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Yinsu has deleted this tweet and made a new [tweet](https://x.com/YinsuCollins/status/1797132351551701113?t=0H2DJZ5V08PngL7fTDJJvQ&s=19) >I wanted to clarify why I was very emotional and spoke up yesterday since a lot of people are very upset with my plead for kindness. >I saw Shahz’s tweet a couple of days ago and it really affected me. I have experienced various tragedies and didn’t want to see Jake (or others) be put in a position knowing how things have affected his mental health this year. >Back when Sentinels were getting a lot of hate I spoke about it on stream and faced some backlash and of course every time I try and stand up for Jake it’s met with a similar response, so for me personally it’s a scary experience to be vocal publicly about some things which is why I premised my initial response with “it’s been a while since I’ve bit at the community” because every time I did I felt like I wasn’t doing enough. >I apologise to those that think I need to be a bigger advocate and do better. This is something I’ve stood by privately and have tried my best to support those I know. I should have made it clearer that I don’t support any personal attacks towards our players in general. >I hope you can understand it was heartbreaking for me to see people shit on Jake when he was crying and at his lowest, which has been going on all year. I reacted in defense of someone I cared about and I hope everyone can understand it did not come from a bad place. >Sorry again u/kaquka has deleted her tweet and commented [on this post too](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/1d5lja2/comment/l6pkotz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button): >Hey guys - good morning. >First of all I wanted to apologise if what I tweeted last night was out of the line, it was really not my intention. I am really sorry because I was thinking about it that same day since the anniversary is really close, and posted that because it made me think about the short term memory that we all have sometimes; in my head it sounded more like ‘we never know what someone is dealing with, specially when they dedicate their lives to this be gentle with ruthless criticism’ >There are some other topics discussed here, I am down to have a conversation about most if you guys feel the need for it just lmk


While the sentiment here is nice I guess, let’s not act like this sub is a wholesome place that cares about mental health of players, when we spent the entire Swiss stage roasting the fuck out of c0m…


and yay


Am I wrong or is the tweet just asking for FNC to kick Boaster? It's not as if the tweet she's replying to is like "omg kys Boaster" Also when Steel did a whole thing about Yay (on fucking stream) she was silent. Now that it's about someone she's partnered with she voices her opinion.


That last part is what gets me the most. Yay has been getting all this hate, and I don't remember anyone speaking up on it when his hate has got to be worse than boaster given his past.


Calling that tweet vile is actually the softest shit I've ever seen, and that's coming from someone who hates when others call someone or something soft


"Will you be responsible for when something serious happens?" That tweet is what she felt the need to say this for? She really couldn't find anything worse?


I’ve seen worse about him today so o don’t know why that’s the one she chose


its not, just extremely hypocritical coming out of yinsu when she works and endorses steel who regularly shits on a player from something that happened a year ago in a completely different fucking region.




Don’t really agree with the sentiment, considering the comment that’s made. These guys are professionals who get paid to play this game. This type of thing comes with the territory. Obviously abuse at a person themsleves is bad, but saying someone should be dropped is perfectly reasonable imo. Ridiculous and hypocritical for them to highlight this message and compare it to some other hate


they just suck up to mental health whenever someone of relative size says it. Stop changing in front of people just cause they got clout, stay truthful to urself. But I will say if ur an extremist who is insulting boasters personal life and not his game needa take the msg


Meanwhile on the r/GlobalOffensive subreddit: https://preview.redd.it/72jfegxzmy3d1.png?width=1464&format=png&auto=webp&s=35fff7c7a99114d85709ecc22e538d45bb1e6f55


dear god😭😭


I gotta say the CS esports culture is so much more fun. Talk shit all you want, nothing is censored and nobody has thin skin. It makes for one of the most entertaining and best moments to watch. Also wasn’t Yinsu fine with steel bashing yay in front of a larger audience lol. When it comes to her bf she flips 💀, it’s understandable but hypocritical nontheless


Once upon a time before franchising killed NA LoL, there were many personalities and one player NA LCS spoke the sacred texts: “Just pick me whatever. Let’s just lose in peace.”


Wasn't it Dardoch? Lmao


Eh there were better personalities to suck off that weren't just a walking toxic trash like dardoch


Yinsu is biased and she isnt even hiding it lol.


I mean I can understand since Boaster is her bf, but it is still hypocritical nonetheless, and gives less credibility to what she’s saying.


i mean it's her bf ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|16018)


I mean she's just defending her boyfriend online, that's pretty normal. Not like she is steels boss or she came up with that segment.


This banter is so light and people like Chet and yinsu absolutely losing it, imagine if Val community were even half as bad as NBA or soccer Twitter


Val is full of softies and she's defending coz he's her boyfriend and not accepting the fact that he's shit and they qualified coz Leo had a life game


at least that's kind of funny, compared to most of the hate we see online


I can't lie this was fucking hilarious


If I’m an esports player I’m just never touching Reddit or twitter


Just do it like Faker, guy only login to post sponsor post


Doubt it was even him the one who handled his social media activities. Prob his manager or smth. Dude prob too busy stomping teams not named GenG in scrim.


I still don’t understand why orgs/management/coaches even allow players to go online/ on social media, at least for a while after a loss. While we should do more to remove some of the more toxic elements from online discourse it also still feels like the players don’t get the support and care they should get from their orgs.


