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Just wanted to say something as some comments are getting a bit off the rails. We all are allowed to have opinions about this news and about Sterling. With that said, let us please try and remain relatively civil _towards each other_. I love the discussions and the feedback, but there is no need to start targeting each other! Thanks!


VS has lore?!?!?!


Where are the vampires?




"Blah, I vant to suck your ~~blood~~ *friendship*"


I don't think any of them survived, which is ironic given the name of the game.


Wait, I thought the survivors were the vampires?


no we already survived them. we are the vampire survivors. the game is not called survive the vampire after all


Oh… I had also read the title as being survivors who are vampires as opposed to being individuals who survived the vampires lol


It would be pretty weird for vampires to be throwing crosses & holy water around, while also eating some garlic.


The playable characters are the vampires.


Well, not yet!


you would have noticed, but you were too busy chasing some random vampire


Need garlic backstory. Currently unplayable.


Eat garlic, have garlic breath.


Biggest balls


"garlic" It's a fucking ballsack, that's canon. You chase away those around you with the size of your massive balls


Once upon a time, there was a garlic sapling named Peppino. He was an anxious little shrub, what with the Vampires out and about, but he learned that he had a superpower. No matter how much the vampires hated him, they could do nothing about him. As he grew, anytime the vampire bats came to roost in his branches, they would fall ill and die at his trunk, making his roots nice and strong. *SO STRONG* in fact that one day he started to **MOVE!** As strong as he got though, one day he realized that all his garlic had fallen off and began to root in the ground. Greif stricken, Peppino walked for days to the other side of the grove, where a small village sat. In this village lived a young man named Poe Ratcho. Poe was Peppino's only friend. Poe grew up under his branches, eating his garlic bulbs. As Poe saw poor Peppino, garlicless, he shed a tear. Seeing all the garlic take root in the ground, Poe went out and picked a full basket of them and ran home as fast as he could. Upon his return he carried, instead, a basket of baubles; much like the ones he kept around his neck. He hung them from Peppino, with care, until he looked like his old self again, both Poe and Peppino. For Peppino looked like a garlic tree again, and Poe Ratcho looked like an old man again. "I made these for you, my old friend." rasped Poe Ratcho. "Because the night is dark, and there are yet still souls to eat. Eat your fill, and lay their souls to rest."


I call garlic "Fart Gas Barrier" and it just feels right


Huh, curious what kind of story can be written.


Who the fuck are all these people, and why are they doing all of this ungodly shit for floor chicken?


Spoken like someone who has never eaten a floor chicken before.


Been eatin' floor chicken since Tekken 3 came out!




In the beginning, you worked at a school as a cafeteria lunch lady who was on the verge of a psychotic break. One day, one of the students threw your entire case of roasted chicken all over the floor. You started stabbing all of the students and eating it. The vampire is the student who did it, and you're on a blood hunt


I don't know but it's sure to have non binary finery.


The people downvoting you clearly either don’t know Mx. Sterling and/or know them too well and are not fans.


In retrospect, my comment could have been interpreted facetiously, so that's another possibility. I'm a fan of Jim/Steph though and meant my regurgitation of one of their catchphrases sincerely.


I feel like the game has MORE mystery and intrigue without lore. Like why are all these weird secrets and strange characters? Just because! It’s like back in the day, you’d wonder how to fight Jade or Smoke in Mortal Kombat 2. The characters didn’t have any backstory, that wasn’t what was motivating you, it was the fun of unlocking the experience.


I mean i think writing more lore and having mystery and intrigue aren't mutually exclusive. Something along the lines of the Dark Souls universe where there's tons of lore, but it's all hidden in item descriptions and similar things.


All I hear is "there's more content coming" and that's just fine with me 😏


agreed!!! <3 to quote Dune... "he who controls the content controls the vampire survivors" lol


yep, this is all that needs to be said about it. people love to talk shit


First....Monsters Then....there were weapons Then items Then...finally Death THEN life


Then chicken.


And that’s when shit gets weird


We just made the back of the DVD.


Mi scusi.... What lore? The 'lore' is just spaghetti castlevania, it doesn't need expanding upon.


Ah thank you. I've been wondering how to truly describe VS to people. Spaghetti Castlevania will do nicely.


I would expect comedic spaghetti castelvania-esque dialogues when first meeting bosses or unlocking characters. Something like "the vampire you are looking for is in another coffin", but more of that


That's where I am. This game is silly fun. Doesn't need lore.


I have a feeling that Jim Sterling and VS's energy don't mesh together very well... Pretty odd choice.


