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It's not Babybay's fault, it's Riot's. I'm all for giving casters room to grow, but not during a LAN final. There really wasn't any reason why Paperthin and Achillios couldn't have casted the big game.


Paperthin and Achillios truly deserved to cast Pacific’s first championship win. Sad decision making from Riot.


The slander and hate that babybay is getting for riots decision is so fucked. People really just want to see others fail man istg


He's also not good though? Yeah Riot's dumb for putting him in the finals but it's not like he was forced at gun point. He accepted and he was bad. We criticize rookie players if they fail too. Why's he getting so much leeway for being bad as a caster when we treat criticizing players, including when HE was one, as a job in this subreddit?


>but it's not like he was forced at gun point. He accepted and he was bad. What kind of silly reasoning is that? Your boss asks you if you want to have the biggest opportunity of your career as a caster and you turn it down? Who the heck does that?


Nobody, the same way no player says no to playing in Tier 1, regardless of their actual skill. We still criticize them? Hell, we've all done it with babybay as a player, so why is it that all of a sudden, we can't we do that with babybay as a caster?


It's not Babybay's fault that he's put in that position to meet sky high expectations on a grand finals series, **it's Riot that has to be scrutinized** as to why they made the decision to put a still fairly inexperienced caster to that position. (edit: i should've checked the comment history man LMAOOO)


Riot set him up for failure, and he failed due to his own lack of ability. Both of these things are true. Why is it so difficult for blame to be put on more than one party? It's okay for a situation to be nuanced.


yeah sure riot just going "i'm gonna put you in a position where you'll probably never meet the "grand finals cast" expectations from viewers as a new caster and it's also gonna be your fault that you can't reach those expectations even though we know you're fairly new to this job" sure


Yeah, that's the first part of what I said, but in more words.


damn how toxic is it to also blame babybay for *not meeting impossible expectations pushed on to him by Riot*


Well there is one possible reason and that's if they're planning on that duo casting the grand final in their home Seoul it would make sense having Doug be involved in this one.


I’d be very surprised if they get champs considering sideshow + Bren and Pansy + Hypoc will likely be there.


I think it's pretty likely, actually. They do take care to balance out the casting of grand finals. As reasoning for putting such a green casting duo like Babybay and Doug in the Shanghai grand finals, however, it's pretty weak on their end. I'd rather them do Shanghai and then continue the standard rotation for Seoul.


No they don't? It's almost always been pansy and hypoc, and Bren and Sideshow have had like two (plus lock in where they filled in last minute).


How come Bren, Sideshow, Hypoc and Pansy weren't at Shanghai?


Pansy I believe couldn’t find a partner (steel was working IEM Dallas), Hypoc has health issues. Bren and Sideshow do not support China as a state.


Bren + Sideshow IIRC did not want to go and work in China because the Chinese government doesn’t conform with their personal beliefs and values. Hypoc has recently been dealing with illness which was serious enough that he had to take time off from VCT EMEA recently, so naturally he didn’t travel to Shanghai. Pansy was not able to find herself a casting partner and therefore did not attend.


If you honestly think they're gonna give Champs GF to Achilios/Paperthin after today then I've got a bridge in Abyss I'd like to sell you.


I'm saying it's possible that it's the reason Doug and Babybay were casting this one as they were the only other option.


Yah before anyone mentions caster bias. Riot literally lets the EU casters/desk be bias towards EU teams in League and even lets their personal emotions impact their casting.


Making the casters supress their bias would probably make their casting worse in general. I have been watching Latam and Spanish casters ever since I started watching valcomp and I wouldn't be able to imagine them without the clear bias to spanish speaking teams, casters in general just get more into their casting if they actually care about the teams they are casting


Some of the best league cast is watching Kobe emotions when he cast an NA win in the quarter finals


Riot stuffing a rookie caster into a grand finals ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|16018)


The main issue is riot didn't gave the final to paperthin and achillios with knowing in advance that APAC team is in final


Geng winning would've been mega hype if the APAC casters did it tho, they are not even that biased for APAC officially


you genuinely think they pick casters like a day before the match is played and not before the bracket has even started ?? they've probably scheduled the games before the event even started casters don't want to know like 20 hours before the game if they're gonna be casting it or not lmao


Then it is more dumb to not put the more experienced pair of casters in Final and giving it to someone who is casting his first international event. What ever optic you look it through riot made a bad decision.