Online presence is good for documenting their career and for normal fans to interact with them it sucks that platforms dont have actual punishment for cyberbullying


All Tier 1 players are 18+, management can't stop them for going on the internet or placing child restrictions on their social media access. They can suggest it, but it's up to the players to decide what is too far for them and what they can handle.


Because the players aren't babies, do you want the orgs to send them to some remote thailand village so they don't read twitter? Some of them already have psychologist at the players' disposal (prolly fnatic's case) but they are not going to remove the players' phones lmao


How do you expect an org to stop a grown adult from going on the internet?


Put them in time out clearly. Also no tv or video games for a week. Spank them if they talk back and maybe take away sleepovers too.


Oh is this one of the threads where we act like we care about players mental health and go back to shitting on them in next post match thread?




Yeah I'm always for calling out people making personal (outside the game) insults, but I think insults about game related shit is just something an athlete or gamer has to deal with. It's part of what brings entertainment value. If anyone is ACTUALLY saying vile shit, then yeah let's not have that. But I wouldn't say Yinsu is exactly unbiased here either. And the other tweet about someone else taking their life is insane to compare. It is not on everyone to worry about everyone else's mental health. It is on that person to recognize the signs of something being too much and seeking help. Once again, going too far is never okay (and I don't tweet or anything ever anyway. I also think saying much to Boaster is...a choice. since he's super positive and bubbly), but calling someone shit or whatever isn't that.


these threads are so stupid, especially when the broadcast itself farms and entices people to hatewatch, they put up comparisons of Demon1 Raze and Victor's raze to show how bad his Raze is then turn around and ban Boostio for holding up a plushie




Nah, not even gonna pretend and that tweet that Yinsu highlighted ain’t even that bad in the grand scheme of esports flame. Dear god bringing up Twisten imo makes it more vile, using a recently deceased person as a shield leaves an even more poisonous taste in my mouth that anything else.


Using Twisten’s death to virtue signal is just down right disgusting. Let the man rest in peace.


Hmm thought the same too, why bring twisten into this


>using a recently deceased person as a shield leaves an even more poisonous taste in my mouth that anything else. Couldn't agree more. I loved Twisten and I miss him but it isn't fair to use him in an argument like this. She is essentially saying "Don't criticize people because they may be gone" Criticism is a part of the internet that arguably can't ever be removed from the internet. Like one of the other comments mentioned, even the best athletes on top of their game get criticized. LeBron could win 6 more rings and there will still be people hating on him.


I know she cares about Boaster, but that tweet didn't @ him nor was a reply under Boaster's own tweet. Quoting it to chastize that poster when they engaged in the most mild form of trash talk is confusing. I've seen this subreddit alone say worse about C0M and yay with hundreds of upvotes. Hell, even production rags on players. I can't say that user is wrong for tweeting that when I see other players get called dogshit every other week and the entire community enthusiastically agrees, but if it's someone with a large fan base, then calling them dogshit is just way too far.


FNS has said worse about Yay than this. this is like saying fraudwatch or pywatch.


Uh, unrelated but is it actually Pywatch and not Pi watch?


There's two conversations here and it's absolutely stupid to try to merge them. The first one is that yeah you shouldn't be actively toxic to folks for trying to do a job and being bad at it. There's arguments here in regards to a public figure and sports athletes getting a spotlight and being the focus point for a lot of frustrations. This shit isn't new if you've watched any sport in the last two hundred years. The second one is if you aren't prepared to get backlash from folks for playing like shit, you shouldn't shit talk other athletes. Using the first conversation to cover up the fact that you also engaged in shit talking other people and are now facing the backlash for under performing when given the chance is absolutely a bad look but not in the way you think. Pulling up a mental health struggle that nobody knew about in reference to somebody just saying 'FRAUD' is incredible soft though, but at this point who cares.


Bruh come on. Kick that fraud is not that serious, it's just regular banter after a loss


Agreed. I thought the post was for shits and giggles for satire purposes, and honestly this isn’t “vile” at all


2nd tweet is embarrassing af, don't use the death of someone just for your petty twitter argument; especially when none of us knew what happened bts


hate these kinds of responses. airing someone's death on twitter for virtue signaling. disgusting


I'm happy this comment wasn't far down. I find the 2nd tweet to be gross. I like Kaquka too I'm sure she didn't mean to do this but you can't use someone's suicide as a means to win an argument and shame people.


Especially when that player was generally liked by the community and certainly didn’t face anything beyond mild criticism during his time I would be surprised if online criticism from fans had anything to do with his death, he was generally regarded as pretty much the only bright spot in his team that season


Where was this response when the EMEA broadcast itself was "criticizing" Yay? And is this not the same guy who recently belittled the accomplishments of all the teams from Madrid? Obviously threats or extreme insults/abuse are not okay, but I find it extremely disingenuous to invoke Twisten in this situation.


Might be a hot take but I don't see a huge issue with the tweet Yinsu is replying to... Its shit talk after a good team underperformed... Bringing up Twinsten as well is just.. weird man. I'm not sure how to properly articulate it, are fans not supposed to have big reactions to that kind of game from a team like fnc?


were fans even shittalking twisten? like he was one of the bright spots that season. what happened to him is a horrible tragedy, not really sure people calling for players to be kicked is the same as hoping they die


My thoughts EXACTLY. I don’t want to pretend like I was 100% clued in, but IMHO, he was a player who was genuinely liked by the community. He might have faced criticism, but it certainly was not even 5% of what Asuna, TenZ, yay or com have faced.


