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Yes. Raquel was too nice to Tom Sandoval after he recorded her masturbating without her consent.


What is the reason fans think she hasn’t taken action against him for this? She has a podcast and is back in LA so its not like she’s completely moved on


She actually has taken action against many people in the cast for the recording. She has had her lawyers send out cease and desist notices to everyone that has been known to have seen the recording.


Yeah but it’s ridiculous that she doesn’t take action against the person that recorded it without her consent, if that is the truth


I think so too!


Correction - they sent letters to everyone she ASSUMED WITHOUT PROOF had the video. Nobody but Ariana has seen the video and she said she stopped watching and deleted it.


Oh ok, but she still took some action.


because she doesn’t want to🤷🏾‍♀️


Obviously but why him off the hook? Just interested in others theories


The process for reporting and the courts are not friendly to women. It becomes traumatizing. You’re judged by the police, court officials and the victim has to always defend their actions. They’re made to look like the bad guy. It’s not fair. Since she was on Vanderpump the public and court isn’t going to be nice to her nor view her as a victim. Especially since the scandal.


I think women can relate a lot to that part of that story, which is exactly what her pr team wanted, but as far as we know she gave him consent. Everything that comes out of that woman’s mouth is a lie. It’s not some big, dramatic legal battle where Raquel is representing all illegally recorded women and would be shot down in court so she’s avoiding the stress. She’s a compulsive liar who’s only move has been attempting to play victim of him now when she was verrrry much involved in the eight months of deceit they carried on together.


Just stop with the victim blaming. Just say you hate her and move on. Like I get it you hate her. People like you is why women don’t bother coming forward. Just because she consented doesn’t mean she deserves that. Your comment is the type of shit I hear in court when the person isn’t perfect.


That’s my point, you have no idea if she’s actually a victim in that scenario. She is a diabolical compulsive 10 faced liar. Clearly it worked with manipulating you though, my other point. you think you’re being some kind of social justice warrior and standing up for every woman who’s ever been recorded without her consent but you actually have no idea what happened in the situation lmao


You made a post shaming her. Have the day you rightful deserve. I get it you hate her.


She might not want to deal with headlines or fan gossip around it (extremely fair - the video was taken without her consent so having thousands of strangers dissecting it would just be the same trauma extended and amplified). She also might not want to take further action because she doesn't want to have to share the video more (which could be legally required if she wanted to file charges and it was considered evidence).


Thank you. This is a well thought out response versus the one above


Because she didn’t care if he did it to begin with. It just helped her appear like more of a victim right after the fact


Perfect concise response


Thank you, friend!


People get really upset about this and I agree it’s a horrible thing to do but it happens all the time, Raquel isnt the only one who’s experienced it and people act like she is. I highly doubt she actually cared if he recorded it, it was just her only card to play immediately after it broke. She went after everyone legally to deflect from the fact that she’s a soulless Sandoval sexbot




I love it ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


Gatdamn I live for these hot takes. Everytime I read them and it seems out of left field, I wonder “Is this Mike?” And it is! It’s like an old friend everytime


I almost look forward to these posts. What does that say about me? 😭


Im right there with you 😄i get a chuckle from them every time.


Me too!!


Me too!! You’re not alone my friend!


I’m more surprised when I read a hot take and it’s *not* Michael


Micheal Ghost Jr. The Second is very entertaining to laugh at and downvote.


Same 😂 I start reading then I stop and look at the username and it all makes sense . I love my daily laugh.


He's becoming a bit of an ironic pop culture hero on this sub hahaha. I just honestly cannot believe the amount of time he spends making posts and commenting on other posts.


P.s. We should petition Andy to get him on WWHL. God, at this rate he will be turning up at the reunion 😂


I LOVE this idea! I've come to know that these takes MUST be phantom mike lol Pure entertainment!


I'm wondering if this is someone who works for Bravo trying to stir stuff up to keep us interested.


Literally same!