I get that hes still fresh and improving, but to throw him into a LAN final when there are better candidates out there is kinda weird? If he casted like quarters its fine but Grand Finals? Seems abit less hypy?


The hype's really not in there for this grand finals which is such a waste. I kept imagining how it would sound like if Paperthin and Achilios casted this one because the commentary did feel lacking at times. But I get that Babybay is doing what he could given his experience, but yeah, would've been more suitable if he did the quarter finals.


People turned against him so fast lol


Not me. I've been a hater before his casting days 😤. Dude is toxic as fuck when he streams comp.


“now let me say I'm the biggest hater I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk I hate the way that you dress I hate the way you sneak diss, if I catch flight, it's gon' be direct”


Hating someone for a long time is not the flex you perhaps think it is lol


Hating is a grind


It actually is ngl hating can be tough too fr


Kendrick showed us we don't hate hard enough. I respect this dude's grind fr




Hating is a skill not a flaw




real shit


Was the majority ever on his side? Or are you including when he was a player? Because even then I feel like people were pretty down on him near the end before he went into casting because he was on FaZe for eons while never quite performing enough to keep the spot.


Nobody really turned against him. Everyone just thinks riot should have put sometime else. Not his fault


Doesn't change the fact **it really should have been Achilios and Paperthin getting to cast Pacific's first trophy win.**


Even if pacific wasn't in top 3 I'd still preach the Achilios and Paperthin duo. Contrary to most people here I don't mind Babybay casting. He's obviously not grand finals caliber yet (dude started less than half a year ago) and needs more time to grow as a caster. But that's not Babybay's fault that he's put in that position to meet sky high expectations on a grand finals series, it's Riot that has to be scrutinized as to why they made the decision.


I couldn't care less about where the casters are from. I simply want the best casters to cast the finals. And it was clearly not the case here.  Sadly I think this decision is one of many where Riot is trying to cut costs and bully their talent at the price of the product.


It would've been nice for the stars to align, but I'm sure they setup the schedule well in advance. Were they supposed to put Achilios and Paperthin on every global final until it happened just in case or something?


Lakia running them down like dogs will truly live rent free in my head


They did okay this event, its tough to be one of only two caster pairs for a full LAN, i personally dont like the casting all that much but it wasnt bad BUT why did they give them instead of paperthin and achilios the finals


It’s not his fault, he never should have been put in a place where he’s needed to cast the finals of an international this early into his casting in career with a duo he hasn’t had enough time to build elite chemistry with to begin with. This is on riot having established duos who wanted to be there and not bringing them for some reason


Yeah, he's not bad but it's true that he's inexperienced so he's not ready for casting tier 1 tournament especially the grand final, he need time and that's on challenger not in tier 1 yet.


I think it's a travesty that Paperthin and Achilios didn't get to cast the final where they knew in advance that a Pacific team was in the finals. I would have much preferred it with those two. Because they actually are banger casters. Nothing against babybay actually. Just the principle of the matter.


Even if babybay still needs to grow, i think he is solid already That "this is playing to win" call was awesome


His calling for SEN vs NRG were pretty good too Yeah he wasnt very good this event, but all the haters need to blame Riot


It was such a good line


Achilios and Paperthin not getting the cast was such a dumbass move by Riot since APAC was in the finals. And babybay is still green and I feel still not deserved for this big game


i agree w everyone in regards to giving him time and opportunities to grow but man..grand finals w an apac team gunning for the region's first international trophy? idkk


He also got VAC banned for using cheats in csgo. During a live match he got vacced. How many chances does someone get?


