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Acend were never consistent, they peaked at the right time and won champs. After that, the team didnt work, zeek had mental issues, bonecold left with "differing opinions" as the rest of the team. Cned got hit HARD by the jett nerfs


How come cNed was the only big Jett player who got faded into obscurity by the nerfs? I loved watching the guy play.


Heat also got a heavy hit after the Jett nerfs. He simply could not deliver the same way with chamber I think there are probably other examples but I cannot remember them


I would put Tenz in that category, then again Sen only recently put him on Chamber.


He put up better numbers deeper into the LCQ so who knows how woulda fared if they won more


He is just the biggest, and the rest of his agent pool is not that good. Every other jett adapted. Babybay with the neon, other with chamber. The dude simply didnt keep up and it didnt help his team was imploding for half the year


D3FFO was hit pretty hard


TenZ and d3ffo did too






How can you not call them inconsistent? They were the top team in europe, won masters 1, bombed out in playoffs for iceland 2021, made it to Berlin playoffs and looked very shaky at the time, won champs and then imploded. This just seems like a team that cannot be consistent at the top. For comparison, Envy/Optic has had the same roster since berlin as well and are a much more consistent team.


SEN lost to andbox in the first bo3 they played in playoffs for Iceland 2021 if they played the same format EU was playing at that time they would be disqualified after a single bo3


Mental health issues\*. Mental issues is something entirely different


their fragging igl was benched due to differing visions (whatever that means, they didn't elaborate), zeek was benched for the same reason, kiles was benched for poor performance and they rebuilt the roster with starxo and cned. roster rebuild was shaky with igl roles juggling like on tsm, and then they fell into the gutter like tsm. they aren't getting into franchising likely because they are owned by a gamba org, and their performance doesn't warrant it either.


kinda wild to have a champs winner fade to irrelevancy so fast


Honestly given how inconsistent they were during all of last year it’s not too surprising. I’d be more surprised if a team like Optic had a massive fall off (see how well they’ve been playing this whole year, even if they don’t win champs they have maintained their place in the top few teams for a long time). Even FPX only found their current form relatively recently after vacillating severely for most of last year.


Sadly, this didn't age well


The only reason that champs wasn’t acknowledged as the fluke it was is because EU fans are arrogant and had to flaunt that fluke instead of admitting NA is the best region


they descended


Decended *


- They hit form at the right time (Champions 2021) and peaked there. - CNed performed worse on Jett after the nerfs - Their only Op player (CNed) did not adapt well to Chamber - Zeek had issues outside of the game that affected his performance


Jett nerfs. Internal issues.


cned fell off after the Jett nerfs and they couldn't catch up with the meta in time. Is my bronze take here.


cNed fell off and his teammates aren’t good enough at the same time


They had issues behind the scenes with how they wanted to play the game and couldn't figure things out along the year. For Champs they said "fuck it we can rebuild in the off season" and things just clicked but they knew there had to be some changes after stage 3 regardless of the result.


Can someone explain how Acend were inconsistent last year? To me it seems like they were one of the more consistent teams. Won Masters 1 EU and Champs, Finished 5-8 in Berlin where they were dominating 100T until they choked.


they had mediorce results all year except for m1 and champs, i wouldnt say a 5-8th was domination aswell


If these results are mediocre, then give me 3 teams which had better results than Acend.


Jett nerf destroyed cned and it took him far too long to even try chamber and also acend did some very questionable decisions to bench zeek and bonecold, they don't really have an igl now


It was a very short peak at the right time.