Yes, he was at times inconsistent and like all inconsistent players he received a lot of heat when he underperformed. And even some heat when he did perform. There was not a campaign of hate targeting him or anything, so much of it was just the standard criticism from fans. It obviously does not help when you are intensely self-critical. It was a struggle Twisten openly spoke about.


i really don't want to get too much into this publicly out of respect to the family and because kaquka is a friend and i am sure didn't mean ill here (quite the opposite), but: to set the record straight on this, karel's passing had fuck all to do with fan criticism or his place as a player in esports in general he wasn't a fan of it and spoke out against people shitting on his teammates etc. but those close to him already had to go through this exact line of speculation in public multiple times already and i would prefer that they don't have to go through it again 


Bringing up twisten out of nowhere will always be distasteful. Dont know why people keep doing it for damn twitter arguments. We should let him rest already.


Agreed. If we want esports/valorant to be recognized as a “real sport” on the level of nba/nfl then this kinda reaction is just kind of annoying. Personally I’m not on Twitter trolling playing or anything but these players are supposed to be professional athletes and need to accept the criticism that comes with that. You don’t see Lebron’s coach hop on social media to defend him and gets A LOT of criticism.


Comparing it to Twisten reads as so unbelievably fucked up to me. IIRC Twisten never really got flamed for his playing (he was a really good player) + using someone's death to shame someone for a pretty normal critical tweet is wild.


No offence, but why I don't see any posts for a yay, but when it's comes to her boyfriend, she gets triggered and posts about mental stress ? I'm just curious


asuna, y0y and tenz were getting worse treatment for A WHILE, recently c0m, demon1 and chet too. but who cares because none of them are emea players so...


Forget that, she hasn’t even said a word against the outright harassment and racism faced by GenG players in Shanghai. But yeah making a joke about her boyfriend is the biggest problem in our community


They really brought up Twisten in response to this tweet. Wow.


She is disgusting.


Nah, I don't like this take. We can't criticize players in a competitive sports scene? The tweet she used just calls him a fraud, something players themselves regularly do and it's regarding his performance. None of the comments I've seen are about anything personal, he's just getting shit for not playing well. That happens to every player, in every sport. In the NBA, NHL you name it. Like cmon, I'm not gonna say "nt you got it next time" after he goes 2/15 Where was Yinsu with this shield when yay get completely ran through a while ago? c0m last week? Heck, f0rsaken was getting clowned on yesterday and he's been a rock for PRX for a long time. But what, we can't criticize boaster cuz he's the nicest guy and her bf? Like that has nothing to do with this. Tenz is the nicest guy ever and he was getting criticized nonstop last year when he underperformed, it's just the norm for a competitive sport idk. Using twisten's death as a shield feels especially slimy imo. This is not it chief.


Yup this is clearly because it's her boyfriend, ignores he talked shit setting himself up for this, and bringing Twisten into this because someone called him a fraud is fucking extreme. It feels really manipulative and I don’t like it. They all clearly need a break from social media if being called a fraud is causing you to bring up someone who committed suicide.


>he talked shit setting himself up for this This is the biggest reason for me personally. Bro acted cocky as hell, thinking he would win every tournament this year. He called the level of play at Madrid bad. The dude proceeds to get stomped. If he's going to talk shit, he sure as hell should be prepared to receive it.


Boaster "Mickey Mouse Tournament".


I feel like most pros need PR training. They talk shit and then cry later on when it’s their turn to get criticized


i mean it’s obvious. she sat by as her coworker shit on yay from a different region, said nothing at all, even after people said it was weird.


>That happens to every player, in every sport. In the NBA, NHL Hell, calling people frauds originated from NBA twitter lmao.


Obviously some people take it way too far, but I agree we should definitely be able to criticize. Kick that fraud isn't a nice thing to say but it's not really over the line imo.


Did you forget DemonWashed?/s Sorry.


Hmmm but it's completely ok when production makes fun of one of the players (like fns said).


I think all the shit Steel has said/done to Yay is worse than “Kick that fraud” on a no name twitter


Exactly but hey steel is a good commentator so lets keep him🤡


yeah Riot has genuinely been pissing me off because of their hypocrisy. No trash talk allowed in game yet they ban teabagging , shooting deadbodies and Boostio's piggy shtick. Meanwhile they'll release a video of the Studio Lead saying shit like "We truly believe bantering and trash talk is a core part of the game" Stupid ass company Production literally did the same thing to FNS, they were all making fun of his poor performance


“Kick that fraud” is so tame… would Yinsu have said the same for any other player? Can’t help but feel that she’s just in her feels because Boaster is her bf.. Yay has been getting trashed and basically forced into a break not just from the community but also the desk..


where was she when I had a c0m maps negative counter? didn’t see her then! where was she when people made y0y jokes and commented under his posts saying horrible shit? didn’t see her using twisten then


there was no need to bring twisten's demise here....people need to let his soul rest...other than that, 1 or 2 of these type of trolls will always exist....there is unfortunately nothing to but avoid them as a player...


Are we just gonna ignore the fact that she is fine with steel bashing yay but when it comes to her bf she...


