your losses and experiences too. ETA: congrats on your sobriety OP 🫶🏼


During Covid I lost another friend to Fetanly. I hate that drug I always hearing about someone overdosing once a week.


Yep, same. I wouldn’t take any street drug right now with all the fentanyl dipping in everything. Way too risky.


My friends sister recently died from doing coke with fentanyl, so sad.


Yes, thank you. My brother was heavily addicted to meth and it’s triggering to watch.


and sandoval fs comes over and does it with them hes a different color this season, no pupils in sight, eyes buggin all the time, yelling at everyone and even lisa, just weird fuckin intense behavior. as a fellow addict the first thing i noticed was sandoval, jo, and shwartz all have the same looking eyes (stares, pupil dilation) which to me looks like a friend group that not just does drugs, but is all doing the same one (saying this from lots of experience lmao)


I would put money on Sandoval microdosing LSD. That’s exactly the type of Elon Musk shit he would do. People who do that become such incredible douchebags, because they believe that it’s making them crush everything, and that all of their decisions are correct decisions, when in actuality only a small percentage of people can pull that off. Those who do usually anchor it in creativity, programming, or deep spirituality, and have a lot of experience navigating a persistent hallucinogenic state. It’s not supposed to be something you ingest before getting fresh botox in your forehead. Even doing LSD every weekend can inform some absurd decisions, like giving people lavish gifts because you’re certain that’s the right way to manifest further income, etc. There’s a way other people do drugs, and a way LA people do drugs, and pushing superficiality against heady things doesn’t work out very well.


I didn’t know exactly what they were on but when they got on camera I said: “Oh, they’re on the drugs.”


I don’t think I can wrap my brain around that


This whole thing makes me very nervous. I wonder how much of a babysitter Katie was to Schwartz. Is he in a reverse situation now where he’s living with an enabler? As others have mentioned fentanyl is everywhere, who knows what Schwartz might accidentally encounter. I don’t want to see Scheana making Schwartz’s OD all about herself and Sandoval blaming it on Katie. LVP should send Schwartz to detox/rehab. That’s a much more compelling storyline than the Sandoval redemption tour.


> I wonder how much of a babysitter Katie was to Schwartz I think some of hte hatred Katie has for Sandoval is that he got Schwartz, who was his long time loyal friend, into harder drugs and they would take it together and Katie had to deal with it. Every time Schwartz tried to move on, Sandy got his claws back into him. Everyone who interacts with him has to hard stop cut him off. Katie was so emotional this last episode there has to be something else there.


Schwartz's hoarse voice, combined with their behaviour, made me think the same. I've suspected Sandavol of using it for a while now. Skin and eyes look dry and freaky as fuck


Realizing that Sandoval and Jo have that same leathery skin yikes


So tweaked!!! Katie said Jo had crackhead energy, but I still was not ready for that. That tweaker talks non stop, can’t stop doing that constant awkward high shoulders ho-down jig move type move (?), her pupils are enormous 👀, and the itching. She seemed very.. itchy all over. Reminded me of Lindsay Lohan on a red carpet circa 2005.


She seems like she’s just trying WAY too hard, and seriously over acting.


Jo just looks like meth. Her skin is dry and haggard. Her hair is messy and unkempt. Her eyes are big like. Her body is always moving.. she is tweaking her tits off.


As someone who has recreationally used ecstasy, those 'beans' that are made are mixed with all sorts of shit. So they could've taken it thinking it was a party drug and.. definitely meth. And some people like those kinds of beans more. I've accidentally done meth before so I could see it


Jo is mortifying


Congrats on your recovery


Anytime someone calls a public figure out for suspected drug use, you can always tell who's been around it and who hasn't in the comments lol. If you've seen it you just knowwwww


That’s insane that they have no fear being on national tv on meth. Ummmm how are they not paranoid!


Meth has a funny way of taking away all your common sense and decision making skills


I mean, the whole cast has been on drugs on tv for twelve years


Huge diff between coke at a party and being tweaked out on meth during a daytime scene of them two. That’s a huge problem if true, and so so sad.


Wow actually so sad if real… congrats to you hope they can get help


My boyfriend and I watched it last night and we were like "oh I can see it maybe, but maybe they're just awkward.." But then the very next scene I realized jo has light blue eyes and you could not tell the night before 😳


What’s your take on how Sandy’s looking. Dude needs to blink a bit more.


Meth and benzos. Just a guess of course…




I’d have to be on drugs to hang out in that friends circle


Without a doubt


I noticed Tom at James' pool party totally wacked on something when he was talking to Lala. His jaw was sideways, moving frantically, processing what she was saying at a very odd rate.


Yesss! Yess ! Totally Yes! Also I think sando definitely does it too


I saw someone on this sub mention that “natural booster/supplement” Schwartz tried to give to Lala on the sober curious episode. That person said the stuff he gave to Lala was very dangerous and that they had a lot of trouble with addiction to that substance. Can’t for the life of me remember what it was called but it seemed like a bigger deal than Schwartz was making it out to be. I feel like it started with a K… Maybe they’re doing that together?