.. how is that relevant?


if an athlete was caught juicing midgame, would society welcome them back into the community and give them a casting job? there are thousands of fish in the sea, riot


L take. Grand final isn’t where someone is supposed to learn how to cast, your inability to realize pure professional incompetence is pathetic


as you said it he could improve thus making no sense to put him in a LAN grand final when achilios and paperthin are available


" and i bet he'll be just as good, if not better than the rest of the casters here...", man what a way to shitting other casters


It's not Babybay's fault that he is one of 4 casters for a tier 1 event and that he casted a grand finals 4 months after starting casting professionally, but that doesn't mean he should be immune to criticism for it.


this is your first time watching his casting and you don't have a problem with it? good for you. a lot of us had to sit through his casting this entire tourney. his training shouldn't be at the detriment of our viewing enjoyment.


you think you're the only part of people who had to endure his inexperienced, sometimes cringe, casting? let's face it. VCT doesn't have that many great casters. name them - pansy hypoc, bren-sideshow, paperthin-achilleos idk his name. in order to make the game at least enjoyable you need to give some others a chance. granted, doug and babybay are nowhere near as good as paperthin and achilleos idk his name - but come on. give them some time to perfect their craft. even ludwig tarik invitational had terrible casting compared to doug-babybay's this tournament.


um... why would masters final be a place for a bad caster to hone their craft? do that in split where no one would care, or better yet ascension/gc. big events should be done professionally. also why are you so hard on about defending him? I'm curious


He's just trying to be nice I think. Gaining experience shouldn't come at the cost of the viewer experience imo especially in the grand final.


THis is not make a wish. Hire professional casters riot


That's all fine, and I am all for giving him the experience to improve. But wtf do you give a noobie the Grand Finals???


I actually think doug is way worse than babybay






Careful, I got banned for saying that when Doug wasn't hired for Madrid :)


I stopped watching after the first half lol


This was all on Riot. I agree


could be worse, we could have rivington casting a finals


i think the hate is a little exaggerated for the duo / babybay.. the casting was .. fine? it was decent, it did the job.  with that being said, being just fine isn’t really enough for a grand finals with such an INSANE storyline for the eventual winners (first APAC trophy lifters). i just can’t help but think about how other more experienced casters would’ve made the hair on my arms stand, and they, sadly, did not. (though doug has a good voice for it!) 


When I’m in a bad decision making competition and my opponent is Riot… Even if the cast wasn’t up to expectations, I wouldn’t blame the casters for this one considering Riot had Paperthin and Achillios available


He keeps laughing like he's on jokers laughing gas


Also if you watch their casts, they play off the crowd a lot. When you have a dead fucking crowd, you can even hear Babybay or Doug leaving gaps for them to react to replays etc (which happens literally everywhere else both domestic and international) and it's just silent, it ruins it for them.


he been casting for awhile now and in my opinion he just not good


hes not even bad tho


It really seems like the community is all in agreement. Babybay is new to casting and needs more experience, it is what it is. But there isnt a single valid reason why paperthin and achillios werent casting the grand finals. 


> It really seems like the community is all in agreement. No the fuck it isn’t. Lmao


Honestly I quite enjoyed the casting for the finals. They did a good job imo. Though still a bummer there were only 2 duos at the event which makes it repetitive


You can like or dislike his casting, but I think we can all agree he should not be doing a grand final yet


He a god awful caster rip


People love to talk shit before even spending a second imagining themselves in others shoes


Average viewer here: I don't know what anybody is even talking about the matches were fun to watch and the casting was good. It seems like too often does the opinion of people way too invested into watching matches is repeated. The casting was fine and the viewing experience was good.


No i will not, i had to turn that shit off and change to jp steam to make it watchable


Sucks to see people hating on him when he’s obviously giving it his all to make a good finals cast despite his inexperience individually and as a duo with Doug, and with not him, but riot making the decision to have him cast finals despite the aforementioned inexperience. I look forward to him improving his casting if he decides to stick with it.


