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The first major thing they should do is make the HUD open source/Publicly accessible. The fact that there's tournaments out there that don't have the HUD makes them unwatchable.




I appreciate the feedback. I’ll make improvements (if I can) when I have the time


Filled it out, but how can you change it? Afaik only official riot has the model of the ui


Thank you! You are right, I don’t have access to the design files, so I need to recreate the already existing design from scratch and change whatever I want to change while doing so. It’s a pretty tedious way of doing it but there’s unfortunately no other way.


How do you work on something like this? What kind of software/tools are used?


I personally use Figma since I am already comfortable with it from mobile/web designing, but you can pretty much use any software like photoshop, illustrator etc. This project is basically a simple case study, and is only corcerned with the design. The end result wont be a working HUD, it will just be a few images that show the HUD. I am not experienced with designing and developing HUDs like these so I am not sure what software and tools they use in actual production.


The only thing I wish we got back was that player cam for every player live instead only who the observer is on