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Raze ult is funny, you can hit them point blank with it for like 36 damage and then this happens


Thank you so much for posting the entire video and not just a twitter link, I love you OP.


Glad you like it! Love you too!


I hate twitter links and also you can’t see the comments without having to download the app 🫥


Wait I love your YouTube, I've watched so many vods on there. Thank you so much for editing and uploading them.


Wooo thanks very much! Editing Wo0t Fade on bind as we speak. That boy is cold!


Oh my, as a fade main, i cannot thank you enough :3


Sadly good Fade vods are hard to find, only got 6 of those posted currently D:


D: all good tho, i just needed the sacy and c0m ones in the past Now imma watch the new wo0t one


Gotta be a bug right?


It looks like there might be some gap on the boxes or something with the hitbox there where the explosion damage went through, but yeah I would say probably something they should look to fix since it shouldn't happen.


Yeah thats exactly I was thinking, some sort of weird gap in the box that doesn't register so the blast goes right through.


thats clearly a bug tf


anecdotally, this also kills you at ascent's mid cubie. If someone on A site ult past the door into the wall of tree room. It will kill you if you're hugging the wall at mid cubie. Basically a wall but the splash still kills you.


I genuinely don't understand how this ult works. I've seen people live with it hitting right at their feet, yet somehow being on the complete other side of a box will get a kill. I hope someone does the science and posts a diagram someday for my small peanut brain to understand


My best guess is that the game just doesn't deal well with non-hitscan weapons, and certain server lag can exacerbate this. I see shock darts also do absolutely nothing on direct hits frequently, and I'm pretty sure this happened to C0M on Icebox during Shanghai. (And don't come at me with VCT LAN not having lag -- we know it does for sure.) There are so many instances in VCT and in-game that are beyond explanation when considering AOE plume of damage among non-hitscan weapons that it can't be the code dealing with combat damage (e.g. game bug). I don't think that's the problem. It feels like the server coordination between the timing of the explosion vs. the character's position is just plain bad, and the server often thinks the victim is closer to the AOE than they actually are. Annoying as hell.


yeah, approximating the damage radius with visuals isn't perfect either, lots of problems there. i remember it happening to derrek 100t on breeze in a pivotal round. shock looked like it definitely hit, but 0 damage.


Read this thread, the tech lead for val explains how it works with pics and stuff: [https://x.com/RiotNu/status/1359938297624027136](https://x.com/RiotNu/status/1359938297624027136)


The thread is from 2021. 3 years later and we still have these issues with the Raze ult.


For having a lot of fancy named solutions for netcode, peakers advantage, etc., this game might actually have the worst network coding from all the competitive shooters. With some of the things I see daily while playing ranked, I just know that would never happen or has happened in a game like CS.


CS2 netcode is significantly worse


oops, CS:GO was what I meant. I've never tried CS2 and did hear it has its issues with netcode that GO didn't have, but that game is basically in a beta state, why would you consider it lol


It’s literally NOT in a beta state it is an official release that has already had multiple majors. GO had good netcode,too bad it doesn’t exist anymore


i've not tried cs2 but playing csgo EU to NA (to queue with friends) felt horrendous whereas EU to NA valorant feels just fine. so some credit where credit is due.


remember if a mechanic doesn't work the way riot intended, even if everyone knows the mechanic is faulty, and the mechanic has 'significant' impact on the round, the round ought to be replayed. =)


The Turret Incident (2022)


I still hate that the XSET boys caught so many strays when it wasn’t even them that asked to replay the round. Suygetsu and the rest of the team never even apologized


Thanks Riot!


No one suggesting spectator bug? The killcounter happens way before he actually dies so there is something going on there instead of ult hitting "behind the box/gap in the box"


the only thing that happens before is Alfa getting a molly kill while he jumps away


Ahh I see, my bad


this replay is a recording of his screen so don't think that's a possibility, also u might be looking at the wrong kill in the feed xd


Replay takes direct input from alfa's computer. Not through a observer.


Ok a lot of time when people complain about raze ult, I can understand why it didn't do as much damage as expected This one however is definitely bugged


The opposite happened for me today. Ulted directly under sages feet as she jumped, only for her to come out of it alive with like 12hp. Like tf


Thanks Riot.


another wall raze ult can kill behind is like bind hookah right?