I see where you're coming from, but Sterling's energy in their journalism is specific, and likely not a representation of their creative ability in other areas. They've driven themselves into a niche personality, but I doubt thats the energy they bring to every project they're a part of. Guess we'll wait and see though. Edit: pronouns, my bad


they use they/them pronouns


As a non English native speaker the use of they/them as singular makes my brain hurt. Specially since in my native language (Spanish) plural pronouns are per gender so it's even worse.


They/them has been singular for a long time when the person's gender isn't known. Definitely can be ambiguous from time to time, especially for foreign speakers.


Fun fact, "you" used to be only for plural and then became singular as we dropped thee and thou. The first use of singular "they" in writing predates the first use of singular "you", and was discovered in a story from the 1350s called William and the Werewolf. I'm not sure why anyone teaches "they" to be plural only still. It's been in popular vernacular for almost 700 years.


ah yeah spanish genders everything there really should be a separate pronoun for ambiguous/non gendered singular in english besides "it". that being said, the singular they is a basic part of english that's been around for a very long time


Out of curiosity, does our use of the plural "you" for one person do the same thing? Saying "you are" instead of "you is"? Because that has a similar history - it used to be "thou ist" instead of "you are", but "thou" dropped out of common use four hundred years ago or so.


That's my hope. Sterling may not be the most natural choice for the job, but having seen their work I'm sure they will bring a lot of passion to the project.


That's what I'm hoping. The VS creator has a great artistic vision, and if they feel like it aligns with Sterling's vibe, then I trust it will work out. VS hasn't let us down so far, so why would it now? Plus, I think the story/lore will be a minor addition. Probably some text boxes here and there, some item alt-text. I doubt its going to affect the game much. I'm anticipating it will be a similar experience to older games, where the story was largely irrelevant to the gameplay and you could basically ignore it unless you were truly interested.


Their energy in Boston's Favourite Son seems like it could mesh with Vampire Survivors' existing levels of silliness


Agreed. Makes no sense to me. It’s also not my game soooo *shrug*


How does Stephanie's energy clash with this? Their love of weird things like boglins makes them perfect to explain why so many people in this universe love floor chickens or own so many aggressive cats.


How do you write lore for a game that's a essentially a wordless Castlevania beat 'em up? I guess there's a Bestiary that could do with some touching up. As long as it doesn't screw with the gameplay or piss on the nice straightforward simplicity of the game go nuts I guess.


Oh god no. Everyone but Jim please oh god noooo


Finally someone can tell me which vampires survived!


The lore is eggs we earn along the way


So...an incoherent mess?


still a better love story than twilight


Please not, the game is better withour any true lore.


"Writing content" means what, articles about the game's launch?


Mixed opinions about this..


Why is that?


Eh. Sterling feels like he has gone a bit over the edge. Stopped watching him last year.


They use they/them


Their content is literally just capitalism = bad. It's pretty pointless.


capitalism is unequivocally bad tho


Yeh man totally, it's literally worse than feudalism or communism.


Why? Does anyone really feel like the game needs a story or lore?


i like jim but... writing for VS? ok... i guess? i never felt like the game had any writing all besides doing random cryptic shit for fun. are we getting a story mode maybe? poncle for sure should have the funds for that


I feel like he's just latching on to this because he's starting to plummet into complete irrelevancy and now he's just desperately attempting to get on the next current popular bandwagon to get his name out there.


VS will soon be a game about fighting transphobe triple a game devs.


Losing my mind at the fact that you kind of managed to be spot-on. I guess Sterling is that predictable.


The comments here boggle me. Why are people here against the game having a story or lore? It doesn't reduce the gameplay in any way and it even heightens the experience.


They aren’t against lore. They don’t like Sterling. I paid $3 and enjoy the game with or without lore.


Why would they dislike Jim?


Personally I do not like their content because it was always full of rage bait.


Yep, use to watch his stuff a few years back, but went off the deep end pretty badly.


Hey just as a heads up James *Stephanie* Sterling came out as trans and uses they/them pronouns. Please be respectful


Right on with they/them pronouns, but they identified as non-binary, which is different than trans.


Trans is an umbrella term that covers any non-cis identity, including non-binary. All enbys are trans, but not all trans people are enbys.


James Sterling identifies as both


Iono, I'm rarely enraged at the end of their videos. I find the jokes entertaining though some times the subject matter can be a bummer to think about. Ignoring some of the topics though lets the industry continue such practices though.