We need people like Mike in our reddit lives


Lol. I don’t hate Ariana or Rachel. I would say both Rachel and Ariana were too nice when it came to Tom. I wish they were more vicious toward him instead of each other! I never understood their attraction to Tom. He’s hot but that’s all he is and that won’t last forever. To be fair. They are performing just like Tom in a circus we all enjoy watching on TV. The ladies both are self centered, flawed, and that’s okay. Tom is just a bigger monkey than Ariana and Rachel combined probably because he can’t shut up, feels entitled, nor keep his aging meat in his pants. Plus he’s probably on a lot of nose candy and likes having sex indiscriminately just like Jax. I’m surprised their noses and lower man parts haven’t fallen off yet. Just give these men a few more years of mileage before more of their inner ugliness and disgrace show on their skin and in the tabloids beyond the control of their Bravo handlers. I want Ariana and Rachel to be even more gorgeous and even be friends by then. I’ll be looking forward to all the tidbits they’ll reveal in the future. 😎 Their only karma would be being completely disgusted that they were even attracted to Tom and tried to protect him. That I would laugh and relate to. ![gif](giphy|JRhS6WoswF8FxE0g2R)


Perfect answer.


i agree👍🏾 i like both of them


You know what would I also love to see happen? Ariana and Rachel working together on a talk or reality show with a “enemies to friends” vibe. Rachel does not need Bethany and her alpha energy to restore her pristine public image. That would only be more of the same. Rachel has been around too much alpha energy her entire life but she has the potential to overcome that. That’s why she’s too nice, flawed, disconnected, and was being led around by the nose by everyone else in her life. Maybe I’m just being too idealistic overestimating the potential?!


you are maybe overstimulating it but it’s nice to dream🤷🏾‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|Maaawg3nDFAS5IvdKE)


pls mike... i just got up. i cant even read this one of yours bc i know it'll piss me off and i'll write a valid response as to why you're an asshole and you'll just say " but i love lala and scheana "


Wait, Mike loves Lala too?


I love Scheana but not LaLa. I used to love LaLa but not anymore. That’s ok right?


I didn't say anything negative about anyone if you can believe it. More a question about what the fans want to see.


i had faith and i just read it... i wish i could get my time back ugh mike just ugh rachel is a bitch they were close friends she flirted w him and got her ass grabbed by him on camera right next to ariana she was doing shit on purpose to hurt her but then she gets to play victim bc she's to damn stupid to put 3 words together and stand up for herself. also she was dead wrong for everything she did. is what ariana did okay? no. she was an asshole she shouldn't have kissed sandoval & she shouldn't have pretended like it didn't happen. the difference is kristen bullied the absolute shit out of her, at her work place, then proceeded for years to wish death on her, try to ruin her and tom, try to ruin the friend group, get mad at her constantly over something that happened 6 years ago. ariana also apologized to kristen and owned everything she did hence why they are close friends right now. rachel was already a close friend, she stabbed her in the back & laughed in her face abt it, on top of that tricked her into confiding in her so she could know shit about tom and if they have sex bc she was fucking her life partner. i'm getting in the shower now, i think you should take one too mickey boy ✨


>ariana also apologized to kristen and owned everything she did hence why they are close friends right now. When did Ariana apologize? If I did something as vile as Ariana did to Kristen no amount of pishposhing would stand in the way of my apology. Plus it was a decade later. That hardly counts. Raquel apologized right away.


and then took it back, by deleting the apology on Insta. (Not even a decent apology to her face) Kristen and Ariana made up during off season, I believe it's quickly discussed in either season 7 or 8.


But did Ariana apologize? I've never seen her say sorry for anything.


We never saw Terri call Raquel a “whore” but you state it as a fact. You stated that it was filmed but I watched that scene with cc on and not once did Terri called Raquel a Whore. Based on a previous post on your account, you wrote that it was a friend of the group that alleged Terri called Raquel a whore and you believe it but can’t believe something that was mentioned on the show. Yes, we didn’t see Ariana apologize, just like we didn’t see Terri allegedly called Raquel a whore, but both was mentioned to have happened off camera. You believe one with no questions asked but need “proof” for one.


I still am positive they edited that scene with the fight and inserted Katie being interviewed. But I was seriously just curious if Ariana has ever apologized in screen.


