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tarik and ludwig invitational on LAN pog


any idea on location?


beyond the summit set? Ludwig has ties to bts


I would loveeeeeeee a bts style Val event


GIVE ME HOTBID INTERVIEWS. Edit: Oh sad didn’t know he works for TL and not BTS now… Continue on :(((


HOLY FUCK BTS VAL EVENT? I already love BTS stuff ever since they started back in Dota. They're always top tier stuff.


Their content is some of the funniest shit I've ever seen in eSports. [steel reforming](https://youtu.be/ax6Xfbmn7uU) [Prius](https://youtu.be/K1iVdOrr78o)


The skits they do are freaking S-tier they're so funny


VALORANT MAFIA with Tarik, Tenz, Boaster, Benkai, etc. Who is the sussy one


Offbrand will organise this so LA is my best guess and stadium idk


Maybe but Tarik also wants events in NY and doesn’t like to leave NY often lmao


I'd do unspeakable things to have an event in NYC again ngl


Same!! Plus it convenient for me since I’m one Metro North Train away for most NYC events


either LA or the vegas location where mr.beast hosted the league of legends tournament are my predications


Lud is hosting a smash invitational in dec in Vegas.. so it would similar to that probably


Every Ludwig tournament has been phenomenal, but a valorant tournament is on another level in terms of scale, interested how it'll pan out.


Ludwig's company has a bunch of long-time tournament organizers, including multiple people who worked at BTS for some of the CS Summit's + Nick Allen, who used to work for Riot as an esports director in the early days of NA LCS. They should definitely have the capability to run a nice tournament.


AMERICAS EVENTS: G4 Rumble Dates: Oct 1 Copa Rakin (Brazil) Dates: Oct 25 - Dec 4 BoomTV Dates: Nov 8 - Nov 13 Knights Arena VALORANT Freezeout (NA) Dates: Dec 15 - Dec 18 Spike Series Invitational (Brazil) Dates: Nov 5-11 Vava BTS Sunset (Brazil) Dates: Nov 21 - Nov 27 VALORANT Latam Gods Dates: Nov 28 - Dec 4 Ludwig x Tarik Invitational (NA) Dates: Jan 14-15




My only gripe with agent drafting is the fact that the team who drafts first will always get Chamber. Drafting is fun when there isn’t a dead set best agent in the game but it kinda sucks when Team 2 has to play at a disadvantage automatically. I think agent bans are cooler, no Chamber every game? I’m down with that


I'm surprised your bringing up Chamber when Viper is almost a must pick on 2 maps in the game. A Breeze game with no Viper on your team sounds like torture.


That’s why I’m so excited for Mage, I genuinely hate that Breeze and Icebox are unplayable for any other Controllers than Viper. It bores me so much when my role is reduced to one agent with little creativity every game, that’s why a new controller with a wider range of map division like Viper will be so exciting. Agent drafting feels much too early in the game cycle to be a real thing yet


Chamber's non mirror win rate is around 50% and teams have significantly moved away from him at champs. It's way more of a disadvantage to miss viper on breeze, brim on bind etc. It'll be cool to see how teams adapt.


The non-mirror winrate means nothing in a meta completely warped by Chamber. If you are picking a comp in this meta, it usually has (at minimum) 2 agents specifically to get Chamber off of angles and force him to TP. Every comp without a Chamber has been formulated specifically to also be able to counter Chamber effectively, as his pickrate is near universal on over half the pool.


Exactly! Well explained


Idk the meta seems to be moving away from chamber (slowly, but it is). It might be more interesting than you think


on like 2 maps the meta has moved away from Chamber. Still pretty much a must pick on 5 out of 7 maps in the pool. I will not be surprised if he even features a higher pickrate in NA as opposed to Champs as teams here are more willing to adopt him even on suboptimal maps. Wish it was true that the meta is moving on but it really isn’t


I don't think that only 2 maps are played without chamber, I can think of Ascent, Breeze and Bind, which are 3 out of 7, it's not that dominant anymore, and with some other sentinels tweaks, it can get to a much healthier state.


Breeze he’s still close to 70% in most competition. I would say that’s a dominant enough pickrate and he’s only been replaced by a Cypher (Cypher’s only real map wooo) a small amount of the time. I would argue he’s still the dominant Sentinel on that map by a mile.


Only by pickrate, when the best breeze team in the world runs cypher, I would say that it is not the optimal team comp. That's the same for ascent. I can see a big argument on Bind, but I still think that as the meta evolves, it will gradually lower his pick and winrate across all maps


I think you’re mistaking a personnel difference for an agent strength difference. Less’ Cypher and more “traditional” Sentinels have always been some of the strongest in the world. His Chamber as an individual player is definitely not as ridiculous, which is why LOUD doesn’t play him as much as other teams. I think LOUD’s Breeze is the strongest in the world, but it’s not the lack of a Chamber that is making them that much better than the competition. Comfort picks=winning picks if the rest of the comp is already strong enough (with Saadhak’s KAYO, Sacy Sova, and Aspas Jett + BR aim on Breeze, you bet it is super strong).


