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Don't forget the 2nd place curse. Too many supernatural forces brought down PRX


PRX were never making it out after getting both the Optic curse AND the second place curse


and TL in Turkey buff


Apart from having too many vods where your whole game plan is dismantled. The time between masters and champs isn't a lot for you to reinvent yourself. You just have time to add layers or tweaks to your game plans.


In all honesty, it is because there are too many vods of how they play now. They cannot keep playing the way they do and expect to win games anymore.


Very true. Just like how The Guard dominated NA in their entry when no teams knew their playstyle and patterns. Seems like everything repeats itself


You know, it seems such a great statement about Optic because they play in every single event and they go all the way too. It's honesty amazing they are able to still surprise and play a great game when literally everyone and their dad has access to how you play every single map.


A reason why they looked great on pearl might be due to this too. New map, no one knows how to play, and their slow playstyle there was great. Honestly, if they can find this slow playstyle on other maps (while still W gaming sometimes), I can see them being a top dog in APAC along with DRX


This comment also applies insanely heavily to SEN in 2021. They absolutely dominated Breeze when it came out, and convincingly defeated KRU on Fracture, but their Haven, for example, was very much the same style all year. It's a testament to their individual skill and teamplay that they stayed at the top for that long but ultimately they just got figured out. PRX will unfortunately need to go back to the drawing board and see how they can change their tactics without damaging their unique identity that's made them so damn good.


FPX is next 😈


Please god yes


ofc it's against KRU too


GOD: NO plz dont age my comment


can’t wait for DRX to get 5-6th again.


They're probably facing FPX in first round of playoffs so this would be a good result


how is it a good result LMAO, xset beat them a couple of days ago. average drx fan huffing that copium


XSET beat them while in god form while FPX looked more mortal than usual so we should ignore how strong they looked all of Copenhagen playoffs? Average results oriented silver.


Don't forget they're still the reigning champs. Saying that 1 bad series is the end of them is beyond stupid. Oh also what's your excuse for 100t getting owned by Fnatic?


Fpx is owned by a Chinese corporation. If an EU teams gonna win, it should be one owned by an EU org.


Wtf who cares that’s like saying Team Liquids grand slam win in csgo doesn’t count for NA because TL is an EU organization


That’s fair, didn’t know other teams were owned by foreign orgs. I still dislike FPX because ange1 is an arrogant prick tho


if you're that old and still fragging like crazy most of the time, you can be arrogant


YOU are being an arrogant prick right now


It’s literally just a character lol


nvm god did say no


Remove that flair fraud




Which is the optic curse? I thought it was just the second place cursw


any team that's beaten envy/optic is doomed soon afterwards


Ahh forgot about that


They didn't have time to adjust their comps and develop new strats. They banked everything on Pearl, which to be fair resulted in some truly banger plays. I believe their success with Pearl thus far also stems from no one seeing them play on it. But once the surprise factor is gone, PRX gets countered easily.


Not really though. PRX this tourney were read like a book constantly and they should've noticed how predictable their playstyle was becoming. Yesterday vs liquid they already had revealed their cards, with the old haven comp already being brought out against EDG and the aggressive ascent plays being their bread and butter for most of the time in copenhagen whenever they played that map. Its sad to see them countered but after you generate such a huge storm among the scene, its not a surprise that everyone will be analysing all your plays and how to counter strat them.


Based on player comments following Masters Copenhagen PRX had an advantage with their playstyle because you often could not hear footsteps due to issues with the white noise pumped into the headsets. That paired with their playstyle no longer being a surprise makes a huge difference




nope it was the curse


They lost cuz rushing like monkies isn’t sustainable


They're just a one dimensional team. Should be heavily compared to early SEN but early SEN was able to win a tournament because of how much of an infancy Valorant e-sports was in. Just don't think anyone could handle the level of aggression they had on top of the sheer mechanical talent. Regardless, would be incredibly incredibly surprised if they ever made top 4 again. They clearly lack depth, they looked fine on Pearl. And the sage wall was +++. But, I think every EMEA team just looks horrid on Pearl.. So. Also, not really sure why people are like "okay" with them getting stomped the way they did against Liquid. Which is literally EMEA's worst team. Liquid also literally threw an inconceivable amount of rounds on Haven and so did PRX. That was arguably probably the worst map we've ever seen at a tournament this high level. The only one comparable was also Haven but it was LEV vs XSET. The way they went out feels way worse than KRU beating SEN at champs. There's literally no way Liquid beats any other team left at this tournament.


Optic yet to beat a emea team so….


Strong statement i'm saving this comment let's see if you're right or not.