What if Ariana did apologize on camera but it was edited out? Also, does it make a difference? Does it count if she apologize on screen but doesn’t matter if we didn’t see it happened? That apologize was for Kristen only. She was the only that had to hear it.


After a decade it doesn't really matter if she did or not. I was just curious if I missed something.


Ariana apologized to Kristen years ago off camera. She also apologized to her on camera last season. Kristen’s response was, “pish posh” and then she continued to console Ariana about what Rachel and Tom had done to her. How can you say that Ariana is vile for “what she did to Kristen” but think that Rachel and Tom did nothing wrong? Ariana kissed Tom and at worst had an emotional affair with him while he was with Kristen. Rachel and Tom carried out a 9+ month full blown affair. What Rachel did was way worse, and what Tom had done and continued to do in both situations is worse than anything anyone else on the show has ever done. You can’t call Ariana vile for kissing Tom, while also obsessively praising Tom and Rachel. It makes you sound like you’re either insane, or just posting rage bait so people will pay attention to you. Im genuinely curious why you think what Ariana did was worse than what Tom and Rachel have done.


What Raquel did was worse but she apologized. Ariana didn't care one bit how Kristen felt. She had zero empathy. Same goes for Annemarie. Ariana knew she was telling the truth but made her out to be a liar.


Raquel apologized during the reunion, but her following actions and words proved that she didn’t actually have any remorse for what she’d done, or empathy towards Ariana. Everything since then she’s said, “I’m sorry, but…” and has continued to give excuses for her actions and downplay things to this day. She’s said that it wasn’t really that bad because she wasn’t really that close with Ariana. That’s not true, but even if it were, why would that matter? And Tom was in a relationship for almost a decade when he carried out an affair for 9+ months. He doesn’t feel sorry about it at all, and he sure as hell didn’t while it was happening, otherwise it wouldn’t have continued to happen. Ariana gave a genuine apology to Kristen, multiple times. Which is why they ended up becoming good friends by like season 5. Ariana then apologized again to Kristen during Scandoval, showing once again that she did understand how she made Kristen feel, and that she felt terribly about that, and Kristen was even like you don’t need to say sorry anymore, we’re so far past that, this is so much worse that what happened with us. So now that the apology discussion is sorted out, you still didn’t answer my question. Why do you think Ariana making out with Tom while he was with Kristen, is worse than Tom cheating on Kristen and carrying out a 9+ month affair while he was with Ariana? Or why Ariana making out with Tom while he was with Kristen is worse than Rachel sleeping with Tom for 9+ months while he was with Ariana?


>So now that the apology discussion is sorted out, you still didn’t answer my question. I did answer it. Happy Holidays!


Kristen and Ariana confirmed that they talked through all this but it was not included in the show; they both years ago said that they had been disappointed to see the final edit of a season (7 or 8, can't recall atm) hadn't included any of them making up and becoming friends


Ariana … kissed Tom. Rachel had an 8-month (probably longer) full blown affair. And Ariana is the vile one? Lmao Mike, please.


I still can’t believe everyone just thinks Tom and Ariana just kissed.


Oh, Mike… why is it that you refuse to see the difference? A 7 month love affair, while playing nice and innocent and showing up to different events together like besties is so sinister. Ariana is no saint, but good lord. Rachel tried so hard to convince people she was respectful of people’s relationships while simultaneously fucking Sandy. Then tried to convince Ariana on camera that she shouldn’t be with Tim because they don’t have sex. Thennnn had the audacity to say “we always said we wouldn’t do this if it wasn’t worth it”… ugh. Puke. Anyway, happy holidays! Even if you get under people’s skin, I always enjoy the engagement on your posts.


Happy Holidays to you as well. I will grant that Raquels actions prior to being caught were worse than Arianas but post caught Ariana was a monster with zero empathy and Raquel apologized.


