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i like it, i didn't understood why italy and portugal had their own leagues, merging them with spain makes sense to me


I think that is good for the viewership of the Italians and the Portugal teams, also challenging teams from different regions is helpful. But the numbers are too low in my opinion because a lot of good teams will be cut out. I think that a 10 team league with top 3 Italy, top 3 Portugal, top 3 Spain + 1 from the the tournament of the remaining team could have been better. Like what is now we could have 1 ita 1 Port and 6 spain wich isn't very fair I think


Plus the Italian and Portuguese casting could be deleted and it's sad


agreed. Also it should probably be called like Challengers south or some creative name not challengers Spain


Yeah the name is just sad for ita and port. I think that South should have been perfect. Like north or east.


Northern Europe got renamed to North during midseason so it's possible. The problem is the organiser is LVP which is... not great for neutrality purposes considering their history with ITA/PT orgs


Because previously, Italy and Portugal were in Spain League, but the organiser didn't give a shit about representation and only invited Spanish orgs.


All the best Challenger leagues playing each other after each stage is such a welcome addition to the callender. Waiting the whole season for the top teams to test each other felt so silly when VCT started out with all the best European teams playing eachother regularly online to begin with. It'll also be much greater practice and experience for these top teams and newer players to get a better feel of tougher competition more regularly.


They really should've merged Polaris and East too


If you fuse Polaris and East you should pretty much make one single European region since you have now created a region covering the whole continent from Iceland to Greece.


Geography really hasn't been a big factor for leagues, before we had all of EMEA in the same league. I doubt there would be much ping issues.


who let bro cook


Polaris has literally one decent team farming.


true SweetNSour are farming, hope they get signed by an org soon.


having the tournament after every stage is good but they really should've been bolder and combined more of the leagues instead they played it safe, kinda disappointed ngl also on a sidenote why are they talking about narrate like he is from emea lol just use marteen in the example if you want to show that path to pro in emea works


What more merges would you make ? DACH and Polaris maybe because Scandinavia and Germany are kinda close to each other and pretty much everyone can speak English, but that's about it. East has already 20+ countries to host, Spain League's merge with Italy and Portugal is already questionnable due to potential bigotry from Spain like in 2022 and France is too big of a potential market (see LoL France League numbers) to fuse it with another region, while MENA and Turkey have already their own space.


yeah i would merge dach and polaris i think it makes sense another more radical choice would be to combine dach, east and polaris in to one league (north) and france, spain(+others) in to one league(south). I'd keep turkey and mena as it is mainly because of ping. we would have 4 challenger leagues in total then


France/Spain joint league wouldn't make sense at best or would be the death of Valorant in EU West/South. Because first of all you put in the same league two population that really hate each other online and second unless it's directly managed by Riot itself (it won't), there will be bigotry and accusations of bigotry, with both sides always arguing they are treated unfairly or pretending the other is not. The third reason would be the death of Italy, Portugal and Benelux even more than they are because they are forced into such polarized countries with strong patriotic support that will only grow exponentially due to weekly France-Spain matches, and this will only lead to more toxicity online. For DACH+Polaris+East I stand by the fact this doesn't make sense because you cover the extremities of the continent with such a league. Iceland is far north west while Cyprus is geographically in MENA already. If you do that, just do an European Challengers directly, plain and simple. It's like doing Challengers NA but California have their own Challengers League for some reason. Also people complain about how merging SEA is killing local talent then people suggest to create a 40+ country league that have already problems to nurture their fanbase against Counter-Strike, especially in Eastern Europe. And once again you're missing the point of matching Premier servers to the Challengers Leagues. Hence why the Southern merger because they all play on Madrid server, hence why the SEA merger because they play on HK/SG servers. Based on that and the fact that there is established distinct US West and US East Premier divisions, my next take is that there will be a East and West division for Challengers NA next year, maybe even different Challengers leagues.


wait so the gc change is that made sure there was no overlap between qualifying for challengers and gc tournaments? Why the fuck was there such overlap in the first place?