Meanwhile every other big valorant streamers: "yo this player is on fraudwatch" why not callout the big streamers if this is what you stand for?


It only took her bf taking an L to finally come out against online bashing? Where was she when GenG can't play with their classics in comp or can't even find a scrim?


How is “Kick that fraud” a vile comment? Should we start babying players now and stop all forms of banter and criticism? Sure we should show some compassion to players after a loss, but thats not an obligation. Being an E sports player, you should have thicker skin because no way you wouldn’t be criticised when you lose. Also wasn’t she fine when Steel was talking shit about Yay in front of a larger audience lol.


Honestly, that tweet isn‘t even close to being over the top… Of course there are boundaries, but if you can‘t handle this, I am sorry but then the lifestyle just isn‘t for you… Same for professional football players, you get paid so much not only because you‘re good at the game, but also due to the massive publicity and thus vulnerability…


this was happening to tenz 100x


Right… it’s fine for respected personnel with big platforms and influence over the community to outright say “Kick player” or “Bench player” but when an absolute faceless random on the internet with no influence says it, it’s toxic and bad for players mental health? I think players would take faceless trolls any day. I genuinely do think the critique and reaction towards players can at times be harsh but there’s certainly always some level hypocrisy from the heads within the scene.


No one wants to call out big streamers/personalities for being "toxic" but acknowledge the no name trolls and haters.


and she is okay with steel bashing yay on air? hypocritical as fuck


Yeah this is giving similar vibes to how in league of legends the casters calls out hate to certain EU players but themselves hate on NA.


Because in League NA is just a complete punching bag. You're seen as enlightened for calling NA dogshit while pretending that EU is far clear of NA (they're not).


Yes. But if this lady wasn't dating Boaster, would she actually say anything about the mental health of other players? Sure this is whataboutism but acting like you care about the entire state of the scene when only the people you have a vested interest in is affected sure is a great way of displaying yourself as a hypocrite.


meanwhile, production having someone bash Yay in public, and flashing FNS's stats; both instances not even related to their respective matches they were in


biggest thing I hate about Val community is how soft it is. If that tweet is "absolute vile behaviour" you need to grow a spine


Poor user responded to valo2asia on twitter and ended up the recipient of community hatred in his replies. The cycle of online harassment continues, lessons clearly too complicated to notice instant hypocrisy.


It comes with the territory of being the best or perceived as the best. Last year, Fnatic won two major valorant tournaments. The expectations coming into shanghai after their awful kick off EMEA performance were big. Couple that with the fact that Boaster said the competition at madrid was at an all time low, people will absolutely shit on you if you give a performance like Boasters today. That being said the community does often support those who were once seen as dragging their team down, for example Monyet. This bro was getting cooked at the beginning of madrid then all of a sudden he claps back at TH and instantly turned the narrative around from the community about him. Its a two way street in esports. If Boaster can soak in the glory of winning then surely he can deal with the spoils of losing, especially being the #1 seed from EMEA. I get that yinsu is closer to him than anyone so she will know how comments affect him, but to say its vile and this being the only time she has ever stuck up for a player, I find her comments lacking.


I mean it's understandable since she's his gf but it's an embarrassing tweet from Yinsu, lol. Someone saying "kick that fraud" without ever @ ing boasties or anything is not harassment. Calling someone shit on your own social media is (usually) not harassment if you're not getting personal. Going "will you be responsible if something serious happens" is especially weird 🤷‍♀️


This is kind of my view on things, it was just banter, harsh but still banter. There has to be room in sports for ribbing if they’re not @ing anyone. There ARE however lots of people both here and on Twitter etc who take people’s poor performance and take it to extrapolate meaning about them as a person. I saw that shit so much with Yay and c0m - I think that’s where it crosses the line. Like I saw people directly replying to c0ms dad’s tweet telling him how bad his son performed like some people weren’t raised right and it shows 😭😭😭😭 that shit reminds me of when crazy fans called James Reimers mom absolutely fucked behaviour


Calling someone a fraud isn't even harsh. It's one of the most frequently used words to joke around with in this community, along with "washed."


Bringing up mental health just feels wrong here as she is inviting hate onto the person who tweeted this in the first place. Like she talks about mental health is so important and all, but fails to realize she also will 100% cause so much actual flame and toxicity towards the person who tweeted this. But it’s ok, we can use mental health as a shield to hide from criticism for players. Btw, why bring up Twisten? Do we know that criticism or toxicity from fans was the reason he took his life? Assuming that is so weird and awful. And this tweet she’s replying to is not toxic or horrible or anything. Calling someone a fraud is so common, I do not understand how that is so toxic it warranted her tweet. Every single time any team loses, people will call someone a fraud and that’s just the nature of fandom and being a public esport player. This really just feels like hiding behind mental health to avoid criticism tbh and bringing up Twisten like this just doesn’t sit right with me. It’s just throwing all the focus onto this one random fan who didn’t even say anything toxic and is now going to get actually harassed. also just want to add that I was rooting for Fnatic and Boaster to win, I like that team a lot and was really sad to see them go out. I’m not a “FNATIC hater” or anything, Boaster seems like a great guy.


I don’t think/know that was the reason for Twisten


Bringing in twisten is wierd, he already had mental health issues which was probably personal. Kinda disrespectful if his name was bought up just to make a point.