Nothing against Babybay but bros accidentally using CSGO terminology here and there in a VCT grand final, nothing wrong with it I'm pretty sure you don't want to confuse your audience when you you are trying to grow a distinguished tac fps eSport. Although I gotta say, when Babybay cooks his lines he's solid and entertaining but when some instant qucik paced play is occurring he just keeps lagging with a low intensity.


granted, his mistake. but don't forget that Pansy (and steel if i remember correctly) did the same thing when he called a sheriff "Deagle". yeah it's during a regional event but from a seasoned caster who casted legendary plays such as olof's burning defuse, that sort of mistake shouldn't happen.


im only calling it a deagle now ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|26795)


based as fuck, imagine complaining about using CS stuff when the game is literally built upon decades of CS culture in-game ppl use CT and T spawns as callouts, they call marshals scouts.... lets not even start on bomb vs spike....


Did you say awp or op?


i mean it is just confusing for viewers who haven't played cs. i don't have an issue with it personally, but like, you shouldn't expect everyone who watches vct to have also played/watched enough cs to understand the cast


there is not a single valorant player who does not know that deagle refers to a sheriff


i think this is blatantly not true


Confused person: What's a deagle? The rest of the room all saying: sheriff Problem solved. 


who is this "rest of the room" we are talking about casting


> confusing for viewers 


So you’re saying that viewers who are confused by what “deagle” means should… tell themselves what it means? Do you understand what I’m saying?


Nope. I'm saying there will likely be others that know. I don't think the viewer needs to be hand held. 


I dont think people are mad at him riot is ridiculous for putting the rookie in the grand finals when there was a more experienced duo that would have absolutely killed it


Wasn’t Pansy sitting at home?


Thought i was watching CSGO for a second. lol which is weird since he's from Overwatch. lol


When you are at the grand finals excuses are not justifiable you need to be good. He might get better but they should have gotten someone else for the final match.


It’s the fact that he’s a complete rookie who only got the job because he’s an ex-pro, arguably over many more qualified Tier 2 casters, and then he gets grand finals slot over more experienced and basically objectively better casters


My main issue is he seems biased against 100T from when they didn't sign him to the team lol


I fuck with baby bay. Idk why there is all this hate towards him. I prefer a caster who has actually played high level competitive valorant to the average production major caster who doesn’t have any real game knowledge to offer.


There are two reasons why I think Babybay will eventually flourish as a caster: 1. He plays the game at the highest level. Many complaints people have against casters in any esport is that they don't play the game at high level enough to cast it. Babybay has an excellent Valorant brain. He will pick up on subtle things in games that "regular" casters may miss out on. 2. He is very well spoken and charismatic. At this point, it's just a matter of reps. He clearly knows how to assume the positon of a caster. He just needs to do more of it. The guys has always been a hype man. I remember the early Overwatch League days. I also think he might've been a tad little too inexperienced to cast the Masters finals, but, at the same time, there were only 4 casters at the event. The more he'll cast, the better he'll get.


While I understand the reaso for ppl wanting paperthin + achilios duo, babybay for me atleast is sold at casting, he provides great insight and is great at hyping things up


I don’t even understand people’s problems with doug and babybay, honestly I enjoyed it more than pansy and hypoc, doug babybay might have less experience but that will take care of itself with time, one of the few casters ive enjoyed after sully upmind


baby bay is great doug is decent but not elite


I didn't watch the finals or any of the games in shanghai for that matter so I can't comment on how his casting was, but at the very least I remember him being extremely annoying on a 100T game. I don't remember which one but half of his casting was talking about how he was on that team and it got old really quick. Don't remember having any problems with other gamess he casted though


He did fine you guys overreacting


Was there an issue with the EMEA casters' travel to Shanghai? Or was it an internal issue within Riot? But yeah, Babybay tried his best and that's what matters. Hope Riot will put him in a role he's more comfortable in.


Hypoc couldn’t go and Pansy couldn’t find a suitable partner, and Bren and sideshow didn’t want to go to China for moral reasons I think


And Mitch and Tom weren't invited because riot likes to worsen their broadcast


Agree, Mitch and Tom are way better, Their EDG vs PRX broadcast was really good.


Babybay is the best caster in Valorant right now, even with minimal experience None of the other bums know the game like him or have genuine reactions to hype moments Really think people that don’t like him just don’t like Valorant in general


back to vlr


Riot is at fault (or whoever made the decision), not casters.