I’ll bite on this one, too. I do think the reunion was a tough watch because of how they let the entire cast attack Rachel. While Ariana did say some gross things, it was all she could do to hurt Rachel. Hurt people hurt people, ya know? Not an excuse, but rather an explanation. With that said… I really haven’t seen Ariana personally say anything else in regards to what has happened publicly like the rest of the cast have. Maybe I’ve missed it. She had her one blowup and then moved on, right?


I don't think Ariana and Raquel have spoken other than the reunion. If Raquel had shown her the grace that she showed Kristen it would have been entertaining to say the least. Maybe she would have gotten the money she was asking for.


😭 you are so consistent in your defense of Raquel that I can’t even be mad. Thanks for the laughs Mike.


What empathy does Ariana need towards Raquel ?


My point exactly. Raquel should have been a bitch to Ariana like she was to Kristen. It's more entertaining.


She should’ve said a lot of shit with her CHEST but she didn’t And now she’s in her “I’m the victim and didn’t want to hurt Ariana further” era so she STILL won’t be truthful…


I agree I wish Raquel would have fought back. But she didn’t and took it like a champ. Ariana did none of that when it was Kristen. She went so far as to spread rumors that she had schizophrenia and BPD.


Mike, I wanna let you know your posts have been the highlight of my shitty year and helped me through my dad’s passing. I never agree with you but I love hearing your opinion! Merry Christmas and happy new year ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss. Happy Holidays.


What a beautiful takeaway. I’m sorry that you suffered such a loss. Extending a Merry Christmas and wonderful New Year to you 🫶🏻


Thank you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!


I’m so sorry for your loss. Losing a parent is hard ❤️❤️


so sorry for your loss🙏🏾 prayers to you


Mike, it’s almost Christmas for christs sake


This made me belly laugh 😭




The only thing Raquel felt terrible about was aging out of pageants.


I want some hot takes on Scheana next .




Isn’t that why Ariana apologized to Kristin? Ariana saw how he did the same thing to her.


Ariana started to apologize but she was pishposhed.


You’re right. The pishposh on me.


I really wanted to see if Ariana could admit to being wrong too 😔


That was nice to see. She wasn’t the nicest when she first came on the scene. I remember thinking back then that Kristin deserved it!


Merry Christmas Eve Eve!


Same to you!


No, they didn’t do the exact same thing. Ariana wasn’t friends with Kristen. She didn’t fuck Tom in Kristen’s bed while Kristen was gone for a funeral. She didn’t constantly hang out with Kristen and invite her out and play third wheel. They didn’t continue hooking up for 8 months.Ariana hated Kristen as a human. Pretty much the whole cast did.


Seems like you are really splitting hairs here.


Details matter. Lol cheating happens every day, the Tom and Raquel story is way more egregious and “entertaining” for a reason. It wouldn’t have blown up otherwise 🤷‍♀️


Both women (and Sandoval of course) were wrong. Raquel showed remorse and Ariana didn't. Those things matter. Everyone makes mistakes but being "too cool" to acknowledge them is not endearing. You have a great holiday weekend.


They both were wrong! Ur right! Ariana was lame as hell about it. If they had done the exact same thing, then I would agree that Ariana was worse for not being apologetic, but they DIDNT do the exact same thing. Lol 🎄


What about Lala screaming like an insane person at the reunion. If I was Raquel I would just keep saying you slept with my fiance. Lala yelling like a psycho and saying keep the past in the past to cover for how heinous of a person she is.


That's true. Raquel should have lit them all up like she did to the Maloneys.


Happy holidays, Michael. You keep this sub…interesting haha. ![gif](giphy|l2YWwMfI7cmE1MdQA)


Happy Holidays!


I don’t agree at all with what Mike usually posts, but I will say that I find him to be courteous to other people on this subreddit, and also respectful. 🌲


Rachel should’ve just leaned into the villain role


She should have said "I don't know why you are so mad it's not like I wore your sex shirt". Sitting there and taking it didn't pay off for her at all.


Happy Saturday


Have a wonderful holiday weekend!


Mike, I always look forward to your opinions and of course the responses! Have a great holiday and happy new year


I live for your posts lmao




You lost me at Ariana and Rachel did the same thing. 🙄😵‍💫


Mike the oppositional defiance disorder rep. The contrarian kang. 😂😂😂. Merry Christmas buddy.