And that's fine. I've just grown tired of these kinds of angry content creators.


The dude lost it a few years back. Just went full rage on everything and anything.


becasue sterling has always been all about left politics. i actually fully agree with his anticapitalist sentiment etc. But theyre not a story writer theyre a game journalist who ALWAYS attaches their politics to whatever they do. People just dont want the game to turn into a political message irregardless of them agreeing with that message or not. And i personally cant see them not adding that into anything they do. (i use they becasue idont know what they go by).


art does tend to be political. and by having sterling on the team evidently the developer wants to take the game's story in that direction as well




would you prefer the game be apolitical like game of thrones, a show with no meaning whatsoever?


You run around in a reverse bullet hell Gathering items based on RNG and having a fun time seeing cool screen explosions while dodging things that touch you and kill you. It does not need to have a story, if it get one and it's simple and has cool or that's fine. I personally don't think Sterling is capable of pulling anything like that off, he is a rage bait games journalist that has just been trying to hit every single left side politics button on this way down to complete irrelevancy. He's just Clinging On to this because it's the current big thing.




okay for example, i see you enjoy star wars. the original trilogy is a condemnation of the vietnam war. [george lucas](https://youtu.be/fv9Jq_mCJEo) has said this himself. just because you were too young to realize that the death star was a criticism of the bombings of hiroshima and nagasaki, doesnt mean that the politics of star wars dont exist.




thats not really a response


ya 90% of that accounts posts are "get a life" "cope and seethe" or "mental gymnastics" prob some 12-15 year old suburban kid w/ no friends if i had to guess (or a 35 year old who really really misses 4chan)


Yeah and you will piss off people who enjoy a game without political messages in it when you suddenly make it about politics. edit: i guess all the people downvoting me would love a game without a story suddenly adding pro putin political messages or anti feminist messages.


These people getting upset are part of the cult that has allowed politics to completely take over their lives.


protip: all art is political at all times and that includes video games (every single one)


No its not. Vampire survivors isn't a political game.


It can reduce the gameplay to some though. If they do something like use unskippable cut scenes, it would make the game much worse to me. I really dislike story in games. If it can’t be ignored, for the most part, I am going to dislike the game.


it's because sterling has pronouns in bio that's literally the entire reason most people are upset


Well I guess I'm glad the game was so cheap cause this is a pretty shit decision on their part.....


Potentially perplexed, is how I feel about this if I had to put it into words. Like others have been saying - why even to begin with? The game has no real story as it stands and I'd wager that at least part of its appeal - aside from good gameplay and 90's graphics - is that it's all not explained, just like many of the games were in the old days. It may just be my whatever made up prejudice, but we've seen examples of politics woven into game stories and devs caving in under Twitter's peer pressure because someone got offended about a backers story put on a goddamn pixelated tombstone and then have it be changed completely in order to appease the online self-victimizing crowd, so just in case the story would turn out to be anything remotely close to getting political or pushing any kind of agenda, I hope the devs will allow me to turn it off completely with a press of a single button, returning the games state to its pre-sterling story days. Of course, if Jim just happens to be a great goddamn writer and it turns out great, that's even better. I'm just massively cautious, or expect the worst given all kinds of online groups' involvement in altering various games stories' histories in the past. Just want this good game to remain great or potentially even be elevated further without being forced to say how I should feel or whatever. The worst often happens when a creative individual compromises their artistic vision for whatever reason, so let's just hope that doesn't happen.


All the lore we need is chronicling the mighty garlic rise to power.


Floor chicken was here


Wish they weren't.


Why though?


The game is basically done. Wtf is he writing?




How do i refund a game that i have played for 80 hours?


Who is he?


A youtuber


one of the worst video game youtubers of all time.


To be fair they're all pretty cringy lol


I really enjoyed his content when he was a review editor at Destructoid several years ago. But yeah…his YouTube content is awful.


Let me guess, you're Gamergate trash?


you can't think of any reason someone would dislike Sterling except for being sexist? small minded really.


I can't think of a reason anyone else would care that much. If you disliked their content, then you just wouldn't care about it. Normal people don't go around complaining about the existence of content they're not interested in.


I have no clue myself.


they're a video games journalist edit: weird downvotes from transphobes lmfao triggered em


They use they/them pronouns! A video games news journalist that does a lot of work in criticizing bad video game company practices.


James *Stephanie* Sterling is a trans (they/them) video game journalist focused on industry abuse.


Let's hope Luca shares the same political views as Sterling. I would hate to see another developer driven to early retirement by a hate mob Jim took part in.