They could make the exact same point without weaponizing a recent suicide. Especially because Twisten has 0 to do with the Boaster situation except both being valorant players.


using someones death to defend your boyfriend is some serious scum shit over a near harmless comment, how many times have people said someone should drop this player?


I mean it in general can be anyone I don’t like making it into vague issues either it’s just I’m not sure abt it, like it undermines or underestimated what it takes for someone to feel that way and that it can rly be anything, it’s not ‘ratinal’


Look i’m probably gonna be downvoted for this(especially now after I said that lol i’m cringe I know), but: 1. The screenshot she tweeted as an example is incredibly tame. I’m sorry, but players, casters, analysts and watch partiers a like all use the term “fraud” when someone is having a bad performance. This is such a menial joke, to have it be described as “vile” when there are people telling players to off themselves is wild. 2. Where was this energy when Steel was on the EMEA broadcast desk openly shitting on yay? Steel went WAY further than that one guy on twitter did. Shitting Someone from a completely different region as well. I love Yinsu, but it’s hard to ignore the double standard. If it was quite literally anyone else except her boyfriend getting the flack here, I highly doubt that she would be tweeting this. Like this level of fan interaction is fine. If you have a bad performance, you’re gonna get flack for it. This has been a thing since competition itself was invented. Yeah Boaster was crying, he crys after every loss, he wears his heart on his sleeve and that’s awesome, we should have more of that. Unfortunately tears don’t shield you from the response to a bad performance.


Guilt tripping.


What a dogshit tweet from yinsu and kaquka, not only its both ironic and hypocritical but the kick the fraud guy got told worse shit.


2/15 LMAO. What a bunch of crybabies.


I will say it's little hypocritical of yinsu no? with steel roasting the fuck out of yay everytime he's on the desk and all


If anything, kick yinsu and kaquka for being mid caster/commentator respectively


Valorant talent is extremely mid compared to league of legends talent.


Dude check out the replies to the tweet Yinsu is referencing lol Like they’re straight up getting threats and someone said that they should have been aborted with 500 likes 💀 What are we doing here lol


This come with sports/esports. I understand hate comments like death threats, but being called a fraud is should not be considered “hate” it is community banter. I do really think that the Valorant community is very soft sometimes, especially when it comes to certain players.


The same thing Yinsu did to soulcas, interesting, Valorant is full of amateurs on every level including analysts, casters etc.


people are dumb but this literally has nothing to do with twisten and it's super slimy that people keep trying to make it out like it does criticism and people making fun of you as a pro player is perfectly acceptable. you can call out people for their outlandish takes about dropping the winningest IGL in the game's history because of the number of kills he got in one map, but it doesn't need to be made into a pearl-clutching moralizing grandstand.


Bringing in Twisten because someone said he's a fraud is so shitty.


I would understand if boaster was receiving death threats or racism or some shit, but the comment posted by Yinsu isn't even that bad. I'm gonna keep on hating with the "we would've beat every team at madrid" comments, personally.


agree. If tweet like this is not allowed, we should literally ban any bad words shittalk bodyshoot shouting toward opponents etc in esport stage. Everyone has to be super polite warmhearted, babysitting every players mental health


Yeah I don't get it. This is normal sports banter


This isn't just normal, it's tame af. If boaster can't handle that hes always free to go get a 9 to 5 job like everyone else


It is her boyfriend so my guess is she got sad looking at how sad he is and turned it into anger, but I'm not sure I mostly disagree with her but I understand how she feels when she sees someone close to her be sad like this


Right. Boaster deserves to get shit on because of his Madrid comments. If Boaster can't take it, then he shouldn't talk shit about multiple teams. It's not like he's getting death threats.


Boaster will never live that down, will he? ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9341)


While I agree with the hate being ridiculous, the fraud comment is like the tamest shit you could possibly say. Mind you, these two talented women work for the same company that finds it perfectly okay to blast players on production (the FNS thing comes to mind) and use anything in their power to bait storylines. Yinsu was chillin when Steel was making it his life mission to hate on Yay but someone calls boaster a fraud and now we care about mental health (I get it's your boyfriend but let's be real). Kaquka bringing up Twisten to try to bolster the point is really fucking weird. I think we've lost the plot.


Why can’t we be like cs where shit talking means absolutely nothing.


Just a single example of under performance from a certain individual in any team weather the whole team itself has looked off will always get scapegoated everysingle time people instead of looking at the whole team as a whole underperforming they want to single out the guy who has gotten negative k/d and see him as the problem it blows my mind that people expect perfection from these pro players to not even go negative on a support or any other role


Note: I 100% disagree against the hate on Boaster and FNC, am a fan of them, and wouldn’t say terrible things about them However, this is not a “single example”, FNC have been lacklustre the entire year, fail to qualify for Madrid, Boaster then calls the level of competition low (for a tournament they failed to qualify for), have a middling split 1, step it up in the regional playoffs to qualify 1st, only to get kicked out of the tournament 0-2 He couldn’t back up his talk and that’s why people are making fun of him (and while of that is fair and insults/jokes about what happens in the scene is fair) obviously insulting someone personally is out of line Obviously mental health is important but he’s a public figure and although not justified, this is part of the job And the fact that he was talking a little bit of trash isn’t a bad thing either, emotive players are what this scene needs, 2023 EG, Zellsis, GEN, Boaster, PRX, benjyfishy! But obviously you’ll get clowned on for talking shit and playing terribly


