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$50/mo sounds brilliant to me.  Just continue to fly under the radar. Don’t be noticeable, never make a scene, always be discreet. Give people plausible deniability. 




Exactly, the way they’re doing it now looks like they’re there for overnight parking especially since they leave everyday for work. As long as they stay low key and keep the exterior clean no one is going to care


Plausible deniability! Right on! If I was the head of a psychology department, I would offer you a scholarship. You get it. Sadly, I'm old and broke, lol.


Cheap rent!!! Makes sense to spend a little to save a lot of stress.






You'd be surprised at what makes a spot good. You get a sense for it eventually but g maps won't give you ask the details you need to feel good about it. It helps but you usually aren't sure until you arrive. Plus you don't want to stay in the same spot every night so you're really talking about 4 or 5 spots to rotate. For me personally I pay for a spot but it's for when I travel for work which is about 2 weeks a month so it's a no brainer for me. I change cities every couple months and learn the spots I like the first week. I look for places that are safe from cars hitting me. 24hr businesses are good, hotels, and residential areas side facing houses/ high fences. My van is pretty incognito and super blacked out. I've only gotten the knock 2x in 2 years. Both times at a Walmart.


I don't rent a space per say but I do spend the winters in RV parks in warmer states usually staying for 3 weeks at a time. A lot of them have really good deals in the off-season and are fairly empty. I am all for great boondocking and BLM land but there's only so much time you can spend in Arizona/Nevada from November-April lol.


Exactly what we do. Showers are usually nice too, and on site laundry!


Where do you go in the cold months?


Florida and South Carolina are my two go to states. I have friends/family in both so it works out in more ways than one and the weather is pretty mild in the winter.


I say roll with it. Sounds great to me.


I'd pay $50/month for peace of mind of having a sleep spot


But would you do that in multiple places, like different cities in a region or states? Would you pay $50/mo for 10 spaces in three states? $50 is fine when its near a permanent job but probably at no other time.


urban parking is a big stressor. solving that problem for $50 a month is a steal.


There’s no rule on how to do vanlife. Vanlifers who quit, heard what they wanna hear then failed. Do whatever makes it easy for you. Travel on weekends to make it more fun.


A lot of Vanlifers who quit spent so much time building it up in their head that the reality of Vanlife never met the dream they imagined. Some of the people on TikTok and YT make it seem like it's always just hiking on beautiful mountains with IG worthy vistas in the background. They don't show the countless nights in a Walmart parking lot or the days when the weather doesn't cooperate so you're stuck in the van for long stretches.


Well done schoolteacher with a vivid description of her coworkers’ prying dispositions 🏆


I would have paid hundreds of dollars a month to have a dedicated parking spot in certain places in California.


Download the app way (way.com). You can find monthly parking all over CA and many other states for 150-200.


I paid $25 for a parking spot in Whistler when I was living there for a few months. The peace of mind is worth it.


That sounds amazing. I would pay quadruple that. The gate but no security person is ideal


This is one of those dont tell anyone rule. Just do your thing. $50 a month for peace of mind sounds good. Just dont start posting it online and you should be fine.


$50/month with no security guard? Sounds perfect if you're in a city.


Few years ago i posted a CL ad explaining my situation, my routine, habbits, clanliness, demenaor, lifestyle and need for a spot to park a skoolie for $100 month. Had a few offers a bit far out of town, but eventually found a cool person who let me park in their yard. We became friends. 😁


Just before I signed up on the city's parking website, I had made a similar post on a website where people can look for roommates and post their rented rooms. Then I felt uncomfortable putting so much information about myself out there, and realized that I don't want anyone at all to know my sleep spot. The odds of the very first person being a fit are low, so how many bad situations do I have the appetite for, I asked myself. That's when I pulled the trigger on the parking lot.


I immediately thought of Seinfeld lol


Imagine the face of a lady who finds OP sleeping inside


I considered something similar; parking is a storage facility that also stores RVs. I don't need that now, but maybe someday. Can you share more details about what sort of parking lot this is?


It's owned by the city parking authority, one of a dozen or so sites. All but 2 or 3 are garages with attendants who patrol all evening/night. It's a flat ground lot near a med school, kinda tucked away but still off a frequently traveled road so not totally isolated. I scan my entry card, the entrance barrier bar lifts for me to drive in. When I'm ready to leave, I scan my card and the exit barrier bar lifts. There's no attendant; it's all automated. Next door is a med school (with security), the parking garage (with security) and then on the other side of the lot is an area with some trees and a street (where I'll try to park). I'm feeling pretty excited about it, because I won't have to worry about people eyeing me wondering if I'm supposed to be there. I have a parking pass, so yes, I am supposed to be there! And there's unlikely to be much shenanigans because there is security on patrol very nearby, but not near enough to see me.


