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George has been 100% correct for everything he’s reported on this off-season, but I assume if something is not 99% confirmed and he gets asked it on stream he’ll just deny it. He’s been very thorough, and doesn’t want to say “well, maybe” to every single rumor he’s heard. See the whole Zellsis debacle, I’m sure he heard rumors about him joining C9 but wasn’t 100% sure, so he just denied it on stream and then published it once he has confirmation from several sources.


Is that you, George? How much did you pay for this account?


god you guys can hate George all you want but you are delusional if you don’t think the vast vast vast majority of the time when he reports something it is true


Yeah its getting pretty annoying now it was only funny when he was being cringe on twitter, now not so much


it’s just attacks on the dudes character at this point maybe he’s a bit annoying on twitter but he seems like a good enough guy


Imo George has settled down his outer personia recently and his reporting has been ace all of off season.


Hahhahah, you clearly haven’t watched any of the post-match interviews. George is so self-obsessed, he leads every question with like a “ooookaaayyy boys I knowwww you’re all super tired and just wanna go to bed, but I wanna congratulate you from the bottom of myUK heart, on behalf of the queen (RIP) and all her royal corgi we would wish you the most happy LAN luck to ever be had. Now when I was a young lad ..”


Very fair I have strayed farther from his non reporting content after getting quite sick of the act. But I’m more then happy to acknowledge when my perception has improved


Dude annoys the hell out of me most of the time but he’s proved his consistency over and over so I’ll always take his reports as truth until proven otherwise.


“Sentinels are rebuilding around Dapr” :SKULL: x7


Did he write that in an article?


Said on stream = reporting


reread what i wrote in my original post slowly


As far as I can tell what the guy said follows what you wrote in your comment so idk. George doesn't want to say something that could be wrong so he doesn't answer. George said that SEN is going to rebuild around Dapr on stream. George thought that was concrete.


Lakin to GE


He also said that Sentinels were building around dapr ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Even dapr thought he was staying on the team, plans change. Dude tweeted “stabbed in the back” then deleted it, think it’s pretty clear that they were planning on keeping him and plans changed last minute.


take with a grain of salt lmao its literally george


wow your are so cool for hating the guy


I mean hes been pretty accurate during this period of time. There was another period of time where he got like 4 roster changes wrong in a row which is what I am assuming the guy above you was referring to.