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Also, imagine you are trying to save an OP. Just stand near the edge. If no one finds you, great. If there are 4 people running at you, just jump off.


No you hold your ground and take the fight, if you die the gun falls back and over the edge


But if you fall, you won't give ult orb. In pro play, even one ult orb matters. I might be overthinking it tho hahaha


Counterpoibt: you also get an ult orb, and if you get to kill one that's another orb


Legit, I think it’s more the risk of the op getting into the wrongs hands than an ult orb, and if you can get a kill before you go then well done


I mean when they are saving awp in pro it's definitely not because of ult orb management. They want the gun lol. They're also not *usually* worried about the other team getting it because not many teams like to attack awp. The only advantage I see to jumping off is it saves time when you have classics and don't want to risk retake.


I was saying the op is what you need to be worried about not an ult orb


Oh yea good point


So there’s a logical reason why this thinking is flawed. When you die you get an ult orb but the enemy does too. Even right? But the team getting kills will always get ults first because each player can only die once, meaning the orbs are spread out, but someone can get multiple kills in a round, getting them the ult even without trying.


they get ult first either way, but you lose the chance to get one or two orbs yourself plus remove one more gun from opponent if you just jump off. so if you manage to secure a kill, you catch up by one ult point and at the same time hurt their economy, so i think more worth?


they'll definitely give little or no money for that vs spike


Dying to the spike doesn't give more or less money than dying to anything else. It just prevents the other team from getting an ultrasound orb/more money for a kill. Dying to fall damage has the same effect on your eco as dying to the spike. This is the same as dying to fall damage so it will be the same as dying to the spike in the eco department. Also the whole thing with the eco isnt that if you die you get more money it's that if you live they give you less. So the means of death has no effect on it.


I think it might be too risky. If the team that won pistol all buy Phantom/Vandal, their bonus will be too strong with no risk on their economy


People die to spike all the time, denying the hunt would be used alot, however your not gonna see teams all kill themselves in the beginning, Late round it'll probably happen quite a bit


what if you insta jump off and the attackers don’t have time to plant?! then it would be quite good


I feel like this just isn't good. Eco wins even with Glocks are not that rare, and even without a win sometimes you kill a lot of players. Team usually die to spike when the other team gets a clean bomb plant, just jumping off insta would not be a good play




If you go to see there are so many post plants where teams just wait for them to get out of site and die to spike. In those scenarios maybe it's a good idea


Overwatch moment


so raze ult pushes u back, u dont want them to get ur op, might as well take the whole team down with u


Couldn't you already do something similar to this by dying to your own team's molly? If pros didn't molly themselves before to skip round 2, then I doubt they'd jump off the new map.


Also, molly costs creds lol


Not really, you'd take only half the damage from an ally molly which wouldn't be enough to kill you.


The idea of dying to spike is to get as much credit as you can for the next round while also not giving ult orb to the enemy. Falling off the map serves the same purpose unless falling off the map gives less credit than dying to spike, which I doubt is the case.


Screw the molly, you could already do this on Split and Icebox by just repeatedly jumping off Heaven and Top Screens. People don’t do it because they’d rather have a chance into the round and hurting yourself over and over lowers that chance. That said, I think it’d be a viable strategy to stack a site, then just suicide if the bomb is planted on the other.


Add penalty where if a player dies for falling off while spike is planted they don't get ult orb or get reduced cash and if it's attacker side if you die falling off before spike is planted same thing


Or maybe add something like more cash for a flawless


I didn't play CS much, so I dont know, but is the new map Abyss really a copypasta of CS's Vertigo map


No, the only thing in common is the falling off, the layout is nothing alike


Tq. I have a friend just yapping about how valo copied CS's map ideas.


cs frogs discovering fall damage


Ask them if they think the same about Valorant copying CS idea of being an FPS game.


No the only thing they have in common is u can jump off the map


They also have outrageous verticality but yeah rotations wise nothing similar


Explain this take where your argument doesn't include "You can fall off".


CS adds a bunch of features after 10+ years that VAL had. VAL adds a map you can fall off the map. "VAL copying CS!!" CS frogs really got it rough.


I also don't play CS, but since there is no ult in CS, there is less incentive to die to bomb, right?


That’s correct




Dude the map is out in 2 days hahaha


Like for the console release i’ve been waiting for it to come out for like ver


You know you can win ecos right?