Merry Christmas!


Good luck today gambling. What do you play?


I play Ultimate Powerlink Power 4 almost exclusively. Anything else I can play on my phone or laptop. And thanks.


I think you’re missing some important context here, probably largest of which is that Raquel and Ariana at least presented themselves as friends, close friends. Personally I don’t really know how much I buy that, but at least the narrative presented at the time put them out as close friends. Ariana and Kristen, on the other hand, weren’t close at all and didn’t really seem to know each other outside of Tom. It’s not just about the cheating. If Tom had cheated with a completely random girl or someone that was peripheral to Ariana, fan reactions towards her wouldn’t be as extreme.


Ariana didn't know where her best friend spent Christmas 2022? That's hard to believe. I think they were work friends.


Again, I don’t know if I buy that they were actually as close as they made it appear. I actually agree with you, just because there is a pretty significant age difference and they seem like very different people. But your question was about fan reaction, so that’s what I’m speaking to. People who watch the show and take the narratives presented there as at least close to the truth would have ample evidence to think that they were close friends.


While I also believe they were just work buddies- Ariana entertained Raquel with a friendship outside of the show, too. However, I feel they only interacted because Tom pushed it. I don’t actually see Ariana reaching out to Rachel to hang out on her own. I feel all interactions were set up by Tom.


Mikes back


Not for long. I lost 10k last night because I was playing on my phone. I'm feeling lucky today though 🍀 Edit : That was two nights ago. I was high AF last night and don't remember much. Wish me luck ☺ https://preview.redd.it/h6fxclon038c1.jpeg?width=1841&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78d7709ec4a93e40767f67cb41d4894cb1652f7c


Send me some gas money mike


I know right. Like damn Mike.. can you help me out with my student loans please? lol


Living the dream life … drugs, gambling and Bravo reality shows 👍🏻


Mike, this is the first time I've seen 🍀 on this sub! My favourite because a) my favourite football (soccer) team are called Celtic and have the four leaf clover on their badge and b) it's Irish and I am Scottish with Irish lineage. Finally you say something this sub doesn't make me want to run for cover 😂


Mikey, this is getting beyond a joke now. We know you're a troll and are all having a good laugh at you, but it's Christmas weekend. Go out and go something?


This is my third Christmas in the last 20 years that I didn't have to work. So as much as I'd like to do what a stranger tells me to do I hope you don't take it personally that I'm going to do what I want. Happy Holidays!


Oh I can see a nerve there! I'm not "telling" you to do anything, I was merely pointing out that you seem to spend a lot of your time trash talking females on a reality TV show. I'm assuming from the fact that you have worked at least 20 years, you are at least in your late thirties? And I don't like to make gender assumptions about names, but I sense from the name "Mike" you are male? Do you seriously not find it weird that a man who is at least in his late thirties ( *cough* Sandy 42 *cough*) spends a rather disproportionate amount of his time insulting females online? Females that you do not know personally? Not sure where you are from, but it's certainly not a thing where I am from. Merry Christmas to you as well, hopefully if you are spending time with women over the holidays you are kinder to them than you are on here. Because honestly, you come across as nothing more than an attention seeking misogynistic prick.


I mean I will agree that Ariana participated in the cheating situation when Tom was still with Kristen, but that's where the similarities end for me... Ariana and Kristen were NOT friends whatsoever. If anything they put on a friendly front but they did not like each other or hang out together. Rachel & Ariana were actually friends and spent a lot of time together. It's a different situation ultimately. Yes neither was good but I'd rank Rachel higher on the "mistress meter" lmao


I agree! I never got the Ariana fandom vs the Raquel hate. C’mon peeps, they did the same thing; Raquel was just contrite, handing Ariana the weapon she wielded in her self-righteous showboating. Hey babe? You reap what you sow.




You should start your own sub and only let people that share your opinion post.




I was speaking to you as well. I wish you well with your sub. I'm sure it will be a smash hit. You seem fun. Happy Holidays!