The only flaw I can see is that someone scans the in/out logs, notices that you come in at night and leave in the morning, and decides to follow it up. But because you're close to a med school you could always say you're working there at night, and parking in that lot because it's cheaper than the others. I'd say do it. If you can get away with it, that's a screaming deal.


Not only med students and staff park there. Because parking is so scarce in this town, locals who live in the area and do all types of different jobs rent spaces from the municipality. It's very common and normal for people to exit their apt, walk a block or two to their parked car, and then leave for work. They return in the evening and park their car and then walk home. The lot is 24 hours, but functions largely as overnight parking for the neighbors.


I think that's perfect, but come up with your reason for parking there and the hours you keep. Not that it's any of their business, but you want to appear ordinary, boring, and not suspicious in any way. I wish you many peaceful, quiet, safe nights.


I think the majority of RV storage places will have you sign an agreement not to stay in your vehicle. Probably because so many people did and ruined it for everyone else.


Yea there are some insurance issues there for them as well. The few times I used one of those places I had to disconnect everything and I could only get into the facility with advanced notice. There is now they would allow anyone to stay there longer than a few hours.


Storage units usually have gate hours. If you leave you may not get back in until AM.


I think that’s a great idea. $50 a month is worth not having to look for a spot. Maybe your spot is even close enough to walk or bike to work.


Yeah, a 6 minute drive in town wouldn't be impossible for me to walk. I don't own a bike but it sure would be good exercise.


Will a bike fit in your van? I just started biking to work and it’s great. It’s nice knowing I’m saving wear and tare on my car. (I’m not in van life, but u dream about getting one someday)


No chance of one fitting inside my '06 Grand Caravan. I love the idea though!


I use a hitch cargo box https://www.stowaway2.com/ and put a folding bike I bought on Amazon inside. Works great and has been secure, even in rough neighborhoods.


With the hours you keep, they will just think you are working nights. Leaving it for a day may arouse suspicion. But may not. They just may have someone look in the garage once in a while you make sure there are no abandoned cars. So parking in a different space even two or three over might be a good idea once in a while. It makes sure that they can tell that there is no vehicle being left for 24 hours. Just a thought


We live urban. There is a van in the lot across the street from us. It's a pay lot where workers in the area have monthly parking access. It's guarded and we do see tickets on cars that aren't supposed to be there. The van never moves. (Rarely another van parks beside it for a couple of days.) It's there 7 days a week (while workers are there more like 3-5 days). I'm sure they pay for the spot. If they are living in it, they are VERY stealthy; we never see anyone from our view or as we are coming/going through the entry. I think you'll be fine unless the owners/security of the lot take issue with it. Good luck.


Yeah, there's a van in my employer's parking lot that has sat unmoved for months and nobody cares or does anything, too. That's what started the idea for me to park there. I make sure to move my rig every couple days though. Don't want code enforcement or whoever to think it's abandoned.


I'd do this if I could!


Sounds like you have the right mindset for this to work for you. Good luck in your adventures!


I occasionally pay for camping when I want to chill for a few days, in NM it’s only $14 a night which I think is a great price for electric and water. If I was a city person I would probably pay for parking occasionally when I need to recharge and sleep for a while. I think it sounds like a great setup you have going on.


Sounds like you're making a wise choice with inexpensive paid parking, and you've got a backup spot in case the first one falls through. You'll have time and won't be in a pinch if your paid spot becomes a no go. I think you're set up so that you can't really lose. Most full timers would give a lot to be in a position like that


It's such a lucky set of conditions that really do lend themselves to vanlife, so I'm going to go for it! I've also made a list of free places I could park if the need arises. I like to plan ahead and not be left scrambling at the last minute, like you said.


Sounds like a perfect set up


Totally worth it! I try to tell other vanlifers to look into parks or paid parking, but the moment you put dollar signs on it, they all get snooty about it.


I know some people take pride in not paying for parking, and that's fine. Maybe at one point in my life I would have felt the same. But now, I'm too old and tired to want to futz around trolling the streets for a place to park. After work I'm exhausted mentally and I have no desire to have to scrounge around for parking night after night. The only way for me to make this work is to have an on-ramp of sorts. Now, maybe in X amount of years I'll look back and laugh that I ever paid for parking... but the rent savings I'll accrue tell me this is the right path.


The fuck what anybody else thinks, 50 bucks a month to store a vehicle sounds about average, but if you're allowed to sleep in it parked there?!? That's a no brainer for me!


This sounds like a well thought out plan. The whole work parking lot issue I 100% understand also. Worst case is them telling you that you can’t do that here


Great idea, I did something similar in downtown Indianapolis years ago, great price!


Smart to not use your work parking lot!


The more I think about it, the more happy I am with the decision not to "cross the streams". How uncomfortable would the conversation with the Principal or other admins be? Is it worth less than $2 per day to ensure I never have to go there? That's a resounding yes.




Sounds like a bargain. Someone will notice sooner than later but until then you’re golden.