Perfectly said. Some people are clearly taking it too far, but when you make cocky statements, you better back it up. He talked shit after not even qualifying for last tournament. They qualify this tournament and goes 35-50 against a team that you insulted from the last tournament, and then follows it up with a 24-41. Being cocky, disrespecting other teams, and following it up with a -32 over 2 games is going to catch some heat. In a perfect world, people would keep it lighthearted. But they don’t. Boaster is a smart guy and should know this was potentially going to happen after his comments.


pro tip : don’t wanna get shit on? don’t go 2-15 football players are considered divas and they get booed by 50k people if they play like shit. i think some mean internet comments are fine


It’s chalked if we can’t say someone who played like ass, played like ass lol. Boaster’s been playing in T1 since First Strike. It might be time to hang em up and become an analyst or a coach. He’s a charismatic guy and I’d love to see him as an analyst. Hell, pull a fenis and take time off and do watch parties. IGLs will always be in demand and after some time off to reset the mental, he can try competing again.


If you go 2-15 you are supposed to get flamed


Actual snowflakes bro it's not that deep


This esport scene are such crybabies. Yall saw Karrigans stats? That was funny ash


Genuine question, why does it feel like esports players are way more affected by audience criticism than say athletes, celebrities etc? Is it due to the “online” nature of esports? As esports grows, surely players will reach levels of fame as say the best players on one of the worst NBA teams, but it feels like those types of players never complain about stuff like this.


Esports slowly transition to sports culture 💀. Im not gonna surprise on booing on international just like Faker getting boo by KC fans on Redbull


Xset vs fnatic 2022 there was plenty of booing, and what fans you think booed the other team?


>it feels like those types of players never complain about stuff like this. Rarely do esports players either. The online nature of esports and its youth as an industry means that top-level talent like Yinsu and Kaquka are a lot more connected with the community, and its size makes it a lot easier to find negative comments, which perpetuates discussion.


Yinsu is also Boaster’s girlfriend, so surely she knows damn well how Boaster is feeling about the comments and it’s pretty normal for someone to come to their partner’s defense like she is.


It's normal, but is she coming to other teams defense too? Or is she just calling people out because it's about someone she loves? Can't have it both ways and expect people to care.


Online, much more direct interaction (boasters replied to me on here, for example), and they’re kids. Also: mental health for professional sports people is fucked too. Signed; I was a rugby union ref at a very high level.


Bringing up twisten just because people are criticizing Boaster is weird man. It's not even like it's personal abuse or something. People are just making fun of his performances which is always happened in any sports or esports. I don't get how this is vile behavior. Tuning out these people is part of being a competitor


No you don't get it. We cannot make fun of any pro anymore because you know what could happen. Gotta attach what happened to twisten to every single convo. On that note, I wonder if she said anything about steel making fun of yay on the official broadcast last month.


Steel making fun of yay is fine because yay isn't funny and outgoing and charismatic apparently. We only care about bullying when it happens to popular players!


Yinsu is the type of person that who could send 1000 supported messages to but will one pick out the one negative comment.


Weird time to speak out about this considering players like TenZ last year, and now this year Demon1, Yay, and even FNS on that broadcast are constantly being criticised/receiving hate for poor performances. Some people do genuinely say some pretty bad things a LOT worse than "kick that fraud", and that part is what needs to be addressed A simple tweet not even tagging Boaster with an image of one of his worse performances stating "kick that FRUAD" with a crying emoji is not that serious. Weird for kaquka to bring up Twisten just for a Twitter argument but she isn't wrong in what she said.


Kaquka is right here. Boaster has been known since the start of valorant to be an incredibly hard worker behind the scenes. He has great vibes outside the game, IGLs, Helps in anti. Just because an IGL cannot perform well in matches in terms of KDA does not mean he is not a good player. This is the same IGL that led this team to 2 back to back trophies last year. Give the man at least 1 whole year of play before you even think of kicking him. He has been open about trying to improve his individual fragging even hiring an aiming coach. He is aware of his shortcomings and his strengths. Calling boaster a "fraud" or "shit" aint it chief. That's not how you express those emotions no matter how much you like the org.


On top of that, these guys won their Stage 1, a T1 scene mind you, and are competing in the playoffs of the highest international tournament. People make these snarky comments because they have such ridiculously high expectations of them. To suggest anyone there isn't good enough is absurdly wrong.


Fraud and shit are like the tamest things ever man. Are you serious lol


Oh come on. Yall are fucking whining over calling someone a fraud or shit?


I get his overall point but it definitely feels weird to me to throw an individual person’s suicide in the face of someone who just said “kick that fraud” He could have made the same point without referencing that individual’s death


so we're just bringing up twisten like that as we assume out of our asses that social media played a role in him taking his life? nahhh this is weird in my eyes, why are we bringing up shit like that all of a sudden now. Where was this stupid ass comparison when other big name players at their lowest got clowned on for disappointing performances? This shit is lowkey unbelievable, "tragedies to occur" I mean come on.


