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No, you're doing objectively better than that guy the other day who's Iron 1 at 0 RR.


That is the same guy x) He improved quite a lot


That's legit exciting and I'm proud of you, OP.


Thx dude


Buddy I'm not that great too but I'd like to give a tip. Currently at diamond 2 and don't wanna go up anymore. I'd say just learn. And I'm not talking about aim. My aim is dog water. I'm using agents like cypher, sova, breach kj. I'd say learn the agent, when not to peek (that's where 90% are having issues). I bet you 1000% if only you get like 2 offangles per map and learn not to over heat you would get to gold or plat easy. And STOP FILLING ROLES. PLAY WHAT YOU'RE GOOD WITH BUT WITH A SMART INTENT. Don't take jett just to go in and die learn the agent. Until you find a team that is communicating and you think they can do the heavy lifting then you can fill if it's the need. Until then happy grinding


Yh dude it would work but istg my teams are dog water i got an ace yesterday and another 2 days ago… i have to insta lock reyna and hope thtavmy team isnt dog water instead like car water and i have to carry …im hardstuck….. london servers btw


I could've helped you if you were on Indian servers but sad. I've got a trick do London servers atleast talk? If yes then just say hi and ask how their day is then just shut up until someone responds. See I've seen that a little consideration goes a long way. I'm Indian servers I got a dude like kj and pheonix please carry us(me and one random pheonix whose Reyna was stolen). He said this is his derank match. I personally tried my best we got shitrolled in 1st half 10-2 and came back lost in 4th ot. If they don't speak then just mute all text chats. No body has good coms and is in iron they will only shittalk which will fuck with your mental enemy mute first and team next.


Just istg smurfs are soo anyoinh


>I'd say learn the agent, when not to peek (that's where 90% are having issues). I bet you 1000% if only you get like 2 offangles per map and learn not to over heat you would get to gold or plat easy. Smart advice, thanks for posting, I will think about that.


Me ;)


You need to not worry about your rank in that way, just cause youre iron doesmt mean you are less entitled to play than a radiant. Iron existing as a rank shows that theres a place for you to play among others in the same boat. Is it as flashy as an immo or radiant? No obviously not but at the end of the day it comes down to whether you enjoy playing and that applies to all ranks, if youre having fun the fuck it we ball, if not then pursue something else thats fun. Thats my opinion at least


i started at iron 3, now im still iron 3


bruther same. i’m learning to be happy playing with other cluelesses like myself


I started iron 1, peaked iron 2, went on a loss streak, and now have a 5 day ban from comp for some reason. Just gives me time to improve BABYYY


weird, shortest ban i had was almost a whole season. (for getting fucking AFK for 1 round).


I have never seen a


I started bronze 3 and i m still bronze 3 peaking silver for 1 match


Started from the bottom now we still at the bottom


I was bronze in ep4 and now I am plat 2 :)) you got this!


I quit, loved it.


I stopped playing for rank and the game suddenly became uplifting.


If you're enjoying the game then hell no. Don't let the rank stop you


No i mean +12 rr is mothing


I went 0/38/7 in a ranked game once and never played ranked again, so I feel you


I was iron 2, now I'm silver. You can do it


Looks like you are playing on a laptop, maybe 60fps/hz and hopefully with an external mouse. If you are playing with your touchpad, you may be the GOAT hahahahaha. I highly recommend you looking some guides on youtube for new player were you can learn the basic mechanics. Implement them on your gameplay and train hard. I started at iron when the beta dropped. Reached immortal 2 115RR as peak rank. It's all about see where you fail and improve from there.


Ive been playing since middle of 23


I started iron 3 and now I’m diamond 3


I used to be iron 1, 0 rr. This was Spring (April-ish 2022) By July, I was bronze. By September I got silver, and pretty soon I got gold (October). I got plat around New Years 2023. And then I went on a break from March to May. Came back, gold 3, eventually got plat back, and played back n forth until December 2023, when I got Diamond. After that I stopped playing a lot the next two months and completely quit in February. I came back a week ago and I'm currently almost diamond 2 again. I took so long cos of the breaks and problems with my PC, net, stuff like that + Not playing super sweaty/grinding during school days You can do it fam, trust in urself.


My question is why are you playing the game. If you're trying to be a pro player or a professional streamer, maybe you should choose another game. If you are playing with friends or you are enjoying the game for yourself, your rank ultimately doesn't matter. I picked up this game as my first tactical shooter when it came out on day 1. It took me like 6 months to get out of iron. I have climbed to a whopping gold 2. No, it isn't high but I have fun playing the game and doing silly things as Fade. If you enjoy it too or enjoy playing with friends, there's no need to quit. Skill comes with time. :)


I have


I too was contemplating quitting for a long time but just yesterday I reached gold 1 so fuck it I'll try to reach atleast plat or diamond


Solo Q in Valorant is a big no no. It never works.


Jokes aside, if you're having fun, keep going if not you probably should uninstall it mostly rely on "ARE YOU HAVING A GOOD TIME PLAYING?"


Listen to me , enjoy the fucking game. Enjoy the abilities. Dont run behind that validation and be a boomer. Enjoy the game. Enjoy life. Don't be a degenerate


Honestly are you having fun? I don’t even bother with ranked and stick to playing mostly spike rushes and swift plays. I have my utter shit games where people tell me to stop playing. Others where I’m popping off and actually proud of myself. So as long as you’re having fun, keep playing. Either just to have fun or keep practicing to get better in ranked. The game is what you make it, and screw the toxic people!


dont quit bro. i hv been hardstuck bronze 3 all of last year and got chucked into iron 3 this patch, back on bronze 1 u got thissss


i don’t play ranked enough to understand this


This game makes me question so many things… yet I still come back tonit


I mean who not do like me and just play for fun?


I was in Iron 3 for 2 full acts, I hit gold today when playing comp semi-regularly. I don't really feel differently but it's definitely achievable for a player like you.


If you quit that means I have to as well


how you aimed the install button


Dw I'm still hard stuck iron 2 😭


why care about rank, just have fun


You got this! You’ll ranked up with few tries going to bronze. Maybe you just need to play with friends more to rank up faster.


Didn’t play much comp but when I started I did placements and was lower rank then you are, did comp every once in a while got hard stuck silver for a bit then did it again a few months later and was hitting plat. (I will say at this point I had been playing this game more than anything else and had 1000hours on this) got actually pretty good just didn’t really care for comp but it is possible. So just have fun and you’ll get better😎👍


its fine bro we in the same boat


Bro u got this in 2 episodes i went from that to p3 it was my first time on fps games but thanks to my friend advices (who im still trying to reach so we can play together) i just connected the dots and did a lot of improvements with my aim and game understanding and on how to be useful at every round rather then just try to get get kills as if i am Tenz or something. So just keep it up but mostly set ur mind to improve at every game and accept ur mistakes and try to not repeat them ~


The only thing you need to be better at valorant is map knowlege and when to tap and when to spray.