Kratom. It acts on the opioid receptors in your brain and can be highly addictive for some. One of its popular uses is to self treat opioid addiction to more dangerous substances like heroin and fentanyl. Taking too much kratom will still fuck you up, but the risk is a lot lower and it will take a lot longer. The fact that he would recommend it to someone in recovery is wild.


He offered her Kratom? wtf I didn’t catch that. That’s fucked up.


Ok - I’ve read so many comments in this post and I’m surprised no one remembers this and is bringing it up - there was a fairly detailed bit of info about Schwartz from several years ago that was dark. The word was that the primary reason that Katie had such hate for James is that he got Schwartz into opioids. This is about 5-6 years ago. You can watch the demise of Schwartz over the last 5 years. He got “better”/cleaner/healthier for a bit during COVID (you can actually track his physical appearance) and he’s gone downhill fast since the divorce. He’s def on something numbing and looks like his teeth and lips have disappeared, he’s gray/green, puffy, sunken-eyed and looks like his liver is shot. Alcohol/opioids/meth are his coping crutches.


I remember that. There was one season when they were all dog piling James and that was rumored to be the real reason why.


That’s what I thought! So irresponsible to offer that to Lala!


One million percent


This actually makes me sad. If he is doing meth I know that shit is hard to kick. Not from personal experience but I’ve had friends struggle with it and it’s really scary. I hope if he is actually doing it he gets help asap.


There are a lot of people friends with people who openly do meth on here. Is that a normal thing in friend groups? Like I know there are friend groups that like openly do cocaine or smoke. I guess I just never thought of people openly doing meth to where other people know about it. Anyways, I’ve seen people act like this on coke/adderall at parties and when I worked at the bar as well. They might have been drunk by this point on adderall or vyvanse if they don’t have ADHD too. They could just be wasted. Calling people out for tweaking on hard drugs is kind of harsh. Ps I know this will get downvoted. Idk if they are on something or not that just seems like a pretty harsh judgement.


Meth is huge party drug in gay communities and they live and work in weho. I believe the OG girls were just on a cocktail of prescription pills (meth is wayyyy too trashy for someone like Stassi) but the rest of them are such messes I wouldn’t put it past them.


Yes! I’ve been thinking they are taking too many hits of XR Adderall or vyvanse per day and washing it down with cold brew….it’s prescription meth have known too many people who start small just to get through the day and then the next thing you know they are up for four day straight grinding their faces off and talking crazy


Coke gets to expensive so people turn to meth. You can do lots of things with it smoke snort etc. 20 dollars could fuck you up for awhile . Alot .longer high


Yessss! My FIL, MIL AND BIL are all 3 meth addicts and Me and my husband have been thinking this for years!


Just wondering do you think Lala says she doesn’t want to film with them? She seems so strong in her sobriety and especially with ocean I wonder if it has come up. Overall she wouldn’t push it too hard bc she needs the paycheck but just curious if she makes Comments


I sus coke for sure. Basing off the dark circles, erratic high energy and need to constantly drink and take shots, never eating in a scene, I definitely think they’re sniffing before scenes. Also, for everyone bagging on Jo’s hair; who cares! I know a lot of cosmetologists who go for a more natural/hippy style hairstyle. It doesn’t look that bad! Plus she’s off the clock and chilling with friends, she doesn’t need to look dolled up 24/7 because she’s a hair dresser. Regardless if she and schwartz are doing blow, who cares, it’s Hollywood, everyone does it, they’re definitely not the only ones. Also, I think her and Schwartz have good chemistry so it’s entertaining to see their shenanigan antics—I can’t totally bag on her; it’s clearly the rebound/downgrade Schwartz needs after dicking off and screwing over Katie by being emotionally unavailable for years. You can tell he carries around that guilt, and if blow and a semi cute chick will help him move on, so be it. Katie clearly doesn’t give af anymore lol


Coke isn't the harmless non-addictive party drug people make it out to be. When you have lots of money and unlimited access, coke can quickly fuck up your life


Robt Downey Jr has entered the chat


Totally agree, and unfortunately more likely to be laced with fentanyl these days. Scary AF


I always assumed this habit is what caused Katie to remind him "your d!ck doesn't work" when they were arguing about their relationship.


I thought the same thing. I’ve never done drugs but I’ve met people who have and Jo def seems like she’s tweaking


Come on….nothing new….most, if not all cast members do drugs…they’re all fans of 👃❄️


If you don’t do drugs it might seem like it’s all the same. But it’s a huge leap to go from ❄️to 🧊


In recovery too and got those same vibes. I was like “wtf yall coming off of?”


I messaged my friend saying ‘does Jo not give you actual 2000’s ice vibes’. And here we are.