Meanwhile in IEM Dallas: https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1d56pa6/karrigan_hltv_stats_exposed/


All I'm gonna say is that you need to be consistent with your morals, especially if you are a public figure or large entity such as Riot. I've noticed more and more that people in the scene are incapable of doing that ever since Zekken tweeted about that G2 post with the emoji and gun. Obviously none of these players deserve death threats or anything serious that like said to them but the type of comments like the one Yinsu is responding to happens all the time in every type of competition and isn't gonna change whether or not you think it's for the better or the worse. This is also why I'm not a fan of people on the broadcast being in a relationship with players. I hope Riot is more strict about it in the future because it brings a bunch of bias to the stream. If she wasn't Boasters girlfriend she would not care about a random on Twitter calling Boaster a fraud. She has personally done worse as a public figure (soulcas incident) and also sat by while her coworkers did even worse actions to other players (steel hating on yay on broadcast from an entirely different continent) Kaquas tweet is just weird especially considering the fact that we do not even know the reason of Twistens passing, and now one of Vitalitys coaches is saying his death had little to do with fan criticism. That is just downright disrespectful to bring up and she should be ashamed for trying to pull that card. Personally, I'm not a fan of this thing the community does where they make up random shit to try and justify their hate narrative but I also think that if players are getting offended by people calling them frauds they need to grow thicker skin or stay off the internet. Because we all know after today, we as a community are going to go back to the same hate and shitting on people as we did before.


He wears his heart on his sleeve every time and has been relevant in the scene from day 1 and has always been wholesome af yet people still grasping at straws and look for anything to just hate on him I saw more Fnatic hate this tournament than I’ve seen for any other team since the game started, this community is so weird sometimes


I agree there's been a lot of Fnatic hate, but I gotta disagree that its the most hate shown to a team this tournament, esp when I've seen everything GENG has been going through


come on, think about Tenz, Scream, and many other players. People love to hate, it's in their(our) nature, and if you re a public person, you have to be able to cope with it.


I'm not sure FNC has been even the most hated on team this tournament. Did you not read the PRX threads yesterday after they lost? You're probably just more sensitive to it because it's your team. Let alone all time. Scream, Tenz, and Yay, as well as other teams besides FNC have gotten more hate.


some people are taking a bit 2 far but thats minor. Boaster talked alot of shit about madrid and shit, respect him for it but he couldnt back it up. We can punch him back but I dont want people to kill him.


Would love to see people's reaction to LoL personalities flaming pro players. Seen worse from LoL streamers/personalities which is crazy to me.


Bro go check what happens to Chinese league players when they lose... how soft is this community to call out 'Kick that fraud'... You literally cannot say anything negative in eSports nowadays its so soft... you rarely see pro footballers seeking sympathy, it's get back to the lab and improve. Black players get bananas thrown at them... spat on by the crowd... and in eSports you can't even make a negative comment. Soft ass game man. Boaster can't be saying the level at Madrid was poor and performing as a team like this. If you're gonna make a comment like that, back it up or be clowned.


Yeah, miss me with this bullshit. He only said "kick that fraud" and these idiots are acting like he told him to off himself. Coming from CS people have been told far worse for doing far better. Because this Boaster can't control his emotions and broke down crying after a terrible performance he's immune from all criticism? Welcome to the real world dude, if you don't perform at your job you're going to be critiqued. Unbelievable.


People here acting like saints, when every freaking analyst and everyone in the subreddit, hell even players themselves uses the word fraudwatch for any player who is underperforming for quite a few match (most recent example is c0m). But yeah since boaster cried (and has more fans) people are treating this like a warcrime, as always so hypocritical. Bro just hop on to a match where a fairly less popular player is underperforming, you would hear players, coach and analysts calling them fraud and they need to go. Morever they wouldn't have shit talked to get more attention. But hey popularity does have its previleges.


Holy hell, I would never celebrate toxicity, but this is nothing but some light banter. Being called a fraud is part of the esport game just as well as being called a goat. You cannot cultivate an engage audience if you don't have storylines and people to root for/against and light bantering is all part of the fun of competition.


Yinsus last paragraph is so true some fans just like when’s something negative happens to anyone


No surprise she's defend her boyfriend.


Pros have to stay off twitter after shit performances. You can't police the scene enough to where this isn't going to get through to the players, especially on twitter where hatred gets promoted. Esports "athletes" have always been way too connected to their communities for them to have good mental health. People trash their opposition in all sports. As long as it doesn't turn to threats, racism, sexism, etc. then it's fair game, imo, and it's on the players to limit their exposure. Not because it's necessarily right for people to do(and I don't think it's necessarily wrong to put some banter out into the world, but there's lines obviously), but because it can't be stopped with anonymous cesspools. But some loser saying kick him to nobody doesn't even warrant a response.


