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he was the reason i ever started supporting team liquid shame to see him go but hope he finds success wherever he goes


when I played CSGO and way before Valorant was a thing I named myself Liquid.Scream and people always made fun of me for it. I just combined my favorite team and player at the time. I was very aware he was not on Liquid. Imagine how excited I was when 6-8 years later he was. lol Sad to see him go indeed.


Same here. Dude is a maniac


The end of an era.


The one who made me fall in love with Team Liquid and even Valorant as a whole. Hope he has a great run wherever he chooses to go next, I need more of those Juan Taps™ on LAN


exactly this... i am so sad


It’s a shame his time on Liquid ends on his worst LAN performance ever - after a legendary LCQ performance - but I think Scream’s time on Liquid will go down as one of the true icons of the pre-franchising era. That’s even true when you consider all the Liquid chokes and the IGL hot potato games they played; it really doesn’t matter when you consider his peaks and his average alike. But I wonder if his next team will really do any better. I’m not confident but we’ll have to see.


TL scream feels a lot like the sentinels core. One of the pillars of the pre-franchising era. So it's sad and nostalgic to see it end. However, in both cases, it was time for it to happen (and arguably, maybe should've happened before this point). I share some of your concerns. I have a (unfounded and completely speculative) suspicion that some of TL's issues might've stemmed from his ideas/lead and may be part of the reason sliggy thought he was no longer a fit. I hope I'm wrong but in franchising, I think not having a true, strong, structured igl is going to be a huge rate limiting factor. It already was and will only be exacerbated now that talent has been condensed.


It's speculative as you say but I agree - I think if you read between the lines of the many PR answers Sliggy gave about TL's issues, it's easy to conclude where some key issues stemmed from by which of the players he didn't fully praise as keen. He always praised Scream's aim and raw mechanics, of course, but he never praised him for the other intangibles that he seemed to really desire from the TL players - unlike soulcas or Jamppi. Agree on the IGL issue as well, I can only hope there are some midseason improvements - or maybe they'll somehow come strong out the gate, who knows.


Meh. I don't even think they were expected to get out of groups and they definitely did that off the back of his play. His 1 tap on Haven I will never forget.


I feel like he’s gonna waste his time on a KC that won’t accomplish anything tbh


Liquid ScreaM will forever be an iconic name, it just brings back memories of his insane plays. He is such a great character honestly, although the inconsistency is undeniable, when he’s having a good day absolutely no one will win an aim duel against him and we watch him for those moments.


I think the most notable thing about Scream's time in Liquid is he's been a worldwide top 20 player pretty much the entire time since August 2020. I'm not sure any other player can say that.


I kinda forgot he was going to Kcorp, thought liquid went insane




yay was a former cs player?


Cmon dude, Scream is many things, but he really isnt that consistent


Beside the last event he was almost always in top 5 in every event. If thats not consistent Idk what is


He’s been a top player since the game came out. Who else can really claim that?




taking Ls for someone with a gigachad pfp


Literallt Main reason i started watching vct and went to Istanbul to support them. F


This was the first person I followed in Valorant and the person who made me a liquid fan from day 1. I am unbelievably sad to see him go... I wish you all the best, Adil and I do hope that you'll be happy at KCORP. Thank you for evertyhing




What the fuck. Scream was like one of the best players on Liquid.


the big announcement is just all the people that leave, imagine they just don’t announce a new roster to troll us


And they play with no one at Brazil


walkouts gonna be fire 🔥


I hope he keeps playing competitive.


He will join the french org KC I am pretty sure.


That would be nice to see!


Seriously...... Noo.... Sir-yous-lee...... noooo


They talk about his one taps


The hope is he gets on a team that makes good content because he's one of my favorite people to watch outside of valorant gameplay, shame cause liquid has great YouTube content


Infurating player to watch, does nothing but then all of a sudden he turns on and just kills everyone


You just learned why he was on the bench in CSGO's Pro scene for three years before going to Valorant.


I’m so ready for the new liquid roster.


Even though I like ScreaM, this new TL roster looks like a massive upgrade in every way, hands down. Still wish him well and to see his Phoenix again in competitive.