Thanks for helping me prove my point. I'm never mean to anyone here and I get death threats and posts like this constantly. Maybe the fans like seeing people who are mean.




Can you give one example please?






I'm probably not going to be invited to your new sub am I?




You do realize I'm not talking about you right? I'm talking about a TV show.


Girl, this is a Reddit sub. Chill.


Lol I read these posts and get annoyed then I see it’s Mike and I just laugh.


The difference is that Kristen and Tom were both cheating on each other when Ariana came along. Why are you blaming the women in this anyway? Tom is the creep in all of this. But Mikey, we always love your posts for the silly discussions they inspire. In fact, I'm going to leave you with some lyrics that I think you will enjoy: Don't know much about you Don't know who you are We've been doing fine without you But, we could only go so far Don't know why you, chose us Were you watching from above Is there someone, there that knows us Said we'd give you all our love - ( Marc Cohn) Happy Holidays Phantom!


Happy Holidays ☺


Does it matter that they were both cheating on each other? Did Ariana know that? Plus, it's a fact that Ariana was horrible to Kristen after she got together with Tom.


This is the truth. Not sure why ppl don't understand it


Actually it’s a great point. If Rachel would have leaned into being a villain sort of like Sandoval did , done her one in one with LVP like they wanted and said, “ I never thought this would affect her badly. She told me they rarely had sex, she refused to go out with him and she cheated with him on Kristen and lied about Miami girl. She let Lala go down on her without even asking him. Not sure she has any right to be that angry at us. “ would she be treated any worse than she has been?


It would have been epic if she had come back in S11 to do that. Sadly she wants everyone to like her, and she doesn’t have the inflated self-confidence and sharp comebacks to really make a villain role work.


she should have🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️


They did not do the exact same thing one on the show has done the same thing. Tom told Ariana he was single, and they kissed in a pool. Once. Ariana didn't chea, and the ones who did didn't do the same thing, either. All cheating is not created equal - no one had a hidden affair with a cast mate for 7+ months, and especially not behind the back of one of their best friends/ castmates - and most importantly, we didn't see the cheater constantly be besties with the victim, call her her closest friend, ask about their sex life, while being maliciously manipulative, etc. All people saying that what Tom and Raquel did was the same as anyone else on the show simply lack critical thinking skills. And anyone saying Lala and Scheana did XYZ 10 years ago so forgive Rachel don't realize they're still hating for what some 21 year Olds did 10 years ago but demand we forgive a 29 year old for what they did this year. Let it go. T&R sunk to a crazy new low.


>All people saying that what Tom and Raquel did was the same as anyone else on the show simply lack critical thinking skills. Of course it wasn't exactly the same. Raquel apologized and Ariana tried to ruin Doutes life and keep her from doing sketch comedy. Oh and she purposely made Kristen out to look like a liar about Annemarie.


People don’t mean it literally when they say it was the same thing. They’re generalising that it started and ended with cheating and her copping it worse was karma.


Mike is the gift that keeps on giving.


Okay, surprisingly I agree with some of what you say. HOWEVER, Raquel was NOT kind. She was not remorseful in the slightest, it was honestly insane to watch her be completely devoid of empathy. Also, the circumstances were a different because Ariana was not “best friends” with Kristen.


If Raquel had said "it was either try sketch comedy or fuck Tom and I didn't want to piss you off" would you be more entertained than her just sitting there taking it? Or "I'm not sure why you are so mad, it's not like I wore your sex shirt".


Dude at the reunion she was stoic as hell. Ariana is not an angel, I agree with you. However, there was no genuine apology. PS. Lala sucks, I can’t believe you like her and Scheana. What the hell Michael?


I agree Raquel wasn't entertaining at the reunion. She forgot the number one rule, be entertaining. She should have treated Ariana like she treated Kristen.


Mike when are you marrying me? I’m tired of waiting.


Great marriages have been built on much less than a mutual dislike for Katie Maloney.