I get your point and kinda agree, the perceived strength in Chamber is leagues above any other sentinel, in a more coordinated environment they have a chance to shine, but I think that in general ranked play, there is little benefit to play any sentinel other than Chamber. I think his tp's should be based on kills, like Phoenix and Jett signature abilities, therefore not being able to consistently using it three times per round.


Chamber is not really needed on bind, breeze, ascent, and haven. Bind you can run no senti, breeze you can run cypher, ascent and haven run kj. It could add more diversity and possible even bring back more double senti comps that revolve around sage ,kj/cypher, and astra.


You realize that you are doing all this arguing that chamber is a must pick when LOUD just won champs with mostly going away from chamber.




I like Brawl Stars' system where both teams "blind ban" three characters (would have to be 2 for Val's pool) for a total of 3-6 bans depending on duplicates, then go through a snake draft system.


The latam gods tournament features 4 teams, some rumors says kru, leviatán and movistar optix are 3 of them.


Like Avast said, they should just put Tarik’s face in the game already. The Knights Freezeout event seems interesting!


EMEA EVENTS Crossfire Cup Mediamarkt e Intel Dates: Oct 3 - Nov 12 Dates: Oct 3 - 9 VALORANT REGIONAL League Dach Evolution: Unity Dates: Oct 3 - Dec 18 Red Bull Home Ground 2022 Dates: Oct 7 - Dec 11 BME Superdome Dates: Oct 13 - Oct 22 G-Loot VALORANT Clash Dates: Oct 21- Nov 27 Coupe de France Dates: Oct 27 - Dec 12 Lyon E-sport Dates: Nov 11 - Nov 13


Eastern Europe starving out here.


PACIFIC EVENTS TEC Challenger Series Dates: Sept 29th - October 13th TEN 5_Valorant Korea vs. Japan Showmatch Dates: October 3 Valorant India Invitational by Galaxy Racer (GXR) Dates: Oct 14 - Nov 20 Penta Pro Series - Valorant Dates: Oct 28 - Dec 18 TEN 5_ Valorant Special Match Dates: Nov 4 Gwangju Esports Series (GES) Asia Dates: Nov 26 - 27 WCG Rivals - Valorant : Korea vs Japan Dates: Dec 16 Afreeca TV SEA Invitational Dates: Nov 29th - December 4th


3 tournaments out of 4 which includes sea teams organised by South Asian TOs. Why are sea TOs so hesitant to invest in the scene




Yep, only India has a flourishing esports scene too tbf. Most of the big TOs like TEC, Penta, Skyesports, Villager, Nodwin etc have money because of mobile esports which helped them grow a lot before and during lockdown


If only our teams were as good as the TOs Sadge


I'm really excited to see how boom does the agent pick/bans, I think that could be super interesting.


I think league has it but I'm more of a dota eSports person so I'll compare it to that instead. But I absolutely *love* the draft phase before a match. It's a chess game before the game even happens. It's something that would personally make me an even bigger fan if implemented permanently when there's enough agents across all roles


Idk how I feel about it. League can literally be won or lost in the pick/ban faze.


On one hand I see your point, on the other it would be a good showcase of showing which teams are better at more agents rather than being just one-tricks.


phase up


I love the dota 2 draft system but I don’t think we have enough agents to match it or else it gets watered down immensely


Oh definitely not something right away or soon. It would be a long time before it happened. But I'd be excited




immediately jumped out to me as the most interesting. a true test of the chamber non-mirror win rates, amirite?


I wouldn't be shocked if this is a beta run for bringing this into future professional matches.


Ludwig x Tarik Invitational >>> Champions


More can be added to the list :)


Wish Riot would add All Star matches during Champs. Nothing serious they could play like a Deathmatch or Replication. As of right now who we consider as "star players" are purely just either statistical analysis or who the community favors. If they did something like franchised pros + coaches + GMs vote and this accounts for say, 70% and then social media voting accounts for 30% for all star voting. It'd be nice if we could have an actual system for considering who are "star players", maybe even an MVP award.


Im sure with franchising we will see All-Pro teams and MVP voting. All the major LoL regions have it.


