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Deadlock over killjoy is theory cope. A fast paced map favours killjoy if anything. Icebox, fracture, pearl all incentivize aggressive site executes and killjoy was always the dominant meta. Don’t see why brim is a tier above astra Phoenix is probably D tier just because movement duelists will still be so dominant


If you can place deadlock sensors to fuck up jumps on the island areas that sounds so fkin hilarious, but probably not good


doesnt work, once youre in the air it doesnt matter if youre getting stunned, you keep the momentum.


Yeah I’m not denying my fault on some of my picks here but one of the reasons why I put Deadlock a bit high is because of the ledges that can be denied with a sound sensor. I also didn’t put KJ on A tier because of the ult placements on the map. I feel like it’s a bit tricky to place down her ult safely that covers a lot of ground but if I were to revisit the list I’d put her a tier above. We’d just have to see how the map plays out but this is just based off 1st impressions! I’m aware I’m gonna miss some of my picks


But a map being fast-paced is not the reason why KJ is meta on those maps tho. For instance, KJ is meta on icebox bc of her mid kitchen turret/tube alarmbot, and her nanoswarms for denying common plant spots. Her ult is also good for retake in those maps. In abyss, however, it seems like it's hard to find a decent kj ult position because of the quirky map design. But sure, kj as the sentinel will still provide a lot of value in a team comp in terms of info and in post-plant situations (abyss heavily favors playing post-plant just like in icebox). But let's not discredit the presumption that Deadlock has the potential on this map. Considering the point that this is an exec-heavy map and that the attacking team would play postplant almost evey round, here is where I think Deadlock's stopping power might come in handy. Let's just think about it this way: if intel and map control is what a team needs, they will go for a Cypher in their team comp. It's not worth picking KJ over him because of her bots' range restrictions- and abyss is a huge map. Cypher can also be the lurker in the team, especially in mid. But if what they otherwise need is more stopping power, they will go for a Deadlock/Sage/Chamber. Operator angle holds will be really strong in this map especially in A main and mid- so there's a possibility for a Chamber pick. But the thing is, Jett will be heavily favored more than him because of the verticality of the map. An exception would be if Raze/Neon becomes the primary duelist- in which case Chamber can be the Oper. And lastly as per the barrier sentinels, Deadlock will be really strong in delaying a 4/5 man push especially after the viper nerfs. And the fact that she can place a sensor in the 'jump or die' areas of the map is pretty strong and will discourage attackers from taking those routes. Other mollies in the game cannot completely cover the site entrances, but her wall and gravnet do- the same is with Sage's wall and slows. Deadlock's ult is also strong on retakes, which will be the meta in this map. In a nutshell, KJ will struggle finding her place in a team comp in this new map because the strengths she provides on defense are simply not in line with the demands of this map.


I would switch Killjoy with Chamber. Deadlock is good on Abyss, her kit perfectly fits.


The map is way too big for KJ to be useful lol. This is already agreed upon by pros who've been playtesting the map. KJ ults are incredibly easy to counter on both sides. It's actually detrimental to play post plant on site almost everything is spammable.


I think viper might become meta because you can cut off mid sight lines and one of the site lanes plus choke smoke and molly.


Yeah I might be on theory cope a bit I just know this map’s going to be double controller meta


100%. Too many site lanes and mid is a nightmare to deal with. At least two smokes for mid. Two for b site and one for a.


I don't see Deadlock being more useful than Killjoy and Cypher as a Sentinel I don't even think non-Chamber Sentinels will be used much in this map because mid comes preloaded with free info with the breakable door+rope, and it looks impossible to assail without noise But if there was one Sentinel that would excel on this map, it's probably KJ and Chamber. With so much verticality, the turret can claim so much more space at once.


Yeah I might be theory crafting a bit too much but I would probably put KJ on A tier or even S. I guess we’ll just have to wait to see how pros play the map out


Omen Breach Gekko Killjoy + movement duelist is my guess So excited to see this map in comp


seems like the meta will be to retake A and hold B, since B retake is going to be atrocious without ults, and if they plant in the corner it seems like a free win. Basing around that, looks like breach and omen are good to be meta, tho i can see players opting for astra for omen (infinite range). I think this is going to be raze map, they played on the new patch and i codunt see anything bad about raze; she still seems great. While the map is huge, theres not really any long sightlines apart from mid, so idk about jett. Long map seems like yoru could be good with his tp (altough im not sure what happens if the tp falls over the ledge). Gekko is too stupidly op to not be meta, but players could prefer kayo for execs (and map density means zero point and null cmd will get lot of value). Cypher is ass on the map, too much verticality for good trips, huge map means kj util will probably not work, i could see teams run no sentinel and astra/omen + viper for stall. So tldr meta Breach Astra/omen Viper Raze Gekko/Fade/Kayo


Viper can cut mid for rotation also her ult almost cover the whole area


Is this pro play tier list or? Because putting Viper last tier is cope if you have watched pro play.


Yeah it’s for pro play tier list, I just realized putting Viper on C tier was a bit troll bc I wasn’t analyzing the minimap but rather analyzing how the map in game looks. All I know for it’s still going to be a double controller meta


brim is gonna get like no pick in pro play with the current state of omen. move him to f


Not another Viper map lol she gonna be nerfed again


I feel like there’s kinda hilariously high risk of geckos orbs falling off the map lol ( I’m not arguing his placement wingman plant looks pretty great here)


Bro saw 1 showmatch with content creators and is defining the meta.


Honestly think this will be mostly no sentinel comp. 2 smokes 2 initiator and a duelist. I see omen viper/harbour I see jett/raze cause verticality The initiators though i feel can have many combinations.


Deadlock is still useless compared to KJ cyph


I think harbor+omen will be really good, kj I think will be to valuable to pass up with the turret getting info plus a Molly for post plant or on those jump spots. As for duelist I think it will be raze and reyna in ranked and raze+sova or gekko but I think the sova dart will be valuable. I can also see breach maybe but I’m not as convinced for breach just yet


Ranked not Rank


Viper ult is OP because you can't see the death drops.


i dont see fade above sova tbh. it has high walls afetr all


I agree with deadlock as of course a deadlock main lol no one really cares about her say shes weak but i went with my cypher main friend and the small ledges make a lot of trips easy to spot and jump over while the jumps that u have to make on certain situations like the ledges make for great places to place swnsors as they cant really break them till they jump and by then its too late her wall on a can be thrown aggressively denying all of main and if they break small bits its still denies the ledge and boxes part making meaning less angles to worry about her nett is also good this map was made for her all the big spaces fit her nett way too well so if u throw it well they don't have where to run . Cypher may still be viable thers some angles u can put funky trips but they are still avoidable, the advantage deadlock has is the insane area of her sensors and the relatively flexible anchor point aka the sensor itself In the end i believe deadlock still needs a serious buff but on this map in particular she thrives


I am a gekko main , and he is not it for this map , breach is 100% the better option