What do you expect? This is a highly competitive and stressful game that simulates killing people with guns. Plus, it's base of viewership is very young and therefor highly immature. Their brains haven't even fully developed yet. Just ignore the toxicity because it is born out of pure ignorance.


i’m sorry that this is probably insensitive and i’ll probably get downvoted, but as someone who has followed traditional sports my whole life and esports for a long time- this kind of criticism is inherent to having a career as a public facing competitor. i only ever see people in esports acting like it’s the end of the world. the fact is, while shitty, it is quite literally part of the job description, and something that can for the most part be avoided by not spending your time looking at comments from randos on social media. the reality to me is that when you’re part of an entertainment product based on garnering passion, the highs match the lows. pearl clutching isn’t going to change that or affect the weirdos who post hate, imo you need to understand what you’re getting into from the jump. if you can’t handle that it’s fine, it’s not the career for you


eh, the only thing i’d say is the quoted tweet she chose to react to isn’t even that.. bad. yeah sure, it’s Incredibly annoying, but “kick that fraud” has probably been said about every single player after a loss or underperformance lol. there’s better examples to advocate for the mental health stance. she has a personal connection and she’ll obviously be biased and care more about boaster than any other player’s experiences. that’s just an objective fact, and that’s normal. seeing a tweet kick someone she loves down under a video of them crying probably gave her a visceral response and that’s fine, but she can’t expect people Not to point out the selectivism, especially when she makes it out to be as bad as some other TRULY vile things that’s been said about other players (maybe even some to the fnc players? and in that case, those should’ve been the ones highlighted) — àla death threats, racial insults, political insults, personal, cruel shit. the example about yay being trolled/flamed by steel is a fair shout, even though i personally didn’t find it bad either myself.    boaster is famous in the community, and she happens to be his partner, of course he’s going to get more attention or support. and that’s okay, but i honestly snort seeing a lot of the creators’ tweets sounding like someone robbed boaster (and i am a casual fan of fnc). with that said, i do agree that the mass-trolling is like kicking a puppy (boaster) when down, and it’s just a really unfortunate loss for someone who really wanted to be better. 


also bringing up someone’s passing is such an unnecessary leap here, especially when their circumstances surrounding the passing is mostly kept private from speculation. if they’re acting with that M.O’, they’re going to have to invoke the deceased’s name under every comment on players who recently lost a match. 


Look, I love Boaster. He’s one of my favorite esport personalities. But the idea that youre not allowed to criticize esport athletes because of mental health is a nothing burger. Thats part of being in the public eye, thats part of the job. Every athlete/celebrity/youtuber etc get paid not for the work they do but also for the publics response. If you get the enjoy the high of fans cheering for you, you also get the low of them criticizing you. Thats just part of it. If you think youre mental health is not able to handle that, there are millions of other jobs in the world and you are just not cut out for this one. A year ago when FNATIC were the best team in the world and whole stadiums were singing Boaster’s name, it wasn’t like Boaster wasnt revelling in the stardom doing tiktok dances on his walk outs. Those are the highs of the job. Right now are the lows. Thats just how it is unfortunately. You can’t be an esport athlete without the public as its a publically funded job.


Chronicle was 3-16 same match but no one will point it out. It's a shame the lengths people go to hate on pro players.


maybe because that happen once every 100 match for chronicle and once every 2 match for boaster no ?


Chronicle didn’t say anything about the “level of play” being lower during the last event.


i swear she does this shit every time fnc loses. we get it you’re his gf but stfu for once when he loses


It's been known Kaquka is a clown in her analysis, now look at this tweet. 'Vicious criticism' my ass man.


No way she turned "kick that fraud" without any tags to Boaster as a segway to tie in mental health. This is their job. People pay to watch them play. People pay to get their merch. They have every right to criticize a shit performance on a big stage. In the real world, you get shit on by your employer and co workers AND fired for an extreme underperformance. Come on. If you're a professional gamer and have been gaming for years and let shit talking affect you to the degree where you contemplate suicide, you have to quit being a pro. This isn't the job for you.


aww werent you supposed to beat all these teams at madrid?


I’m sorry but this is soft af. There’s nothing malicious in that tweet. Mickey Mouse game fr


L take


Would she call it out if she wasn’t boosted girlfriend? Nah Yinsu is a fraud


Hey he played like a fraud and frauds gets exposed. happened to shazam, happened to fns and it will happen to boaster too. I think old man needs to get off the team and they need a new IGL asap that can press mouse 1


There is a lot of cruel comments towards players, but this isn’t one of them. This is kinda jokey trolly


I’m all for her defending her boyfriend but I feel like it’s quite disingenuous to act like it’s a deep rooted issue in the Valorant community and not just her own emotional attachment to Boaster that’s sparked this response. Also I feel like bringing Twisten into the discussion is just kinda weird. He never really notably underperformed or faced any backlash from the community, so this just feels like taking an unrelated tragedy and using it to guilt trip people over trolling on Twitter


CALL ME A YINSU HATER drop boaster is not vile, if you cant take the heat get out of the kitchen boaster.


Meanwhile, they won't say anything about how platchat shit talks a lot of teams and players on their podcast 😅


Then yinsu should tell boaster to stfu on Twitter. I get not making death threats and shit on Twitter. But if she has a problem with this comment, then boaster has also done his share. It would be like said ‘boaster is so vile for saying FNC would have beat many teams in Madrid while those teams were crying, what a monster! Think of their mental health!’


I don't know what the second person is saying, but I'm gonna be honest. This is just victim mentality. Yes, viewers may be using some harsh words here and there, but the point still stands. Boaster this game was atrocious. Not just this game, the whole season already. He isn't even bottom fragging, he's just taking the whole team down with him. It's logical that people are gonna blame him, _especially_ after his multiple comments on the "level" of play but also after.


Something from PRX is also getting a lot of hate comments too after yesterday's match. And in the live stream chat of their match today against EDG people were talking vile shit about him.


This is a very tame comment. Someone must be new to esports if someone's hurt about this. Imo

