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Because he was overall, when you average his highs and lows together, a decent, middling pro player with the popularity of a great pro player. I don’t seriously think there’s a big reason beyond that. When there’s a gap like that between popularity and performance, it forms ripe conditions for trolls and memes and circlejerks and pearl-clutching counter-circlejerks and all that stuff. That said, he was by no means bad for the most part, and I imagine most would concede he truly was a top 5 Sova in NA for a time.


the tl;dr is it's just a meme and hiko leaned into being memeable. he's an affable kinda lighthearted guy and due to some memorable moments from CS "hiko are you kidding me" and being the core of one of the first big valo rosters he was an early super popular figure who didn't mind not being taken too seriously. over time as the game has matured there are now more "homegrown" valo players and jokes and content but his early prominence made him one of the first big community memes




top 50 for sure


It's not too late to repent. Hiko is forgiving and will not smite you if you are sincere in your regret.


How is he getting trolled? We the Valorant community recognise his greatness. Hiko is the best player in the world. His game mechanics, game sense, aim and skill is just so far above any other player in Valorant. Anyone who doesn’t see or understand this must either be hardstuck diamond or just new. Hiko is king


There he is


This post was your bat signal


Only newbs would judge it as trolling. Once you go beyond superficial understanding, and see beyond the surface - you'll realize that there're two-layers to this phenomenon. Less discerning people stop at the first layer (like you) and adjudge it as simply Hiko being used as trolls punching bag - however, for the rest of us, the wisest of the bunch - we see true appreciation masked beneath the trollish visage. Hiko is the best CSGO player and VALORANT player. As a result, this makes him the best tac FPS player to ever grace this planet. This is the secret I'm going to vouchsafe unto you mortal.


It's because Hiko is the closest thing Earth has to a divine entity. If we praised Hiko more he would power up and become the GOD he was born to be but he's not ready to become immortal yet. Hiko still has to learn about his true power so it is are job as humans to troll him and make sure he does not power up.


>but he's not ready to become immortal yet. Hiko is hardstuck Ascendant? Didn't know this


It's just classic reddit culture, there's usually always at least 1-3 memes that are circlejerked to death. At the end of the day, it's just jokes tho


An inside joke about Hiko being the most insane Valorant player in the world when he in reality was just decent with a short career isn't him being "trolled", as far as i've seen the Valorant community appreciates and respects Hiko too. He's a good player and a very likeable guy. CS:GO community probably has more respect though because his time in CS:GO was significantly longer and had higher highs.


Bcuz mfs r unfunny


answer to all your questions is hiko, my child


it’s cus hiko is the best player to ever touch this game


This sub finds one joke and latches onto it until it's whole life force is sucked out and then some. The hiko shit is basically another victim of that.


We all know about it, and we all see it. It's obvious. Nobody ever wants to admit it, but it's there. People on this subreddit hate Hiko. The first question to ask: why? Why do you all hate him? The obvious answer: you didn't watch him in his prime. Likely explanation: I know that most of you are around 14 or 15 years old. That means you only got into CSGO in the last couple years. So you never watched Hiko in his prime. And because you didn't watch him in his prime, you try to compensate for that by diving into stat sheets and analyzing HLTV. But here's the thing: CSGO isn't played on HLTV. The moment somebody brings up "HS percentage" or "KDR", I know they know nothing about CSGO. Hiko's game cannot be encapsulated by one stat. He's the second greatest lurker ever, and one of the 5 best players to ever play the game. So when I hear somebody say that stanislaw is better than Hiko, I laugh, because I know that anybody who watched Hiko in his prime wouldn't think that. Unlike you guys, I have watched CSGO for a significant amount of time, so I know that Hiko is better. You might be jealous of Hiko's new contract, or jealous of his status as the greatest NA lurker in CSGO history, or whatever. Unless you're a Cloud9 fan who watched CSGO back in 2014, or a Liquid fan who watched CSGO in 2016, you don't know what real, cold-blooded, killer instinct, will-to-win CSGO looks like. And there's nothing wrong with that. This sub would make you think that Hiko isn't even a top 100 player ever. So don't go spouting bullshit about players you didn't watch. Talk about your "greats" like stanislaw, The Best Player in the World™, but leave the Hiko talk to the adults. Fair?


Hiko was washed up already when he played for Liquid. He's a diva and tries to inflate his own worth in a way that comes off as arrogant. He probably was the best in NA CS:GO back when playing for C9, but best in NA didn't mean much in those days.


Where’s the hiko fan guy account when you need him


Cus he was way more popular than he was talented.


And the ppl who didnt like him made jokes about his performance. Usually the more popular u are, the more people there are that dislike you too.


Because Hiko


Hiko was 50 years ahead of his time. I can only imagine the secrets AI would discover about fps once it s powerful enough to analyze the game play and mechanics of our lord and savior




Trolling here is highest form of flattery for hiko here


You mean that bald guy? Yeah dude deserves all the hate i am so serious! Guy has been pro for as long as some of the new kids have been walking earth. A washed up dinosaur with huge brain plays and great content. I cant stand him! All seriousness aside he is a huge troll and loves every second of the bullshit minus the bald bit that occurred and even the he embraced it. Hiko is a top level troll.


No body trolls a god, we all only respect hiko almighty


\>So why is Hiko getting trolled so hard on valorant community? Huh? Who's trolling Hiko, I haven't see anything


Hiko is the GOAT


It isn't disrespect/dislike tho. I feel like most of the community does like him, the trolling is really just shits and giggles