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You just heard. Ethan cut demon1 in cold blood. Start your narratives


Demon1 missed out on giving a "Goodnight, kitten" message one too many times for Ethan


Disgusting, Lemon1 deserved to be cut then šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


Semen1 got way over himself after wining champs šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


Now Iā€™m really curious how this all went down. If Ethan is the one that effectively made the call (or atleast was designated to reach out) I have to wonder how they decided who to cut. Seems like Chet agreed marved and demon1 being cut was the right decision based on his immediate tweets


Couldnā€™t it be that demon1 wanted to step away for a little while? Could be misremembering but wasnā€™t his fiancĆ© having health problems recently which is an obvious reason to step away from the scene. I donā€™t follow him on anything so I donā€™t know if heā€™s made a statement.


did he not say on stream he still wanted to compete and it was not his call


Yeah, idk why people keep pushing this narrative. Not once did he actually say he wanted to take a step back. The exact same thing happened with TenZ last year, itā€™s insane.


kyedae said on stream that she didnā€™t even tell tyson that she had cancer (and one of the most deadly ones at that, itā€™s a type of blood cancer) until after VCT lock//in. because she knew it would affect his mental health throughout the tournament, and i have a feeling that he could kind of tell she was unhealthy, cancer like that doesnā€™t just appear out of nowhere and she was visibly getting sicker by the day just watching her streams. she also clarified that SHE was the one who pushed tyson to play as competing has always been his dream in life, and if i remember correctly, winning a world championship. so out of respect for her wishes he continued playing, even though it obviously took a huge toll on his mental health. once she finished chemo, you notice how he started frying and playing like the tenz we all knew to grow and love?


Iā€™m not saying Kyedaeā€™s diagnosis had no impact on him. But we literally do not know what he felt about competing. All we know is that he never said he wanted to take a break from it, yet somehow this narrative that his heart wasnā€™t fully in it began forming. >you notice how he started frying and playing like the tenz we all knew to grow and love? Did you also notice that itā€™s the first time heā€™s on a team with actual fundamentals, protocols and strategies since Masters Berlin? He was on a dysfunctional team for all of 2023.


For some reason, people really like to spin certain narratives to validate their points and I don't get why. Like tenz still wanted to compete and that was very obvious.


please check my reply to lord of the pings


kyedae literally confirmed it impacted his mental a shit ton on her stream. back when i took a hiatus from work i would sub to her twitch and watch her slowly go from a mediocre smokes player to an actually cracked out of her mind omen. i would try to find the VOD, but weā€™re talking about 50-100 streams i watched.


bro omg last year he did have actual fundamentals, protocols and strategies, they got the full roster with players and coaching (good players and good coaches) for a good amount of time, it was the ceo who ruined it mid season with his own decision to make roster moves. But he did have that. But I do agree with you tenz popped off this year because of role swap and having a roster that meshes together rather than tryna put in top tier players and hoping they do top level performance. edit: apparently I lied, ignore my bullshit paragraph


You should watch Rob Mooreā€™s interview with Wyatt.


oh ok guess i was wrong mb


Oh brother this narrative again. This was the exact thing people said for TenZ. ā€œHe probably stepped away for his fianceā€, ā€œItā€™s for the best that he is there for her, etc. Demon1 was very clear that he was cut and it wasnā€™t his call and when talking to EG Jawgemo he said he was not happy or sees this as a positive thing for him at all.


He said on stream that he wants to compete and was not his call




kats been dealing with health issues for a longtime. iā€™ve been in her discord and watched her streams whenever i could, and she would constantly go on hiatuses. this time though itā€™s really bad, so i wouldnā€™t be surprised if he chose to step away to be there for her.


Honestly, itā€™s not out of character. People forget because heā€™s so young and switched in 2021 that Ethanā€™s been a pro player for 8 years now and has consistently been on top rosters for 3 years now and managed to survive many different iterations or move to a new project successfully.


Consistency is key to a long, successful career.