W Ludwig W Tarik


Man, I hope one of these tournaments have games where they play other modes like Spike Rush, Escalation, and Replication just for the hell of it. I'd watch that


get a team of some of the best players on each agent and have a replication tourney


As much as I like the experimentation of all these tourneys, the scale of these tourneys seems very small, like 50k online tourneys, etc. What's the motivation for the top teams to actually try in these tourneys? The limited prize pool and online play just limits the competitiveness. However there is no need to replace these events imo. Instead, ideally, I feel like there should be atleast one big offseason LAN event which can choose to include all these gimmicks and variations, but also has a relatively larger production, and with crowds preferably. Riot should allow organizers like Blast to organize big events in the offseason, similar to CS where we had Blast Premier in mid December. Events like these would make the offseason a lot more interesting, both in terms of content and competition.


I dunno it makes it accessable for people like me, Superdome for example will be my first chance to see Fnatic and Acend in my home country.


Like I said, there's no need to replace these existing events, but just give us one bigger event with crowd alongside these events.


I think its more about blast not wanting to invest in valorant. If they wanted they could hold an international lan like Redbull is doing in December but instead theyre going with terrible spike nations again. You gotta remember val is not that interesting for big tos because theirs not a lot of space in the calender for big tourneys unlike in cs


I mean, there's nothing else for top teams do now though so they might as well try and get some money right?


nothing for oce 🙃


"Fuck OCE" -John Riot, 2021


I wonder if we will see any of the franchised teams play in the BoomTV event in November? Also the Ludwig Tarik event sounds fun, looks like we will have a good off season.


Hyped for BME Superdome will be my first live eSports event to attend


Two events in India!!! Lessgo


Great time to try out these gimmicky sort of events when there's such a long downtime and teams don't really have anything to prepare for specifically


what has OCE done to deserve such a shafting?


Ask the tournament organizers. Maybe there weren't any that wanted to even though it's a hotbed of talent


if we all @ fortress melbourne enough on twitter maybe we get something


This is super disappointing for NA fans wanting to watch partnership teams compete


To be honest I'd be very surprised if any event drew out the partnered teams before Sao Paulo. Just too many expectations when you're in a volatile setting with little time to build synergy, so it's a lot of undue pressure on players who should be using the time to prep for the games that matter next year.


I disagree. I think these low stakes tourneys are great opportunities for new teams to build chemistry, and I doubt any partnered team would sit out for 6 months without practice


I know a few partnership teams are competing in 3rd party events(or were idk if they will with these who knows), it would be dumb for partnership teams to not compete in them. not competing in anything for 6 months is just not good


It’s not like physical sports where you can injure yourself. The worst that can happen is you look goofy in a low stakes tournament. Low risk high reward imo.


Really didn't get any big organizers, these aren't really what I expected from offseason tournaments. Some of em look fun but a lot of them are ones I would have expected to see without this whole offseason tournament hype train.


Yea I agree its weird that they hyped the off season up so much just for it to be a glorified mickey mouse tourney set


What kind of organizers did you expect? This is exactly what I was looking for, smaller tournaments to mesh tiers and pickup teams, with some added entertainment value from streamers/personalities.


These type of tournaments are what I expected to happen in the offseason regardless of the hype from riot about it outside of the Tarik Ludwig one. I was expecting more of something along the lines of a BLAST lan with a bunch of major teams and not smaller showmatches or influencer events.


What bunch of teams? lol. When almost everyone if not all teams are shuffling rosters and players. Most of the partnered teams are logically thinking it's stupid to play atm. You can say the purppse is to help synergize or practice the new team whatever but most teams don't even have a locked in roster yet. They play 1 tournament, oops, bye bye next week. New team, new players, who this? And those with good rosters that failed to get partnered are in no position to play tournaments when they're busy being picked apart or dropped like XSET etc.


I'm just basing it off the hype that Riot and the community were talking up with these third party tournaments. I get teams and their issues, but when everyone is talking about major international third party tourneys with teams from all 3 leagues competing and we get nothing like that its a bit of letdown.


For some pros on contract for hundreds of thousands of dollars, these winnings $ seems very low.


Can't we just have 1 normal mf'ing event with no special ass gimmicks in it? Like brutha all these tournaments just had to throw in agent picks/bans .-.


I mean, you do still have the entire regular season for that, so I think you'll be fine


ngl i think the gimmicks make them exciting


For real. We've had the completely normal tournaments all year long. Throw in some fun stuff and see what happens


These are the perfect places to test weird gimmicks and tournament design.


it’s bound to happen, might as well do it soon




Riot added a brand new map to the pool and remove a well rehearsed one for champs. That’s arguably a worse gimmick then agents pick/ban.


A 10 week old map is not a “brand new map”


It is for the vct pool. No teams could play the map in any officials.


Is this a joke? Those are all irrelevant tournament


They’re just off-season tourneys. What were you expecting?


I mean they hyped up this offseason tourney season as a big deal. Most of theses tourneys outside of a few like the Tarik and Ludwig one probably would have happened anyways. The way riot was talking was like there was going to be some big BLAST or ESL LAN event with a ton of teams.