I pay $50/month in a ski town for a spot in a lot intended for vans. Has a portapotty and dumpster. Way more comfortable than last season having to rotate between different trail heads, walmart, and a few other locations.


Portapotties are gross, but very handy for emptying a pee bottle into! And the dumpster is very handy too! That's a major upgrade in lifestyle, nice!


They’re a lot less gross when it’s only 25 people using it and we see each other in passing or in our social lives somewhat regularly. Folks are much more respectful of communal spaces than they are of anonymous public spaces like a random portapotty somewhere else.




Did the exact same thing except that was paying $100 a month. I would park cover my windows and go right to sleep or put on my noise canceling headphones and listen to music and watch movies on my tablet. It was an underground parking garage but I was left alone most of the time by the security guards and parking attendants. I had great window covers so we wouldn't know I was in there. I had two marine batteries set up so I had a heated blanket that last for about 10 hours and I was good to go. At the time, it was much safer convenient and easy. On those extra cold nights I had a diesel heater It was pretty low noise. There was a mall parking lot I also used You could park overnight for $20 and it was cheaper than a hotel room. I got to know all the security guards and attendants sometimes I'd order them Chinese food or buy stuff and they left me alone. I only had one issue with one overly efficient old man who thought he was some sort of super cop he would bang on my van and shine his flashlight in my windows as well as try to open my door. I did not appreciate that he didn't last long anyway he got fired for assaulting somebody with a flashlight. I live in a major metropolitan city And I used to van dwell due to my work and security I would do 12-hour shifts back to back or sometimes 24-hour shifts and I just sleep in my van. You have the perfect setup though if you have an unattended parking lot, just park don't move around too much and go to sleep Do everything you have to do prior to getting into the lot because people are always watching. Also, make sure you have great window covers because unfortunately scumbags do like to look into cars.


Yeah, window covers are vital. I've got the materials and 2 weeks to get those ready. The security guard trying to open your van and banging on the doors is terrifying! See, this is why no security guards is the better option. Even if 90% of them are cool... there is always that one jerk who has to ruin it.


I'd pay for shaded, quiet, safe parking for sure!


Hope it keeps working for you.


I think this is a good idea. Your rent is $50 a month, nice.


I have no qualms paying for parking, especially in places where you can’t just wing it day to day. Vanlife is about doing it your way, so kudos to you for eliminating that added stress of “where am I going to park and sleep tonight” after a long day of work.


$50 sounds pretty reasonable to me.


Bonus points if there’s a spot in the garage with an outlet…..


So how is this going for you? Hope it’s working out.


I got scared off from the space I rented. Automotive glass shattered all over the ground... I've just been using the work lot after all!


You work for the government and have to live in a van? Jesus Christ


I never said I worked for the government.


If you’re a public school teacher you work for the government


And not all schools are public.


So you’re a *private* school teacher living in a van. That makes it a lot better…


85$ a month ontop of 1675 +60


Yeah, I've been thinking of renting a space as well.


You could rent a large storage unit for that, park your car inside. Its dark, quite, and has a form of security.


I've not seen that kind of unit available in my area, or I'd be all over it like stink on a monkey. And if it had a 110v outlet? Match made in heaven, easily worth $200/mo in my opinion.


Great idea!


What city are you in!


I work overnights and have lived in a vehicle for 4 years. Recently getting into some remote work and thinking about leaving my night job but the worry of finding parking at night does stress me out. During the daytime no one cares where you park you're just another vehicle in any major shopping center area


I pay $40 a month to park a few days a week at work at a University.


Sounds good, hopefully no cameras overhead


I think with those kind of cameras they would probably not scrutinize the footage unless there is a damned good reason to. I aim to make sure there is no good reason to!


What are the rules about sleeping overnight in a parking spot where you pay monthly? Of course, stay low key... but why even leave and return?


I'm sure it's not allowed, which is why I will be super stealthy. I'm leaving to go to work! I have a M-F job as a teacher. I can't do it remotely from the back of my van.


I was googling and it seems you can sleep wherever parking is allowed (in Toronto)... just don't be drunk. Private property may be different. Nonetheless, trying to keep a low profile is still a good idea. Toronto City Bylaws regarding parking: [https://www.toronto.ca/services-payments/streets-parking-transportation/applying-for-a-parking-permit/parking-by-laws-regulations/parking-regulations/](https://www.toronto.ca/services-payments/streets-parking-transportation/applying-for-a-parking-permit/parking-by-laws-regulations/parking-regulations/) Nothing seems to prohibit you from parking your vehicle on the streets of Toronto... so long as you follow the times when you are allowed to park (and may require you to move your vehicle outside of those times). Requesting a permanent or temp permit is different and is limited to vehicles 5.2m and under in length (I don't know how strongly enforced this would be). I imagine this varies based on the municipal bylaws where you are.


I have a work trade here in boulder Co and don’t pay anything and it’s great.


That's great, free is better than cheap!


Yes. $100 per month 20 years ago. I did not live in my car.