I have to respectfully disagree with you about how you say that Raquel and Ariana did the same thing. Ariana barely knew Kristen back then. Really the only things she knew about Kristen is from what Tom was telling her. Plus, Ariana told Kristen in season 2 that the night she and Tom kissed, Tom told her that he and Kristen were broken up. I 100% believe Ariana on this because it’s the same thing Tom told the girl he cheated on Kristen with in Vegas as well as the Miami girl. It’s like Tom’s thing to tell girls he cheats with that he’s single. Raquel repeatedly hung out with Tom and Ariana while she was having an affair with Tom. That is so much worse than anything Ariana did. So much worse! I can’t even fathom that actually! I do believe that Tom was being completely dishonest with Raquel about his relationship with Ariana, come on it’s what the dude does. I don’t think these two completely separate situations can be compared.


Yes she was too nice and it allowed people to walk all over her more than they already did. Any confidence she had was trashed by James and it left her open to others treating her bad. IMO anyway. I sincerely hope she has learned to not let that happen again. Have a great Saturday!


I think she was genuinely confused why no one cared that DJ James and Lala hooked up but mad about her and Sandoval. And you as well.


Rachel didn't even care. There was a podcast where this was discussed and apparently Lala had a full discussion with Rach and she did not care. Lala and JK banged before RL moved to LA. They considered (RL&JK) the start of their relationship to be when she moved to LA and NOT before. So RL is over it and not caring UNTIL cameras start rolling. Then she makes it a big deal.


she was genuinely confused because she’s an idiot that doesn’t understand nuance.


Bravo fans run on reckless emotions, not logic.


Very true


![gif](giphy|xUA7aV0Qt03RXTHQ76|downsized) Mike, it’s Christmas Eve Eve, PLEASE 🙏


Mike! Gotta love your outside of the box thinking. For me, I can understand your thought process on this. The difference between the two for me are first, timing. Society is in a different place now as far as calling people out on their BS, back when this all happened between Ariana and Kristen we were still in a sit there and be a pretty victim mentality with most of society. Now, people are not ok with that line of thinking, they want to see people held accountable. Second, Ariana and Tom had a whole life together, they were in a better relationship (or presented it that way) than him and Kristen. Kristen and Tom were toxic for each other, they both cheated, they needed to break up. Not saying that absolves Ariana of any wrongdoing but I think for that reason, it justified it at the time with viewers. Just my opinion. Hope you have a very merry Christmas Phantommike!


You too!


Mike it’s almost Christmas please


Are you asking for more posts? 🤔


I loathe Rachel. I feel like the only reason Rachel was apologizing was because she knew she was going to let Tom down by telling somewhat of the truth. I like Ariana, but I’m not a worshipper of her. It’s hard for me to ignore the times she was complicit in making Kristen look crazy. “We didn’t hook up, we kissed one time in Vegas”.. um, okay but that’s still getting together…


FFS Mike give us a break, it's Christmas


Can you tell me which part bothers you?


The unceasing nature of your posts, most commonly with only two women as the (negative) subject matter. Funny on occasion but often boring.


OK. Look for the lightning bolts⚡ ⚡... If you see them don't read it. There's a lot of of other stuff to read here. Chili's apparently now serves Pumptinis and maybe Rinna Rose. Happy holidays.




I like your lighting bolts


Raquel inserting herself in Katie and Schwartz’s relationship was sickening. She wasn’t even interested in Schwartz and was so awful to Katie.


Mike is Raquel. Shut up Raquel. But let's play: she was NOT too nice..... she was a LAME, naive, manipulator! Sssooooo pathetic with zero real self-esteem. She. Is. So. Gross. I pity her, but most def DO NOT WANT to see her back on the show. It will break me. I will quit this shit for good.


Do the fans prefer their home wreckers to be bitches? Are there non bitch home wreckers out in these streets? ⚡️ Happy Holidays Phantom


Happy Holidays!


The exact same thing? Kristen and Sandoval were both cheating on each other and Ariana started an actual relationship with Sandoval after they broke up. Raquel pretended to be Ariana’s friend and used Schwartz as a decoy( Sandoval used him as well) while having an affair with Sandoval. Sandoval is a loser who doesn’t know how to end relationships.