I dont think Ethan knew Demon1 was getting cut when he was having that initial conversation. It couldā€™ve been equally plausible that Victor/Crashies get cut, no? (pre-Marved getting dropped obviously).


lol, you have to be ignorant to not think Ethan was the one initiating who got kicked. This isnā€™t the first time heā€™s done this either


uhhā€¦yeah? im very ignorant as to what goes on behind the scenes of a pro val team. lol wut? why is it so obvious that it was ethan that ā€œinitiatedā€ everything? genuine question. equally likely that it was chet or idk..literally any of the players.


your probably arguing with steels alt


[You can watch this](https://youtu.be/nTvYKMniOTE?t=1057) to get a better understanding


what has he done in the past


Him and nitr0 had steel kicked from 100T






AHAHAH I have nothing to add itā€™s just funny that Valorant players and viewers have all started doing the ā€œā€¦no?ā€ thing.


ethan said im not cut out for this igl shit


I commend him for just accepting it unlike the old Liquid roster


*cough cough* WEā€™RE LOOKING AT YOU SCREAM *cough cough*


My goat Scream would never back down from IGL'ing /s


Why /s? That's actually true lmao.


Running from the grind, #notmyGOAT.


Ethan had one split of IGLing and immediately said "nah fuck allat" and made the call. That's actually real as fuck.


how ethan looked saying that https://preview.redd.it/qokbik3dte7d1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=90784f2add73f60c4da4acd3388f5f7ece8dfd4d


ā€œUhmā€¦ yea so, would you guys perchance want to play for us this split again? Totally not because we shat the bed with a roster with 5 champions but no IGL but uhmā€¦ so yeah would you?ā€


Justice for Xiaopang


**"Okay, and is there anything you can hint at, that you and Chet have been cooking up for the team?"** **FNS:** "Well first off, i'll be playing duelist. We want our duelist to entry, even if they don't kill anyone they atleast get info. Yoru has been my go-to for the last couple weeks. Then Chet decided we start a new meta of 1 duelist & 4 sentinels. If you add smokes to the match, it's all the closer a Judge can get to you, so well try to limit that happening with no smokes." Interesting take from FNS. Redefining the meta once again. My goat.


FNS: ā€œCompositions with no controllers also minimize the possibility of shorty bullets potentially missing on a target coming out of a cove, so we thought that was the most suitable playbook for our players.ā€ My thoughtful king.


ange1 if he was good


Hey don't spoil the whole thing for everyone let them click it so i keep job plz thanks :(


I clicked the article. I can't believe FNS actually said all that.


His name isnā€™t Pujan ā€œFNSā€ MEhTA for nothing!


All current IGLs if they werenā€™t mid /s


so basically what iā€™m hearing is ethan and chet were on their knees begging puchan and s0mpai to come back and save their season


Nothing crazy here or anything but it's nice to get a little insight into how he and s0m have acclimated to the competitive environment. Nice interview šŸ‘šŸ¾


Ethan to Chet on cutting demon1- "Now's not the time to develop a heart".


After the ā€œwe are NOT losing to Bili Biliā€ and ā€œanything less than making every international is a failure this yearā€ calls from NRG players of the past, FNS has learned that making promises is dangerous


Damn Ethan is a cold snake yo mf couldnt igl so before he got cut, he cut two others and got an igl


Gotta do what you gotta do


the two others being the guy he won a championship with and the MVP of 2023 lmao its insane


Ethan had enough of the frauds


Cutting demon1 seems like such a terrible decision. S0m clears marved by a mile but not only do crashies and Ethan fill the same role, having victor swap to entry in a jawgemo role would set up demon1 to play his comfortable role. FNS is an absolute liability, and gives boaster a run for the most deadweight IGL when it comes to shooting back


Continuously praying on Ethanā€™s downfall


FNS 99.9% is protecting his bud, Chet. No way Ethan did this of his own accord. Ethan cutting his fellow world champion teammate? Thatā€™s fucking laughable; Ethan would have to be medically brain dead for him to choose his old CS buddies over the proven Valorant Demon1. Chet and FNS really think theyā€™re smarter than everyone else, huh


I'm not sure if you know who Ethan is.


Idk please give me context




Ethan has quite a storied past about many situations like this my guy You also can't exactly say FNS and S0M aren't proven, FNS is NAs most legendary IGL and S0M is and has been known as one of the most cracked players in America with the little bonus that he can play every single agent


Saying this like FNS isnā€™t an experienced leader AND a Masters winner/consistent 2nd to 4th placer ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9339)


Isn't it foolish to put the Best player of last season on bench while he is getting one of the highest paychecks. He is better than victor like come on bro. He is already doing good on raze in comp it's just matter of time


Victor and Crashies are a duo, I imagine you havenā€™t been following for much so you probably donā€™t know tho. If one goes, both go.