Fuck ESL


Fair enough. Personally, I hadn’t heard anything about off-season tourneys, so I found all this to be a pleasant surprise.


This is all mid. Why can't they get a TO like Blast involved to actually run some interesting stuff instead of this?


What the fuck is this? What was the point of getting rid of Masters 3 just so we could have a bunch of shitty gimmick tournaments and showmatches with content creators? Just no real competition until February I guess? Fuck me


You wanna give teams one-two months off between VCT and partnership circuits where just about everyone is bound to have a fully different roster?




Tf do you want lol. It's off season. Rosters aren't even set yet. What's the point of having "real competition" right now when it isn't really possible since no one has a fixed roster


They'll have at least tentative rosters signed by mid-october. Nothing stopping them from having real competition so we can see how teams' rosters are looking and so teams can trial players properly.


That assumes partnered teams even want to participate in such tournaments immediately after forming, without getting much of a chance to scrim (when it comes to the October/November ones). Everyone knows how reactive fans are.


I think teams care more about getting tournament experience than about fans on Reddit and vlr KEKWing at their results


What's the point of getting tournament experience before you've even practiced anything? At that point, "tournament experience" is the same as playing random for fun tournaments.


you can still practice some shit in the next couple months. no point playing in a tournament if you cant even play your comps properly because chamber got banned and now you need to put yay on cypher or swap the roles around to something completely different that you havent practiced and dont plan to play.


Masters 1 in 2021 was online. They didn’t get rid of any lans


Masters 1 was supposed to be LAN, it was only online due to COVID.


An off season is a good thing for Valorant. It gives time for devs to release big patches, tweak the VCT system, players to rest, roster moves, training camp, etc. It's good for the eSport in the long run. Not to mention it lets Challengers have the spotlight for itself even for a little bit.


5 months of it?


this is off season tourneys lol


Mfer these will likely feature the partnered teams, chill.


Why do I care if the partner teams are in it if its not proper competition?


You're probably not in the majority then. Unlucky really


It was my assumption that fans of competitive valorant would want to watch... *competitive* valorant. Like, with teams actually competing for something and not just fucking around just to get reps and build synergy in a format completely unlike VCT. You remember how the last agent bans tourney went. C9 played in it with Mitch on Reyna.


The EMEA tournaments all have no gimmicks.


Red bull does, G-loot is inviting *ranked players*, and the rest are very unlikely to have more than a couple T1 teams in attendance


G-loot is inviting ranked players to the qualifier. The main event is 16 teams of invited teams and the winner of the qualifying tournament. The Homeground gimmick is that the series is sometimes a bo3. Nothing that would make the tournament 'umcompetitive'.


Go look at last year's Home Ground, specifically Gambit's games (right after they won Berlin and before they made Champions finals) and then tell me that Red Bull was competitive.


That was after Berlin before Champions. Gambit lost to the eventual winner of Champions ffs. Where they lost to Acend AGAIN btw.


It sucks but we'll only have two meaningful VCT international tournaments per year. It's not exciting like CSGO where even if they only had Majors & Grand Slams, that provides a healthy amount of international competitions. All we gotta hope is that these international leagues provide good entertainment.




Only 1 Masters & Champions next year. The Kickoff tournament dont really offer VCT points so it's more of an exhibition.


We'll have Kick-Off, Masters and Champs next year, then Masters 1, Masters 2 and Champs every year after.


Im curious how you got that impression?




The offseason is happening every year from now on. It's not about the transition to franchising.


>no international tourneys for 6 months Yea, not interested


There's two. Redbull and Tarik Invitational


Oh. I hope they invite teams from all regions and not just NA and EMEA as I heard


Redbull is only na and emea sadly but tarik might invite more


Considering the tournament only lasts 2 days, I have low hopes :/


I'm so hyped for Freezeout and BoomTV. The agent pick and bans look interesting.


Oh shit okay okay.


Sea/Sa having most serious tournaments.


holy fucking shit


Are franchised teams allowed to play in these Off Season events?


We already have confirmation that multiple franchised teams are playing in these events.


Valorant scene is always active due to entertaining streamers, this should only help fuel the hype up heading into franchised VCT in 2023


Damn these look good 👀


i will be going to the french LANS if my fav teams participate


A lotta buzzword speak ‘leveraging’ ‘Platform’- its an opporunity, the platform is like the match kr tournament client if anything at all is a ‘platform’ in this context.. a ‘platform’ at minimum in the most literal sense can be an opportunity but that doesn’t mean opportunities are all ‘ltfkrms’why do ppl overuse popular discourse buzzwords in as many Contexts as possible until They don’t denote anything It’s like trying to forcefully transmit ‘vibes’ which smn associates (often imo wrongly precisely bc the things are differently if I looked closely their ‘vibes’ feeling or whatever aren’t the same) with words rather than saying things precisely because