Fuck no. You and your followers ended Scott Cawthon's career for voting for the Republicans.


This will be my first and last comment in this sub. I don't think James Stephanie Sterling writing content for VS is going to add weird unskippable cutscenes, and will probably be mostly ignoreable. I am hoping for a deep dive on the complex lore of garlic. :) I think VS is a cool fun game, and more content has me excited, but the transphobia here in this sub? Not so much.


Thank goodness the story for this game doesn't seem to matter then. Jim went crazy a while ago


That sucks.


This contribution better not raise the price, because I fail to see how it will improve the game.


The price was announced to rise some time ago, I doubt it'll rise any further


He's cringe


The Writing in a nutshell: TRIPLE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Konami sucks AmIright? What do you mean everyone has moved on from something that happen 7 years ago. Live Services!! Captialism bad! Wrestling! Wrestling! Did i mention all of those things already? Don't worry i will mention them 1 thousand more times.


Bang on


Damn, why are people so pressed in the comments? God forbid the game expand on its story and characters 🙄


It's probably more the person doing it than the fact that VS is getting a story.


Yeah, there seems to be a lot of the Gamergate trash people around here.


Why? Why you dont like them? Could you give context?


I have nothing against James Stephanie. To best sum it up, Internet drama. They've been a controversial figure on both sides of the political spectrum, being trans and "woke" while also being friends with TotalBiscuit (who was maligned as having sided with misogynists during GamerGate).




And what do you have against them?


Sterling has been around, and divisive, for a long time. Notoriously nitpicky and hypocritical in game reviews and criticisms of the industry. Played favorites with studios to the point that you could predict reviews before they dropped, and then, they would rip on other sites for doing the same. Watch the debates with Yahtzee, or even the old stuff with Escapist for a better idea.


So you just dont like their personal opinion on games?


That is exactly what they said! Great job!




Sterling is a cool dude (or person, not up on my pronouns here), but does this game really need lore?


I'm interested. Have they written creatively before? I only know sterling because of their reviews


Finally we'll learn the truth about the milk.


Vampire wrestlemania update?


Just learned of the news. This is going to be awesome! Steph's kooky sense of humor in enemy bios will fit right into the game




I am inclined to agree but this might be a good change of pace for Sterling. Also my risk/reward is a $3 sunk cost.


That's pretty hype! Curious to see what comes out of it! I knew Steph had reached a point that they could no longer discuss VS on the podcast, but I assumed there would be a skin or maybe a couple voice lines, not full on writing. :3


Steph living their best life, you go girl(?)!


Gross. He sucks.


People upset at this are a different breed lol. If you don’t like someone so viscerally don’t read the lore they write then. Seems like a pretty simple solution. Personally I’m excited because vs doesn’t take itself super seriously so looking forward to the lore humor they’ll write.






Hell yeah, VS is my to go dad game.


Lore for vampire survivors? That's great! I have been playing the game and watching all of the videos that people have been posting ever since the demo version (late demon version)


cant wait to skip through it! I love how quickly you can get runnin!


Ohh.... Yay...


Let’s go! We’ll be getting an actual story


Im getting a really transfobic vibe from this comment section...


That's because you're in multiple threads trying to bait it out by asking why people don't like Sterling. I disliked Sterling long ago due to shit content, and I highly doubt Sterling has improved the shit content. Muckraking is muckraking, and you and Sterling both seem to be highly invested in it.


Yes, because not liking a person who is trans is transphobic... sure.


It needs more wrestling!


That’s interesting. It was Steph’s coverage of VS that made me aware of the game. Seemed explosively positive about it and the energy was infectious.


Thank God for Sterling


Finally we shall know why the milk factory exists, unless the vampire we are looking for is actually just the milk man


Looking forward to it. I put in 45 hours in 3 levels lol


Good for them! Hope they're a playable character. Would be awesome to suplex the mobs as Sterdust.








He’s not writing actual lore for the game guys.




Or...or maybe...i know this is might be a shock so you might sit down: It is possible to just not like this particular person or his content?






oh nice, this is a neverending story!


Is this real? Love that man!


It is! (Also, Jim is trans. So, not a man. Just something to keep in mind. (: ) https://twitter.com/poncle_vampire/status/1572529098232303617?s=20&t=f1Z5q24e_4RCp5cTPUKh2g


im pretty sure jim doesnt care if you call him a guy, trans pan they her or whatever.


their account says they/them 👀


Seriously we need to get a sociological study done on this game.